I am your natural enemy

Chapter 347 Crossroads, Demon and Enemy (6k)

Wen Yan stood in the ruins of the fire scene and touched his chest.

It is related to fire. At present, it can control people's consciousness, but I don't know how to control it.

Even if King Gui Long loses rank, he is still a dragon after all, and his strength is not weak at all.

Otherwise, Cai Heizi would not have gone to great lengths to send Wang Xueqi to ascend.

Wang Xueqi was allowed to ascend just for the talisman that was 100% guaranteed to prevent drowning.

And the original purpose and cause of this was also because of King Guilong.

King Guilong didn't even notice that the alien in the fire was not dead, so this guy did have two skills, at least he was very good at running away.

Wen Yan carefully walked around the ruins of the fire scene and found nothing special. He walked out of the fire scene and left the rest to the people of the Lieyang Department.

Even an amateur like Wen Yan could tell where the fire started, which should be where the body was. Professionals would definitely be able to see it too.

And he estimated that this was probably not an accident. It was probably the guy who was burned to death who started the fire.

Without knowing more information, Wen Yan boldly speculated that the person who lit the fire did not set the fire voluntarily.

It was not his turn to intervene in this matter. He came here on his own, so naturally he had to ask about it.

Wen Yan asked for an evidence bag from the field staff, put the special ashes in his hand, and turned around to head to the Xijiang River.

After boarding the embankment, I saw dozens of people lying in disarray on the other side of the embankment, all of them wet with water.

Fortunately, it is not too cold this season in Luoyue County. If it were in the north, half of these dozens of people would be seriously ill at first.

He went for a checkup and found that the problem was not major. At most, he was choking on water. He went to the hospital for a few days and observed it. It was not a big problem.

He walked aside, avoiding these people, and waved to the river. King Guilong's head quietly surfaced halfway out of the water.

"What's going on here? What problem did you find just now?"

"I was watching a TV series. Yu Cao came to inform me that there was a fire here, and many people came to jump into the river strangely, so I came quickly.

The fire was burning abnormally, there must be something in the flames.

That bitch also wanted to confuse me with illusions, turning into a flaming man and scattering golden pages.

The person with the gold page hook feels itchy, but I don’t have any feelings for gold either.

That guy won't die even if his head is smashed by me. The flames will immediately make him recover.

I mobilized the river water and drowned the burning man directly in the water. When the fire was gone, the guy also disappeared.

I've soaked it with water and found nothing.

I can only feel that he seems to be particularly unwilling...

Well, I think he was unwilling to be stopped so quickly. "

"If you still feel anything, keep talking and speak boldly. These are all very important clues." Wen Yan encouraged him.

“It feels like he is one of those old antiques that has just recovered, and I thought it was the time when he was active.

Not low-key at all, and treats human life as nothing.

The era when he was active was probably a time of chaos.

Otherwise, your people's habits must be recorded, and it is impossible not to have them at all. "

"Do you think you killed him?"

"I didn't feel it. I just put out the fire. That guy wouldn't die after the fire was put out, right? I didn't feel that there was any killing just now."

"As I thought, that guy is definitely not dead. You should be careful these days. If such a lawless guy is not dead, he may come back to take revenge on you."

King Guilong curled his lips after hearing this.

He lives in the Xijiang River, in the water. If there is any burning person who wants to take revenge on him, just come and go into the water.

"Don't be careless. He doesn't dare to go into the water, but he can lure you out of the water. If anything happens, call me first."

King Guilong is actually not too worried about his own safety. Judging from the situation this time, he has not destroyed the opponent, and the opponent has nothing to do with him.

But Wen Yan said so, so he agreed. If he didn't kill him this time, he should let Wen Yan help next time.

Seeing that people from the Lieyang tribe boarded the embankment, King Guilong quietly sank into the water. Before leaving, he helped pull away the river water from the people on the shore.

Hearing the sound of an ambulance in the distance, Wen Yan also helped, carrying dozens of people here across the embankment and putting them into the ambulance.

There are a lot of people, many of whom have not fainted yet. These people have not yet woken up from the state affected by hallucinations.

They still looked dull, with silly smiles, as if they were trying to catch something.

This kind of situation is not something Wen Yan is good at, and Wen Yan can only wait for other experts to deal with it.

The little flame was hidden in Wen Yan's collar, tugged on Wen Yan's hair, and pointed into the distance.

Wen Yan followed the guidance of the little flame and left the area. When he came to a crossroads, he saw a circle on the ground, and there were traces of burning paper inside the circle.

During this time, it is not a festival that requires worship, and on the anniversary of the death of an ancestor in the family, paper is generally not burned outside.

Wen Yan took a look at the surrounding environment. As far as he knew, on days when ancestors needed to be worshiped, or during the Ghost Festival, it was impossible to go to the tombs of ancestors to worship. The custom of burning paper at crossroads was from the north.

In the south, there are more memorial tablets, deceased photos, etc. Even if you have to burn something outside the home, it is mostly done in front of the home and not at the intersection.

Because in some places, there is a taboo against burning paper at intersections.

This custom is very different. Wen Yan is an employee of the funeral home and knows about it. Later he met so many Ah Piao and talked about related things.

Northern China has been fighting for thousands of years since the era of myths and legends. In the past few hundred years, it has been peaceful for most of the time.

But customs are developed over time and are not easy to change.

People are not that easy to change, and Ah Piao is not that easy to change either.

So when you burn paper at the intersection and draw a circle, it is for your ancestors. According to custom, when you pay tribute to your ancestors here, you will also burn some paper money outside the circle to give to the ghosts.

In fact, the meaning is to ask Ah Piao to help deliver the news. If his ancestors cannot find the way, he can help guide him.

Or someone who died in a foreign country would burn paper at the crossroads to serve as a road sign, and then ask Ah Piao to pass on the message so that people can find their way home.

This is the rule that both Renhe and A Piaotian have tacitly accepted for a long time.

The south started to develop a little late, and unlike the north, they kept fighting until they got together and dispersed, and then dispersed. In addition, the customs were different. Burning paper at the crossroads might attract other things.

After a long time, everyone has acquiesced that if it is not necessary, don’t do it.

This is generally the case, but there are other differences in local customs.

Wen Yan checked and found that, at least locally, there was indeed no such custom.

He raised his head and looked around, there were a lot of cameras.

He issued a task to Black Box and asked Black Box to look for it. Sure enough, there was complete surveillance here and the process was filmed.

In the middle of the night, after one o'clock, a man came here, picked up a piece of red brick fragments from the roadside, drew a circle, then took out a wad of paper money from his pocket, and burned paper inside.

Wen Yan looked carefully and made sure to draw a circle and include everyone in it.

This guy's paper money was burned for himself.

Then the black box continued to give information. As expected, the identity of this person was a worker in the paper money workshop.

Come on, there's no need to guess now. From this point on, something has already gone wrong.

A normal person, who is sick? He would run to the intersection in the middle of the night, draw a circle to encircle himself, burn paper money for himself, and even want to take the burned paper money, his hands might be burned.

Since this guy is no longer normal at this time, it can also be said that this guy is burning paper for the burning man.

But at the intersection, this is a bit troublesome.

Wen Yan stood at the crossroads and looked in the other three directions, due east, south and north.

In theory, if there was something, it could come from anywhere.

Likewise, if something wants to leave, it can leave in any direction from here.

The circle under your feet, the paper money burned here, and these traces are the road signs.

Wen Yan looked at it and felt that King Guilong was partly right. He might really be some old antique who had just recovered. However, this old antique still found a way out based on his original experience.

Thanks to the modern road network, if that guy could run away from the intersection, it might be far more convenient than in ancient times, and it would be harder to guess where he was going.

The reason Wen Yan dared to confirm this was because he had gone to hell countless times.

Now even the road to the underworld is a smooth road.

Wen Yan recorded his speculations and posted them in the case for people in the Lieyang Department to use as a reference.

"Did you find anything else?" Wen Yan continued to ask Xiao Huo Miao.

Little Flame could not give any guidance now. He looked in all directions at the crossroads, looked left and right, and finally waved his hand to express that he was helpless.

Wen Yan stopped trying and turned around to leave. He had nothing to do here.

When he got home, Wen Yan looked at his phone. There were no information updates. He couldn't sleep either, so he might as well practice practice.

Since the last outbreak, the cultivation of the trunk part can only be completed naturally. There is no need to work hard to open up bit by bit. The cultivation of the heart has been completed, the liver part has also been completed, and the next step is the kidneys. development and integrate it into the system.

After practicing all night, Wen Yan looked at the message again the next morning and found that the message had been updated.

Those who were controlled have all recovered, and they have tried several strange objects they brought overnight. Some of them are useful for this, but not for that, but the Sage Chart is surprisingly useful.

After just taking a look and forcibly suppressing the six desires, those people all woke up.

In this case, questioning will become much easier, and everyone will be calm.

After gathering the opinions of dozens of people, we basically pieced together the capabilities of that thing.

When everyone saw the ashes after burning paper money, it was like seeing pieces of gold pages. Just by looking at it, they knew that it was pure gold, or that it represented money.

In modern society, if there are people who have no sense of money at all, there may be such a large base.

But most people are greedy for money. The difference is just how much, some people will restrain themselves.

After being aroused by the desire for money, it is like starting to fall into a quagmire, and can no longer extricate itself, and can only be pulled down bit by bit.

It's just that the paper money cannot be used by living people, so those people started to jump into the river, hoping to grab it after death.

And the medium that makes people sink is not only seeing the ashes of paper money, but also the sound behind it, and the sound can also make people sink.

The confession recorded by a firefighter was a little different from others. He had a happy life and a well-off family. What he saw in the vision was gold pages at first, and then it became his daughter, and then he fell into despair. .

This gives information, not only money, but also other things that may be involved in money. Whatever is in the heart will be hooked, pulling people into sinking bit by bit.

Based on this information, plus several rare objects that may be used in the Lieyang Department, the Sage Diagram has the best effect. It is initially concluded that there is an 80% possibility that the thing is a monster.

I just don’t know what kind of monster it is.

Wen Yan looked at the records and saw that he checked the usage records of the Sage Picture later.

These days, it was used once in the eastern part of Xiaoxiang County, flew to Zhongyuan County, was borrowed once by people from Laojun Mountain, and today it arrived in Luoyue County again.

In the meantime, there were also patients with psychosis who were traced one after another and were loaned out for treatment.

There are more patients with apathy than Wen Yan expected. The patients he went to treat before were all patients who could be discovered at the first time. There are also some patients who either have some problems with their records in the hospital or who are not at all. Never been to the hospital.

The patients with dementia who were later discovered one after another were because the Lieyang Department discovered that there were family members of the patients, and they posted on social platforms to celebrate the recovery of their family members.

The Lieyang Department slightly added fuel to the flames and made this matter a hot search, which immediately attracted many family members of patients. Some of them tried various methods but could not be cured, and some posted articles saying that it was just right. It was also cured recently.

As soon as this incident came out, it immediately aroused the attention of the relevant family members. The Lieyang Department quietly searched for the patients who had not been dug out for several days. Wen Yan said that they were all on vacation by themselves.

Sage Pictures are flying everywhere, mainly to treat these patients.

The number of patients treated was several times higher than the number of patients cured during the three days when Wen Yan traveled around in person.

It seems that there are quite a lot of people, but in fact, if there are so many people scattered all over China, then the vast majority of people will probably have never heard of the disease.

Wen Yan looked at the whole process and sighed again. There really were too few Tuoba Martial Gods in the Lieyang Department, but there were too many other talents. By doing this, at least 90% of the resources were saved and the matter was done well.

Wen Yan felt that as an ordinary person, he must also feel good. It is better to focus on rare diseases on trending searches than to focus on a celebrity's dog.

He didn't pay much attention to the follow-up to many things in the past, but this time he happened to take a look.

He continued to check information, and then he saw an encrypted information. According to his authority, he could know the contents of this information, which might be related to what he was checking now, but he could not see the specific content. If he wanted to see If so, you must apply.

If his authority were lower, he would not know the existence of this information at all.

He put away his phone and didn't check it.

However, just a few minutes after he put away his cell phone, the headquarter manager personally called him.

"How did you feel when you were at the scene last night?"

"I have already recorded and reported it. As for what I recorded, I also think it may be some kind of monster. I also found some very special ashes. It should be left by that monster. I will send it to you in a while so you can check it out. "

"The document you were about to read just now has been unlocked for you. You can take a look and give me some reference opinions."

"What can I say? I've seen only one monster out of dozens. Let's show it to the seniors in Wudang." Wen Yan still knows a lot about it. Even Fuyu Mountain is not good at dealing with monsters, at least in terms of experience. There are more than three streets in Wudang.

“This is the opinion of the Wudang leader, he feels that he has fallen into an experience trap.

Wudang's rich experience in the past will allow them to handle 99% of problems smoothly under normal circumstances.

But such rich experience also limits his knowledge.

He felt that there was something wrong with the problem he encountered this time, and he had made assumptions in advance based on their experience.

When you let them deal with things, they will enter the 1% situation.

The more they approach it based on extensive experience, the more they fall into traps.

They need opinions from people like you who have experience in fighting monsters, but actually have no experience at all, and whose ideas are not restricted, but who are open-minded.

Don't worry, you're not the only one we're looking for this time. We've already asked many people.

But your opinion was specifically requested by the Wudang Master. "

"This is a compliment to me, so I'll take a look before talking." Wen Yan couldn't refuse, so after hanging up the phone, he clicked on the document just now.

The cases recorded in the documents are all the details of Wudang Master's case in the eastern part of Xiaoxiang County.

After reading it, Wen Yan understood that the Lieyang Department felt that the fire case was related to the dry well case in the eastern part of Xiaoxiang County.

Because this is the only case after the Dry Well case that has a high probability of being related to monsters and is particularly weird.

In addition, monsters can escape from King Guilong, which makes it even more difficult.

There are some fragments of the core of the sealed object in the Dry Well Case. Those fragments have been tested and there are artificial traces in them. The initial result is between three thousand and four thousand years ago. The result is very different because of the interference of strange forces. It cannot be completely Based on the test results, there can only be a wide range of fuzzy results.

Wen Yan scratched his head a little after reading it. Now let him think about it, if he didn't check the information, he wouldn't be able to know immediately what this time period was.

The headmaster of Wudang really thinks highly of him. If he really saw the monster, he might be able to give some experience. But just looking at the information, he really didn't dare to say anything casually, in case someone believed it and went astray.

He can only study it first and talk about it later.

While there was nothing wrong, he sent the bit of ashes in the evidence bag to the Yuzhou Lieyang Department for them to examine.

After coming back, he issued a task to Black Box. If there was a similar case, he would be notified as soon as possible.

Nearly a week passed. Everything was stable and no problems were found. It was as if King Guilong had really killed the monster that day.

Wen Yan received a message from Su Mu, saying that their family had moved to Decheng, and she was now starting school in Decheng. The Lieyang Department helped with the procedures.

When Wen Yan saw the message, he raised his head and rubbed his confused eyes.

When he was in school, he didn't work as hard as he did these days, cramming in various things and looking for clues in various cases.

Then I came to the conclusion that it would be better to consult experts or people of that era.

So, he made a list of people who might be able to help.

For example, ask Suicune.

The years when Suicune was active can be compared to the time estimated by the Agni Club, and we might know something.

By the way, go give Suicune some fake wine.

Wen Yan looked at his phone and made a mental note.

For example, ask about Sumu.

Wen Yan never asked what Su Mu's identity was, but he probably knew it.

Now that Su Mu has moved, she has to tell him specifically. According to the custom here in Decheng, if someone enters the house to notify him, then he has to come to congratulate him at least.

Then let’s ask Sumu first, and then go see Suicune later.

He asked about the location of Su Mu's new home, brought some inexpensive gifts, and paid a visit.

As soon as he arrived at the community where Su Mu's family was located, a prompt suddenly popped up in front of him.

"After thousands of years of accumulation, the power has already exceeded its limit. You only have to complete one procedure to become the strongest six-desire demon in history. The five-desire demon was completely suppressed by you.

The Sixth Patriarch Yulong lived in the hidden immortal place and transformed it into a subtle form of the universal universal deity, suppressing it.

The demon who controls the power of the five desires will suffer from the pain of being unable to absorb the power from now on.

As a living being, you have to endure the pain of hunger without being able to eat. This is eternal torture.

The influence of unknown forces prevented him from starving to death and finding relief.

The thing that suppresses the demons of the five desires has cured all the living patients who suffered from psychosis due to the demons.

A total of 3,633 people.

Obtained the title: Natural Enemy of the Demon. "

Wen Yan looked at this prompt and was a little surprised.

It's been so many days, but you still have a title?

And it turns out that all the patients with psychosis who are still alive and affected by the demon need to be cured.

He really hadn't thought about titles before.

"Title: Natural Enemy of the Demon.

Basic passive effect: firewood (when affected by the demon's ability, all negative effects can be turned into firewood burning in the heart)

Basic effect: Wuchang (you can have the power of Wuchang, the effect is positively related to various factors)

Wearing this title, you have 100% suppression, 100% real damage, and 100% immunity against demons.

There is a 21% probability of triggering purification against the demon.

There is a 21% probability of triggering forced suppression against the demon. "

"Currently, the titles that can be worn at the same time are: 2."

Wen Yan stood there and looked at these prompts. This time it was really an unexpected surprise.

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