I am your natural enemy

Chapter 300: You are not born like this, I will deduct your food expenses (5k)

Wen Yan was not too nervous after hearing the words of his fourth master uncle.

Being able to chase down Bai Jiahui at her peak Six-Tails stage to the point of desperate measures only shows that she is indeed not weak.

But Bai Jiahui is obviously not the type with particularly strong hard power. Being stronger than Bai Jiahui at his peak does not explain much.

The most important thing is to look at the other party's abilities, level, etc. It's not too important.

The ones the Thirteen Ancestors encountered back then when they were competing in the peak competition were definitely better than the ones they have now.

According to Bai Jiahui, the coming of the Dharma over there is much more serious and intense than in this world, as if it started a cliff-like decline overnight.

With the revival of spiritual energy, there are indeed more things that can be revived over there, and they are indeed stronger.

The good thing is that the once powerful creatures will soon revive.

But here in the present world, it has been infiltrating for decades, opening up bit by bit, and gradually accelerating.

The advantage is that all creatures and things can adapt to this process, and the risk is much lower. The disadvantage is that it is difficult for the once powerful creatures to recover so quickly.

Think about it, the mythical creatures Wen Yan has seen so far.

Guilong King may be considered one, but among his peers, Guilong King is actually a younger brother, the kind who has not fully evolved into a blue dragon.

Tiger, you know, he's been beaten to death twice before.

Taotie Bar, split into five parts, weakened at an epic level.

The only Suicune who shouldn't have revived at this time was probably the one who stepped on the doorstep of Suicune's house when he came back from the River Styx because the blazing sun woke him up.

On the other side of the wilderness, Tong Si said that those legendary creatures, the Night Wandering God, had also been there a few years ago.

The progress is definitely faster than that of Dahuang.

However, no one is in the peak state they once were, so both sides have their own advantages and disadvantages.

According to Wen Yan's prediction, the dog trying to catch up now will definitely not be as good as the previous dog.

"Uncle of the Fourth Master, do you see anything else here?"

“The Sixteenth Patriarch left many things behind, and they are all recorded in the tomb.

Some of them specifically explain the things left behind by the Thirteenth Patriarch.

Fortunately, those melon-skinned tomb robbers are not very interested in things like murals and stone carvings that are difficult to pick up and sell.

Otherwise, nothing might be left behind.

The funerary objects left in this large tomb are of neither high nor low value. From the beginning, they were probably used to pretend that they had been stolen.

Even if tomb robbers came later and saw nothing of value, they would just think that they were too late.

The most valuable thing is actually that information. "

"What are they? Is there anything I can use?"

“There are some, you can take a look and learn from them later.

The most important thing recorded here is how to stimulate the power of the tomb itself.

As the spiritual energy revived, many of the powers of this tomb began to revive.

All it takes is a Taoist priest who can follow the instructions and follow the instructions to activate the power of the tomb.

You just need to understand these things. You need to open a forum to practice them, but you can’t learn them.

Later, there are some related things commented on by the Sixteenth Patriarch, including how to use Lieyang.

There are also some that are quite suitable for you. After I sort them out, I will teach you.

If you look at it yourself, 80% of the time you won’t understand it. "

"Oh..." Wen Yan responded honestly without refuting.

It's not like he hasn't read the original text of many things. He can understand 80% of it just by reading the original text, which is about right.

But just a few things that are missing may make his understanding of the whole article biased towards his grandma's house.

Ever since he started studying things like handprints and fingerprints, he had a profound understanding of what it means to be a thousand miles away from a slight difference.

He had better be honest and give up struggling. If he makes a mistake and wants to change it again, it will not be easy.

"What does this have to do with that dog?"

"The relationship shouldn't be very big. This portal should be related to the Tushan clan.

But what exactly happened that year is not very clear recorded here.

It has experienced earthquakes, displacement, construction of tombs, and changes to some things. Once it was completed, many things were damaged.

We can only be sure that that dog is a natural enemy of foxes.

There is a high possibility that this dog can come through this portal.

The fox, the portal, the dog, the tomb, the thirteenth ancestor, the sixteenth ancestor, etc., all of these are connected. "

As the uncle of the fourth master said, he took Wen Yan into the tomb and asked him to see it in person.

Wen Yan looked at the stone carvings that looked neat and not very badly weathered. Except for a few words, he could recognize them all, but together they made it difficult for him to read them.

There were the same problems with pronouns in it, which bothered him.

"This Zunzhi refers to a handprint, and it is transformed into an allusion.

It is said that the God who saved the suffering came into the human world and met many farmers who were trying to catch the sun at night with their lights on.

Then he pointed out the moon and illuminated the earth, so that many people who could not see clearly at night could see the earth clearly through the moonlight.

When the Thirteenth Patriarch blessed Haoyue, he should have used this.

This is why the Thirteenth Patriarch offended a lot of people, almost half of the water system of China was offended, and a lot of people were offended as well.

One of the reasons why he didn't offend any other monsters in the end.

There are many demons who worship the moon, and many demons need to worship the moon to gain wisdom and spiritual enlightenment.

The same goes for zombies. Zombies that absorb moonlight are more intelligent and peaceful.

Same goes for many Ah Piao.

Therefore, many monsters actually remember the favor of the Thirteenth Ancestor.

Moreover, there is one more thing, if the records left by the Sixteenth Patriarch are correct.

The blazing sun back then should not be able to bless almost everything as easily as it is now. "

Wen Yan was shocked when he heard this.

Is there such a thing?

He always felt that the blazing sun could bless almost everything.

He thought he was born this way.

Whether it is Ah Piao, a demon, or a zombie, there is no difference under the scorching sun.

But now that he was pointed out, Wen Yan turned around and thought about it.

His Yang Qi can evaporate and burn Ah Piao just like a normal warrior's Yang Qi.

But this kind of power can be used to bless Ah Piao and give him positive blessings.

Especially sometimes when it is blessed with Yang Qi that can definitely burn Ah Piao to death many times, it is still a positive blessing.

He really never thought there was anything wrong with it.

Thinking of Mingyue at this moment, he suddenly understood that there were times when he felt that some things were just the way they were born to be.

Even Lieyang has such a high level of popularity because someone did something.

The fourth master's uncle smiled and was very satisfied with Wen Yan's reaction.

He took Wen Yan to an ear room next to the crack.

"So, theoretically, you can now bless the entire tomb with the blazing sun.

I studied various records left behind three times and combined them with the records in Buyeo Mountain.

In addition, the Taoist friend invited by the Lieyang Division who had profound knowledge of Kan Yu was assisted.

Now it is very certain that there is a word in the seal carvings on these two walls, which is the key. "

The fourth master's uncle pointed to the word "Yang" among a bunch of writing on the wall on the left, and then pointed to the word "lie" among a bunch of writing on the wall on the right.

“As long as you bless two places at the same time, the Yang energy of the blessing can penetrate the tomb, and the power of the two tombs can truly be integrated into one.

The original tomb was like two hands, pressing down on the cracks from two directions.

The people who arranged this place are of very high standard, their methods are very clever, and they give a lot of room for mistakes.

But this is actually done out of necessity.

The large tombs in the Tang Dynasty were actually built with the presence of the blazing sun in mind.

Unfortunately, by the time it was built, the Thirteenth Patriarch was gone.

I looked at the layout. At that time, it was definitely not as easy as it is now to borrow the power of the blazing sun.

When the second subsequent tomb was built, the general direction of the previous one was still followed, and holes were left.

Those are the two words. "

Wen Yan stood in the middle of the ear room, stretched out his hands and gestured.

It was at least three meters wide on both sides, and it was impossible for him to directly contact the blessing.

Fortunately, I just learned the Dow.

Just when he was about to start blessing, Wen Yan paused and thought again.

"Uncle of the Fourth Master, didn't I just say before that the Thirteenth Ancestor should have been a senior of the same clan who killed the dog across from him.

Now that I am blessing this tomb, is it possible that the other person will be very sensitive to the strong sun?

Is it possible that that guy might have found a way to come here instead? "

"It is indeed possible." The Fourth Master's uncle responded with a smile.

"Are you, old man, testing me?"

"Yes, I've told you so much." The fourth master's uncle smiled happily.

Several elders in Fuyu Mountain, including Taishi's uncle, had never expected Wen Yan to be powerful.

In terms of pure martial arts prowess, with Qin Kun's talent, all it takes to become a top martial arts powerhouse is enlightenment.

Qin Kun's fighting method is too fierce, and if it is strong, it is easy to break. He needs to realize that nine strong and one soft.

As long as he realizes it, Qin Kun will definitely be one of the top martial arts experts.

But Wen Yan is obviously not as good as Qin Kun. From body to mind, he has nothing else and only specializes in martial arts.

Qin Kun's path is not suitable for Wen Yan. Several elders in Fuyu Mountain really hope that Wen Yan will be the one to carry the flag.

If you want to become this person, the most direct thing is not to blindly trust the elders of Fuyu Mountain. You must have your own thinking and decision-making on everything.

What others can give is only advice after all, and no one can make decisions for the person carrying the flag.

The Fourth Master's uncle was very happy now. Wen Yan did not directly do as he said, and the information given before was not in vain.

"You decide what to do." The fourth master's uncle took a step back.

Wen Yan's thoughts were racing, thinking about what problems there were and what his plans were.

After half a minute, he asked tentatively.

"Uncle of the Fourth Master, does the Lieyang Division know about this?"

"Who invited you here?"

"The Sun Division."

"That's incredible."

Wen Yan suddenly realized.

"Is this a deliberate attempt to show off?"


"No, no, I am strengthening this tomb to make it more stable and integrated.

The defense here has become stronger, and the flaw in the combination of the two tombs is gone.

Logically speaking, it was to prevent the dog from coming from the opposite side.

But there are always pros and cons in everything. If the other party catches a thread and finds some guidance, come here.

Then we will be forced to fight..."

When Wen Yan said this, he almost understood why he did this.

It's not a problem to be on guard every day. It's impossible to station too many forces here for a long time. There are really too many things to deal with in the Lieyang Department.

The uncle of the fourth master has integrated a lot of information according to the records and the confession brought by Wen Yan.

As for preventing thieves for a thousand days, it is definitely better to greatly strengthen this place first and then attract thieves here.

If the other party wants to come over, the first thing they have to face is the epic-level enhanced tomb.

When Bai Jiahui came over, she first felt the power of the previous tomb, and her physical body was directly destroyed.

Of course, if Wen Yan could do it alone, he would also think that would be good.

Be on guard against Bufan every day and beat him to death as soon as possible.

But the Lieyang Department is in charge of this matter, so safety is the priority.

"When did the Lieyang Department start choosing this less conservative strategy?"

"Since the third crack appeared, and since the Heavenly Master said that the big crack in the sea of ​​clouds can no longer be suppressed, the relevant strategies have begun to shift from being conservative to being radical."

"So, I want to understand clearly. In fact, the result is the same. They will all come here to give blessings, right?"

"No, I said, it's up to you." The fourth master's uncle said this very solemnly, as if it was not just this matter, but also many more things that Wen Yan could choose.

Wen Yan pondered for a moment, even if he understood it now, he still agreed with the direct blessing.

He didn't like the feeling of guarding against thieves for a thousand days. He even wanted to rush to the other party and kill him first, so that he could feel more at ease.

He stretched out his hand, pinched his fingers, inspired the violent sun, and vented it out in the form of blessing. Two rays of vigorous Yang energy, almost visible to the naked eye, fell into the two words on the wall at the same time.

A wave of yang energy, like ripples, swept across the entire tomb in an instant.

The cold air in the tomb was swept away, as if a flame suddenly ignited, full of Yang energy.

Using the yang energy he blessed as a medium, the two tombs were finally completely constructed. They were no longer separated from each other and turned into a complete special tomb. The crack was suppressed at the core of the power.

When the uncle of the fourth master saw Wen Yan pinching his fingers, his eyes shone brightly. He no longer cared about his image or reserve, and he grinned loudly.

They left the tomb together. A few minutes later, the equipment in the Lieyang Department began to sound warning alarms. The sound and lights flashed, and various records appeared on the computer.

In the distance, a white dagger wearing clothes rushed over quickly.

The dog looked at the entrance and exit of the tomb with a slumped face.

"What did you do? This cat is howling in mourning again. Are there any dogs within a hundred kilometers?"

When Fa Dou turned around, he saw Wen Yan looking at it like this, which obviously meant: Aren't you a dog?

Fa Dou thought about it, and maybe it was true.

It walked away quickly with its short legs, came to Wen Yan, looked at Wen Yan with its head raised, and spoke in an old-fashioned tone.

"Are you Wen Yan? I heard that silly cat Quemao was adopted by you, right?"

"That's not called adoption. The sparrow cat has its own salary."

"Hey, okay, okay, this silly cat actually got paid? How much does he pay for food per day?"

"It's like one hundred and two, right?"

Bai Fa Dou's already wrinkled face suddenly became even more wrinkled. He stretched out a paw and scratched on the ground for a long time, and finally used two paws to casually mess up everything he scratched.

"Just tell me directly, how many fifty is one hundred and two?"

"More than two?" Wen Yan replied tentatively, not quite understanding what he meant.

"Hey, that silly cat can't do it. I'm already eight years old, but he's still young. He has two of them in such a short time. It's amazing."

Wen Yan pondered the logic, and now he understood where Quemao's claim that he wanted fifty yuan for food expenses came from.

In this Fa Dou's eyes, fifty is the smallest base number. If it can't be divided into fifty, it doesn't understand.

However, with four hundred food expenses a day, how much credit has this guy made?

Four hundred yuan for pure materials, not counting labor and fuel, is just money for buying vegetables, and the price of vegetables is much cheaper than ordinary people going to the vegetable market, and the requirements are even stricter.

"Awesome, awesome." Wen Yan gave a thumbs up and pointed to the tomb.

"What do the sound waves coming from inside mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything. The translation is, I'm awesome, come and hang out with me, I guarantee you'll be popular and drink well.

In fact, it is just to trick fools to come and die, and to sacrifice blood when trouble comes to an end.

Alas, these cats have no intention at all.

It's better to have some Ah Piao troubles. Those Ah Piao have their own tricks.

Last time I met someone who choked to death after secretly eating dog food, and that guy was afraid that I would steal his dog food..."

Bai Fa Dou started chattering endlessly, bragging about what happened before.

Wen Yan listened happily to the excitement, there were some details, but they were not there when he read the file.

The file is serious and strives to be accurate, just like an autopsy report.

It's better to listen to lively words than to listen to someone's bragging.

Wen Yan listened to Fa Dou brag and poured a bowl of water for him.

A few minutes later, a staff member from the Lieyang Department brought a mobile phone and placed it in front of Fa Dou.

The chief's voice came from the phone.

"Xiao Long Bao, you've started again, haven't you? Are you done with your business?"

“Then it must be done, there is nothing to do, and it’s not difficult.

That cat thing over there must have never been to school.

When bragging, it is simple and crude, and it stays the same over and over again.

Or it is a forced summoning, which is very noisy.

He also wants to summon me. Stupid or not, I can get food money eight times a day.

I'll be hungry for nine meals in three days with him..."

Fa Dou chattered endlessly and complained wildly, and had already expelled the dog opposite him.

“Okay, okay, just do your job, if this matter is resolved.

I'll give you another fifty, and if you messed up, I'll deduct fifty from both of you. "

As soon as these words came out, Fa Dou immediately shut up, his droopy face suddenly became serious, and he stood up with a whoosh.

"I listened carefully, and the silly dog ​​opposite was more anxious than before.

Well, there's a little bit of other stuff mixed in.

Yes, there are other things, there are other stupid dogs.

There was a fight over there, which made the silly dog ​​howl in mourning.

Hiss...that silly dog ​​went crazy and began to take risks and cross boundaries. "

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