I am your natural enemy

Chapter 278 A large series of prefaces, the world is flat and wave seal (5k)

As time passed, the small map showed that the mobile phone on Mustache was about to pass the toll station.

If he wants to go to Chencangzhou, this toll station is the only way to go. Moreover, he must slow down when he gets here. He must have a chance to take a look.

Wen Yan hid his figure, and after a few minutes, he saw a car slowing down and approaching the toll station.

Through the front window, he saw Mustache at a glance. This time, the distance was a little closer than last time.

Just after he glanced at it, Mustache seemed to feel something and looked back to the right.

Wen Yan immediately closed his eyes and hid in the shadows, motionless.

Mustache, who was driving the car, looked at a small ornament placed on the driver's seat. It was more than an inch high and looked like a blue and white deer.

Originally, the deer was facing straight ahead, but when Wen Yan looked over, the deer immediately turned around and looked in the direction where Wen Yan was.

Mustache looked in this direction and saw only a car coming from the side. He didn't know if he wanted to jump in line or hit the pole. There were also some people standing on the roadside.

The deer ornament just turned around once and then turned to another place.

The mustache frowned slightly. This ornament could sense malice and face it in the direction of malice.

But this thing is not particularly reliable, because it is too sensitive, and any slight malice will be sensed.

Even if someone just glances at him, even a moment of disgust will be felt.

He didn't really like using this thing before because there were so many misjudgments.

It was only his experiences in the past two days that made him feel that it was better to be cautious and take it out for use. It was better than not being able to detect it if it was too sharp.

The last time he was killed by the lightning sprayed out from more than a dozen photos, it still left him with lingering fears.

He didn't know what kind of ability it was that could make him so strong. That power obviously had nothing to do with ordinary people.

Even if the deer just turned around and then turned back, Mustache thought for a moment, stretched out a hand, touched the co-pilot's photo album, and opened a page.

When he saw the black photo on the first page, his heart suddenly shuddered.

And then the next moment, nothing happens.

The photo looks a bit blurry, but right now, there are some people standing on the roadside and many vehicles parked, all queuing up to pass the toll booth.

He took a closer look and found nothing wrong with it, so he closed the album again.

One of the photos showed the small woods on the hillside where Wen Yan was. Wen Yan's figure was hidden in the corner, and only a little bit of hair on the top of his head could be seen.

This photo album can indeed show it a little bit.

It is true that the Dark Night Talisman cannot completely hide the power of the photo album, but it is enough to hide it from Mustache.

The power of this talisman itself is only for living beings.

Mustache continued to line up behind other cars, waiting to leave the toll booth.

Five minutes later, Wen Yan left quietly on the hillside, carrying the Dark Night Talisman with him the whole time.

He took out his cell phone and took a look. Mustache had already left the toll booth. He followed his original plan and went to the hotel first.

Wen Yan took a breath and touched the dark night amulet hanging around his neck. The strange thing was indeed useful.

Now it is also certain that according to the information given in the black box, in addition to a photo album with a 90% probability of being a photo album, there should be a strange warning object in Mustache's bag.

Wen Yan asked the black box. When he passed the toll station just now, who was the co-pilot of Mustache on the toll station's surveillance camera?

The black box answered that it was a photo album.

Wen Yan continued to ask if Mustache had made any move to open the photo album.

Black Box answers, yes.

The content in the photo album was very blurry as captured by surveillance cameras, and it was impossible to judge. I could only confirm that it was a photo album with photos in it.

Then Wen Yan asked again, apart from the photo album, what else was there that was not in the original car.

After comparing the manufacturer's original car photos, Black Box gave more than a dozen things.

From the headrest, to the seat cushion, to a small ornament placed on the driver's platform.

A partial picture of the item was sent out, and Wen Yan saw the deer ornament at a glance. The position of the ornament in the picture seemed to be looking elsewhere.

Then, the black box gave a piece of comparative information in the information of the Lieyang Department.

A year ago, someone posted a post saying that he had bought limited edition peripherals and that the deer ornaments would move on their own.

After comparing the pictures posted, it cannot be confirmed that they are the same as the ornaments on the mustache car, and it can also be confirmed that they are from the same batch.

Because this deer ornament is a peripheral product of a game, the game manufacturer never made another peripheral product after selling it once and realizing that it was not worth much money.

There were only a few replies to the post. The person at the front was making fun of me, but later the poster replied that he had already taken action, saying that if someone scolded him, Xiaolu would face that person, even if he didn't hear the other person scolding him.

But soon, the post was deleted.

I don’t know the permissions of the Lieyang Department that this black box is connected to, and where this information was dug out.

This information is crucial. Wen Yan estimates that the deer is also a strange object, capable of reacting to people's prying eyes or malicious intent.

That guy must have more than one or two rare items in his hand, and maybe something to save his life.

Wen Yan walked in an area far away from the surveillance on the roadside, re-entered the barren tomb, and entered the underworld.

After entering the underworld, he started to see what hint he got from that glance just now.

Even if the other party reacts, if there is any strange object, he will chase it to the underworld if he has the ability.

"Player (Return)"

“Returning is the biggest source of confidence for a player to be a player.

By constantly going back, you can learn from failures and continue to make new attempts.

Although power cannot be saved after rewinding, information, intelligence, experience, etc. cannot be erased by rewinding.

This is the biggest advantage for return players.

It is also the most direct reason for the change in players' mentality. "

The above introduction is no different from the previous one, but the following tips are different this time.

"You have regained a large part of the advantage from the other party's complete information advantage.

And, you discovered that he needed an anchor, and you discovered what his anchor was.

You may have more than one chance to fail, and he doesn't have ten thousand chances to fail. "

“Temporary capabilities.

1: Cloud synchronization.

You can sync your memories to something you own in real time. "

Wen Yan immediately set up the cloud synchronization equipment first.

Then continue reading below.

"2: Pingbo (needs more than 1% of any kind of heaven-given treasure; requires more than 60% of Fierce Sun; requires at least one natural enemy title related to any water system; requires the remaining life span to be greater than 60; requires temporary buff grandma; requires new methods to complete Use the Pingbo Seal Technique)."

Wen Yan was confused when he saw the series of notes at the back.

Temporary abilities require prerequisites. He has seen it before.

After all, according to his long-standing speculation, this temporary ability is not limited to abilities, items, and information. The core is to give him the most likely thing to use based on his ability at the moment.

But this was the first time he had seen so many prerequisites and strict limitations.

Wen Yan guessed that the reason for the heaven-given treasure jar is that it represents heaven. Each kind of heaven-given treasure jar is unique and cannot be repeated.

As for the Heavenly Court, it is something that the Heavenly Master has personally verified and cannot be turned back. The Heavenly Master even started the ascension ceremony on the spot and left a message in the Heavenly Court.

This is the first restriction, but Wen Yan understands it.

Wen Yan doesn't quite understand why he needs the blazing sun.

He needs a title related to the water system. He guessed that it might be because of the water official 绮.

There are also requirements for remaining lifespan and grandma's buff.

Finally, what Pingbo Seal Technique is needed...

Wen Yan equipped it and looked at it carefully.

“Every surge, wave, and ripple when it falls will affect more places as time goes by.

Whether these influences are good or bad, they are ultimately one of the core driving forces that push the world into chaos and disorder.

In order to alleviate the misfortune of all living beings, I use my own lifespan to use my magic method to calm the ripples of the same time.

Smooth out the ripples as they arise. "

Then Wen Yan continued to look behind.

"3: God of Chaos (needs dream spell; requires soulless person; requires Fierce Sun 50% or above; requires the title of Great Natural Enemy)

The chaotic god adds disorder to disorder, and draws chaos into chaos.

When a person who has lost his anchor is affected by the chaotic gods, his consciousness will begin to get lost. "

Wen Yan looked at these two temporary abilities and thought to himself, this turnaround is really troublesome.

Except for the first temporary ability cloud synchronization, which seems to be used for safety reasons, the other two are particularly troublesome.

And, as always, two represent two directions.

They are all directions given according to what he thinks in his heart.

He looked carefully and waited until he came home from the underworld.

He thought it was better to call the Heavenly Master to be on the safe side. Among the people he knew, there was probably no one who knew more about things related to seals than the Heavenly Master.

"Hey, senior, I have something to ask. What is Ping Bo Yin?"

At the edge of the sea of ​​clouds, the old master had a thought and made out a seal with his right hand. Then he keenly discovered that after the seal was made, the complex paths and lines on the entire hand seemed to be reorganized.

According to his estimation, if the fingertips were also completed, a complete new circuit would eventually be formed.

When he was about to take a picture of Wen Yan, he thought about it and replied.

"You should ask your uncle of the fourth master about these things. Why bother to ask me far away from the near? Pingbo seal is originally from our Fuyu Mountain. There is no one alive in this world who understands this better than your uncle of the fourth master. "

"Ah?" Wen Yan was shocked.

"Ah, what? There is a world outside the world, and there are people outside the world. You should understand that no matter how talented you are, you can't be better than others in everything. There are people who specialize in the arts, young man."

"Well, what are you good at, Heavenly Master?"

"Except for being good at opening forums, everything else is average."

"Oh, I'm sorry to bother you, Heavenly Master. I'll go ask my fourth master uncle."

"Practice well and follow your own path. I will come to you for advice someday, and I hope you won't refuse."

"Master Heavenly Master, you praise me too much, ha...hahaha..."

"No, your practice is indeed better than mine. My practice cannot be learned by others, but yours can be learned. It may not be appropriate to become a disciple. Why don't I accept a disciple on my behalf when the time comes? You will be my junior brother and I will learn from you." The Heavenly Master said it very seriously.

Wen Yan couldn't help it and was amused. He really didn't think this was true at all.

"That's right. You are still a disciple of Mount Fuyu after all. It's not appropriate. Let's talk about it later..." The old Heavenly Master thought for a while and was amused. If he did this, the old guy from Mount Fuyu would really dare to go there. Pitching a tent at the foot of Longhu Mountain.

After hanging up the phone, Master Tian thought that this matter still had to be done.

Although he just glanced at Wen Yan twice, he learned what Wen Yan had worked so hard to do.

But if Wen Yan hadn't worked so hard and left him to do it by himself, he wouldn't have been able to do it in his life.

He learned it without asking, but he still couldn't pass the test in his mind. Based on the significance of this matter, even if he recognized Wen Yan as a semi-teacher, it was appropriate.

But if he did this, he would put Wen Yan on the fire.

This matter was a bit difficult to handle. If it was just normal, it could be considered as a temporary act and he took another look.

But the meaning and power are unusual in all aspects, so you can't pretend not to know and just learn it secretly. This is not in line with your own way.

The Heavenly Master wrote down this incident and thought about what to do next.

On the other side, Wen Yan called his fourth master uncle, who directly asked him to open the window.

After the fourth master's uncle came over, he taught Wen Yan step by step.

"The Pingbo Seal was passed down from the Thirteenth Ancestor, according to what the Thirteenth Ancestor himself said back then.

He learned it after a severe beating somewhere in the South.

Therefore, whatever you say must be kept in Buyeo Mountain and put into the entry level, and all disciples must learn it.

Otherwise, you will lose money. "

"Then why didn't I see it in the introductory stuff?"

"Have you read the introductory stuff? Fuyu disciples, aspiring to join Taoism, have to read thirty-eight books, one hundred and eight. Have you read one of them?"

"..." Wen Yan suddenly looked honest and stopped talking.

The Fourth Master's uncle taught him step by step. After understanding that he was illiterate, he became more patient in teaching.

Wen Yan made a seal with his right hand, his fingers turned into a weird posture, and then he adjusted it slightly, and his expression changed slightly.

After making this smooth wave seal, he could feel the complex path opened up by his right hand. There were many places between the fingers, and between the fingers and the palm. After making slight adjustments, it was like building a complex path. Three-dimensional access.

The flow direction of those powers began to change slightly.

Now, he has completely determined what the so-called new law is.

It was this path that he came out of recklessly and tried bit by bit.

And on the fingers of his right hand, which is just a little short of the fingertips, this flat wave seal cannot be completely constructed.

He predicts that after the fingertips are completely opened, they will be completely different.

With this thought in mind, he calculated the time and asked the fourth uncle's ancestors to wait for a while and drink tea.

He rushed to the backyard and patted the gray cloth.

"Come on, we must succeed today, hurry up."

The gray cloth quickly wrapped him into a mummy. Inspired by the fierce sun, Wen Yan ate his grandmother's offering and began today's practice.

Three hours later, the gray cloth fell to the ground. Wen Yan stretched out his right hand and could feel that the power on his right arm was flowing through a complicated route and it was already a new system.

Just the simple basics, strength, and defense have all been improved by leaps and bounds, especially when these powers are mobilized, they are greatly improved.

This time, he learned from his fourth master uncle and immediately learned much faster.

He is not afraid of making mistakes when learning, even if he adjusts the seal posture slightly, he is not afraid of death if he makes a mistake and tries hard.

If you remember the wrong one, you will instinctively avoid the wrong option next time.

In just half an hour, Wen Yan learned it completely.

The Fourth Master's uncle looked at Wen Yan's seal with a strange color in his eyes.

"The Sixteenth Patriarch once said that a truly Taoist person will have a natural sense of harmony when he forms the seals correctly. I didn't expect that you also have it. Unfortunately, you can't enter the Tao..."

Speaking of this, the Fourth Master's uncle felt a little regretful.

"Have I learned it now?"

"Could it be that you can actually feel it yourself?"

Wen Yan breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn't search for a picture by himself and study blindly.

This thing seems simple, but when you really learn it, it is really troublesome. If it is even a little bit different, it may be the opposite.

When he truly learned it and then combined it with his new method to construct a complete Pingbo Seal, he felt the power, and the Jiehe Shuiguan Lu on the back of his hand began to emerge automatically.

"Pingboyin, the full name is, Sihai Pingboyin."

"Who did the Thirteenth Patriarch learn from?"

“I don’t know, but that severe beating back then must have been real.

I went to Haixi County back then and saw an ancient statue of Mazu in an ancient temple there.

The right hand of the statue is the seal of the Four Seas Ping Bo.

Among the many statues of the Dragon Mother, there are also a small number of people holding the seal of the Four Seas Ping Bo with their hands.

One of the statues facing the Xijiang River, the water area where King Guilong is located, is this one.

If King Guilong was beaten when he was young, he would probably know this.

As for the earliest recorded origin of this seal, it should be traced back to two thousand years ago.

I don’t know the specifics. If you want to learn, we have quite a lot of these things in Fuyu Mountain. "

As the uncle of the Fourth Master said, he took out a bag and gave Wen Yan a dozen books.

"They are all relatively simple sealing techniques. You can learn them first. There will definitely be no harm. If you can't learn them, you can ask me again. Don't worry, they are all translated. They are simple, straightforward and can be learned by novice disciples. "

Wen Yan opened it, looked at it, and let out a sigh of relief.

The last time he read the original text, it made his scalp numb and dizzy. Fortunately, this time it was very straightforward and rigorous.

He suddenly became interested.

"Okay, I'll study hard."

Since the Four Seas Ping Bo Seal is useful, then some of the others, not to mention all, are always useful.

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