I am your natural enemy

Chapter 299 Server Domain, Blessing the Moon (5k)

In the early morning, Wen Yan came to the hospital and brought a box of Shuhua Milk to Fox Demon as usual.

This is mainly due to concerns about the plastic physique of the demon fox's new body. It is possible that he was given a critical illness notice due to lactose intolerance.

Today, the demon fox has woken up, been transferred to a general ward, and can eat on his own.

In addition to milk, Wen Yan brought her a bowl of wontons. She watched the demon fox eat it happily, as if he never chewed the food, but the demon fox himself did not feel that the appearance of eating affected his image.

Wen Yan probably understood that in Dahuang, her appearance might be considered elegant.

After the demon fox finished eating, Wen Yan sat beside the hospital bed, peeling an orange and asked casually.

"Are you conscious? Then I have something to ask you."

"You can ask whatever you want, and I will definitely not hide what I know from you." The demon fox answered simply, and showed a habitual smile with a bit of flattery on his face.

"May I have your name?"

Hearing this question, Yaohu was startled. She really didn't expect this to be the question.

She hesitated and said.

"My surname is Bai and my name is Jiahui."

"My name is Wen Yan." Wen Yan also introduced his name.

Just asking for a name made Bai Jiahui seem to relax a lot.

"I mainly want to ask you, who was the guy who was chasing you before you came here? What was his name? What are his characteristics?"

"That guy will definitely not make it."

"Don't talk too much. Have you ever thought before that you would come here in this way?"

Bai Jiahui thought about it seriously and shook her head.

She had never thought before that the legendary stories her elders told her were true.

Had she not been forced into a desperate situation this time, she would not have responded to that distant, ancient, and even very rough call.

As she expected, this summoning, even if it could help her reshape her body, had great flaws.

If Wen Yan hadn't saved her, she would have died.

Today's physical body is far worse than before. It may not be as good as a newborn fox.

She thought seriously, what if that guy could really come over?

“In the wilderness, you can’t just tell other people’s names, and you can’t just call other people’s names.

Surname, surname, first name, and character are the most intuitive positioning media.

Some things can be pinpointed to a specific person very easily through this.

Therefore, many things actually do not have complete surnames and first names.

I can't call him by name directly here, it may indeed lead him to the right place. "

"Canine, right?"

"His name does have the word for dog, but he doesn't look like a dog at all."

"What are the other words in the name?"

“It’s usually called Chi.

He is the natural enemy of the Fox Clan, and there is a feud between him and the Fox Clan.

My great-grandmother died in his hands.

On the full moon of that year, an emperor in Qingqiu fell to the ground, which was a rare event for the Fox clan.

Groups of foxes worship the moon, and many little foxes are born on this day.

Little foxes born from drinking the emperor's liquid will give birth to some rare geniuses.

It is also a rare opportunity to reverse the dilution of bloodline from generation to generation.

Our clan has not had a nine-tailed fox for a long, long time.

That year, the color of the world changed, and the end of the Dharma suddenly came. The original full moon took less than a meal at the beginning.

As that guy arrived, he was suddenly infected by the blood moon.

An ominous omen fell, and almost all the little foxes born on that day died in that battle.

That guy fought with my grandma, and both sides suffered losses.

My grandma Zuzu died after holding on for three days. The guy was also seriously injured and disappeared.

It wasn't until this year, when there was a clear trend of recovery, that guy reappeared.

He came to hunt me down, so I left Qingqiu in order not to injure others. "

Wen Yan listened quietly to Bai Jiahui talking about these things. He had made some guesses before, and it was definitely not an unexpected encounter.

Otherwise, Bai Jiahui would not have responded so decisively to the call, even giving up her body to come.

"anything else?"

"I am the only one of the demon foxes born during the short period of time that the full moon lasted that year who is still alive.

The rest were all killed by him.

If he kills me and devours me, he can complete an advancement and go one step further.

It was even more effective than him killing ten thousand other foxes.

As long as I ran away, he would definitely not waste time targeting other foxes.

Now that I'm here, he will definitely find a way to come over.

Although I can't imagine how he could come here.

There is no call, no signpost, just a path that is not a path.

That portal didn't belong to Qingqiu Hu at all, but to Tushan.

Although Tushan has been silent for many, many years, no news has been heard.

But not everyone can force their way there.

The dead dog would definitely not dare to go there, and he wouldn't be able to find the path if he did.

I just don’t know what method he is using now to extend his power.

He certainly wouldn't dare take any risks in the short term.

I had a summons and a road sign, and I came here at great risk.

If you cross that door, your body will be destroyed, that door.

He won't accept this outcome.

If his body is destroyed, it means that his future is cut off and his life's strength is wiped out. "

"I understand. Just have a good rest and don't worry about anything else. If you have any questions, just call me."

Wen Yan put down a mobile phone and taught Bai Jiahui how to use the mobile phone and make calls.

Bai Jiahui learned very quickly. She learned basic things like making phone calls very quickly. She didn't know how to type, so it wasn't a big problem. She could just write by hand.

Although the characters she learned are somewhat different from the ones she uses now, she has gained some knowledge from the sacrifices, so there is no problem in understanding them.

Wen Yan turned around and left, called Feng Yao and shared some information.

After he finished speaking, Feng Yao talked about other things.

“In the past two days, the Lieyang Department has had several big operations.

In the old forests of the Northeast, there is a demon king's lair. Unfortunately, it was blown up during the mine clearance operations in the military region there.

We from the Lieyang Department went to clean up the aftermath, but unfortunately we didn't find any surviving monsters.

But there were some things left in the demon king's lair that I didn't have time to clean up.

The nest was very stable and did not collapse in large areas, allowing those things to be preserved.

We found something that might interest you. "


“We found a little bit of clues in that server area.

The big demon there is one of the main sources of all kinds of rumors and slander against you.

When they publish things, they all borrow from the previous server field.

Unfortunately, his understanding of the Sun Division and modern technology is a bit superficial.

He thought that since the server field was there and would not be traced, everything would be fine.

It's a pity that their accents, word usage habits, reactions to troubles, etc. are all too unique.

The information they publish, the intelligence people in the Lieyang Department, and any new intern can determine where they come from.

After a little more investigation, even if you just read the text, you can locate the demon king's lair. "

"Hmm, does my sister have an accent series?"

"Ha..." Feng Yao laughed and said, "Although they are not the same, they are indeed similar in nature."


“These guys once had a lawsuit with the Lieyang Department because of a pig demon.

He protected the hurtful pig demon for a long time, but finally because the Sun Department found the audio and video on a device for observing wild animals.

Moreover, the Lieyang Department over there was already ready to send people to arrest him, so the demon king held his nose and recognized it, and handed over the pig demon.

Since then, he may have learned something and become more discerning.

Whatever important things happen later will be recorded and recorded.

What we found this time was in several hard drives.

Every piece of information that guy saved was backed up three times.

Our people reviewed the video, and there was a piece of information in it, which was a video of him talking to someone on the phone.

Among them is the server area that we have not found before.

We have also extracted the voiceprint of the person on the phone, but there are currently no results for comparison. "

When Wen Yan heard this, he thought about it for a while.

“Is being fruitless a good thing or a bad thing?”

"In a way, it's a good thing. At least it can eliminate all recorded AI sounds.

After extracting the voiceprint and comparing it with multiple tests, we can probably determine something.

The person on the other end of the phone should be a human, or a demon with a very high degree of transformation, or a very high-level Ah Piao.

There are not many of the latter two that can reach this level. It just takes some time and energy to investigate.

If it were a human, there would be some trouble.

But as a human being, there are also benefits.

That is, the other party must have social connections and an identity, and the chance of catching clues is actually greater. "

"I hope you can find out quickly. Is this guy just renting the server, or was he also involved in the previous things?"

"At present, it seems that he only rents servers and doesn't care what other people do. The rent he charges is also very special. It is not money or gold or other physical objects.

He probably needs living beings to provide something similar to computing power for the server field.

This is what the institute said, and I don’t know the details.

Wait a minute, I'll take the second line. "

Feng Yao cut the call, answered the call for a few minutes, and then came back.

"I just got the news. The research institute just found some clues after comparison.

After the Cyber ​​Underworld appeared before, some guys who knew about Underworld, or just knew the word but didn’t know what it was, wanted to chase the popularity.

We have created several games that are not explicitly called Netherland, but are gaining popularity on the side. "

"Uh, is there heat in Netherland?" Wen Yan was a little surprised. After Netherland appeared, the Lieyang Department began to control it. Not many ordinary people know about it. What's the popularity of this thing as a game?

“It’s true that there’s not much interest in it among the public, but there’s a rich guy who wants to play.

Play a free game and you can withdraw a few cents or a few dollars a day.

You can easily attract thousands of players to support Brother Fu's popularity in the server.

How much money can an average player earn? Out of 10,000 players, it would be a big deal if a thousand of them could charge up six yuan.

Wouldn't it be better to find a rich man and randomly collect hundreds of thousands or millions?

As long as there are a few rich brothers and some dog care, it is trivial to make more than 10 million yuan a month.

This way, the risk is lower and it is less likely to fall into the supervision of the Lieyang Department. "

"Tell the important point."

"The point is, someone in the research institute discovered that a game server that appeared at that time was based on the popularity of Hades.

A semi-finished service that was not officially launched in the end. Some of the style, habits, etc. may be related to that server field.

They followed it up and found some omissions on the other side's part.

The other party's server does not exist at all.

There are no addresses, servers, or hardware facilities.

But at that time, the semi-finished game was indeed briefly online for an hour.

Just this little thread has been caught, and it can be determined that it is directly related to the server field.

Our people have already started investigating offline.

At present, it seems that it is most likely related to people. "

"If there is a guy with this ability among monsters, you will have a headache."

Feng Yao sighed and agreed.

It's true in comparison.

Compared with bad people, some monsters are so bad that they are a bit innocent.

“One more thing, let me tell you, the person who leads your rhythm is also from the Fox Clan.

There is a Fire Fox, but I heard that yesterday his legs were broken by Granny Fox.

The face was swollen like a bun, and it was bruised.

Depending on the situation, it's easy to be fooled and be led around, and you'll have to do your own thing.

Why do you think this fox tribe always produces such stupid guys?

Now I wonder if the Fox clan has offended people from that time before.

They are written as cunning and intelligent, and look like cunning villains.

In all my years, I have never met anyone who is even smarter. "

Feng Yao complained, which immediately cheered up Wen Yan. He had really studied a lot of things recently.

“You have to look at it according to the circumstances of the time.

If foxes are so smart, what does it matter to you?

In the earliest times, foxes were neither clever nor cunning, nor even beautiful.

Collectively called wild fox spirits, they are just one type of monsters.

That was when a smart guy appeared in the Tushan clan, and his status suddenly changed.

I have read a lot of information in the past few days. In ancient times, when foxes had the highest status, they could be compared with dragons and phoenixes.

All of them can be directly engraved on utensils as auspicious signs.

That is to say, later on, the reputation gradually collapsed, and in the era of Lao Zhu's family, he became a vixen who brought disaster to the country and the people.

I guess there must have been a fox demon who offended Xu Zhonglin very hard at that time. "

"Who is Xu Zhonglin?"

"It's the one about Su Daji."

"Hiss... That must be a serious offence. I have heard before that the Su family's fox, Feng Ping, was killed and was forced to change his surname hundreds of years ago."

Wen Yan thought about it. According to the information he read, it seemed that it was around Pu Songling that the reputation of the fox demon began to reverse, and his character was completely different from before.

Wen Yan himself was secretly wondering whether Pu Songling secretly married a fox demon as his wife at that time. Otherwise, almost one-fifth of the hundreds of novels were related to fox demons.

What I prefer is that I don’t even act anymore.

It was rare for Wen Yan to spend time reading a book, mainly because it was really interesting.

He also felt that after thousands of years, the fox demons as a whole seemed to have been pulled down from their auspicious status on the altar and re-entered the category of ordinary demons.

In particular, Wen Yan has seen many fox demons himself, and indeed he has never seen a fox demon that fits the characteristics of cunning.

Sure enough, I still can't believe the book.

"If you have nothing to do over there, go to the crack in the tomb when you have time."

"What's going on over there?"

"The news I just got, the sound waves coming from over there, and the strange phenomena caused by them are compared.

Maybe it has something to do with your Thirteenth Patriarch of Buyeo.

Now that your fourth uncle has passed away, it seems to be really related.

I heard it's quite complicated. "

"Okay, I get it."

Wen Yan hung up the phone and couldn't help scratching his head. How many things did the Thirteenth Ancestor do back then?

Why do everything in the wilderness have something to do with him?

Wen Yan did not call and left Bai Jiahui in the hospital. Since her life was not in danger for the time being, Wen Yan was not anxious.

I went to the hospice care department, met with Gauss, and asked Gauss to help take care of the spot.

After turning his head and coming out, Wen Yan returned home and headed to Qinling Mountains.

When I arrived at Qinling Mountains, I saw the fourth master's uncle as expected. The fourth master's uncle had just come out of the tomb.

There were several things in his hands that he couldn't understand.

"Wen Yan, why are you here?"

"I'm here to take a look, Uncle Fourth Master, what's going on?"

"It seems to be really related to the Thirteenth Ancestor, and also to the Sixteenth Ancestor. I found some marks in the tomb, which should have been left by the Thirteenth Ancestor, but according to the archeology of the Lieyang Department, this tomb was built By that time, the Thirteenth Patriarch should be gone."

"That may have been left before. The construction of this tomb should take a long time."

"I have read the records inside the door, and there is indeed something mentioned. Some things seem to have been deliberately not recorded."

Wen Yan helped his fourth master uncle carry his things, returned to the house where he was temporarily stationed, and made tea to ward off the cold.

When there were no more outsiders, the Fourth Master's uncle sighed.

"Maybe it really has something to do with our Fuyu Mountain, and it's quite complicated."

Wen Yan poured tea and brought it to the fourth master's uncle.

"Speak slowly."

“What happened back then was actually quite complicated.

Especially in the year when the Thirteenth Patriarch died, there was also a Da Zhi who appeared, but his words were unclear.

I looked through the records, added Gantang's supplements, and some new books that Gantang had read recently, and there were some records in them that had never been recorded before.

It is said that before the Thirteenth Patriarch died that year, he was actually seriously injured and his life span was greatly reduced.

Because a strange beast came and stole the essence of the moonlight, the Thirteenth Patriarch forced the altar to open and at midnight, the sun rose strongly.

At the expense of his own lifespan, he blessed the moon with a blazing sun.

Then the alien beast was killed and wiped out.

Later, a stranger admired the Thirteenth Ancestor's feats and passed on some things to the Thirteenth Ancestor.

Among them is the original law of law enforcement.

That method was also known to the wife of the Thirteenth Ancestor at that time, and then there was the story of Da Zhi going west and turning eight hundred miles of yellow sand.

I came here and took a closer look. There were indeed the marks of the Thirteenth Patriarch and traces of the Sixteenth Patriarch's action.

I have compared some runes and they are basically consistent with the handwriting of the sixteenth ancestor left inside the door. "

Wen Yan frowned slightly when he heard this.

"It means that the monsters that are howling over there now and sending out sound waves may be from the same clan as those who came here back then?

Someone has already come over once, but was killed. Does that mean it is really possible for the other party to come over? "

"That's right. People have experienced it once before. If we try it again, there is really hope. I estimate that the guy on the opposite side is positioning himself. He summons a pack of wolves and other things, all for the purpose of positioning."

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