I am your natural enemy

Chapter 266 Differences in Thinking, Pink Taoist Soldiers (5k)

When Wen Yan heard this, he was still a little puzzled and confused.

How dare you?

Where does the courage come from?

In the coastal waters of China, water ghosts were sent to attack ships, and it was also to capture him?

Hearing this, Wen Yan felt that this person was probably an antique who had not kept up with the times.

There is always a sense of ignorance in dealing with current matters using the perspective and experience of the past.

But precisely because of stupidity, it can cause a lot of harm.

Because they really dared to attack the ship.

Even if you are hit hard later and start to regret it when you are about to die, the damage that has been caused is irreversible.

"What sent you here? Where is it?"

“I don’t know what it is, I’ve never seen it, deep in a deep cave on the seabed, the one who controls the souls of the dead in the sea.

All the dead souls in this sea area will enter that cave.

We are bound here after we die, from which we cannot escape.

That one has been sleeping, even when eating, he still remains asleep.

This time he only woke up a little bit, most of his consciousness was probably still asleep. "

At this moment, one of them, Ah Piao, who was shrouded in yang energy, knelt on the ground while wailing in pain.

Then he laughed crazily, as if he had lost his mind.

"I'm free, I'm free, I don't have to find a substitute anymore."

A Piao was shrouded in Yang Qi, screaming crazily, running around, and rolling around crazily.

Even though they were beginning to evaporate and were no longer human, they were still laughing wildly and telling everyone the good news.

Amidst the wild laughter, this Ah Piao gradually evaporated in the Yang Qi and disappeared without a trace.

Wen Yan watched the opponent disappear and knew that this was the characteristic of the natural enemy of the water ghost.

The career inheritance characteristics of this water ghost have been erased.

For this water ghost, once he finds a substitute, the fundamental limitation of his ability to escape disappears.

Dissolved in the gentle Yang Qi, they are all laughing wildly.

The other water ghosts who were still struggling and thinking about other things immediately stopped struggling. They all raised their heads and looked at Wen Yan.

There were even water ghosts who jumped off the boat to escape. They forced themselves to hold on to their Yang Qi and crawled back out of the broken boat. They all looked at Wen Yan with wide eyes.

One by one, they threw themselves into the area covered by Wen Yan's Yang Qi like crazy, trying to reproduce that change.

Ah Piao, the long sword held in Wen Yan's hand, had been submissive just now, but now a terrifying light burst out from his eyes, and the concentration of his soul seemed to have increased by several percent in an instant.

The two Ah Piao dissipated, but then another Ah Piao began to cry, laugh, and scream like crazy.

"I'm free, I'm free, it's true, I don't need to find a substitute, ha... ha ha ha..."

Ah Piao knelt on the deck, kowtowed crazily to Wen Yan, and then gradually turned into a phantom in Wen Yan's Yang Qi and disappeared without a trace.

When it finally dissipated, there was an exaggerated laugh on the face that seemed crazy.

In an instant, all the Ah Piao completely gave up their resistance and even took the initiative to bear the damage of Yang Qi.

Wen Yan was a little frightened by these Ah Piao.

He had indeed never seen such a scene. A group of ferocious Ah Piao, as if they were crazy, came to seek death on their own initiative.

He collected some of his yang energy, and those Ah Piao knelt on the ground, kowtowing crazily, begging for relief.

Wen Yan let go of the long sword Ah Piao, and the other party also knelt on the ground, with an expression that almost had the word "obsession" carved on his forehead.

Wen Yan understood now that they were not afraid of death, their only obsession was to seek relief.

This kind of relief, from the previous point of view, is to find a substitute.

The core purpose of finding a substitute is actually to get rid of the forced inheritance feature of the water ghost profession.

This is two different things from dissipation.

When push comes to shove, dissipation is the last option.

Chang Dao A Piao knelt on the ground respectfully. He had the highest sense and the clearest mind.

From Wen Yan's question just now, he knew what Wen Yan wanted to know, and now he took the initiative to speak without Wen Yan asking.

“I heard an old ghost say from the past that this is where the souls who died in this sea area end up.

It is our last choice before we are driven crazy. We can sacrifice ourselves to that person in exchange for eternal dissipation.

I heard the old ghost say that that person has been around for a long time.

In the past, we never dared to send us to do these things.

It seems that once, the soul of the dead was taken away, but at that time, the one deep in the cave suffered.

Now that the spiritual energy has revived and the strong men in the past are gone, this one dares to do this.

The cave is only half a day's flight from here, and the locals once called it the Sea Cave.

Where there is no light under the sea, a cave will appear at night, and that is the entrance.

Besides us, there are many water ghosts, but most of them are unconscious trees. "

Changdao Ah Piao quickly told everything he knew. With expectation in his eyes, he looked at Wen Yan, hoping that he would also be freed.

Wen Yan looked at Ah Piao in front of him and said with a serious face.

"You don't have to look at me. What the outcome will be, whether you will be freed or not, depends not on me, but on yourselves.

I don't have the ability to guarantee that all of you will be relieved.

No one has this ability.

You yourself know best why some people can be liberated and others cannot. "

Changdao Ah Piao was a little disappointed, but he still believed what Wen Yan said.

Because Wen Yang's posture when he fell just now, he must have come with the mentality of beating them all to death, how could he help them escape.

That only shows that this matter is not subjectively controlled by Wen Yan.

He thought about it again and found that Ah Piao, who was the first to be freed, had actually died less than a hundred years ago.

And after the guy died, there was actually a chance to find a substitute. But not long after he died, the person he met was a soldier guarding the sea area, so he didn't have the heart to attack him and pushed him to the raft. and let it float back to the shore along the ocean current.

Changdao Ah Piao felt in his heart that the guy must have accumulated virtue back then and got relief before he went completely crazy.

He thought about himself, and it seemed that he had never done anything too bad, but he had not done anything good either.

He was an ordinary fisherman when he was alive. He died at sea and became A Piao. Until now, he has not found a chance to escape.

He was going crazy and couldn't even remember what his family looked like back then.

He was now racking his brains to think of any other valuable information. As long as it could free him, he would do anything.

He dares to attack ships, and he is willing to risk his life in order to do good things.

After being a water ghost for many years, my concepts and thinking have long been different from those of humans.

"I remembered, there is another thing. A year ago, that person woke up.

That day happened to be March 23. After it woke up, it did nothing, not even accepting the water ghost's sacrifice.

It wasn't until the next day that things returned to their normal state.

This is the only time I've seen or heard of it. "


"That day is Mazu's birthday. The only reason I can guess is this."

"what else?"

"It seems like there's nothing else."

At this time, a Piao next to him could not hold back and added.

"One year, there was a submarine. Is that called a submarine? It passed by this sea area and was dragged into a ditch. It has not been salvaged yet. I forgot the specific year."

As soon as Ah Piao spoke, a new Ah Piao continued to add.

"I heard an old ghost say before that this guy would never sleep.

But after Ming appeared, he seemed to have suffered a heavy blow one day.

The sleeping time became longer and longer, and later on, I didn't wake up for two to three hundred years.

As if sleeping and waking up, a part of consciousness has awakened, which has only been available in the past ten years. "

"Is there anything else? Continue. If there is enough information, it will be up to you who can be freed." Wen Yan wrote down the information and continued to let them talk.

What he said is not wrong. Whoever can eliminate the career inheritance characteristics of the water ghost is just looking at the face.

Whether their face is dark or not, to simplify it, it all depends on themselves.

Anyway, he wasn't fooling people.

After listening for more than ten minutes, Wen Yan listened to the useful and useless information. It was all over. There was really no more news to squeeze out.

Wen Yan just looked around for a week, looking at these Ah Piao with a solemn expression.

"Everything is one code at a time. If you attack a ship, you will die.

I know you are still water ghosts, so of course you have never killed anyone as a substitute before.

Therefore, I can give you a chance to try it first and be freed first before being punished.

Do you understand? "

Ah Piao, who was about to go crazy from torture, looked on eagerly, nodded repeatedly, and knelt down neatly.

Wen Yan sighed secretly. Seeing the way these guys were not afraid of life and death, he knew that his thoughts were completely different from those of these Ah Piao.

Forget it, the result is the same anyway.

His Yang Qi slowly bloomed, and as murderous intent arose in his heart, the Yang Qi immediately began to burn.

Some Ah Piao dissipates with the wind, and some Ah Piao loses the inherited characteristics of the water ghost, and then is evaporated in the Yang Qi.

In just one minute, Ah Piao on the broken boat and those weird black sea crabs disappeared without a trace.

The broken ship underfoot also began to decay and break into pieces rapidly.

The Yin Qi transpired, and was forcibly expelled and evaporated by Wen Yan's Yang Qi, and the ship began to sink. The rusty chains gradually decayed as the power dissipated, and some traces similar to honeycombs appeared. Root after root is broken.

The gray cloth wrapped around Wen Yan's left hand, holding Wen Yan, changed rapidly and turned into a drawing board on the water. The other end rolled over and wrapped around the yacht.

At this time, the bracelet on Wen Yan's right hand seemed unhappy, and he pulled Wen Yan forward.

As the water flowed, the water vapor in the sea gathered and turned into a thick current, which carried Wen Yan directly to the yacht.

On the yacht, all the living people were hiding in the cabin, driving the boat and running wildly.

On the deck at the stern of the ship, Zhang Qihui and eight skeletons watched Wen Yan coming on the waves with wide eyes, and immediately came over.

"My name is Zhang Qihui, do you know your surname?"

"Stop being so docile, Fuyu speaks warmly."

"Oh, I've admired you for a long time." Zhang Qihui was polite as usual, but it was obvious that he had never heard of Wen Yan's name.

Wen Yan's name is something everyone should know in Nanwu County. Even those who shouldn't know it, even if they don't know it very well, they almost know that there is such a famous person.

Beyond Nanwu County, that may not be the case.

Wen Yan looked at the leather cases scattered on the ground, which looked like they had been peeled off. He could also see what kind of material they had inside, which looked like internal organs.

It's just stuck on the borderline of looking like a living corpse but not looking like it. It makes people feel very awkward after seeing it.

"Brother Wen, I am not A Piao, nor am I a zombie. These are my Tao soldiers."

Zhang Qihui quickly explained that he was also afraid of misunderstanding.

While he is outside, he cannot claim the name of the Tianshi Mansion, let alone the Zhang family.

"Tao soldiers?" Wen Yan looked carefully, which touched upon his blind spot in knowledge.

Wen Yan looked carefully, and one of the skeletons couldn't help it anymore. He quickly picked up the leather case on the ground with a shy posture, and then returned to the cabin with his pelvis twisting up and down.

One of the skeletons moved, and the others followed suit. They quickly picked up the leather cases, held them in their arms, and returned to the cabin.

"..." Wen Yan was speechless for a moment, I'm not a pervert!

"Brother Wen, please forgive me, my Taoist soldier is a little different and has his own consciousness."

"It's okay. This is the first time I've heard of Dao Bing."

"It's the soldier who spreads beans and turns into an enemy. I thought this move was very awesome when I was a kid.

Unfortunately, I found out later that this trick is quite troublesome to learn, and not all tricks will work.

Later, I researched it myself, but never succeeded.

Later, with the help of technology, it finally happened.

How nice these girls are. They are willing to fish with me and play games with me.

The most important thing is that they won’t trick me, so I can rest assured. "

Zhang Qihui was so excited when he said this that he couldn't help but start showing off. It was obvious that he was very satisfied with his Taoist soldiers.

"Is it the same as the Yellow Turban Warriors?"

"No, my name is Pink Taoist Soldier."

Just as he was talking, Wen Yan saw several straight black girls with long legs and cool clothes walking out. At first glance, he didn't really know that they were not human beings.

Wen Yan looked at Zhang Qihui's face again, and could probably imagine how complicated the expressions of the elders of Tianshi Mansion would be when facing Zhang Qihui.

Why did the news that finally came out, just that Zhang Qihui was very talented, but a bit out of tune.

This talent is indeed strong.

Spreading beans and forming soldiers is one of the secret methods of Qi Sect. Wen Yan really didn't know before that this soldier means Taoist soldiers.

At least according to Wen Yan's understanding, you can count the number of people who can do this trick on your fingers, and the beans used are not ordinary beans.

Wen Yan had heard that there were some beans listed as rare objects in the Lieyang Department. Those beans could directly summon the Yellow Turban Warriors.

Wenyan has never heard of a Taoist priest who has not been taught the body. Who has such ability?

This guy is very talented...

This Dao soldier is indeed a bit hard to describe. I can only say that Zhang Qihui likes it.

A few girls who were dressed neatly and could not be seen as human at all, after the speed of the boat slowed down and gradually stabilized, they brought tea sets, chairs and small tables, and they knelt down beside them obediently to make tea. .

"Mr. Wen, please have tea."

Wen Yan drank tea and stared at the other person for a long time. The girl was actually a little shy and her face turned a little red.

"Brother Wen, this is my Taoist soldier, my beloved relative and friend. I can't give it away to you." Zhang Qihui quickly added next to him.

"What are you thinking about? I just want to ask, how did you get those eyes? The workmanship is so good, you can't tell they are fake at all, and they are very bright and bright. I also want to get a pair as a gift. .”

"Oh, this..." Zhang Qihui took a deep breath and immediately smiled: "This is simple, come on, Brother Wen, add a friend, and I will shoot it for you live later. Whatever you like, I will give you a pair. "

Wen Yan looked at the girl who was waiting obediently next to him. He still felt uncomfortable all over. It was very strange, as if there were ants crawling on her.

He thought for a while, stretched out a finger, and touched the other person's head, blessing it with a little Yang Qi.

Suddenly, the pink Taoist soldier, who looked like a living person in every aspect, but lacked a little vitality, immediately became more alive, and his body also had a trace of yang energy like a living person.

The girl's eyes widened, her mouth opened wide, and her voice became hoarse.

"Thank you Mr. Wen. Ah, Mr. Wen, are you hungry? I'll make you something to eat."

Then, a minute later, another pink Taoist soldier was replaced, bringing a plate of cut fruits to Wen Yan, looking at Wen Yan expectantly.

Wen Yan was speechless and asked them to come out together, blessing everyone with yang energy.

Even the pink Taoist soldier who felt that the leather case was full of debris and rust and was completely unwearable put on the damaged leather case and came over.

At this time, Wen Yan's phone rang, it was Feng Yao.

"Wen Yan, you killed a group of water ghosts in the South China Sea?"

"You know it pretty quickly."

"I received a reminder that something happened over there, and you were nearby at the time. Then before I said anything, I received another message that the group of water ghosts were wiped out by you."

"Exactly, I have something to tell you..."

Wen Yan talked about the information obtained from the water ghost.

He would not rush to a place that may be hundreds of nautical miles away from the coastline to confront an unknown guy.

Let me tell the Lieyang Department first and ask clearly. If it really doesn't work anymore, it's not a big problem if we do a daily drill.

Wen Yan was on the phone here. In the cabin, eight girls surrounded Zhang Qihui in the middle, and two girls held Zhang Qihui's arms.

"Boss, how about we go to Nanwu County for fun? There are quite a lot of fishing places in Nanwu County..."

"Yes, yes, I heard that there are a lot of delicious food in Nanwu County, and there are also game companies..."

Zhang Qihui looked at the pink Taoist soldiers and said something perfunctory.

"Why are you going to Nanwu County to fish for Luo Fei?"

He also noticed that several pink Taoist soldiers seemed to have been reborn, and the last bit of inhumanity had been completed. Now they breathed like living people, with yang energy flowing around their bodies and dissipating naturally.

He couldn't describe that feeling.

"Boss, can't you see it?"

A girl raised her head and stood in front of Zhang Qihui.

"What do you see? I can see that you have yang energy in your body."

As soon as these words came out, a girl immediately said.

"We are starting to have souls. Do you know that feeling? It's like we are starting to have souls."

"Yes, boss, how about we go to Nanwu County? We will work to support you, and you can just play games and fish every day."

"The eight of us went to work and made enough money to buy you new fishing rods and new games."

I had something to do today and went to worship. That’s just one chapter today.

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