I am your natural enemy

Chapter 352 Devil’s Contract, Bad Luck (5k)

The Kingdom of Shadows is within the scope of supervision. After all, the Kingdom of Shadows is not that big in total.

This place itself is not a big problem, it can only be regarded as a naturally occurring thing. The problem is that there may be something hiding in it to cause trouble, using it as a lair, and then quietly growing bigger.

The same is true for the corresponding Netherland. There is not much problem with Netherland itself, but I am afraid that someone will use Netherland to cause trouble.

In addition, the Underworld is a bit too big. Until now, we are still not sure how big the Underworld is and what else is inside.

Most of the most important information about Hades came from Wen Yan.

As for those players who went to Hades, their enthusiasm has begun to subside for the most part.

Or it's because it's so empty and there's nothing. No matter how good a person is, if he goes online every night and runs out of energy, for a month in a row, all he sees is the wilderness, and he won't be interested in it anymore.

In addition, the Lieyang Department will record and monitor everyone who buys the suit, and the crossbow machine is the most important thing to monitor. Not to mention all, at least most of the people who enter the underworld, the Lieyang Department can monitor it.

When it comes to using Hades, in the recent cases tracked by the Lieyang Department, the most common situation is not about aliens harming people, but people deceiving people to go to Hades to achieve the purpose of deceiving people, or using Hades to pass on some Simple message.

The cases where aliens are related to Hades are the least common.

Recently, there has been a quarrel within the Lieyang Department, involving the issue of law enforcement while alive. After all, the standards for living people are different from those for aliens. Everyone knows this.

When Wen Yan heard what Men Xinsheng said, his first reaction was that if the place where the ghosts and gods of wealth met was in the underworld, how did they get in?

At least so far, Wen Yan doesn't know the fourth way to enter.

One way to enter is to be pulled in, just like some Yin-type things. They are inside when they appear, and they cannot get out.

There are only two ways to get in and out.

One is to use Guoyin to enter and exit, and the other is to go in and out directly across the river without taking shortcuts like Wen Yan.

"How did you get in and out?"

“If you want to go, just crawl under your own temple and fall all the way down to get there.

After I got there, there was still a small temple of mine there.

When I walked out of the small temple, I came to a place that looked like a small town.

Near my small temple, there are many small temples belonging to other ghost gods of wealth.

If we want to progress, we have to get our own money or upgrade the small temple there.

Or you can exchange it in the main hall of the center. "

"The money you are talking about is the soul, right?" Wen Yan interrupted Men Xinsheng's words.

The apprentice suddenly felt that he had said the wrong thing, and he lowered his voice.

“It’s not just soul condensation, in fact, true ghost coins are also feasible.

There are two types of Zhenming coins. One is from places like Taoist temples and is slowly raised after spending time and energy.

There is also a kind of ghost coin, which is actually offered to Ah Piao by living relatives and friends.

The latter one is actually more valuable and can be exchanged for a lot of things there.

I heard that a ghost god of wealth with the strongest business even got a body in exchange.

It is not a dead body, but it can assume the identity and posture of a living person and live a normal life without being discovered at all.

It's just that the latter kind of underworld coins are very rare in quantity and of varying quality.

The second type of extremely high-quality Zhenming coins can be regarded as some kind of treasure.

The guy who changed his body and gained the identity of a living person was using the second type of True Underworld Coin.

At least that's what I heard, but whether it's true or not, I'm not sure. "

When the disciple said this, his image with only one face began to change, and the black smoke behind his face began to billow. Vaguely, the black smoke seemed to transform into arms, grabbing He pointed at Men Xinsheng's face.

Wen Yan's face darkened, he stretched out his hand and a little Yang Qi flew out like a burning flame, blessing the disciple.

There are very few things that his blazing sun cannot bless, at least the student in front of him is definitely not in that category.

With the blessing of Yang Qi, the black Qi churning behind Men Xinsheng's face was forcibly suppressed.

After the doorman maintained the status quo, Wen Yan walked out of the underground room and went to the ground to call Gauss.

"Hey, Gauss, aren't you busy? You'll play your game later. You can pause it in single-player mode. I have something urgent to do with you."

Gauss doesn't sleep, and I don't know who has been deceived by him recently. In other words, Gauss listened to what others said, "Playing this game is really torture." In his ears, it probably turned into "Playing this game is really torture." .

After waiting for a minute, Gauss floated over on a bamboo broom.

"What's going on? I'm about to kill that boss."

"It's a bit of a professional thing. I guess you must know about it. I'd like to ask you for advice."

He took Gauss to his home, and when he was about to go down to the basement, Gauss stood at the entrance and never moved again.

"I can't go down."

"It's okay, I asked you to do something."

"No, no, no, it's too disrespectful. I can't step in here. This is the rule."

Wen Yan stepped forward and picked up Gauss with one hand.

"If I carry you down, it won't be considered as stepping in."


Gauss was startled and watched helplessly as Wen Yan carried him with one hand, like a chicken, and carried him across the basement toward the deeper underground buildings.

After crossing the basement, Gauss had not yet reacted.

"Can this still happen?"

"Don't think so much. People in my family are very kind. If I come to you to do something, there aren't that many rules."

Taking Gauss to the room where the disciples were suppressed, Wen Yan first blessed Gauss with a little Yang Qi to make him immune to the huge Yang Qi suppression here.

Entering the room, Wen Yan pointed at the strange-looking doorman and briefly explained what was going on before asking questions.

"Can you tell anything?"

"It does look a bit like a devil's pact."

"Some people have suffered backlash before, but after compensation is given, the backlash will dissipate."

"How much compensation was given?" Gauss keenly grasped the key point.

"three times."

"300%, then there must be some part of the devil's contract. 300% is the lowest point."

"How to say?"

“After signing a contract, those ordinary traditional devils don’t actually care whether they break the contract or not.

As long as you can afford the price, breaking the contract doesn't really matter.

Or, it is more powerful, and the devil will not dare to ask you for debt.

Or, if the traditional devils are satisfied with the price paid for breaking the contract, they will also terminate the contract.

It's just that those guys are too greedy. They will get people's souls bit by bit through contracts.

If the contract is terminated, 300% is the minimum.

As long as they can pay the price, the devils dare to sell even themselves and the hemp rope used to hang them. "

Gauss stretched out a finger and tapped the black air on Men Xinsheng's body, then put his finger in his mouth and tasted it.

"I don't recognize this smell, and I'm not familiar with it. It may just have some content from the devil's contract, and it's not a traditional devil."

"Can it be solved?"

"As long as there's nothing you can do about the backlash, why bother solving it?" Gauss said seriously.

Wen Yan didn't react for a moment, thought about it, and said.

"What you mean is that if it is solved, it may be detected by others, but if it is not solved, it will be fine.

If it's just a backlash and you can handle it, then it's best not to worry about it, right? "

"Yes, if you completely resolve it, the other party who signed the contract will feel it.

Otherwise, if you kill this guy, the other party to the contract will not feel it.

Because his death did not violate the contract.

If death was considered a violation of the contract, the backlash forcibly controlled him and prevented him from dying.

This is not considered a backlash, the power and status required will be very high. "

When Gauss said this, he pointed to the top of his head, Wen Yan understood instantly.

"Then can you help track it down? This is considered a mission, with extra bonuses."

"Is it enough to buy games? I find that games seem a bit expensive. I can't buy many games with my monthly salary."

"If I can help, the game I bought will be enough for you to play for at least a year if you don't sleep at night!"

"Then let me see."

Gauss immediately became serious. He reached out his hand and reached into the black smoke, then took a step back and pulled back.

Some of the black smoke was pulled out, and the black smoke condensed rapidly and turned into strange characters, some of which were Chinese characters.

Wen Yan gave up understanding it at the first glance. With quick eyes and quick hands, he took out his mobile phone and took a few photos.

After checking again, there were words formed by the black smoke in the photo, so he took a few more photos. When he saw the black smoke starting to roll and new words appearing, he decisively switched to video shooting.

Gauss stretched out his hands as if holding a huge book, observing the words transformed by the black smoke.

After a long time, the black smoke that was pulled out returned to the back of Men Xinsheng's face, and Gauss raised his head.

“There must be reference to the devil’s contract, some of the runes in it are the devil’s runes.

The content of the contract is that Party A gives him the opportunity to transform into a stranger after his death.

As for whether he can seize the opportunity, it all depends on him.

If successful, Party A will provide necessary guidance to guide him to complete the advancement.

The rest is all up to him.

He is qualified and can exchange something with Party A using the currency approved by Party A.

What he can exchange for it is all up to him.

Well, a very standard and rigorous devil-like contract.

The long section that follows is filled with restrictions that he needs to abide by.

Contents related to Party A cannot be disclosed to any non-similar contractors, except for the permitted parts.

There are a lot more, all restrictions, quite long.

I guess they didn't read the contents carefully when they signed the contract.

Even devils would find the restrictions a bit outrageous.

However, the price for breaking the contract is not high, it is only 300% of the guaranteed amount.

It seems that this Party A doesn't care about breaking the contract, which is a bit strange. "

Gauss just told Wen Yan what he saw, and he was powerless to do the rest. Most of his status was sealed, and he was not a traditional devil, and his relationship with traditional devils was not good.

Wen Yan lifted Gauss to the ground and let him continue to enjoy the torture in the game.

Wen Yan continued to ask Men Xinsheng about the case.

At dawn, the sun rose, and the disciples withered away, and the black smoke billowing on his body also withered away, and he returned to calm.

Wen Yan took the newly asked information about the seven or eight cases that might be involved, as well as the photos and videos taken, and sent them to the head of the headquarters.

Let the professionals do the deciphering.

Wen Yan felt that the information source was a bit too single because it was just Men Xinsheng. In addition, the information given by Men Xinsheng could not be said to be completely trusted.

We still need to find a ghost god of wealth, but this time, he can't come to the door openly.

Otherwise, it would be too obvious that he killed two of them in a row.

It's best for Ah Piao to come forward. This Ah Piao had better be weaker and stranger, and have room to protect herself...

Wen Yan thought about these things, and while eating breakfast, he suddenly thought of a suitable candidate.

He finished his breakfast quickly, called the head of the headquarters to discuss it, then took out his cell phone and flipped through his address book.

"Hey, Brother Chen, have you eaten?"

"Hey, that's just right. I haven't eaten either. Let's have morning tea together."

Wen Yan made an appointment with Chen Tao for morning tea. Wen Yan came to the teahouse, saw Chen Tao and ordered something. Halfway through the meal, Chen Tao said with a smile.

"Brother, if you have any questions, just ask me. As long as I can help, I won't refuse."

"I have something, and I would like to ask your little apprentice for help."

"Yubao? What can he help with?"

"I want to catch a fish, but it's not convenient for me to come forward. Ah Piao is the most suitable to come forward. Ren Yubao has a raw face and looks weak. If you help, he will definitely be able to protect himself, which is the most suitable."

"Can you tell me something?"

"We'll talk to you in the store later."

After finishing morning tea, I packed some more for Ren Yubao and went to Chen Tao's shop.

Wen Yan explained the matter.

"I remember you said last time that Yubao's situation is a bit special. He can actually change his horoscope, right?"

"That's right."

"Theoretically, can it be changed to any type of horoscope?"

"Theoretically, that's the case, but there are some characters that are too good and too strong, and my little apprentice can't handle them." Chen Tao quickly gave Wen Yan a vaccination.

"No, no, no, brother, you misunderstood. I don't want a good character, that's what it is..."


After hearing what Wen Yan said, Chen Tao's facial features almost wrinkled together. He had never seen anyone worse off than Wen Yan.

At night, Guanzhong County.

In the northern suburbs of the county, at the entrance of Wangjia Village, there is a Piao who looks like Chen Tao's apprentice Ren Yubao. He has a hunched chest and a sad look on his face. His splayed eyebrows make him even more dejected.

Ah Piao suddenly arrived at the entrance of Wangjia Village.

He found the small temple that was only half a person tall, squatted not far away, hugged his legs, and watched quietly without saying a word.

At midnight, a Piao appeared in the distance. He ignored Ren Yubao who was squatting next to him. He took out a stick of incense, lit it, inserted it into the stone incense burner in front of the small temple, then knelt in front, kowtowed repeatedly, and said own wishes.

After a while, black smoke emerged from the stone statue in the small temple, covering the statue's face.

The Ghost God of Wealth looked at Ah Piao who came to his door. He was not afraid of meat and vegetables, and he happily agreed to the other party's request and asked him to continue coming tomorrow.

When Ah Piao left, the Ghost God of Wealth saw Ren Yubao squatting not far away.

Ren Yubao was like a child who was being bullied, squatting there with his legs in his arms, weak and pitiful, his face was full of powerless dejection, and his body was full of negative aura.

But only that soul seemed to be particularly pure.

This ghost god of wealth is full of greed. If this A Piao is captured, he will be several times stronger than the A Piao just now.

Maybe if the quality is high enough, you can exchange it for something better.

Moreover, since you can come here, you must have heard of the Ghost God of Wealth.

But after waiting for more than an hour, Ren Yubao still didn't move, just squatting there.

The Ghost God of Wealth couldn't wait any longer. A gust of breeze blew by, and a few pieces of real paper money flew out and landed directly on Ren Yubao.

Ren Yubao raised his head, revealing a face full of bitterness and helplessness. He picked up the real paper money on his body and thanked him sincerely.

"Thank you. To thank you, I will guard the temple for you."

Ren Yubao moved his body to the side of the small temple and squatted there next to the small temple.

The Ghost God of Wealth was stunned for a moment, as he had never seen such a strange Ah Piao.

However, just accept his benefits. This is a good start, and there will be many opportunities later.

Just when the Ghost God of Wealth wanted to take a look at Ren Yubao, the night wind blew, and the demonic wind circled around the small temple, turning into a whirlwind, rolling up the real paper money and flying away with the wind.

The Ghost God of Wealth was so stunned that all the real paper money he brought flew away.

There was Ah Piao coming from behind, but before he got there, he saw real paper money falling from the sky and scattered on the village road.

The few Ah Piao who got the real paper money did not have to worship the ghost god of wealth. They thought it was the ghost god of wealth who knew they were coming, so they just threw it to them first.

The Ah Piaos dispersed, and after a while, a drunken man appeared staggeringly at the entrance of the village.

When the drunkard passed by the small temple, he couldn't hold it back and vomited out.

What kind of wine, food, sour, smelly, and messy things were sprayed directly in the face of the Ghost God of Wealth.

The ghost god of wealth was so angry that he was trembling and wanted to force the loan to trick the drunkard to death.

But he found that all the capital he brought today was gone.

Ren Yubao, who was squatting aside, seemed to be unable to bear it, and touched the drunkard lightly. Stimulated by a ray of yin energy, the drunkard seemed to wake up a little. When he saw the vomit on the small temple, he apologized again and again.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see it. I'll clean it up for you."

With that said, the drunk man dropped his zipper and washed away the vomit on the ghost god of wealth.

The drunk man took one look, was satisfied, and walked away leisurely.

The God of Wealth was almost furious. He had no capital and no way to hide. How could he have ever suffered such a humiliation?

Finally, seeing the drunk man's figure walking further and further away, the Ghost God of Wealth saw a few pieces of paper money exposed in Ren Yubao's arms.

"You can lend me this paper money for a while and I will return it to you later."

"No, no, you'd better not take my things, you'll be in bad luck." Ren Yubao kindly reminded me.

But the next moment, the pieces of paper money flew out of Ren Yubao's arms and flew towards the drunken man who could no longer see him.

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