I am your natural enemy

Chapter 276 The information in the numbers, the boomerang hits the head (5k)

The rows of numbers on the wall didn't need anyone to explain them. Wen Yan could figure out what they meant.

In front of the number is the time point of archiving. In the early days of recording, it was not so precise.

But later on, it was obviously accurate to the second.

Year, month, day, hour, minute and second, followed by a "-", and then a string of time. This must be how much time has passed since the archive time point.

I looked at the original record and it was already three years ago.

Wen Yan didn't know how the headmaster persisted for so long.

Because it is just the time of the atomic clock, it actually cannot represent anything. Even the most basic question is whether the atomic clock is accurate or not.

"What is the number of this atomic clock in the Sun Division?"

"There is no number."

Wen Yan suddenly realized, yes, there is no number, which means that the head of the headquarters is actually not sure, so these records are all made by the head of the head himself.

What this atomic clock shows is that the time in this world is not right, but that's all.

Without other information, the headmaster can't be sure of anything.

But this time, Mustache wanted to die on his own. He finally committed a big death and was bumped into by the old Heavenly Master who was opening the altar.

The information in the head's hands that could not be judged as true or false finally had another piece of evidence.

However, Wen Yan's thoughts changed. How did the head of the headquarters know that he knew these things? He didn't tell anyone.

But when he thought about the black box, Feng Yao said that if he wanted to give him the highest authority, he would have to meet the head of the headquarters.

You can't just guess that I know something, right?

Wen Yan's thoughts were spinning rapidly, and he threw these doubts aside in a blink of an eye. He was looking at the numbers recorded here.

His first week here ended on the night he returned from Nanhai County.

At that time, according to the original plan, he should have gone to Zhongyuan County to meet Luo Liang.

But at this time, it stands to reason that he has not seen Luo Liang yet.

In other words, if going back has something to do with him, it must be something that happened that night before going to see Luo Liang that required him to go back.

Because in the second week, he went to see Luo Liang, and then the puppet master wanted to silence him. He followed the clues and found the puppet master. He followed the phone number obtained by the puppet master and finally found Mustache.

When rewinding, he was equipped with cloud synchronization, so that after the start of the third week, he could remember what happened in the second week.

The reason why the first week was postponed must have nothing to do with going to the detention center to see Luo Liang. Otherwise, he would not be able to do those things in the second week.

In other words, something must have happened that night that forced Mustache to turn back.

As for the record in the black box, that night, Mustache was in Guanzhong County.

Well, a more specific description should be that when he had never seen Mustache and did not know that Mustache existed, something happened that forced Mustache to turn back.

Referring to what happened with the doll master, Wen Yan felt that it was possible that one of Mustache's subordinates died during that time.

Someone other than the doll maker.

He has stuffed the call records of Mustache through the highest authority given by the black box, and the key filtered out is the call that was made a few seconds after the starting point.

That phone number is not commonly used and is a black card, but it is certain that the person who used the phone at that time was not a doll maker, and this person was not in Zhongyuan County.

If the reason for the rescheduling of the first week had nothing to do with him, then he wouldn't be able to deduce any more information.

If this reason was related to his visit to Zhongyuan County at that time, it would be that in addition to the doll maker and the person who reported the message, there was another person he met in Zhongyuan County.

Because he came back from Nanhai County that day and wanted to go to Zhongyuan County, he could only come to Zhongyuan County through the underworld of Lao Zhao's family.

That's impossible for him.

Even the mustache wouldn't know who he met on his way to the underworld.

The most likely thing is after arriving in Zhongyuan County.

Wen Yan looked at the time points recorded on the wall, and a lot of thoughts flashed through his mind.

He was just speculating without any evidence, but he didn't need evidence.

Anyway, it won't take much to check whether something happened in Zhongyuan County later.

Or take some time and quietly take a trip to Zhongyuan County to see if you can encounter anything.

Wen Yan continued to look at other time records with wonder on his face.

There are so many things that can be seen here.

He checked carefully here, and the headquarters commander and the old heavenly master did not bother him.

After reading it, he looked back at the headquarters commander.

"It's amazing. The amount of information contained here is a bit astonishing. I'm afraid it will be difficult to summarize it in a short while."

The headmaster smiled and looked at the records.

“In the beginning, the time difference was very small, a few hours.

According to the information I got, the initial deviation of this atomic clock was only a few minutes.

But for atomic clocks, a deviation of a few minutes is equivalent to complete failure.

I recorded it for three years, watching helplessly the deviation of every beat.

From the first few minutes, it jumped to the present, up to sixteen days.

No matter how it jumps, the deviation time is within a certain range every time it is recorded.

The upper limit of this range has also been increasing continuously over the past three years.

There is always a reason for such regular things.

But I have no other information to prove that there is a problem with time, not with this atomic clock. "

Wen Yan could probably figure it out after listening to the chief's words.

Mustache has been a player for more than three years.

He has also made progress little by little, from a very short turnaround time to a full dozen days now.

I just don’t know how he improved.

A series of thoughts began to pop up in Wen Yan's mind.

For example, how to deal with this guy who has completely changed into a player mentality.

Their mentality has reached the point where they regard everyone as an NPC, who can be manipulated, enslaved, and cut into pieces at will...

That was the case with the puppet master. He gave Wen Yan the feeling that he had no guilt or grudges, as if he was playing a game. There was even some clear stupidity in his eyes.

If he hadn't dealt with Mustache, it would be useless to kill the puppet master ten thousand times. Wen Yan would have gone to deal with that puppet master long ago.

Now that guy is staying calm and the doll has been removed, so Wen Yan ignores him for now.

When Wen Yan talked about the black box, the mustache, and his subordinates, the chief listened quietly.

After Wen Yan finished speaking, the headmaster nodded.

"Then let his men remain for the time being. As professionals, they can do whatever they want and kill at will.

Now that we have established that, when he loses consciousness, all the dolls will turn into ordinary dolls.

I don’t know where his dolls are or how many there are, so as long as I take action, I must give priority to ensuring that he can lose consciousness. "

"Stop being official, this is not a meeting, and there is no need to follow procedures." The old master couldn't hold it back and reminded him.

The head of the headquarters smiled, his eyes were calm, and he got to the point directly.

"My goal and that of Master Tian are too big. Whatever you want to do, just do it.

Not too many people can know about this matter, and even Feng Yao cannot know the truth.

If you are going to do something, you need to ask him to turn back.

Just tell me.

As you said, he will definitely turn back immediately for the sake of his men. "

Wen Yan's eyelids twitched, my dear, has the headmaster already thought of this?

Keep that doll maker, is this the purpose?

"The Lieyang Department..."

“In the Lieyang tribe, there are not many strong individuals with strong individual strength.

However, there are still some people who can guarantee that after receiving the order, they can kill an ordinary person with a fragile body within one minute.

Near the doll maker, tomorrow there will be someone who is impeccable in every aspect and will not arouse alarm.

This person will be activated whenever needed. "

Wen Yan didn't ask any more questions. Since the head of the headquarters dared to say that, he would definitely not let anything slip.

Now that he had an opportunity to reversely control the return time to a certain extent, Wen Yan began to think about other things.

"You can use this, but in my opinion, it's best not to use it, and you can only use it once.

I don’t know what his mechanism is and what the limitations are.

I need to find out first..."

Speaking of this, Wen Yan thought for a while and asked.

"I don't know what kind of strange thing he has in his hand. If there is any kind of strange thing in the Lieyang Department, can I guarantee that he won't notice me when I peek at him?"

“There is a talisman that, after being worn, can make people around him ignore his existence without launching any intrusive attacks.

But this strange object is useless against an unconscious camera.

If you want it, I can give it to you.

However, I don't think you need to go to any lengths to explore him.

You should have a little bit of faith in Solaris.

I just didn't know who this person was before.

But once you know who he is, it's basically impossible for him to hide it.

Just like those aliens who commit crimes, they must clamp their tails and hide themselves well.

Anyone who dares to jump around will not have any good results.

Based on this person's current priority, it is necessary for the Lieyang Department to use something. "

The chief took out two metal boxes from the drawer.

One is marked 097 and the other is marked 098.

After opening it, there was a Langhao pen inside one and several pieces of kraft paper inside the other.

"This is a consumable item. It is not of sufficient priority and will not be used.

Use this pen to write something on brown paper, and you will get some of the answers you want.

The last time this thing was used, it was the Soul-Eating Beast.

It's just that the results obtained are a bit scary. There are so many immune entries that I can't even fit them on the last piece of paper.

In the end, all the writing disappeared, leaving only one unique entry, which was invincible.

The guy who can turn back has completely lost the thoughts of a normal person.

Judging from his uncontrollability, he is qualified to let us use a piece of brown paper.

People who just write will consume a lot of energy and physical strength, and after finishing writing, they will fall into weakness. "

Wen Yan looked at these two strange objects and thought about it, he was not the only one.

The head of the headquarters is not young anymore. The Heavenly Master has a heavy responsibility and must not be consumed by such things.

"How to write this?"

"Write his name, or occupation, and his information will be listed."

When Wen Yan heard this, hey, isn't this a bit like his prompt?

"Are there any previous records?"

The headmaster nodded and pulled up a video on his computer.

In the video, a person is holding a Langhao pen and writing quickly on kraft paper.

Wen Yan looked at the content on the brown paper. It was quickly filled up, and then quickly dissipated, turning into a few simple lines.

It's indeed very similar to his tips.

If that was the case, Wen Yan felt that there was no need to waste another opportunity.

"Can I write any questions?"

“That’s true in theory, but not all questions will have answers.

Write a name, an existing person, or an existing thing.

The detailed information of this thing will be listed by itself. This is the most reliable method of use that has been tested.

If you ask how many digits a π is after, this kind of question will start to cycle.

That's where there's no answer.

Or something that doesn't exist, there is no answer.

It must be a question that exists now and has an answer.

When we got the brown paper, there wasn't much left.

Plus the necessary experiments, that's all that's left.

Our conclusions may not be comprehensive and accurate. "

"And what's the price?"

"It is indeed just a waste of energy, from physical strength, to Yang Qi, to spirit. As long as you are young and your body bones are strong enough, you can recover after training."

Wen Yan did not write it because he compared it and found that the written information may not be as detailed as the prompts he gave when he saw the target with his own eyes.

He has already seen Mustache. If he writes Mustache's occupation, it may be a waste of opportunity.

Moreover, he didn't know if Mustache would notice if he asked questions using this strange object.

"If you have thought about what you want to ask, just ask. Even if he has something in his hand or has some capable people under him, as long as he is not similar to me, he should not be able to feel it now."

The Heavenly Master said at the right moment that theoretically, he had actually ascended once.

But he ascended, but did not ascend to heaven. He still had his own consciousness, but he already knew that feeling.

When Mustache turned back, he helped the Heavenly Master take a step forward.

Wen Yan pondered and stared at the brown paper for a long time.

He didn't need to write the mustache's occupation, so what would be more appropriate for him to ask.

After thinking for a long time, he patted the gray cloth, and the gray cloth instantly understood and wrapped him around him.

Then Wen Yan first blessed Hui Bu with yang energy, waited a moment, and gathered energy again. After blessing himself with the violent sun, the moment the strong yang energy burst out, it was completely suppressed by Hui Bu.

Wen Yan held a langhao pen in his hand and wrote his question on the brown paper.

"What are the limits on players' (rewind) professional abilities?"

In an instant, his eyes turned pure white, his will came to a standstill, and the yang energy blessed by him began to be consumed crazily. In just one second, half of it was consumed.

His hand was carried by a langhao pen and he was writing on the kraft paper.

"Zhang Qiang.

Luo Liang.

Li Ming. "

After writing the three names, Wen Yan stopped writing in just three or four seconds.

The huge yang energy that he had blessed with the violent sun was subsequently exhausted, and even most of his own yang energy was consumed.

Kraft paper ignites spontaneously without fire and dissipates instantly.

Wen Yan came back to his senses as if in the blink of an eye, and a feeling of exhaustion came to his heart.

Seeing the brown paper in front of him dissipate and the Yang Qi being exhausted, he knew that the result had been achieved.

"What's the result?" Wen Yan asked quickly.

The head of the headquarters and the old Heavenly Master both frowned.

"Three names, Zhang Qiang, Luo Liang, and Li Ming."

Neither of them understood what just three names meant.

As for Wen Yan, when he heard the name, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Having an answer proves that the question he asked has an answer.

In other words, Mustache's professional abilities are indeed limited.

And he knew the three names in the answer, Luo Liang.

He took out his cell phone and wanted to search Luo Liang, but the cell phone had automatically turned off.

After restarting the phone, there was still no signal, and then the phone began to recover the signal without seeing what Master Tianshi did.

He searched the company where Luo Liang worked.

The last boss was indeed named Zhang Qiang. No wonder he felt that the name was familiar.

But this Zhang Qiang had died suddenly.

After his sudden death, it was Luo Liang who took over the company and those things.

Many of Wen Yan's doubts were answered at once.

No wonder Mustache has to go to great lengths to help Luo Liang change his luck and turn him into a luck-burner.

What good is that going to do for that mustache?

That guy shouldn't be just bored, he must have a purpose.

Moreover, Wen Yan guessed that Zhang Qiang, who had died suddenly long ago, was also a luck-burner.

It's just that Zhang Qiang, whose life's luck was burned up in a short period of time, died suddenly.

If the restriction of the mustache is related to these three people, one of them died suddenly, one is about to die suddenly, and the third one is unknown.

Then there is a reasonable speculation.

Mustache only needs one person, and when one of them dies suddenly, he will choose another person.

As for why you want this person.

Wen Yan checked the time when Zhang Qiang died violently, and then looked at the hundreds of time information recorded on the wall by the general manager.

Soon, the corresponding time was found.

One of them is very close to the time of Zhang Qiang's violent death in the records.

The old Heavenly Master looked at the records that Wen Yan checked, and then remembered the feeling he recorded. He felt a little enlightened, and he spoke to remind him.

"He is like a small boat drifting on a big river, but he can stir up a wave that rolls up and throws him a short distance upstream.

As time passed, the farther upriver he could be thrown, the farther and farther he could be thrown.

But it was enough for him to be swept up and to fall back into the river just to know where he would land.

He needed an anchor still in the river to anchor his little boat and make sure it was accurate.

It won't end up somewhere he didn't expect. "

"So, this anchor cannot be destroyed." Wen Yan said the next sentence smoothly.

Now, he understood why Mustache was trying so hard to play so many games with Luo Liang, an ordinary person.

His anchor cannot die.

As for those who burn luck, during the time when their luck is burning, they have a standard Feng Shui, turning bad luck into good luck. Even when they are about to burn out, they will still be blessed by luck, at least they will not die.

Just like last time, Luo Liang's luck was almost exhausted and he had already started to run into bad luck, but when he was silenced, he was still saved by Wen Yan.

Thinking of this, Wen Yan felt a little dumbfounded for a moment, and had a unique sense of absurdity, like seeing a boomerang.

In the second week, he was able to follow the clues and finally saw the mustache with his own eyes.

The starting point is that the puppet master wants to kill Luo Liang.

If it hadn't been for this, there would have been nothing more to come.

Maybe there is some effect here, it's Luo Liang's luck that is about to burn out, that is at work.

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