I am your natural enemy

Chapter 346: Sight, sound, violent fire extinguishing (5k)

In a village by the Xijiang River in the eastern part of Luoyue County, dozens of villagers who came to put out the fire all rushed into the Xijiang River as if they were stunned.

The turtle demon lay on the water, constantly opening its mouth and spitting out water arrows that had been specially adjusted to a proficient level. The water arrows flew out one after another, hitting an individual's head with precise force.

After learning and practicing, it will slightly adjust the force according to different goals to ensure that it can knock people out, up to a mild concussion level.

The villagers who rushed into the water were knocked unconscious one by one, dragged by water snakes and large grass carps, and thrown ashore one by one.

Even in the face of such a strange situation, none of the villagers cared. They all continued to rush into the river like crazy.

Some people even think that it would be better to have one less competitor. They will even pull others to fix their position to ensure that the turtle demon can more easily knock people out.

On the other side of the embankment, which was much higher than the river surface, a raging fire was still burning. The fire took advantage of the wind and spiraled into a pillar of fire that soared into the sky, rolling a large amount of ashes into the sky.

The ashes were constantly blown away by the wind from high in the sky, and floated farther away.

The piercing siren of the fire truck came from far to near at a very fast speed. In the river, when the turtle demon heard the sound, he paused for a moment, gasped for air, and sprayed out dozens of precisely controlled jets of water in one breath. The arrow has almost reached its limit.

Some dry cracks began to appear on its skin, and even soaking in water had no effect.

The turtle demon's eyes were full of solemnity, and it began to feel a sense of suffocation.

It has almost predicted that as time goes by and more and more people come, I am afraid that more and more people will be affected and become this weird look.

The three of them alone cannot withstand it at all.

"Yu Cao, go and inform Lord Dragon King immediately."

"But we haven't finished saving these people yet. If we don't care, we won't be able to become water gods." The big grass carp stared, somewhat incomprehensible.

"It's no longer a matter of one or two people dying. Hurry up and notify the Dragon King. After a while, dozens or hundreds of people may die. Go quickly!"

The turtle demon scolded, and now he regretted not carrying his phone with him at all times. No matter how troublesome it was to use it or charge it, he still had to carry it with him at all times.

I have been comfortable for too long, and I never thought that such an emergency would suddenly occur.

The big grass carp couldn't turn corners very well, but it still listened to the turtle demon's words because it found that the turtle demon was indeed stronger than them and had a better brain than them.

The big grass carp is the fastest in the water. It gritted its teeth, abandoned the villagers who had not yet been rescued, dived into the water, and headed straight for the ruined temple of King Guilong.

On the other side of the embankment, the flames in the paper money workshop were burning more and more fiercely, and the fire trucks had already arrived.

When the subsequent villagers and rescuers arrived and could clearly see the ashes in the sky, they held their heads high one by one and stood there blankly. Seeing the ashes, their faces were filled with tears. He began to smile, as if he were seeing gold pages flying in the sky.

One of the firefighters, the badge on his body, exuded a brilliance invisible to the naked eye, and his consciousness struggled out of this illusion.

He saw gold pages flying all over the sky, and what came to his mind was his daughter's tuition, family expenses, medical expenses for his mother-in-law who was hospitalized, and promised his daughter to take her to see the sea during the holidays. All of these require money.

Now, thoughts kept pouring out of his mind, telling him that once he got the money, it was his, and no one could take it away. Many distracting thoughts and illusions came like landslides and tsunamis.

His last bit of conscious consciousness allowed him to pick up the communication device and send the last message.

"There's Piao, be careful!"

In the special equipment, the voice kept calling, and the phone in the car kept ringing. No one here responded.

The firefighter held his head high and stared blankly at the ashes falling in the sky, with two lines of tears constantly flowing down his face.

He saw that he had completed a task perfectly, dragged his tired body, said goodbye to his colleagues who had supper together, and returned home.

The moment I opened the door, I saw my daughter sleeping on the small square stool at the door. While sleeping, she kept mumbling about "I want to wait for daddy".

He shed tears, held his head high, stretched out his hands, and took steps.

From this moment on, it was completely ruined.

At the same time, in the local Lieyang Department, piercing alarms began to sound, the rolling shutters rolled up automatically, and the metal boxes inside slowly opened, and the drones flew out on their own and headed straight for the target area.

In order to prevent problems, everything captured by the camera on the drone is first judged through a computer and the available information is summarized before being transferred to the back office for further processing.

Because it has happened before that something can affect the people watching the surveillance through the captured images.

Turn over, summarize the information, and convert it into words. As long as no one participates in this process, this risk can be avoided.

Soon, the drone quickly approached and captured footage of the scene.

There was a problem when translating it into a text description. The AI ​​could not understand this strange situation, and the same incident had never happened before. The artificial intelligence described this place based on the picture as people doing things around a huge bonfire. Any special celebration or ceremony.

The internal staff of the Lieyang Department certainly knew that there was a problem, so they started another alternative translation method.

Simplify the photos you took into another painting, starting with the simplest stick figure painting.

When translated into paintings, the risk is higher than words, but when there is no other way, one can only take risks.

Starting from the simplest stick figure drawing, it is transformed all the way up. At the highest point, it is to regenerate a photo based on the photo. The risk of doing so also increases step by step.

Soon, the internal staff saw a cartoon-style painting of an individual, some wearing ordinary clothes and some wearing firefighting uniforms. They all raised their heads and looked above the flames.

There are still some people heading towards the river.

On the shore, there were many people lying in various shapes, and there were also people in the water. There was a huge and terrifying turtle standing on the water.

At first glance, it looks like the heroic villagers are fighting to the death with the turtle demon on the water.

The turtle demon was spitting out something and massacring the villagers.

The back office staff ignored the painting generated by the mentally retarded AI. Based on the available information, the AI ​​really couldn't understand that the turtle demon might be saving people.

But the internal staff knew that there were three water monsters in a long river here. They were imitating the finless porpoises in Duanzhou. They wanted to accumulate merit and become water gods.

Apart from the fact that the water monster has a high probability of fighting with a drowned person, they are indeed conscientiously doing good deeds.

Sometimes they even take the initiative to hook up some fish for anglers who can't catch any fish. As a result, in the past two months, more anglers have come to feed fish.

Because of this, the internal staff simply ignored the possibility that the water demon was fighting with the villagers.

Then I saw the picture that was born, which showed that in addition to a ferocious turtle demon, there was also a thick snake with its head raised on the water, which was very ferocious.

The two water monsters appeared together, which could completely rule out the possibility that they were fighting.

Then there is only one last possibility left. These villagers are jumping into the river collectively without knowing how they were affected.

And the two water monsters were trying their best to save those who jumped into the river.

Through drone shooting from multiple angles and comprehensive analysis, the preliminary result is that there is something strange above the flame, or there is something strange in the flame itself, attracting the attention of everyone who sees those things.

If you see it, you will be affected. Even if you can't see it later, you will still be affected.

At the same time, the two water monsters in the river may have been blocked by the embankment and did not see what was on the other side, so they were not affected for the time being.

Although the same thing has never happened before, similar things have happened.

The internal staff quickly completed the analysis, uploaded the intelligence, and handed it over to the field staff who were already on the way.

After the field service received the information, one of the vehicles appeared as a death squad and took the lead in stepping on the accelerator and entering the incident site. Some other field personnel began to work on the periphery, completing the blockade and controlling more people to go to the incident site.

On the suicide squad car, several field officers looked solemn and wore special tactical eyepieces. Everything they saw would be translated and projected into the eyepieces to avoid strange effects that might be stimulated by visual inspection.

When the death squads arrived, someone immediately got out of the car and looked around with special goggles as the first test.

The results of the test were good, and they could still maintain their sanity. After confirming that it was effective, the people in the car began to get out of the car.

They took out new goggles and put them on the firefighters, but it had no effect. They began to move the crowd away from the source of the fire.

After receiving the information, the field staff at the rear also put on special eyepieces and quickly approached.

Everything was carried out according to the corresponding plan, and after slight adjustments, the rescue mission was carried out with extremely high efficiency.

When people began to control it one after another, in the paper money workshop that was burning more and more prosperously, the swirling flames began to change their shapes and roll faster.

Inside the workshop, the paper money that had not yet been ignited flew out with a clatter, being swept out by the airflow and rushed out of the workshop.

The sound of crashing, accompanied by the whistling of the flames, spread, and the swirling flames rushed out more than ten meters high, gradually taking on a human-like appearance.

A large amount of paper money clattered, as if someone was counting money quickly.

Those sounds spread like countless rustling insects, constantly getting into everyone's ears.

The people who had been affected suddenly became violent. Their dull expressions turned ferocious, as if someone was stealing their hard-earned money. They began to actively attack the field staff of the Lieyang Department.

As for the field workers of the Lieyang Department, after hearing those voices, hallucinations appeared in their minds, and their consciousness seemed to be pulled by something, causing them to sink.

Gradually, those field officers, whose willpower was far stronger than that of ordinary people, began to feel a little unable to withstand it.

Messages kept coming back, and the priority of events began to rise.

Above the workshop, the flames gradually gathered, and the sound of the roaring flames gradually sounded like someone roaring.

"My money! My money!"

More than a hundred kilometers away from here, Wen Yan was resting. Beside his neck, Xiao Huo Miao's two small hands were holding his hair, and he was also fast asleep.

Xiao Huo Miao opened his eyes in a daze, shook Wen Yan's hair, and after shaking Wen Yan awake, Xiao Huo Miao pointed to the west and danced around, not knowing what he wanted to express.

"problem occurs?"

Xiao Huo Miao waved his hands repeatedly, indicating that he was right.

Wen Yan quickly stood up, went to the roof, and looked to the west, but couldn't see anything.

"It's not like something happened to Decheng, right?"

Little Flame nodded repeatedly.

"is it far?"

Wen Yan was not in a hurry to call Feng Yao. He took out the mobile phone issued by Lieyang Department and asked the black box.

"Is there anything going on to the west from where I am now that would require the involvement of the Sun Division?"

The black box immediately gave a long list. Currently, there are more than 40 events happening to the west of him that involve the involvement of the Lieyang Department.

Wen Yan saw the first one, which was by far the highest priority among the dozens of things.

So far, nearly a hundred people have been put in danger.

Wen Yan quickly mobilized the information and checked it. He wanted to know what happened that could make Xiao Huo Miao sense it even though it was more than a hundred kilometers away, and wake him up specifically.

He quickly read through the current intelligence and captured the keywords: fire, paper money workshop, jumping into the river, illusion, forced control, and affecting consciousness.

Visual trigger, and a few seconds ago, new information was added, auditory trigger.

Wen Yan looked at the small flame. He wanted to understand why he could sense the small flame. If it was an ordinary fire, the small flame would definitely not wake him up.

Wen Yan immediately called Feng Wei. This happened to be the time when Feng Wei and the others were most active.

In less than ten minutes, Feng Wei appeared from the intersection.

Wen Yan took his things and set off immediately.

On the other side, when the fire began to get more and more out of control, in the Xijiang River, a dragon shadow quickly approached under the water.

On the calm river surface, waves gradually began to gather. When King Guilong arrived, he saw that the waves directly picked up the people who jumped into the water and rushed them to the other side of the embankment.

The waves crossed the embankment and headed straight for the paper money workshop.

King Guilong rode the wave, and when he saw the flames that were more than ten meters high, he saw that there seemed to be a figure more than ten meters high in the flames. He was holding a lot of gold pages in his hand, and he was constantly swaying and scattering them. in all directions.

When the figure saw King Guilong, he began to throw money away, and the illusion was eroded, telling King Guilong that the money is all yours, you can use it to buy whatever you want.

King Guilong's pupils shrank and his fangs were exposed.

What the hell, you dare to bewitch him, you are really looking for death.

Guilong King swayed his body, raised his front half, stood on the wave, looked down at the burning man, and let out a dragon roar.

A dragon roar shook the sky and the earth, whipping up a strong wind and roaring away.

The huge roar instantly suppressed the roar of flames and the sound of paper money.

A roar can be heard clearly within a radius of twenty to thirty kilometers.

Guilong King rode the huge waves and washed past. He stretched out a claw and grabbed the head of the huge pyromaniac. He exerted force in his palm and crushed his head to explode in an instant.

The flames circled, and the burning man, whose head was crushed, laughed strangely, and the flames condensed into a head again.

King Guilong swayed and saw the huge waves rushing out of the river, circling around the workshop like spiraling flames.

All the people nearby were swept up by the waves and carried to further places.

It was a wave that was more than ten meters wide. As the Guilong King circled, it circled upward from the outside inward and enveloped the entire workshop in one breath.

The entire workshop was now three-dimensionally submerged in water.

"Come on, keep burning!"

The fire man, who was more than ten meters high, was forcibly soaked in a water column more than twenty meters high. It could boil water at close range at an extremely fast speed, but it was unable to withstand the action of King Gui Long himself, with the Xijiang River as his backing.

The huge swirling water column grew larger and larger, the flames in the water were forcibly extinguished, and the body of the fire man began to get smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared into the water with an unwilling roar.

Seeing that the last flames disappeared and all the heat was forcibly taken away by the current, King Guilong made waves and directed the water back to the Xijiang River.

When Wen Yan arrived, what he saw was that King Guilong had finished violently extinguishing the fire and was already heading back to Xijiang.

He was not in a hurry to see Guilong King to put out the fire. For Guilong King, it was at best a walk after dinner.

For the follow-up processing, there were field personnel who came to support and firefighters to deal with it. Wen Yan showed his ID and came to the edge of the workshop.

The little flame picked out a spot in his collar, stretched out a hand, and pointed in a direction.

Wen Yan stepped into the fire scene. The place was already scorched black. It could still be seen that it should have been a temporary warehouse for finished paper money. Following the guidance of the small flame, he found a burnt corpse in the mire.

"That's the guy, right?"

Xiao Huo Miao expressed his confirmation. Xiao Huo Miao moved his mouth and blew out a weak flame towards the corpse on the ground.

The next moment, I saw little sparks gathering into a ball in the charred corpse, flying out and flying towards the little flame blown out by the small flame.

Xiao Huo Miao opened his mouth to swallow those small sparks, then ran to Wen Yan's hand and spit out something that looked like ashes.

The ashes were warm and seemed to never cool down.

"This is what's left behind from the thing you sensed, right?"

A small flame indicated confirmation.

"Equivalent to the ashes left behind after death?"

Little Flame said no.

"Then you mean, the guy who did these things is not dead yet, right?"

Little Flame confirmed.

Wen Yan frowned slightly, which could make Xiao Huo Miao sense that the eighty percent was something related to fire.

Moreover, this ghost was not completely dead, but he was still able to hide it from King Guilong.

King Guilong came here in person, so there was no way he could not have noticed that this was no ordinary fire.

If you can feel the small flames more than a hundred kilometers away, then this guy must not be a little guy.

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