I am your natural enemy

Chapter 282 Players’ natural enemies, please bear with them first (5k)

In addition to this, there are three other things that are strange objects.

Wen Yan counted a multi-faceted seal and found that it had twenty-eight faces, fourteen of which had inscribed text.

"Approval seal.

There used to be many people and many families whose fates were tied to this seal.

Those who hold the seal can have fourteen identities.

Note: When there are identities with lower hatred values, there must be some identities with higher hatred values. "

One was quite rough in workmanship and irregular in shape, and had a gold coin with a symbol he didn't recognize on it.

“Curse the gold coin.

Originating from an ancient civilization that has been lost to time, this is the key to opening the door.

Note: The holder will be cursed by drowning if he enters the ocean. "

Wen Yan was silent for a moment. He didn't know whether this curse was more powerful or his evil-relieving Shuiguanlu.

He continued to look at the third strange object that would prompt.

This is a key that looks like an ordinary A-level lock. Generally, locks with this kind of key have poor anti-theft performance.

Because Wen Yan had suffered this kind of loss earlier and knew it very well.

"Locksmith's key.

This key is ordinary. Unless it is in the hands of a locksmith, it can open some doors that cannot be opened normally.

NOTE: The door needs to have a lock. "

Apart from these three things, nothing else can trigger prompts.

Wen Yan felt that other things might also be rare items, but their effectiveness might be a bit limited and they would not pose any threat or benefit to him.

He put these things away again, but it was a pity that the Rubik's Cube was transported to nowhere.

Wen Yan really likes the Rubik's Cube that can be teleported, and he also roughly understands how to use it. It should be to restore the Rubik's Cube and then teleport.

It may not be very useful in emergencies, but it's good to save time on the road.

He found an empty seat and sat down by himself. There was no one in the cafe. Before he was ready to take action, the only barista here who made coffee was also contacted by the Lieyang Department's acquaintance and lured him away.

Wen Yan came to the counter by himself, cleaned the powder bin, added ground coffee powder, and made himself a cup.

After taking a bite, he sighed. Sure enough, the wild boars were not used to fine chaff, and then he started adding milk and sugar.

He sat on the sofa, resting quietly to relieve his fatigue.

Countless information seemed to be stuffed into his mind, and he began to be confused as to which one was real and which one had not actually happened.

After drinking a cup of coffee, he felt less uncomfortable in his head.

It is indeed difficult for people to sort out nearly ten thousand different experiences. The confusion caused by the confusion of time makes him feel like he has had ten thousand different lives.

Even if the difference was only in the past few months, it still gave him a headache, and he did not dare to casually explore the information that might be left there.

I can only figure it out slowly later.

There are not many things that he can figure out clearly now, only the lock screen password of Mustache's phone and various passwords that he has deliberately searched for.

And then there are the ones related to Mustache's men.

More can only be figured out slowly.

As for the additional benefits, it may be that I learned some life skills inexplicably.

For example, how to make coffee, how to braise the meat required for steamed buns, how to make noodles, how to connect pr tubes, etc...

After drinking a cup of coffee, Wen Yan's confused head gradually began to calm down.

A new prompt appears.

"When you entered the game as a person, the core players were split into nearly ten thousand parts, submerged in the years, fragmented, and completely disappeared.

You add disorder, you add chaos, but you lead disorder and chaos towards order.

Under the current order, the core professions of the player system have disappeared.

Obtain title: Player's natural enemy. "

"Title: Player's natural enemy.

This title comes with a basic passive effect: Fearless (the heart will not be shaken by any form of fear)

Basic passive effect: Gan Emperor (concentration increased, energy consumption greatly reduced).

Wearing this title will provide 100% suppression, 100% real damage, and 100% immunity to players.

There is a 21% probability for players to trigger file deletion.

There is a 21% probability for players to trigger a forced reset to zero. "

"The current number of wearable titles +1."

"Jie Er Shui Guan Lu has gained an additional 20% progress, and the current progress is 49%"

"Acquire an additional 10% general blank progress (can be added to any ability you already own and have progress)"

Wen Yan looked at the large list of messages that had been refreshed and rubbed his head.

This time it really became a gold coin, and there was actually one more wearable title.

He immediately took the title of the player's natural enemy and immediately felt much better and his energy consumption was greatly reduced.

The other effects of this title don't matter. The two passive basic effects are quite useful.

Next, the liver-blasting practice will improve your efficiency a lot.

As for the progress of Jiehe Shuiguanlu, he had no intention to read it now. He felt that his head hurt, and all kinds of information were bombarded, and it was a mess.

Moreover, Grandma's buff is still continuing, proving that he is still at risk of dying.

He called Feng Wei, then went to the barren tomb. He walked out of the barren tomb for ten minutes. After walking out, he returned home, ate some more of his grandmother's offerings, then fell on the bed and fell asleep.

In the dream, he was still sleeping, and his grandmother's figure appeared. She sat on the edge of the bed, stretched out a hand, and gently stroked Wen Yan's head, feeling helpless and tired.

"You really caused a big incident.

If you hadn't attracted the whole heaven, if you did the right thing, everyone would be willing to support you, I would have almost failed to hold on.

You did a good job this time, don't do it again next time. "

Wen Yan slept soundly and felt nothing. It was just a temporary buff on his head. The time was updated to 24 hours.

Wen Yan was lying on the bed, sleeping soundly, while on the other side, the subsequent events began simultaneously.

In Hong Kong City, the newly moved neighbor next door to the doll master's house, with a team of people, silently captured the doll master who was still lying down.

Because the doll maker still has dolls scattered around, who knows what the consequences will be.

The first step is to give him a baby-like sleep.

On the other side, through Mustache's mobile phone communication records, all the people who have been in contact with him and who have the slightest suspicion will be controlled.

The guy codenamed Tufuzi was operating in the Qinling Mountains. As soon as he emerged from the ground, he saw a dozen drones floating above his head.

In his camp, all his accomplices had passed out, and more than a dozen members of the Lieyang Department surrounded the place tightly.

Tufuzi didn't say anything, and the people from the Lieyang Department didn't even give a routine shout, so they just put Tufuzi down and took him away.

In addition to the fact that Mustache has the back file, these people's information is exposed and they are already dead when they are locked.

It's just that if you don't solve the core first, it will be useless if others catch it.

Within an hour, more than thirty Ah Piao, a few monsters, and more than sixty people were all taken away and dealt with as they should.

There was a commotion outside, but it had nothing to do with Wen Yan. Feng Yao came later and heard that Wen Yan looked very bad after he came back. He fell asleep and still hasn't woken up. Feng Yao said nothing. explain.

Wen Yan was still sleeping, and the title of player's natural enemy began to take effect, and his energy recovered quickly.

In his dream, he began to receive some of the experiences gained after splitting into ten thousand parts and sort out the useful information inside.

He slept all day long. When Feng Yao came for the second time, he heard that Wen Yan hadn't woken up yet, so he reported the news to the headquarters commander.

The head of the headquarters has seen the records of the atomic clock. The atomic clock is almost useless. In those few minutes, it would beat dozens of times every second.

He talked to the Heavenly Master on the phone, and the Heavenly Master said that it was extremely unnatural for people to be alive.

Even if the Heavenly Master goes there in person, there will be no better results.

What the old Heavenly Master can do is just open an altar and practice, and then make the most of the connections in the Heavenly Master's Mansion.

The old Heavenly Master uses himself as the base, pulling the entire heaven, as the anchor of gentle words.

Because heaven cannot be swept away by the retaliation.

Moreover, Wen Yan has a standard heaven-given treasure in his hand, which is unique.

These are all threads, the threads that hold Wen Yan.

Nowadays, people can come back on their own, but they are exhausted and fall into a deep sleep. This is the best result.

The head of the headquarters did not ask any more questions, and even the members of the Lieyang Department who dealt with the cafe did not ask about matters related to Wen Yan. Everything was handled according to the standard aftermath procedures.

At the edge of the sea of ​​clouds, the old Heavenly Master finished the ceremony, sat on the futon, and sighed.

"The changes brought about by the resurgence of spiritual energy have finally begun to affect the heavens. Unexpectedly, they started from the water department.

For thousands of years in China, the most difficult part has to do with water.

Unexpectedly, in the new era, the first advantage is related to water. "

The old Heavenly Master turned around, looked at a purple-robed Taoist who came up from a distance, and gave instructions.

"Take ten Lingbao Pills, plus a pot of Zhuanghuangya Pill, and send them to Wen Yan."

"Yes." The purple-robed Taoist responded first, and then asked softly: "Master Tian, ​​there are only twenty spiritual treasure pills left in our sect, and there are ten more, which are prepared for the Luotian Festival at the end of the year. Yes, Huang Ya Dan, this year’s supply is almost used up, the last pot of top quality is reserved for you, Heavenly Master.”

"Then give me the best."

"Yes." Although the purple-robed Taoist was puzzled, he knew that the decision made by the Heavenly Master must be reasonable.

The old Heavenly Master looked back at the sea of ​​clouds, looked at his right arm, and thought to himself, it’s nothing to give something away.

Regardless of what he has learned on his own, he owes more than just favors.

Fortunately, he did not learn the entire right arm. The most critical right hand was still defective.

Otherwise, he would really have to become a master now in order to be worthy of his Taoist heart.

At night, around twelve o'clock, Wen Yan slowly opened his eyes, yawned, and sat up from the bed.

On the bedside table, there is still a glass of boiled water and two snacks.

Wen Yan looked at the temporary buff that was still continuing on his body, then ate two snacks and drank some water.

He walked downstairs and was cooking. He stole a small flame to light the fire. It flew over with a whoosh and landed on Wen Yan's shoulder. He grabbed Wen Yan's hair with his two small hands and didn't know what he was talking about.

The little zombie also flashed and appeared in Wen Yan's arms, holding Wen Yan and making noises, his little face full of worry.

Then, the sparrow cat also flew over and landed on Wen Yan's shoulder. Chen Qimo hugged Wen Yan's arm beside him. In the blink of an eye, Wen Yan's body was covered with pendants.

"I'm fine, I'm just a little hungry. How long have I been sleeping?"

"It's almost a day and a night." Chen Qimo was still a little worried.

"Sir, please sit down for a while. The supper will be ready soon." The butler stuck his head out in the kitchen.

After a while, the dining table was filled with people, everyone was still eating their own thing, and everyone was eating something.

Wen Yan had a full meal and slumped on the sofa to eat. He felt as if his whole body had come to life.

The top-heavy feeling also dissipated.

He checked the things he had obtained again. The bag containing the rare items was just thrown on the sofa casually, and no one touched it.

Wen Yan closed his eyes and stroked his fingers again.

Everything else is easy to talk about, so there is no need to hesitate, but the 10% general blank progress needs to be carefully considered.

The current progress of Lieyang is 63%, and blessing on Lieyang is the most profitable.

Moreover, the higher the progress, the higher the value of this 10% general blank progress.

Wen Yan thought about it and decided to endure it.

It feels like such a waste to use it now.

The way to obtain progress is entirely up to him to explore by himself, and every time he greatly increases the progress, it is very difficult and dangerous.

He estimated that the higher the progress, the more difficult it would be to obtain progress.

If it's not necessary, just endure it for a while.

Then he took a look at the progress of solving the E Shui Guan Lu.

This time, the progress was directly improved by 20%. At first, Wen Yan was a little surprised as to why he had achieved this progress, but after thinking about it carefully, there seemed to be nothing wrong with it.

"Relief of Disaster Shuiguanlu (Current Progress: 49%)"

"Inherent characteristic: Never drown."

"Current effect.

Blessing: You can bless other creatures to avoid drowning without opening an altar, allowing them to breathe freely in the water (the effective range is increased).

Affinity: You have a very high natural affinity for any water-related artifacts, secret techniques, treasures, talismans, etc., which can make your practice twice the result with half the effort (improved effect).

Deep Sea: You can rely on your physical body to walk in the 490-meter-deep sea. It can automatically balance the internal and external pressure, and is greatly immune to the damage caused by rapid changes in pressure difference.

Smooth Waves: You have the power to calm waves. The range and amplitude of the waves can be calmed, which is directly related to your own strength, buff bonus, etc. "

Wen Yan took one last look at Pingbo. It was quite different from the previous description of the temporary ability.

He sensed it carefully and almost understood that the reason why it was so powerful last time was probably because the extra buff bonus was a bit too much, and it was a bonus that he didn't know about.

He picked up the phone and saw Feng Yao's message.

Feng Yao said that he had been here twice and would call back when he woke up. Of course, there was nothing urgent.

Wen Yan looked at the time and estimated that Feng Yao was still asleep at this point.

I dialed the phone and sure enough, the call was connected in less than a second.

"Hey, how are you?"

"I'm fine, I just feel a little heavy in my head. I'll be fine if I take a nap."

"Someone has been arrested here, the headquarters commander said, let me tell you."

"Who did you catch?"

“In addition to the doll makers and local masters, dozens more were arrested, but of the remaining dozens, not many could be sentenced to death.

They are all not deeply involved, they started doing something for money, and they don’t know much about the inside story.

Of course, when sentencing someone, they look at behavior, and what they think is not very important.

There are also some Ah Piao who are also involved in some things.

The only troublesome thing is that a group of tomb robbers organized by the Tufuzi dug a crack in the Qinling Mountains. "

"Huh? Is that the crack in my understanding?"

"Hey, that's right, that's it." Feng Yao sighed.

"That local master is considered a talented person. Not only does he have a good family background, he also went to the Department of Archeology.

By his own efforts, he was able to reach a judgment that was almost the same as the research and judgment of the Lieyang Department.

Moreover, he was lucky and found the crack in the ground first.

The last time Ah Piao ran out of the crack, he just caught almost everything, but he hasn't finished it yet.

This time, I don’t know what the hell is coming out of.

When the crack was dug out, all the tomb robbers present were drained of their blood and died. "

"Zombie?" This was Wen Yan's first reaction.

"Probably not, our people dug out the buried mummies.

My description may not be very accurate. To be more precise, it should be that he died after being sucked dry of all the water in his body.

Just as the water was sucked dry, the blood all over the body was also sucked dry.

We examined the mummies and found only a very small amount of red blood cells remaining in the blood vessels.

And I don’t know if it’s Ah Piao or something weird.

The Qinling Mountains are a bit big and difficult to search.

Using drones alone can, at most, only search the surface.

The complex environment there makes it a bit difficult to search the underground completely, and the manpower is completely insufficient.

Therefore, Guanzhong County is ready to start cooperating with Prince Zhu. "

"Recruit Ah Piao?"

"No, let's consider it as outsourcing. In the trial stage, we will be very careful about the identity and organization."

"Is there nothing wrong with me?"

"It's okay. The head of the headquarters said that after all, these things are considered follow-up and I need to tell you. If you want to see those people, you can come, no problem."

"anything else?"

"No, I shouldn't ask about other matters. The head of the headquarters also said that no one is allowed to say anything."

Wen Yan looked at the bag on the sofa. Come on, this means that any trophies Wen Yan has are his own by default, and others are not even allowed to ask about the process.

"Do you know what happened?"

"It's not very clear. I just know that it is a very troublesome matter that requires personal intervention by the head of the headquarters. Don't tell me. You don't care, but we are disciplined."

"Okay, I'll take some time to meet that guy nicknamed Tufuzi."

Just as he was about to hang up the phone, Wen Yan thought of something.

"I want to visit some places that may be more sensitive, is that okay?"

"Just say it, if I don't have the authority, I will ask the headquarter commander."

"I was watching the news before, and there was new progress in the experimental project of artificial sun. I want to take a closer look when it is ignited next time."

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