I am your natural enemy

Chapter 283 Suppression of the Detention Center, What’s His Name? (5k)

After continuing to chat with Feng Yao for a while, Wen Yan hung up the phone.

Feng Yao had to report to the headquarter about going to the experimental base. Wen Yan's request had to be communicated by the headquarter.

Because Wen Yan could get as close as he wanted. From what he meant, if he could get in, he would want to get in when the fire was lit.

If it could be done, Wen Yan would of course want to get in directly.

It's a pity that in that extreme high temperature and high pressure environment, Wen Yan might not even be able to withstand the buff.

In fact, he didn't have particularly high hopes for this, he was just giving it a try.

Maybe after seeing it up close and feeling it for yourself, we can make some progress or two.

No matter how much, as long as there is progress.

According to his past experience, this method of increasing progress should only have one chance.

He wanted to try various methods. He would first push Lieyang's progress to 90%, and then add the 10% general blank progress to 100%.

Originally, he planned to use it after reaching more than 90% to see if it could exceed 100%.

But then I thought about it, among all the titles, the highest data given is 100%, and 80% of them cannot exceed 100%.

63% to 90%, which is only 27 short. Think of more ways, try more, and give me a push.

After waking up and eating a midnight snack, Wen Yan couldn't fall asleep again. The effect of the player's natural enemy title was very obvious. He felt very energetic, so he could only continue to practice in the backyard.

Wearing the gray cloth, stood in the backyard and continued to practice. The right arm was completely constructed, and the next step was the left arm.

In the book given by the Fourth Master's uncle, most of the sealing techniques require both hands.

He didn't know how many of the seals in it were useful, but based on his current experience, some of them could definitely be used.

As long as one of them is useful, it is equivalent to having one more ability effect. No matter what it is, there is no loss.

After starting his practice, Wen Yan was the first to experience the title bonus effect this time.

He will not feel fear, and his heart will become firmer and sharper.

The effect of the Liver Emperor will make him become more focused when he concentrates on one thing, and his energy consumption will be greatly reduced.

When I engaged in this kind of high-intensity trial and error practice before, two hours a day was enough, and I would feel mentally exhausted after three hours.

But this time, he practiced from midnight to dawn in one breath. After six hours, he felt that it was not bad. Proportionally speaking, he felt that he could last another six hours before he would feel tired and needed to stop.

Presumably, it was probably 12 hours instead of the original two hours.

The energy consumption is only about one-sixth of the original, which is indeed a significant reduction.

Gray Bu has now learned well. When working, he works first. When he really can't hold on, he absorbs some Yang Qi.

There is no shortage of food, and it can even be said that after every time I am full, the feeling of being hungry when I see food disappears.

Wen Yan's high-intensity exercise, gray cloth is also equivalent to high-intensity practice. Only a few days have passed, and the texture of gray cloth has become more and more delicate, giving it the feeling of high-count satin.

The feeling that was originally gray and gray, like rag strips, is gradually disappearing, at least the threads on the edges have disappeared.

It was getting daylight, and the housekeeper had already started to get up to make breakfast. The students at home had to go to school, and the sparrow cat kept getting up, eating breakfast and continuing to sleep.

Over time, everyone in the family developed the habit of eating breakfast.

Oh, except for the gray cloth.

According to Wen Yan's practice frequency, he looked at the gray cloth every time and couldn't eat it.

After breakfast, Wen Yan moved his body and continued reading.

He was more efficient than before and practiced for a longer period of time. His left arm made rapid progress. In just six hours, he completed the development from the shoulder to the middle of the biceps.

It is speculated that if you maintain the intensity today, you can reach your wrist in three days. If you go all out, two days will be enough.

It is estimated that it will take about five days to complete the development of the entire left arm.

The efficiency is much higher than before.

Wen Yan was looking forward to what things would be available after he completed the left arm development and could be incorporated into his own practice.

If he can't practice Taoism, it won't hinder him from learning something.

Wen Yan began to experience the happiness of the Gan Emperor.

When the sun rose, Feng Yao called him and said that if he wanted to see the native master, he would be available in half an hour.

Wen Yan agreed and moved people to clear the way.

Going down to the Underworld, I looked at the Underworld Soul Lanterns standing on the Underworld Road, as well as the street lights that were always on here. I looked carefully and found that the road to the Underworld was still getting wider.

This time the width is even more obvious than last time, and a lane is about to be widened.

The unconscious A'Piao who were originally densely packed on the underworld now seem a little sparser than before.

Wen Yan was not in a hurry to leave. The other side of the intersection below Lao Zhao's house was the most obvious expansion. Wen Yan always felt that a new intersection was about to be expanded.

From the original three-way intersection, it became a crossroads.

Write this down and look at it later to see if we can install surveillance cameras at the intersection.

Coming out of the temporary deserted grave intersection, we were not far from our destination.

This is not an ordinary detention center, it is a special detention place specially used to detain professionals, monsters, ghosts and other aliens.

Feng Wei and Tong Si did not dare to get close. The outermost perimeter of the detention center, which extended for one kilometer, was the area of ​​suppression. It was obvious that strong people had taken action here and left something behind. For aliens, the pressure was particularly heavy.

Wen Yan called and someone came to pick him up immediately.

When he stepped one kilometer outside the detention center's outer wall, he finally saw the first prompt for a certain location.

"Suppression of the Detention Center."

“The ashes of several demon-suppressing towers, demon-suppressing towers, and evil-suppressing towers that were burned were added as materials.

Assisted by the power of modern technology, based on the Taoist dungeon, it draws the earth's energy to build a new cage.

Within the scope of the suppression detention center, a series of abilities such as wall penetration, path opening, possession, mind control, transformation, and levitation will enter a banned state.

With corresponding special talismans, you can be immune to negative effects. "

"You have the Heaven-given Treasure, and the negative effects will be reduced by 50%.

When you use the blazing sun to bless the entire detention center, it will be blessed once and for all.

The negative impact of the detention center on you will be reduced by another 50% on the initial basis. "

Wen Yan raised his head and took a look. This was probably a big project.

If we regard it as a whole, with his blessing at the moment, I am afraid that he will not be able to bless such a large building complex.

In the end, they must be separated and blessed separately.

Otherwise, the apportionment will be too serious and there will be no effect at all.

It has no effect, and he won't waste time just for the remaining 50% of negative effects.

Do the right thing first.

He was taken into the detention center. He had very high authority. After entering, he only kept his personal mobile phone, and none of Lieyang's mobile phones were taken away.

He waited at the meeting place and checked the existing information first.

The previous incident was over, and the black box made for him had not been taken back. Wen Yan wanted to ask for information, but the black box was given to him directly.

According to the information detected so far, the crack in the Qinling Mountains has been there for an unknown period of time.

According to the information given by Tufuzi and other tomb robbers, cross-verification, and people from Lieyang Department, various samples were retrieved on site for testing.

The initial confession was actually not very reliable, and the crack may have existed for a long, long time.

Maybe this crack didn't appear in recent years at all.

Wen Yan carefully looked at the updated information, then looked at Tufuzi and other people's confessions.

All confessions were recorded without changing a word to prevent problems with understanding.

Through this way of saying things, there will also be professionals who can analyze a lot of things.

After looking at it, Wen Yan probably knew what the native master was thinking.

It should be that he planned to answer some questions today and some questions tomorrow to delay time.

Judging from the information obtained so far, the puppet master is definitely dead.

That guy's mentality was really as if he was controlling a character from a distance to play a game, and he didn't have any feelings about killing people.

The people who silenced and worked for them were all controlled by this puppet master. He had even mastered how to make people die normally.

Just like the guy at the beach last time, his death process was recorded by the camera. He was buried in the sea just to save a child.

All the information was disclosed and spread on the Internet, but no one knew that he manipulated people to commit suicide.

At present, the doll master has been brought back, and all the dolls have been recovered one after another. After completing the procedures, it may be time to go to the luxury furnace.

On the contrary, this local master has always played the role of a second-rate dealer who deals with exposed weapons.

Mustache told him where strange objects might appear and where strange objects might be buried. Then Tufuzi followed the "prediction" given by Mustache and tried to find a way to get rid of the strange objects first.

Tufuzi has always been very good at doing this.

This guy can even dig out a hole that is more than thirty meters long and only more than thirty centimeters in diameter.

By stealing a hole like this, he can accurately drive the hole into the tomb chamber where the owner's coffin is buried.

What's even more amazing is that this guy can really get in.

Even if someone discovered a burrow of this size, they would not think it was a burrow. They might even think it was left by some small animal.

Wen Yan looked at the information and probably knew what the problem was.

If this country man were sentenced normally, his crime would probably be to work as a craftsman for decades.

Considering that this guy is considered a gang member, even if there is no blood on his hands, he will probably receive a reprieve.

Considering that this guy is a tomb robber and there are other tomb robbers under his command, he should be judged as the leader.

By then, as long as other tomb robbers have blood on their hands, the leader will definitely take the blame.

He called Feng Yao and asked, and finally found out.

According to the opinion of the Lieyang tribe, this native master will most likely die.

This native master actually knows it, so he will explain something today and something tomorrow, and live one day at a time.

According to the regulations, he can really be stuck like this. As long as what he explains is valuable, he can live one more day.

Therefore, Feng Yao wanted Wen Yan to talk about it, because there were many things that Wen Yan knew clearly but others did not.

Let Wen Yan come and talk, and give this guy a little hope by the way, let him cooperate a little more, tell more information, and then go through the process to upgrade him to a luxury furnace for free.

After all, Wen Yan is not from the Lieyang tribe. Wen Yan can brag and say whatever he wants, but he will not represent the Lieyang tribe.

Of course, that country master didn't know this.

Wen Yan put away his cell phone and saw two tall, muscular guards escorting a skinny, shackled little monkey in from the door.

The guard pressed the little skinny monkey on the chair and smiled at Wen Yan.

"You can just talk, we'll go out first. If anything happens, you can press the alarm or call us, it doesn't matter."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Seeing the guard being so polite to Wen Yan, Tufuzi probably knew that the person coming was a big shot. He huddled up and looked thin, like a drug addict.

Tu Fuzi's eyes wandered around and he looked at Wen Yan carefully, and Wen Yan was also looking at him.

After a few seconds of silence, Wen Yan slowly spoke.

"Do you know that the boss you are talking about does not actually exist at all."

The Tufuzi was slightly startled and grinned.

Wen Yan also laughed.

"I find that you guys always like to laugh. I hope you can laugh again later."

Wen Yan rubbed his head and thought about it. He recalled what a man with a mustache said to the person on the phone when he met him in the tributary.

"Between eight and nine o'clock in the morning on the 12th, go to the Wangjiahe Shiling River. Your target is a very small deer ornament."

When Wen Yan said this, Tufuzi stopped smiling immediately, with a hint of shock in his eyes.

He didn't understand how the person in front of him could know that the exact words his boss said to him were accurate word for word.

"I've already told you that the boss you talk about doesn't exist at all. Everything is just your imagination. You have robbed many tombs and finally met a ghost."

"Who are you? Do you want to use this method to get me to explain things?"

"Me? I am nobody. My name is Wen Yan. Do you know me?"

"Decheng Wenyan, your name is spread everywhere in Apiao." Tufuzi's face froze and he immediately became serious.

Apart from anything else, he had to deal with Ah Piao quite a lot in terms of what he did.

Of course I have heard of Wen Yan.

There are two people in Decheng that need special attention. One is the Great Evil Star of Decheng. No one knows his name and no one knows what he looks like.

Because those who have seen it have only seen that the evil spirit and murderous aura are too strong, and the person has turned into a black shadow.

The other one is Wen Yan, who killed five big monsters in a row.

As a tomb robber, Tufuzi naturally needs to know this information and which places he cannot go.

Wen Yan looked at Tufuzi and thought to himself that the mustache must have never been mentioned to him.

"Since you don't believe me, let me ask you a question. Do you know the name of your boss?"

"Of course I know..." Tufuzi blurted out, but then, his pupils suddenly shrank.

He couldn't even remember his boss's name.

Even the image of the boss in his mind began to blur.

The face could no longer be seen clearly, and he couldn't remember what he looked like, only the way he was dressed.

"What did you do to me?!" Tufuzi was a little panicked.

"No one did anything to you, it's just that you were caught here. The environment here can block a lot of things."

"It's impossible, I don't believe it." Tufuzi's mentality exploded.

After he was caught, his main focus was to explain what should be explained, and not to explain what should not be explained, or to explain slowly, delay slowly, grind slowly, and earn money by living one more day. His boss is still there, so things will be done. room for mediation.

Wen Yan casually threw his cell phone in front of Tufuzi.

"My authority on Lieyang Department's mobile phone is quite high. It's 100% safe to check if there is this person. You can check it yourself."

Tufuzi hesitated for a moment and looked at the phone. He knew the goods and knew that the phone was definitely not fake.

He stretched out his hand and then retracted it, his expression changing.

“No one, including me, knows your boss’s name.

Are you sure you did these things under the orders of that so-called boss?

Or have you brainwashed yourself and created such a fictional character to get rid of the guilt?

Or maybe you have fallen into some evil trap, and you don't know it. After arriving here, you were suppressed by the environment here.

Do you know it yourself?

You don’t know, you don’t even know what is true and what is false. "

Tufuzi's mentality began to explode. He felt that his boss was omnipotent, unreasonable, and did not predict this day.

Since he wasn't reminded in advance, he didn't have to worry about anything and could go out later.

In fact, his mentality was very calm, and he actually explained some things just to make himself feel more comfortable here.

But now, Wen Yan told him that your biggest reliance did not exist from the beginning, and there was no such person at all.

And after he was exposed, the only image of his boss that remained in his mind was the clothes.

There was no name, no face, and all related memories began to become blurry and unreal.

His mentality finally began to collapse.

Because Wen Yan really didn't do anything.

He had heard about this detention center for a long time. He did not believe that someone could circumvent the suppression and monitoring here and do something silently, not only from the detention center, but also from him.

Tufuzi's eyes began to turn red, he was breathing heavily, and the shackles began to rattle.

The guard who was guarding outside immediately opened the door and came in.

Wen Yan waved his hand to indicate that it was okay.

The Tufuzi thought for a while and said.

"Can you check the surveillance camera at the entrance of No. 31 Zhuque Street, Juncheng, Guanzhong County two days ago, at two o'clock in the afternoon?"


Wen Yan controlled the phone in front of Tufuzi, and then placed the phone on the table.

At that time, the surveillance video showed people coming and going.

Tufuzi read it several times, but the person who was becoming increasingly blurry in his memory did not appear at all.

He slumped in the chair, completely depressed.

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