I am your natural enemy

Chapter 281 Been here many, many times, scattered over the years (5k)

Wen Yan looked at Mustache quietly.

"I hope you can laugh again later."

“I have more than three minutes left and I want to make sure I don’t make a mistake.

I have also been worried that in order to ensure the existence of the anchor, I must tell another person my secret.

But it's hard for me to trust another person so unconditionally, which makes me feel very insecure.

At that time, I took a risk and told him everything, and then I went back and made him forget everything.

I gave it a try, and it did satisfy the conditions.

Because the moment he became the anchor, he did meet all the conditions.

And I've also said that my save time has nothing to do with the anchor.

But when there is no anchor, there is a huge risk for me to turn back, and I will be lost in the years.

This is more dangerous than having a problem during transmission and getting lost in space.

But luckily, you are here.

I would go back two days and immediately throw away my phone and other things that might be located.

Then use the power of the Rubik's Cube to leave China and start over with a new identity in Europa. "

When Wen Yan heard this, he was a little surprised. He now understood why the restriction was that the remaining life span was greater than sixty years.

More than 20,000 days...

Coupled with other descriptions of the prompt, it is said that this guy has no chance of failure ten thousand times.

It turns out that the prompt from the beginning is not an adjective, but it is really ten thousand times.

He silently equipped Pingbo.

It's not that he needs to consume sixty years of his life, it's just that the opponent's return time was two days ago, and when the limit is exchanged for one, it's only sixty years.

He began to understand somewhat.

When Mustache took the last sip of coffee and waved goodbye to Wen Yan.

Wen Yan looked at him and said one more thing.

"I hope you are born to laugh."

He blessed himself with a violent sun, and then made the Si Hai Ping Bo Seal with his right hand.

The title of the natural enemy of the water ghost has long been changed. He has also eaten his grandmother's offerings in advance, and this time he is full.

When he felt his surroundings for a moment, it seemed to fall into stillness.

Then everything around him seemed to disappear.

It was like he saw a corner of an endless river, and then in this corner, a wave rolled up and fell back.

When the wave fell again and the ripples were about to appear, he cast Flat Wave.

He made a seal with one hand and gently lowered it forward.

"Ping Bo."

He felt that he had burned away two days of his life, and the yang energy that had been blessed on his body began to turn into a price and began to be consumed.

The waves fell, but the ripples caused by the waves seemed to be smoothed by a pair of big hands, limited to the moment they started.

Apart from the spray, there was no impact.

The vision that Wen Yan saw vaguely disappeared, and everything returned to this cafe.

He stood there, holding Si Hai Ping Bo Yin with one hand, while in the opposite corner, on the table by the window, Mustache was still sitting there.

It feels like nothing has changed, but in fact, a lot has changed.

Wen Yan lost two days of life, and he also felt that his grandmother's buff was activated, and it was continuously activated.

If it weren't for this unreasonable and outrageous buff, he would have died just now without having to burn two days of life.

The mustache opposite him closed and opened his eyes, and everything around him remained unchanged, but he was very convinced that he had successfully gone back to two days ago.

No, it should be said that the entire world has not changed, only he himself has changed.

He felt that his physical condition was the same as when he set the return time point two days ago.

He was filled with shock and didn't understand how Wen Yan did it.

"Don't you like to laugh? Why don't you laugh? Do you not like it?"

Wen Yan looked at him and asked calmly.

Mustache's expression changed, but he still refused to give up and went back again, but this time, the result was the same.

He finally began to waver and became less confident.

He began to understand that if Wen Yan dared to come, he must be absolutely sure.

He finally understood why he had a feeling before that as long as he met Wen Yan face to face, nothing good would come out of him.

The first time he met Wen Yan face to face was now.

After trying it twice in a row, his expression began to become ferocious.

"So it's like this, use your life to exchange for the number of times I can return to gears. How much life span can you exchange for?

In order to ensure that no one knew my secret, I took risks and tried to erase the memory of my anchor.

Do you think you can suppress me now?

I would rather die, I would rather use up all the times I have to go back!

Do you think it's worth it to trade your life for mine? "

Wen Yan shook his head decisively.

“I don’t think it’s worth just a few days of life.

These few days are enough for me to do a lot of things.

It's just that you are a guy who can't be beaten to death and will turn back.

My mentality is completely different from that of normal people. If you don’t die, I will feel uncomfortable all over.

It was like being woken up by something falling on your face at night, grabbing it casually, and when you woke up, you found it was a cockroach.

Then it was like falling into a nightmare, repeating the process over and over again.

That feeling is not good at all.

Therefore, I think it would be better for you to disappear.

I once thought about catching you and turning you into a humanoid creature.

I even thought about what number to give you.

But later, a senior reminded me.

Those who play with luck and time will not have any good results.

Everything should return to the normal state it should be. "

Wen Yan saw that Mustache was not in a hurry to continue replying, and the other person's eyes began to glow with a hint of sober madness.

That's what a standard player should be like. I'm not afraid of death. Even if I die, I will make you feel uncomfortable to the end.

Mustache was able to successfully reverse gear, but it only affected his own body.

This was telling Wen Yan that what Mustache said just now was right.

He is now Mustache's only anchor.

Then, Wen Yan replaced Pingbo and replaced him with Luanshen.

From the original description, Chaoshen was used when the opponent lost their anchor.

He previously speculated that in this case, as long as the mustache dared to switch back, it would enter a dead gear state.

But when Mustache saw him and said the first words to him, he should have met the conditions for becoming an anchor.

Now Wen Yan feels that since the temporary ability is based on his existing ability and what he thinks.

Then, the usage of this temporary ability will not be limited to a certain usage.

Therefore, when Mustache was about to continue to retreat, he equipped Chaos God.

He then cast Chaos Shen on himself.

In disorder, add disorder, in chaos, draw chaos.

The moment he imposed Chaoshen on himself, he felt as if everything about him was in chaos.

And at this moment, the mustache returned to action.

This time, without Pingbo, he did not stay where he was.

But, his anchor, became disordered, became chaotic.

It was like an instant, and anchors were everywhere.

The wave that rolled back lost its direction, or in other words, had countless directions.

In an instant, with this disorder and chaos, it split into tens of thousands of parts.

Tens of thousands of small water droplets are like tens of thousands of rivers in an instant.

In every small river, there is a mustache and a gentle word.

In some creeks, the mustache from more than three years ago was still there, when he had not yet grown a beard.

In some rivers, there is a mustache from half a month ago, sitting in a coffee shop drinking coffee.

Time began to become chaotic, and he split into tens of thousands of parts. Then, some mustaches in the river began to die.

He was slapped to death by a tiger, killed by the evil priest in the cave, killed by himself who was eager for quick success, squeezed into a meat pie in a car accident, killed by the thunder ejected from the photo album...

When his former death began to reappear, he was no longer whole. He began to get lost in the years and began to fall apart.

But Wen Yan's trajectory was the same as before: he went to school and passed the exam at Decheng Funeral Home.

Then the day before I went to work, the turning point occurred.

He appeared in the stone forest and saw a damaged doctor's monument. He had no choice.

In the second river, the second Wen Yan instinctively ignored the doctor's stone tablet and moved on to the next one. He looked at it carefully for a long time and made no choice.

The same goes for the third Wen Yan.

Because of his practice, he has been trying and making mistakes on the edge of life and death.

Now faced with this choice, he will instinctively know that this is wrong.

He did not choose the stone tablet in front of him.

The fourth...the fifth...

In the end, after all Wen Yan and reading all the stone tablets, there was no choice.

Until the last Wen Yan, he found the last stone tablet that had not been selected.

Natural enemies.

He chose this.

Just like what he felt at that time, he remembered that he had been to this stone forest many times, but he had never found one he was satisfied with.

I finally chose a natural enemy, but I am very satisfied.

Of course, he was dissatisfied with the sudden deaths of other professions. The only one he could find where all members died was the natural enemy profession.

It's just that among all the members, there may only be one person in total.

Some Wen Yan started working in funeral parlors, and some had no choice. They didn't meet the Soul-Eating Beast and failed the interview the next day. Then they started living their normal lives. Some opened restaurants, some opened noodle shops, some opened shops, and some started filming. Video, some started to learn how to write novels.

Wen Yan opened an authentic Guanzhong snack bar and met a customer with a mustache. The customer found fault and said that the authentic Guanzhong Roujiamo did not add green peppers. Wen Yan argued with him for a long time, trying to let him go. He understood that Guanzhong County was actually very big.

Wen Yan, who was driving at the funeral parlor, drove a hearse and passed by the corner of the street. A man with a mustache who was sitting there drinking coffee frowned slightly.

A Wen Yan who opened fire in the funeral parlor sent the client's mustache into the luxurious furnace.

Wen Yan, who returned to Guanzhong County and was filming a short play with others, met a man with a mustache dressed as an artist, and tried to trick him into making a guest appearance, which made it a bit unpleasant.

One by one with gentle words, they began to meet each one with a mustache, either passing by each other, or having trouble...

After Wen Yan and Xiao Hu came into contact once, they began to drift apart.

When the years passed and Wen Yan finished his work for the day, either getting off work or closing time, and started to go home, the falling river began to fall.

One by one, they started to go home with gentle words.

They fell down the small river, fell into the big river again, and followed the guidance in their hearts to find their way back.

The first Wen Yan came to Chen Cangzhou for a trip on a whim, and on this day, he walked into this cafe in Chen Cangzhou.

This small river also ended up in a state of disorder and chaos, and was led into the big river, returning to order.

But the mustache in this creek is lost in the past.

The second time Wen Yan returned to Guanzhong County to visit friends, he came to Chencangzhou, and on this day, he reappeared in this cafe.

The third Wen Yan came to Chen Cangzhou to purchase some medicinal materials and also came here on this day.

One by one, when the thought of going home arose, they would no longer be lost. They all arrived here on this day by chance.

As the river falls, one by one Wenyan is like a phantom, walking back from the years and reuniting one by one.

And every return of Wen Yan represents a mustache, completely lost in the years and never coming back.

One after another, countless phantoms invisible to others came out of the void and merged into Wen Yan.

And above that big river, countless small rivers began to converge.

As more and more people returned, the disorder and chaos gradually dissipated, and the remaining Wen Yan began to regain some consciousness and memory.

One of the times was more than ten days ago when Wen Yan found the mustache in this creek.

He sat down opposite Mustache and stretched out his right hand. Power flowed in his right hand, and he told Mustache.

"You have put so much effort and trouble, trying to cultivate Taoism and practicing martial arts, but you have achieved nothing. In fact, it has nothing to do with your talent, because you have no awareness. This awareness is your inability to think about yourself. Maybe a really dead guy will never understand.”

The light flowed on Wen Yan's right arm. He turned his right arm over and continued.

"You still want to do something, and you still want to look for opportunities over there, but have you ever thought about it? In fact, the opportunity is right here, but you can't find it at all, and you have never been prepared. When the opportunity appears, You’ll find you’re not qualified at all.”

After saying this, Wen Yan turned around and left, disappearing amid the mustache's crazy doubts.

Wen Yan began to know a little more.

Gradually, more and more Wen Yan returned.

When he gave the last gentle words, took a step forward, returned to this cafe, and integrated into his body, the river regained its calm.

And the countless mustaches that have been lost and fragmented in the past few years have gradually reached the time to start to turn back due to various reasons.

Except for a few who retreated due to various reasons, the remaining nearly 10,000 times were all surrounded by the Lieyang Department and killed.

Tens of thousands of rewinds were completely exhausted by nearly ten thousand mustaches at once.

The ripples he brought were like small water droplets in the mist, spraying into the river, and were wiped away by the river in an instant, disappearing completely.

All the beneficial and negative influences were assimilated and smoothed out, as if no matter how disgusting the mustache was, it was of no use after struggling for so long.

Wen Yan was not lost. He straightened out his own chaos and disorder, smoothed the waves of the river, and then returned.

His closed eyes slowly opened.

Now, he finally remembered why he felt like he had been to that professional stone forest many times when he was choosing a career.

Because, he has really been there many, many times, no matter how he went, he remembered the feeling.

From now on, those small rivers have all merged into the big river and have no more branches.

Wen Yan looked at his condition.

"Get additional temporary buff: Immortality (limited to 24 hours)

Your health will not drop below 20% before the additional temporary buff disappears.

Note: There may be certain powers or abilities that can remove temporary buffs.

Time remaining: 19 minutes. "

He raised his head and looked at the corner of the cafe. The protective cover still hadn't disappeared.

In other words, less than five minutes have passed here.

But in fact, in the years after the split, the 24-hour buff was cut down to only a dozen minutes.

Fortunately, his prediction was not wrong, he was not lost and could return.

Now he was very sure that this was the correct use of Chaos God.

There is no need to waste your lifespan to trade with the other party.

After burning his life for several days, Wen Yan felt that he was at a loss.

Wen Yan looked inside the protective cover and saw that the mustache had disappeared.

However, his clothes and everything were still in place, and all his belongings were also there.

Only the person completely disappeared, he was split into tens of thousands of parts, and was submerged by the years.

He took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Although it took a lot of time, the result is pretty good. I leave the rest to you."

"It's good that you're fine. You've worked hard and have a good rest."

Wen Yan waited for a minute, the protective cover disappeared, and he came to the seat in the corner.

Picking up Xiaozi's cell phone, he entered the password he had obtained during the years of separation with ease.

Then he sent the number of the recent call record to the head of the headquarters, and he didn't need to worry about the rest.

This number belongs to another of Mustache’s subordinates.

As for whether there were other subordinates, there were indeed some, but they were all used by Mustache as consumables and consumed.

In the end, the only ones left with mustaches were the second-week players and the doll makers.

And the last guy codenamed Tufuzi.

Wen Yan picked up the bag and the first thing he saw was the photo album inside.

He stretched out his hand and touched it, and a prompt was immediately given in front of him.

“Paris Photo Album.

The holder can peek into the place where he wants according to his thoughts.

The screen will appear in the form of the photo.

Note 1: If you are discovered while peeping, the photo may be turned into a temporary passage.

Note 2: Frequent use will aggravate the user's desire for voyeurism.

Note 3: For past holders, the mortality rate is 100%. "

When Wen Yan saw these three consecutive attentions, he decisively gave up the idea of ​​opening the photo album.

He picked up the blue and white deer ornament again.

"Malicious guidance ornaments.

Any slight malice will be keenly detected and the direction will be pointed out.

Note: Being too sharp is not necessarily a good thing. "

Wen Yan opened the bag that Xiao Hui always carried.

Except for the Rubik's Cube that has disappeared, there are actually several things inside.

He casually took out something that looked like a trophy.

"Holy Grail of Immunity (One of the Three Holy Grails)"

"Every 180 days, enough strength will be accumulated. After accumulating full strength, when encountering a fatal blow from 1.89 meters away, a protective shield with a diameter of 1.89 meters will be propped up, which will be immune to all external damage for five minutes. "

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