I am your natural enemy

Chapter 284 The big tomb suppresses evil, someone wants to rob the prison (5k)

Wen Yan is really not fooling the native master...

Because he really couldn’t remember what the mustache’s name was.

His impression of the mustache was only the outfit and the mustache under the chin. What the face looked like was all blurred.

When the mustache is torn apart due to the chaos of the anchor, scattered in the years, and after the number of returns has been exhausted, and then completely submerged by the years, as time goes by, his person will become more and more blurred.

Wen Yan tried his best to think back, and had a vague feeling that he didn't know the other person's name from the beginning, and only remembered the code name of a mustache.

He checked the information in the Lieyang Department and found no such person.

Does anyone remember his name?

Even Wen Yan began not to remember, his impressions began to blur, and all he could remember were specific things.

Wen Yan really didn't believe that anyone else could remember it.

Fortunately, this suppression detention center itself has some miraculous effects. Wen Yan is just the beginning, and the rest is left to the native master to think by himself.

Obviously, a guy like Tufuzi, who has some abilities and is very confident in himself, may not believe in others, but he will believe in himself.

Seeing Tufuzi's expression change, Wen Yan lit one for himself and threw a pack of cigarettes in front of him.

“Let’s talk, I’m not interested in you.

I just want to know how you found that crack.

What on earth came out of that crack.

If you walk along the river all year round, you should know that some things like A-piao are very difficult to deal with.

Don't think that people will let you go if you don't provoke them.

That's just what you think.

For you, the safest place is only here. "

Tufuzi was silent, lit a cigarette, took a long puff, and said.

“I actually don’t know if what I remember is true.

Have the people from the Lieyang Department also seen the tomb where the crack is located?

The murals show Tang-style costumes, but the statues of civil servants and their hats are typical Mingwu gauze.

Moreover, don’t the records on the stone tablets and the words on the carved beams also look messy? "

"Experts from the Lieyang Department gave a preliminary conclusion that it is suspected to be a tomb, which is doubtful." Wen Yan replied casually.

Tufuzi raised his head and smiled. Speaking of this, he seemed more confident.

“The experts in the Lieyang Department have two skills.

When I first started, I thought it was a tomb within a tomb.

A Tang tomb and an open tomb, buried in the same cave, one above and one below, one outside and one inside.

But after I looked at it carefully, I judged it based on my experience over the years and what I learned.

It is true that they are set tombs, but on a deeper level, they are both fake tombs.

It's only been one day, so the experts from the Lieyang Department probably haven't figured it out yet, right? "

"Yes, there is indeed no such thing in the records I see now." Wen Yan told the truth.

When the native master heard this, he raised his brows. It was like he had been scratched. This was the place he was most proud of.

After chatting for a few words, he no longer cared much about what was affecting him, and had no intention of going out.

One thing Wen Yan said was quite right. If his boss didn't exist at all, then he would just walk by the river all the time and finally got his shoes wet.

Staying in this detention center is indeed the safest.

“Qinling Mountains was originally one of the dragon veins of China, but now it seems that it is still the most important boundary.

According to my speculation, the original Feng Shui pattern of that tomb must have been different from what it is now.

The original tomb should be in the style of the early Tang Dynasty. Due to the Feng Shui pattern at that time, the tomb should be built to suppress evil spirits.

There was no owner in the tomb, and the crack was suppressed in place of the tomb owner.

Therefore, in the ear room next to the middle room, there should be tomb beasts living there.

Suppressing the only passage from the tomb's main chamber to the outside.

When I went to see it, there were still a few bones there. The tomb beast may have died hundreds of years ago. "

Wen Yan listened quietly and thought to himself, this guy really knows a lot.

With the professionalism of this guy, plus being the first professional to go down.

But the professionals who went down later couldn’t see many things. Without information, it was difficult to deduce some things.

In the Lieyang Department, there are really few experts who are very proficient in these things and understand aliens.

"Where's the back?"

"I looked at a lot of things in the second Ming tomb, and then checked the historical materials.

It is speculated that a major earthquake in Guanzhong County hundreds of years ago changed the pattern there.

The mountain there was lifted up, and the location where the crack was originally located sank a little.

Then, someone discovered this and built a tomb within a tomb.

It is also the tomb of Zhensha, using the crack as the owner of the tomb and suppressing it inside.

According to my speculation, that location was originally caught in the claws of the dragon and tightly sealed.

Later, it changed once, and some people wanted to break away from it.

But at that time, a certain genius set up a false grave without affecting the original structure, which was equivalent to expanding the cage.

Then he can continue to grab the crack in the dragon's claws and continue to trap it.

Unfortunately, time has changed and the situation back then is no longer in line with the current situation.

There is no way to hold back the cracks.

It’s not that I found it, it’s that it can be found.

Without me, there will be others, namely recent things.

I thought I was lucky before, but now I understand.

It’s because I’ve done too many immoral things and I’m helping others bear the blame. "

The Tufuzi let out a long sigh.

Wen Yan looked at the native master and was a little surprised.

"Your understanding of yourself is so clear that it's surprising."

“From the time I started learning these things, the first sentence I learned was: Tomb robbers will not die well.

Even before the spiritual energy is revived, this matter itself will face various risks.

I often walk by the river without getting my shoes wet.

After the spiritual energy is revived, the risk becomes even higher.

In addition, the book I got said at the beginning that robbing tombs damages moral character and harms luck.

This is the ability of dividing gold to determine acupoints and judging acupoints from the tomb. If you use it correctly, you will be righteous, and if you use it wrongly, you will be evil.

I couldn't resist the temptation and made one mistake at a time.

I have long thought about how I would die.

I just didn't expect that I didn't know how I might die.

I don't want to be killed by some strange person, and my death is unclear.

In comparison, I might as well have been imprisoned by the Lieyang Department and shot to death in the end, at least I would have died clearly. "

Wen Yan nodded. After all, he was a somewhat educated person, not a husband.

"You have been sober and understanding your entire life. You don't want to die without understanding, right?"

"Yes, if you finally figure out what is running out there, can you tell me before I die?"


"I have some information that I want to write down for you when I think of it."

"I'll talk to the correctional officer here."

When Tu Fuzi left, he looked back at Wen Yan.

"Is there really no boss?"

"I can tell you in front of the Patriarch, I really don't know his name or what he looks like, and I can't find him.

But I also remember that there seemed to be such a person.

And I can count the number of people who feel this way on my fingers.

Everyone else had no impression of this person at all.

This is an objective description, it’s up to you to judge. "

"Understood." Tufuzi nodded. He believed this sentence. Wen Yan accurately described his feeling. Since only a few people feel this way, it proves that there is indeed something affecting it. to them.

When Wen Yan was about to leave the detention center, he mentioned to the guard about Tufuzi's writing.

The guard reported it to his superiors and took care of the matter. However, according to the regulations, he had to control the entire process.

After talking about this, Wen Yan was taken to have another meal.

He was a little embarrassed. Thinking of the reminder he got when he came in, he offered to take him around.

Then, he began to divide the buildings, stretched out his hand, and blessed each building in the detention center with yang energy bit by bit.

With his discipline, he just watched and ignored the whole process.

He took Wen Yan to visit the entire detention center, including the secret dungeon underground.

There are many humans, monsters, and spirits imprisoned inside, and some cells are completely closed, so you can't see what is being held inside.

At this point, Wen Yan encountered the most frequent reminder.

After walking through the entire dungeon and blessing everyone with Yang Qi, he received more than 20 reminders, and this was when he could see who the other party was.

And among the more than twenty prompts, more than a dozen of them had temporary abilities.

I don’t know how much the Lieyang Department spent on catching these guys.

There are also those who are locked up in closed cells and cannot be seen at all, and are said to be more dangerous.

At the beginning, Wen Yan was still confused as to why the aliens who could be imprisoned here should bother to detain them.

The guard told him that it was quite normal for human professionals or non-professionals to be imprisoned, because the applicable rules were somewhat different.

But other types of crimes, as long as they are not mortal crimes, must also be clearly distinguished.

You can't kill them all at once, and set priorities. Otherwise, if you know that you will die, it will be easy to jump over the wall in a hurry.

If they had known that they had only been detained for a few years, then when they were arrested, most of the people with any sense would have squatted down and held their heads.

If the entries are clear, it will actually be more conducive to the overall stability. Sometimes, monsters commit crimes, and the monsters who commit crimes are even more inclined to surrender to the Lieyang Department.

Because if you are caught by a monster and the monster handles it internally, except for certain death situations, most of the time, the punishment will be heavier than that of the Lieyang Department.

Wen Yan followed this knowledgeable and kind guard and visited the entire detention center before receiving the reminder.

"The current negative impact on the environment has been reduced to 0%."

When he left the suppression detention center, the guards sent him to the door and said goodbye to him with a smile.

Turning around and returning to the detention center, a guard immediately approached him.

"Director, I have something to report to you. A strange alarm popped up on the monitoring device just now."

"The base's defense level has increased, exceeding the daily fluctuation limit, right?"

"Yes..." A hint of surprise flashed across the expression of the prison guard who came over, and he nodded.

"It's okay, it's normal."

The guard who showed Wen Yan around the whole time smiled and waved his hand.

As the director of the detention center, he has very high authority. When he heard that Wen Yan was coming, of course he came to receive him personally.

Of course, he didn't deliberately hide it, because he was both the director and the supervisor. He went to work every day and had patrol duties every week.

He was providing convenience and bringing food with him. Of course, he wanted Wen Yan to give him blessings.

But, he can't tell the secret directly, saying that I know that you control Lieyang and can bless many things. Can you bless our detention center?

I just didn't expect that Wen Yan was really good at being a good person and got the matter done without saying anything.

So he could understand what Wen Yan was doing when he stretched out his hand to touch, and he could also sense that the Yang Qi was like a glimmer of light, quickly covering the entire building. Of course he was happy to pretend not to understand.

Returning to the command center, he was completely relieved when he saw that the index displayed on the testing equipment was one level higher than the daily peak. It would even increase slightly as the sun gradually rose.

His authority here is very high, and the benefits are also very high, including family benefits. However, the pressure here is also very high. If something happens, he will not be able to survive.

With his authority, after learning about Lieyang, he had actually been looking forward to the stars and the moon for Wen Yan to come. Unfortunately, according to the rules, he could not contact Wen Yan directly using this excuse.

This time I finally found an excuse.

The director came out of the command room and took his things with him to find Tufuzi.

"Write whatever you want."

Wen Yan came out of the detention center and met Feng Wei and Tong Si in the barren grave.

The barren tomb closed again and they returned to the path before Tong Si spoke.

"I saw something just now. Something or someone came three kilometers outside the detention center.

I suddenly saw their aura. They probably came out of the ground or came through the underworld. "

"There are no barren graves over there, so we can't open a temporary intersection." Feng Wei added next to him.

"Then what?" Wen Yan asked.

"Then, the aura in the detention center suddenly started to get stronger. The yang energy was very strong, and the bigger the sun was, the stronger the yang energy there was. Those guys were lurking there. I guess they definitely didn't want to do anything good."

"Didn't you dare to say it just now?" Feng Wei asked in a low voice.

"Well, I saw the ripples of the sound. There might be something among them that can eavesdrop. I don't dare to say."

"Let's go back first."

When he got home, Wen Yan told Feng Yao and asked him to inform the guard at the detention center. It was best not to call and send a message directly.

Wen Yan didn't quite believe that someone would dare to rob the prison directly, but it was always right to be cautious.

Looking at the current sun, Wen Yan estimated that it was broad daylight and there would be nothing going on there, so he continued to bask in the sun in the backyard of his home and continue to eat.

You can live for 12 hours a day, but you can only live for six hours. That means you haven’t even completed your daily practice.

He stayed at home and continued to practice, leaving his cell phone aside. If anything happened, Feng Yao would call him.

On the other side, the director of the detention center personally watched Tufuzi writing. He received the message on his mobile phone. After taking a look, he began to make arrangements quietly.

After the Suppression Detention Center was built, it's not like we haven't encountered daring guys.

Especially some resurrected old antiques, they are really ignorant and bold.

He was not in a hurry to do anything, but the detection equipment did not give a warning, so he just waited. People who usually come to cause trouble would not come in the middle of the day. That would be purely seeking death.

When Tufuzi finished writing, the director looked at it, took pictures, archived them, and put those things away.

Return to the command room, check the surveillance, and find nothing. Then continue to mobilize the synchronous satellite overhead to check what the satellite captures.

Soon, a few kilometers away, I saw an extra hole on the ground, which did not match the photos taken before.

After confirming that Wen Yan did not leave from that direction, the small hole was marked.

The director looked at the hole, pondered for a moment, and pulled out some relevant files.

There are currently three types of demons that have been recorded and filed, and it is possible that they can dig holes and get so close to the detention center without triggering the alarm.

Immediately afterwards, the underground testing equipment provided by the detention center was activated according to the normal daily testing frequency.

Various equipment, from geological radar to sonar, are started and tested every day, and then compared with previous data.

The results of today's comparison show that there is no problem with accurate data within one kilometer, and there is no problem within three kilometers.

Three kilometers away, considering the error factor, there is actually no problem.

The director calculated the location of the inconspicuous small cave entrance, which was just over three kilometers away.

He picked up his cell phone and immediately contacted the headquarters director.

"Headquarters Chief, I got some news. I think the equipment in the detention center should be upgraded.

I have reason to suspect that after several previous situations, someone has tried out some data in the detention center.

Or, someone leaked some data. "

"Do you also think that someone is trying to rob the prison?"

"No, I think someone might be trying to escape."

After an afternoon of practice, Wen Yan felt that he had almost reached the stage of hard work. He felt tired, but not that tired, but like a gray cloth. He had been squeezed to the limit. After the practice, he felt like a rag. Collapsed on the ground.

While eating, I received a call from Feng Yao.

"In the big tomb in Qinling, something tried to sneak in just now. After being discovered, it was injured and escaped."

When Wen Yan heard this, he thought about it for a moment.

"It means that the people at the detention center may also be here for the Tufuzi?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

"When we caught him, all his belongings and where he stayed were packed and taken away immediately, right?"

"Yes, everything has been scanned three times, and no matter what it is, it has been taken away first."

"Is there anything else coming out of the crack?"

"I think it might not be the case. Looking at the situation, it seems that there is something here that wants to pass through the crack."

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