I am your natural enemy

Chapter 277 Dark Night Talisman, quietly copied (5k)

Just after confirming what the restrictions were, Wen Yan let out a sigh of relief.

Of the three names, the first two have been identified, which means that the last one, Li Ming, is the new anchor.

You can't be wrong. The fact that the doll master dared to kill Luo Liang and silence him proves that Luo Liang has no positive value to Mustache and only has negative meaning.

Li Ming, whose name is very ordinary, must be the latest anchor.

Based on the previous two people's speculation, the first Zhang Qiang and the second Luo Liang can be estimated from the time when a lucky star suddenly shines and they start to make a fortune to the time when they die suddenly.

Then I calculated the time when Mustache first came into contact with Luo Liang.

Wen Yan thought about it, it must have been in the near future, within seven days or within half a month, Mustache must have seen this Li Ming.

But he searched and found that there were nearly 200,000 people with this name in China.

Then he stuffed the restrictions into the black box, based on Mustache's movement trajectory in the past half month. During this time period, there may be overlaps with Mustache's movement trajectory, which appear within five kilometers. , and how many people are named Li Ming.

As long as one vague result came out, there were more than 200.

Then based on this rough result, we will continue to screen these more than 200 Li Mings.

Soon, continue sifting.

Accurate detection, using the approximate location of the mobile phone as a reference, appears within one kilometer of Mustache within half a month.

There are only thirteen left.

Nine of them are all in Zhongyuan County.

Wen Yan's expression condensed slightly, thinking that based on the precise time recorded by the headquarters commander just now, he speculated that at the end of the first week, he should be going to Zhongyuan County. He may have already arrived in Zhongyuan County, but he has not seen Luo Liang yet. .

If he thought about it this way, if he saw Li Ming, the third Ren Anchor, if the other party was a luck burner, he would definitely be able to tell it at a glance.

After counting, four of the thirteen people were in Guanzhong County, and their route was still at the high-speed rail station.

Most likely, Mustache would not meet Li Ming in a place covered by cameras.

After checking carefully, I found that the original train number, Mustache's train number, did not intersect with those four people, and they should not have encountered each other on the normal route, because he set it within a kilometer range, taking into account the error.

These four people, most likely not, can be placed at the back.

As for the nine people from Zhongyuan County, the two in the high-speed rail station are the same. They are nothing special. One of them is a seventy-year-old man. This one can be put at the back.

There are seven left. One of them has been lucky these past two days and won a prize of 2,000 yuan. Check it out first.

Then, Wen Yan saw one of them, who turned out to be a member of the Lieyang tribe and the chief of a branch in Zhongyuan County.

Looking at this person's information, Wen Yan saw a review record.

This guy actually had contact with Luo Liang.

However, the current review results did not find any problems. He and Luo Liang just knew each other and had no other contacts.

Focus on key goals and write them down.

There are five left, too young, too old, all low-risk targets.

Finally, they were sorted according to priority. There were only a dozen people in total. It didn't take much to read them all.

As long as he is a luck burner, he can definitely tell it at a glance.

It's just that he's not sure yet what changes will occur if his anchor is destroyed.

Wen Yan had a chat with the head of the headquarters and Lao Tianshi.

Then Wen Yan saw that the head of the headquarters was not actually under too much pressure. He seemed to be just pursuing a result and finding a definite answer for his persistence in the past three years.

Eliminate an uncontrollable unstable factor.

As for Master Tian, ​​to be honest, Wen Yan didn't think Master Tian took the mustache seriously. It's just that Master Tian might be used to it and would be more serious when facing things to avoid being careless and overturning.

Wen Yan doesn't feel too much pressure now. The more information he knows, the less pressure he feels, especially after knowing the restrictions.

He already had a plan in his mind on how to deal with Mustache.

If the opponent is unable to withdraw his power, then his own strength should not be strong. What needs to be considered is whether there is any strange object on the opponent and what abilities his subordinates have.

"Just keep an eye on it, don't worry, he will definitely set a new time within ten days."

The head of the headquarters saw the change in Wen Yan's expression and advised him.

“You should know best that any small changes may bring different results.

If we go back this time, we may not be able to guarantee that we can continue to reach this point. "

"I know." Wen Yan looked at the numbers on the wall.

If he hadn't seen this number, he wouldn't have known it. It was already the second time in the third week.

With an atomic clock, you can know exactly what time it is.

But knowing this, it only regains part of the opportunity. If it is forced to kill, the feasibility is actually very high.

It's just that the fault tolerance rate is low, and the other party's fault tolerance rate is high.

Again, people can fail ten thousand times, but they can only fail once.

If it fails once, Mustache will definitely change his mobile phone and change his appearance immediately.

The information they have so easily available now will never be so easily available again.

In the end, even if the other party fled thousands of miles away, they both failed.

Let this kind of player hold a grudge, and as long as the opponent still has a chance, it will definitely lead to endless disasters.

Wen Yan also plays games himself, so of course he knows what the players are like.

Comparing the actions of players in the game, the capitalists who were hung up as street lamps all had to cry out that they were wronged.

A murderer who is sentenced to a thousand years in prison has to say that he is too conservative.

After pondering for a while, Wen Yan nodded. The chief still wanted to be steady.

After experiencing a reversal that he didn't know about, Wen Yan also felt that he had to be more steady.

When the conversation was almost finished, the head of the headquarters sent someone to bring a box and handed it to Wen Yan.

"This is the rare item numbered 077, called the Dark Night Amulet. It is your reward, and it is justifiable."

Wen Yan opened the box and found a metal pendant inside, which looked like a badge from a game peripheral.

He took it in his hand and fumbled with it.

"This thing doesn't look like something from China?"

"It was a person from outside who came to China with this thing.

Taking advantage of an outing, he came to assassinate me.

When he died, he left this thing behind.

It should be a strange object unique to the creatures called night elves on Europa.

As long as you carry this thing with you and don't do anything to others or intrude, people who are not too spiritually aware will ignore you.

It works best at night, especially when you are still.

But useless for cameras, you'd better be careful. "

Wen Yan fumbled with the amulet and brought it up. Then he saw the two big guys and watched him perform.

Wen Yan laughed dryly and said, forget it, the effect of this thing is just that.

In other words, this thing may be very effective, but for a ruthless person like Lao Tianshi who can even detect the retracement and has a terrifyingly high spiritual awareness, this dark night amulet is of no use.

The head of the headquarters, on the other hand, seems to be a person with a high spiritual awareness, but I don’t know if the head of the head also practices martial arts.

In the absence of prompts, most of the time, it is not worth giving prompts.

But there are also very few situations where giving a hint will immediately arouse the other party's alert and the risk is relatively high.

When encountering this kind of target, there will either be nothing, or there will only be a reminder that doing so is dangerous, and nothing else.

This is also the reason why Wen Yan continues to practice martial arts. He is not strong enough, and he cannot even give hints to those who are too strong.

Without being able to give any hints, according to Wen Yan's understanding, whatever temporary abilities he generates based on his current abilities will not have a big impact on the outcome.

Wen Yan took the Dark Night Talisman and left the headquarters.

He held his cell phone and looked at the people marked on the small map. One of them began to move.

It was the section chief named Li Ming from the Lieyang Department in Zhongyuan County.

Wen Yan looked again and saw that there was no action in that branch now, and he had to go to work tomorrow morning. At this hour, he actually had to go out of the city?

Wen Yan pondered for a moment, but instead of going home, he first went through the underworld and came to Zhongyuan County.

When he came out of the barren grave, he did not let Feng Wei and Tong Si come out. He was alone, carrying the night talisman, leaning against a tree on the hillside by the roadside, motionless, like a shadow, blending into the night. .

The small map showed that the section chief named Li Ming was about to pass by.

He waited for a long time, but no one came. The small map showed that Section Chief Li went to a building not far away.

He walked quietly along the grove and saw the unfinished building in the distance.

According to the records of the Lieyang Department, there are some evil ghosts here. Now the place has been temporarily closed, and the evil ghosts inside are also queuing up to be dealt with.

According to the records here, Niu Zhiqiang should be the one to deal with it, but the chain in Niu Zhiqiang's hand was almost smoking, and he was unavailable every day, so he didn't have time to come.

Wen Yan knew that Zhongyuan County seemed to want to recruit Niu Zhiqiang, and then use him to his death after being seconded.

Wen Yan hid in the woods, looking at the unfinished building in the distance, and saw a person walking up the stairs, and then rushing down again.

In the moonlight, Wen Yan could see clearly that it was Section Chief Li.

Then a hint appeared in his eyes.

"Player (Player of the Second Week)"

After seeing the prompt below and remembering that this guy had already begun to be internally reviewed by the Lieyang Department, Wen Yan immediately understood what Section Chief Li wanted to do.

He was going to die in the hands of that evil spirit.

According to the schedule, Niu Zhiqiang will be here as soon as tomorrow night or the day after tomorrow at the latest.

Although Niu Zhiqiang's eyesight was not very good and he couldn't see people clearly, he was a serious professional counterpart to Ah Piao.

This evil ghost will definitely be dead by then.

Wen Yan stood quietly in the woods, looking coldly at the unfinished building, filled with resentment, when a fierce ghost jumped down from the building.

Then, he watched the evil ghost pestering Section Chief Li, climbing up continuously, taking him to the top of the building, and then throwing him down from the building.

There was a muffled sound, and the devil standing on the edge of the roof kept roaring and roaring, trying to leave the building, but could not get out of a certain range.

Then, Wen Yan saw that the fierce ghost slowly calmed down in Wen Yan's eyes.

The profession of second week player has also been transferred to Li Gui.

Wen Yan remained motionless and watched quietly. When the evil ghost retreated into the unfinished building again, he took a deep breath.

This is Li Ming, you can’t go wrong.

This Li Ming is really suitable to be that anchor.

Unless he is better than this Li Ming in a crushing way, when the difference in rank is not big, whoever kills him will be Li Ming's second-level role.

When everything goes well, he only needs to find an opponent who is stronger than himself, but not much stronger, and he can die in the hands of the opponent.

Even aliens can be taken away from their bodies. If aliens → humans → aliens follow this cycle, the upgrade will definitely be very fast.

It just depends on the situation, this guy's upgrade may not go smoothly.

However, it is also very possible that he is trying to break into the Lieyang Department.

The upgrade route he wanted was more qualified than using the Lieyang Department.

Moreover, there are people from all over the world in the Lieyang tribe, but there is no one of the level of Lao Tianshi. As long as you gain a foothold here and upgrade to the ranks of masters, it may not take a year.

Wen Yan left quietly without showing up.

He followed the path to death, returned home, and called the head of the headquarters through a confidential line.

"Maybe, we can't wait more than ten days."

"Is there a situation?"

"I found the third one, but things are a little complicated."

"Try to tell me that the line I gave you is safe."

"The third one will transfer, and now it has been transferred to a fierce ghost.

If nothing else happens, he will be transferred to the bull head tomorrow.

A powerful ghost who has no consciousness and has harmed people, including people from the Lieyang tribe.

Encountered by a bull head, as long as the resistance is fierce, the bull head will not be able to hold back.

In this situation, it would be abnormal and inappropriate for Niu Tou to keep his hands. "

After hearing what Wen Yan said, the head of the headquarters immediately said.

"Your thoughts?"

“My thoughts, in one day, were too hasty.

But the good thing is that he has not experienced what happened next.

I need to make sure of something first. "

Wen Yan didn't make a decision. He felt that it was too risky to gamble and would be completely exposed.

"According to your wishes, we don't know as much as you do, and we will cooperate with you.

If the decision is stable, then tomorrow, there will be things with higher priority, and Niutou will be transferred.

I saw the evil ghost you mentioned, and it was restrained in place.

As long as that area is sealed off, there will be no harm for the time being. "

"Let me consider."


After hanging up the phone, the chief looked at the old master sitting opposite.

"What do you think, Master Tian?"

The old Heavenly Master put down a piece of ancient tortoise shell and pushed it back to the headmaster.

“Problems can be big or small, opportunities or disasters.

In the end, those who play with luck and time will not end well.

No matter what, a decision must be made to resolve this matter before New Year's Eve.

Next year, I'm afraid there will be real trouble.

I have realized that just me suppressing Yunhai has little effect.

Have you thought about it?

Some news has gradually begun to be released outside.

It's just paving the way for what's to come. "

“Since last year, various places have started to select, and martial arts training is indeed the most universal.

As long as there is enough meat, eggs, and milk, the overall physique will be enhanced, coupled with migration and settlement.

The gathering of a large population and its own popularity are already the most suitable defense. "

"Just be prepared."

"Don't you want to ask Wen Yan about this matter?"

"Why do you ask?" the old master asked in return.

"That's right, I'm overthinking it." The headmaster smiled and nodded.

"There is nothing wrong with him. I advise you to be tolerant." The old Heavenly Master stared at the headmaster and said seriously.

"That's really not what I meant..." The headmaster smiled bitterly and quickly explained.

The old Heavenly Master shook his head, turned around, and disappeared.

They both could tell that something was not right about Wen Yan.

Master Tian knows best, but Master Tian doesn’t ask anything. He doesn’t care why Wen Yan knows those things.

He just made sure that Wen Yan could be trusted, and that was enough.

At the edge of the sea of ​​clouds, the old master opened his eyes and stretched out a hand.

His power began to flow through his arm, and the trajectory was exactly the same as Wen Yan's right arm.

Feeling the change, he sighed.

"The gap between people is really huge."

When he saw Wen Yan, he immediately realized that something was wrong with Wen Yan's power.

That kind of natural flow, full of a sense of natural and harmonious beauty, completely natural.

Just seeing this, he guessed that Wen Yan might also have the power to turn back.

Now that he just felt it for himself, he knew that if Wen Yan wanted to break out of this road forcefully, he would have to struggle on the edge of life and death many times.

Considering that there was really a reversal, Wen Yan might have died many, many times.

There is no shortcut to this. Only by risking your life and trying it can you get this kind of result.

One wrong move could result in a riot, or a violent death.

It's just this arm, no matter how smooth it is, it still needs hundreds of times.

Just seeing this, he no longer wanted to ask why, nor did he want to know how Wen Yan knew that information.

He simply didn't believe that a person who could blaze these paths on his own would go astray.

Wen Yan didn't say anything, so the Heavenly Master clearly told the head of the headquarters, and you are not allowed to ask.

Master Tian believed that Wen Yan was really going to take a different path, and it was a path that could benefit others.

The old Heavenly Master's method of opening the altar is to hold a Dharma flag in his right hand, and the power path from the right arm to the right hand is completely copied from Wen Yan. After opening the altar, he holds the flag with his finger prints and slightly adjusts it several times to use all the power. integrated together.

The old Heavenly Master waved the small flag, and saw the rolling clouds and mists in the sea of ​​clouds, and the thunder and lightning, like spreading spider webs. In just a few seconds, the sea of ​​clouds completely calmed down.

The old Heavenly Master's expression began to show a hint of shock that was difficult to conceal.

On the other side, Wen Yan returned home, tossing and turning and unable to sleep.

Looking at the mini map, Mustache is already resting in the hotel.

He practiced boxing in the backyard, and his entire right arm was only missing the last bit of his right hand.

After completing this last bit, he felt that there might be different changes.

Early the next morning, the location marked on the small map began to move, and it was on the highway.

Moreover, records show that Mustache is heading towards the Qinling Mountains and has booked a hotel in Chencang Prefecture.

Wen Yan perked up and immediately calculated the location and time, asking Feng Wei to take him and squat in front.

Wearing the Dark Night Talisman, he hid on a hillside not far from a toll station, quietly waiting for the other party to arrive.

He is not sure now, whether to postpone the time until the next time to set the archive time, or to solve it in one go in more than a day. He will have to look at it again to be sure.

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