I am your natural enemy

Chapter 265 Protect the boss and completely obliterate it (5k)

The dilapidated and sunken ship on the seabed is still moving forward rapidly. A Piao, standing on the high platform, is waving a long knife and laughing strangely in the water.

"Brothers, work harder, I see more than a dozen groups of fires of life burning.

We were finally allowed to come out.

We follow the old rules, which is fairest, and the one who dies earliest goes up first, taking turns.

Seize these people as substitutes, one person at a time, and take turns to be liberated. "

A group of Ah Piao waved their weapons and cheered together.

At this time, a Piao said cautiously.

"But boss, who woke up this time and asked us to catch some thief, right?"

"What to catch? How do we catch them? They might have landed long ago.

But you reminded me, remember it when the time comes, and leave one alive so that I can go back alive and bring a message.

He said that anyone who dares to steal a ghost from that person should come and die immediately.

If you don't come, we will scuttle any ship that goes out to sea in the future.

Hey, now we have another reason to keep coming out.

Try to spend more time when the time comes. "

Ah Piao, who was wielding a long knife, was beaming with joy, and a group of Ah Piao began to look forward to it.

But there are still people who have not turned this corner.

"Then what if we never get things done?"

As soon as this was said, someone immediately laughed.

"If we are liberated, what happens next? What does it have to do with us?"

"Yeah, now I just want to find someone to take my place. I've had enough. I've had enough. I've had to endure the pain of drowning every day for one hundred and thirty years. I just want to be free."

"I've been a hundred and eighty years, and I've had enough. I feel like I'm going crazy."

"I am one hundred and twenty years old, and I regret now that I did not take the opportunity to let the sun evaporate me more than sixty years ago."

A group of water ghosts, each one more fierce than the other.

The water ghosts who died in this sea area, especially those who drowned, had to feel the pain of drowning again at a fixed time every day.

And it is clearer and more painful than what I felt before I was alive. Day after day, year after year, it becomes stronger and stronger.

The remaining water ghosts here have all been dead for less than two hundred years.

Because many of those who are over two hundred years old cannot bear it, and they will find various ways to die.

For example, take the initiative to go to the deep sea, take the initiative to feed yourself as food, and gain freedom at the cost of losing your soul.

They have long been tortured to the point where they have forgotten their former nature, intelligence, and memory, but they can only pursue the path of liberation.

This is the most common appearance of most water ghosts.

It is precisely because of this that when an "alien" like Wang Xueqi appeared before, even the Heavenly Master would respect her.

This group of ferocious water ghosts, driving a dilapidated sunken ship, quickly approached the yacht on the bottom of the sea.

On the yacht, Zhang Qihui had already informed the captain to move forward at full speed, regardless of whether it was safe or not, and whether it would damage the yacht.

If they were caught up by a group of bold and vicious water ghosts, the dozen or so staff members on the ship might be finished first.

Zhang Qihui thought to himself that he had no guarantee that he could protect this group of crew members on this vast sea.

He came to the cabin, changed into smart clothes, took out his suitcase, went to the stern of the ship, opened it, and took out a bunch of various equipment inside.

From wooden swords to pig-killing knives, to talismans and small altars, they have everything you need.

"Girls, we're here to get our things. There are some uninvited guests, and we have to fight with them.

Don't you shout every day that your bones are rusty? Now it's better, we are playing away from home.

I'm out fishing if someone dies.

I'm afraid I won't have a good life in the next ten years. "

As a member of the Zhang family, it can be said that as soon as he was born, he stood at the end point that many people could not reach in their lives.

But the same thing would happen if innocent people died because of his willfulness.

The punishment he will receive will make his life worse than death for the next ten years.

Zhang Qihui took out the small altar, and with a click, the magnetic parts under the small altar were attracted to the hull.

If it is not on the ground, not grounded, and floating in vain, the power of this altar will be greatly reduced, but it is still better than nothing.

Zhang Qihui is holding a black wooden sword, and behind him are eight girls of different heights, but all are young and beautiful, with straight black hair and wearing bikinis.

Some of these girls hold pig knives, some hold swords, some hold forearm shields, and some hold Emei thorns. Each of them has different weapons.

When a large number of bubbles began to emerge under the sea behind them, the water waves began to roll to both sides, and an old sunken ship began to surface a little.

A girl raised her butcher's knife and gave a sweet shout.

"Protect the boss!"

There was a whooshing sound in the air, and a girl with a shield in one arm and a dagger in the other immediately appeared in front of Zhang Qihui, waving the arm shield and dagger to block the tetanus arrows.

Zhang Qihui's expression did not change, he held the yellow talisman and shook it, and saw flames emerge. He lit the incense with the talisman fire, held the incense with the Big Dipper Seal, and inserted it into the incense burner.

Then he held the sword with one hand, stood in front of him, and wiped the blood on the magic sword with his middle finger.

"Qi Hui, the sixty-fourth generation disciple of the Zhang family, pays tribute to the ancestor.

When you go out to the sea, you encounter a fierce water ghost. You want to use your sharp sword to guard against evil spirits.

I respectfully ask the Patriarch to protect my Dharma body. "

As Zhang Qihui finished speaking, he saw a flash of golden light on the dark magic sword.

He held the magic sword in his hand, and after counting, he saw a little bit of golden light flying out and falling into the bodies of the eight girls.

At this time, a series of iron ropes flew from the front and hooked on the back half of the yacht. One by one, Ah Piao stepped on the chains, as if they were still floating in the water, and floated over quickly along the chains.

A girl with long black hair and straight hair was rushing at the front. She had a butcher knife in her hand and jumped directly from the second floor platform, slashing her with the knife.

I saw an Ah Piao who boarded the ship first, and he was split into two parts even with his weapons.

The butcher's knife was filled with strong evil energy. In the blink of an eye, the century-old ghost was like a phantom, blown away by the wind and dissipated without a trace.

The thin-looking girl, holding a butcher's knife in her hand, seemed more sinister than those water ghosts.

Those water ghosts who came to kill did not expect this situation. They did not take these girls seriously at all. Who would have thought that before boarding the ship, A Piao was killed by a knife.

Wen Yan was originally planning to find a search boat to go to sea, but after the soul summoning was completed, he felt that he had provoked something, so he felt that he should be cautious.

Coincidentally, at this time, I checked the location of the yacht and it seemed that it was starting to return.

After another check, I also found the other party's report, and it was indeed starting to return.

Then he wouldn't be in a hurry and could just wait at the port.

There were only about twenty people on the yacht according to records. It was a simple matter to find one or two people from there.

Just as he was waiting, a message automatically popped up on Lieyangbu's phone.

It was said that the detection equipment captured traces of a large number of water ghosts dozens of nautical miles away from the cape.

Moreover, these water ghosts are attacking the ships, prompting members of the nearby Lieyang tribe to provide support as soon as possible.

A small map app window popped out below, with another blinking mark on it.

Wen Yan clicked on it and saw a photo taken from the perspective of the sea.

A dilapidated old boat covered with water plants and with a large number of shellfish shells still left exposed a bow on the water.

Then there were photos, which captured Ah Piao standing one by one on the broken boat.

There are also some iron ropes on the broken boat, which are placed behind the yacht in front.

Zhang Qihui was also photographed standing high on the yacht, holding a magic sword.

Wen Yan frowned slightly.

Are the water ghosts in the sea so rampant?

Do you think that no one can do anything to them in the sea?

I have never heard of the water ghosts here in the South China Sea being so crazy before.

I have heard that those who dare to attack ships are some huge beasts in the sea.

The creatures in the sea that have some brains will basically walk around the ship.

Those who are brainless will only act according to instinct, which is really useless.

Wen Yan looked at the information automatically sent by the system. He was the person closest to here and with the highest authority. By default, all detailed information was sent to him.

He opened a picture, enlarged it, looked at it, and determined that those water ghosts were obviously intelligent and not idiots who only acted on instinct.

As well as the iron rope, boarding and other actions, it was obvious that they were organized and premeditated.

There was no record of this broken ship in the records, so Wen Yan had a change of thought.

A thought immediately crossed my mind, was the rhythmic mastermind on the ship going to be silenced too?

He just summoned the soul of the boss of Yuzhou Entertainment Company and asked him a few words. The guy was blown away by a force on the spot.

The power was weird. When it didn't explode, it was like bubbles floating in the water. When it exploded, it was incredibly powerful.

He never thought about whether Zhang Qihui provoked something.

Look at the scene in this photo. There are a bunch of girls who are not afraid of catching a cold, just like what Feng Yao said.

These thoughts passed by in a flash.

At this time, Wen Yan saw people in uniforms running towards the port from a distance.

When the other party came to a speedboat, Wen Yan immediately gave a prompt on his mobile phone that a speedboat was ready and could be called at any time.

The idle helicopters are also ready and can be called, but the nearest idle helicopter is still dozens of miles away.

Wen Yan quickly came to the shore and boarded the speedboat. He said directly without talking nonsense to the other party.

"Set the ship immediately and get to the destination as quickly as possible. Do you have the coordinates on your phone?"

"Sir, who are you?"

"I'm from Nanwu County. I just received the notice. I am now the person with the highest authority here. If anything happens, we will talk about it later. Let's sail now."

Wen Yan took out Lie Yangbu's cell phone and shook the page where the message popped up.

The other party's face straightened immediately. Information, locations, photos, and more news were constantly being sent to him.

No need to ask, no matter who Wen Yan is, he must be the person with the highest authority within a few dozen miles.

He immediately responded and started the speedboat.

The speedboat was speeding rapidly on the sea. Wen Yan held on to it with one hand, his body rising and falling with the speedboat, and he stood particularly stable.

He looked at the newly sent information. In one of the photos, a girl was stabbed through by an Ah Piao with a weapon.

Look at that position, from under the left rib, a knife was stabbed diagonally out of the right rib, and the person was probably dead...

Wen Yan's face darkened and he said in a deep voice.

“If you drive faster, as long as the boat doesn’t capsize, everything will be easy.

The Cape is considered a popular tourist attraction, but there is not a single usable helicopter within ten kilometers of the port. "

"Leader, the area to be inspected in Nanhai County is much larger than that in Nanwu County. Helicopters have been sent out, and one is undergoing maintenance." The person driving the boat couldn't help but defended.

"Forget it, let's sail the boat quickly."

Wen Yan looked at the sea level, stretching as far as the eye could see. Even the port behind him seemed to be sinking below the sea level.

"It's so damn good."

On the yacht, the girl holding an Emei thorn was stabbed through the body with a rusty knife.

Instead of showing pain, she became furious.

The two Emei thorns were turned in his hand, pierced from both sides of the water ghost's head, strangled violently, and tore his head into pieces.

"My clothes are so expensive!"

She stretched out her hand and pulled out the long knife, but there was no blood at the wound. Under the skin, there was obvious artificial material.

She stretched out her hand and plucked the debris from the wound, and the more she looked at it, the more angry she became.

Zhang Qihui, who was standing on the high platform, said in a deep voice.

"Reimburse later!"

Hearing this, the girl from Emei Ci smiled happily, and with a clicking sound, her arms twisted and sank into the back of her head.

Then a crack opened from the back of his head, all the way to the tailbone.

A smooth white skeleton broke out from the crack.

Two rays of light lit up in the eyes of the white-bone skeleton, and he walked out of the body holding an Emei thorn in his hand, still drinking sweetly in his mouth.

"Damn it!"

"The body I am most satisfied with!"

"For the boss!"

The bone-skeleton skeleton held the Emei thorn in its hand. After taking off its body, its speed doubled. The Emei thorn in one hand kept flashing with metallic luster and flickered, killing A Piao who was boarding the yacht.

On the broken ship behind, Ah Piao was holding a long sword. He saw that boarding the ship seemed to be of little use. The other party had a master.

Then he raised his long sword, and with a roar, the broken ship, half of which was still under the sea, began to rise.

Under the broken ship, densely packed black sea crabs climbed onto the broken ship, and then ran towards the yacht along the iron rope.

In an instant, the iron rope seemed to be thickened several times, and the sea crabs were like a swarm of bees, densely packed and layered.

On the yacht, the girl wielding a butcher knife fiercely chopped at the chain that was tied to the yacht. Sparks flew everywhere, but the chain was not broken.

Zhang Qihui frowned and looked at the suitcase next to him. There was nothing suitable in it.

He has not been taught the art, and he has not learned the thunder method. It is not in line with his nature, so even if he learns it, it will be half the result with half the effort.

He doesn't want to learn other things that are too troublesome or too demanding.

Just stay at home, he's afraid of pissing his grandpa off to death.

Who would have thought that this would happen now.

He looked at the others.

"Don't be reluctant, I will personally replace you with new ones later!"

Seeing that Zhang Qihui was getting a little anxious, the remaining seven girls shouted loudly.

"Long live the boss! For the boss!"

Then, the bodies of the seven girls split open, revealing the artificial bodies inside, and skeletons walked out from inside.

The eight skeletons stood at the stern of the ship, each brandishing a weapon, and they cooperated in perfect harmony.

The crabs that came quickly like a swarm of bees were all shot down by them.

Black liquid spilled out from the split black crab and fell onto the boat, like concentrated acid being poured on it. A sizzling sound was heard, and the paint on the boat's surface was corroded rapidly.

Some liquid spilled onto the skeleton, corroding it into black spots.

Just when he was about to lose his strength, the angry roar of the speedboat engine was heard in the distance.

Opposite the yacht that was moving at full speed, a speedboat was approaching quickly.

Wen Yan stood on the bow of the boat. As the speedboat bounced up and down again, he jumped into the air and flew seven or eight meters high.

He passed directly by the yacht and fell straight towards the broken ship behind.

Ah Piao, who was on the broken boat, looked at Wen Yan flying towards him and quickly changed his direction, trying to get out of the way.

But the next moment, gray cloth flew out from Wen Yan's left arm, quickly extended, tied to the broken ship, and dragged Wen Yan towards the broken ship.

While still high in the sky, the yang energy in Wen Yan's body suddenly exploded, like a bright sun suddenly lighting up in the dark night.

Wearing the beast's natural enemy and its own sword skills, his control over the body has improved to more than one level.

He held the gray cloth in one hand, and when he was about to fall, he gently cushioned it and landed on the broken boat.

The moment he landed, he was replaced by the natural enemy of the water ghost.

His yang energy contained his thoughts, and at this moment, it began to explode with lethality.

It started to have the effect of natural enemies of water ghosts.

Just as Yang Qi spread, the three water ghosts within three meters of him triggered a complete obliteration effect.

In the blink of an eye, they dissolved in Yang Qi and dissipated in the air on the spot.

The sun is like fire, burning brightly.

The densely packed black sea crabs around them quickly withered in the flames, turned into fly ash, and scattered in the wind.

Wen Yan bowed his waist slightly and took three steps in a row. It was like a bright sun, covering it indiscriminately, wiping from one end of the broken ship to the other.

As soon as Ah Piao, who was holding the long knife, took action, the long knife in his hand flew out with a whoosh and was nailed to the broken ship.

His body seemed to be completely defenseless and was pinched by Wen Yan with one hand.

Changdao Ah Piao looked at Wen Yan and felt the aura on Wen Yan's body, feeling frightened and frightened.

He recognized it. His mission this time was to catch the person in front of him who picked him up like a little chicken.

Did the man in the sea have any misunderstanding about their strength?

Can they catch this guy?

"Don't kill me, we are following orders!"

Hearing this, Wen Yan's face suddenly darkened.

As expected, Ah Piao was not a random and crazy person.

"Tell me, who asked you to silence me?"

Changdao Ah Piao was slightly startled and said quickly.

"No, no, you snatched a ghost from the one in the sea. The one was awakened and sent us to catch you..."

Changdao Ah Piao's voice became weaker and weaker as he spoke. He couldn't understand that a person's yang energy could actually evaporate them. Why?

Wen Yan's yang energy exploded, directly covering the entire broken ship, and those A Piao covered by Wen Yan's yang energy dissipated one by one.

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