I am your natural enemy

Chapter 358: Being wiped out by the world and making no money (5k)

Chen Tao really didn't want to eat Wen Yanhua's cake.

But, this cake is big, round, fragrant and sweet.

If he succeeds, then he really dares to say that his lineage has finally begun to revive after hundreds of years.

His master, master, grandmaster, and many generations before him, with the same conditions, may not be able to reach his current height.

He believed that as long as he did it, the master who had raised him and taken him under his wing for many years would definitely be able to smile now.

Chen Tao resisted the urge to agree immediately and gritted his teeth without saying anything.

He first restored Ren Yubao to its original state, then broke it apart and crushed it into pieces, and clearly explained to Ren Yubao what he was going to do now.

He asked Ren Yubao's opinion first, just like Wen Yan had to let Ren Yubao be present so that Ren Yubao could understand what to do. After seeing his opinion, he would decide whether to do it or not.

Chen Tao rambled on, without explaining the significance of the matter. He just told Ren Yubao what to do and what the risks would be, and then asked Ren Yubao for his opinion.

Ren Yubao just knew that this matter was important, so he agreed without hesitation.

Chen Tao said that he needed to prepare something, so Wen Yan drove the car himself and took him to get it.

More than an hour later, the action began on the first floor of the underground building.

The most important core information, the Smelly Ghost God of Wealth has been given to Ren Yubao a long time ago...

To determine whose temple blessing the stone talisman is, it must contain unique and completely non-overlapping information.

Because the Ghost God of Wealth has neither a body nor, strictly speaking, a soul, the uniqueness of his bloodline and soul cannot be added to that stone talisman.

It can only be replaced by other information. The result is that the effect of this stone talisman is more useful than simple horoscopes, experiences, etc.

Wen Yan gave the twenty-eight-sided approval seal to Ren Yubao as an aid to change his identity.

Then, he took Gauss and stood far away, quietly watching Chen Tao's performance.

Chen Tao wrote eight characters and other contents on the table. After writing one item, he posted an ordinary-looking prop among them.

The props range from grains and animals to command flags, scale beams, bamboo rulers, and copper bells.

They all look like old objects, and all the props here are used during rituals.

It looked like the practice of opening an altar, but it was different from that of a Taoist priest, and Wen Yan couldn't understand it.

As Chen Tao got ready, holding two flags and waving them, in the two outlined formations in front, one held a stone talisman and the other sat Ren Yubao.

Ren Yubao held the approval seal tightly with both hands, and the aura on his body began to change.

One side of the approval seal lit up with brilliance, and Ren Yubao's current identity was imprinted on it. On the other side, the seal lit up slightly and began to change its shape, rubbing the information in the stone talisman and beginning to bless Ren Yubao. New identity.

Chen Tao's expression was solemn, his energy and energy were twisted into a rope, and he was focused to the extreme.

Making so many changes at the same time, even if Ren Yubao had a blank horoscope, he was not 100% sure that he could do it.

But now that he has acid-free paper and color-changing ink, he, a painter who really specializes in core skills, can't refuse.

Time passed little by little. Although Ren Yubao still maintained the appearance of Ah Piao, his appearance and aura had moved closer to the smelly ghost god of wealth.

Even if Chen Tao has never seen the smelly ghost God of Wealth until now, he can still do it.

An hour later, Ren Yubao's aggrieved and melancholy look dissipated. At least it looked like he was just close to turning into a ghost god of wealth.

"We can start the next step. Without a contract, the transformation cannot be completely completed."

Wen Yan looked at Gauss, who looked on with a look of amazement.

"Sir, have you ever thought about becoming a devil after your death? I guarantee that if you want, you can become a devil in the future."

"Quickly pull him down. What's the benefit of becoming a devil? There are people above him."

"..." Gauss sighed regretfully. He really felt that if Chen Tao was willing, he could be the leader.

If Chen Tao wants to be a devil, he must be a devil who has escaped from vulgar taste.

There are too many of the same devils. Those devils whose minds are filled with soul, soul, soul, and who have no idea of ​​advancing with the times, may be swept into the garbage heap of history.

An outlier like him might become orthodox.

Thinking about it makes me a little excited.

But thinking about the last time the Heavenly Master didn't come forward and just pressed him to the ground and rubbed him, Gauss felt that Chen Tao's own path was more promising.

Wen Yan took out the small lead box, took out the paper talisman seal, took out the innermost jade cage, and released the smelly ghost, the God of Wealth.

As soon as he came out, this guy was suppressed to death and couldn't move.

The Smelly Ghost God of Wealth was confused. Before he could understand the situation, he saw Ren Yubao who was exactly like him except that he still had the body of Ah Piao.

The smelly ghost God of Wealth only felt a sense of horror that penetrated into his bones, constantly impacting his mind.

"What's going on?"

Wen Yan didn't even bother to talk nonsense to him. This bullshit trap was going to extremes. Sooner or later, he was a gambler who was going to harm people. He also cheated living people. After cheating parents, he didn't even let go of children.

If he didn't know, forget it. If he knew, and looked at the case again, he would definitely kill this bitch.

Unless you kill this guy, when you eat the Roujiamo, it will feel like you added some Houttuynia cordata out of thin air. It won't kill you, but it's just disgusting.

Gauss raised his head and looked down at the smelly ghost God of Wealth. Just as he was thinking about how to take action, Wen Yan had already started to take action.

Forcing the stinking ghost God of Wealth to ask for information, until the other party began to tell some unspeakable information, and when the backlash began to arouse, Gauss stretched out his hands and inserted them into the black smoke.

Gauss tore through the black smoke and turned into characters flying out.

To be cautious, he first re-confirmed the contents of the contract. After confirming that there were no problems and that it was a standard contract, he started to continue tearing up.

Those contracts were torn apart and pulled towards Ren Yubao.

The words transformed by the black smoke automatically flowed into Ren Yubao's body after they came into contact with him.

At the same time, the identity transformation of the approval seal has also reached the final stage.

Ren Yubao's Ah Piao body began to gradually dissipate and was absorbed by the side that reviewed the seal, leaving only Ren Yubao's consciousness. The black smoke began to transform into his new image.

When more and more black smoke words are pulled out by Gaussian, and when more than half of them are drawn, there is no need to actively pull them out anymore.

The words turned into black smoke poured into Ren Yubao on their own.

Gradually, a new ghost god of wealth appeared, and the figure transformed by the smelly ghost god of wealth gradually became transparent, and the black smoke gradually faded away.

Now he understood what these people were going to do, but he couldn't do anything.

He roared unwillingly and couldn't do anything he wanted to do. He could only gradually become transparent and dissipate.

Wen Yan stared at the stinking ghost God of Fortune, witnessing the despair on his face, watching him dissipate little by little, until finally no sound could be heard.

It was a little different from what was expected. The smelly ghost, the God of Wealth, died and dissipated directly.

Through this observation, Wen Yan was sure that the ghost God of Wealth could belong to the Yin attribute, but he no longer had a soul body.

All he has left is his consciousness, the cornerstone of his existence, which is the power of the contract.

When Ren Yubao is transformed, it is equivalent to taking away everything that can support his existence. There will be another stinky ghost god of wealth in this world.

The real stinky God of Wealth has no basis for existence. He is like an empty shell with only a copy of the title and no meaning of existence.

He was erased from the world.

A very clean death.

"It's an advantage for him to die so quickly." Wen Yan looked at the place where the smelly ghost God of Wealth disappeared and sighed with some regret.

Looking at Ren Yubao, he had completed the transformation and looked exactly like the Ghost God of Wealth. The approval seal he held in his hand also fell to the ground.

Wen Yan took out a small box and put the approval seal in the small box without touching the approval seal with his hands.

On the originally worn seal, two sides seemed to have been restored to their original appearance, looking brand new.

This represents Ren Yubao's current two identities. One is Ren Yubao, who has a low hatred value, Chen Tao's apprentice, and the other is the filthy ghost Caishen with a high hatred value.

It is exactly in line with the effect of the approval seal. When there is an identity with a lower hatred value, there will definitely be an identity with a higher hatred value.

Moreover, the hatred value of the stinking ghost God of Wealth is quite high. Not only people outside want to kill him, but there are also several people in the ghost God of Wealth who want to kill him.

With the hatred raised to this level, there is no need to trigger the negative effects of the approval seal.

At this step, it was basically completed. Chen Tao finished here. After completion, Chen Tao used a small bamboo basket to put away the stone talisman. After thinking about it, he gave it to Wen Yan.

Wen Yan said it was safer.

The stone talisman and approval seal are the key props that Ren Yubao will transform back later.

Wen Yan stuffed these two props directly into the drawer under her grandmother's photo, and asked her grandmother to help them put them away first.

He took Ren Yubao with him and quickly sent him back through the underworld.

After walking out of the underworld, he gave another warning to the jade cage in his hand.

"Remember, after you go, your first goal is to protect yourself first.

All you need to do is squat there. Going out to communicate with other people will easily reveal your secret.

If you have any questions, protect yourself first.

You don't need to worry about anything else. "

After telling Ren Yubao to be good, Wen Yan quietly sent Ren Yubao back to the small temple of the smelly ghost god of wealth.

Ren Yubao remembered Wen Yan's words and his master's instructions. After entering the small temple and possessing the statue, he naturally felt a pull.

He felt that as long as he wanted to, he could fall all the way to another place.

He disappeared into the small temple and kept falling. After an unknown period of time, he suddenly appeared in the small temple again.

But the scene outside the small temple is different.

This is a desolate wilderness, with small temples of different shapes standing here.

At first glance, the small temples look like tombstones standing here.

This is a dead, deserted wild cemetery.

Ren Yubao did not go out, he stayed in his small temple and waited here quietly.

He is very patient. After becoming A Piao, he doesn't need to eat, drink or poop, and his patience becomes even better. He can squat for several days without moving, and there is no pressure at all.

This time, Chen Tao learned the bloody lesson from last time.

After carefully selecting and changing the horoscope, on the basis of meeting Wen Yan's requirements, he no longer blindly pursued power.

After a slight adjustment, Ren Yubao became more powerful the longer he stayed in one place.

If you just walk by, it won't affect the surroundings, and you will just leave Yubao alone, so poor.

But if you sit in one place without moving for more than a day, the power will gradually begin to affect the surroundings, the power will gradually superimpose, and the scope of influence will gradually begin to increase.

It's just about wealth, there won't be any serious problems.

But here, the so-called money includes a series of things such as dead souls, living souls, paper money, etc.

If it affects your wealth, then these ghost gods of wealth will not be able to make money smoothly.

If they can't make money, that means they can't harm people or trick Ah Piao.

The Lieyang Department's big moves take time.

This kind of large-scale operation requires at least more than twenty counties to carry out the Lieyang Department simultaneously. It is impossible for the entire operation to fall short just because of one or two people.

Because of that, the victims in the future may be hundreds or thousands of times more severe than they are now.

Wen Yan didn't think he could save many people. He just felt that the smelly God of Fortune was extremely unpleasant to him. Especially when he was looking at the information and saw the last photo of the bald kid with a bright smile, he felt that Big fire.

This is not good. If the conditions are met, then give it a try.

Unexpectedly, I wiped it clean without leaving any garbage. Isn't that great?

And these ghosts, don't they think that living and dead souls are all wealth, so he will put an undercover agent with a poor ghost's radiation aura in and squat.

Do you still want to make money?

You make a lot of money!

Ren Yubao remained motionless. As time passed, the power of the poor ghost's radiation aura gradually began to brew.

The next day, a group of ghostly wealth gods got off work and gathered in twos and threes with their familiar colleagues. Some people had already begun to complain that they had worked in vain for another night.

Some people began to sigh. They thought they were almost sure to beat a gambler today, but unexpectedly, the gambler didn't come today. I heard he didn't lose all his money.

On the third day, there was no business for a day. Let alone souls, there were more and more ghosts and gods of wealth who didn't even have a piao.

"Do you still have any paper money for offering? Give me some money in exchange."

"What's wrong?"

"A lot of costs have been spent, but there has been no profit. The paper money in exchange has been used up."

"What do you want to exchange for? Sacrifice paper money or black beads?"

"Black beads, there are no new offerings of paper money for sacrifices. Maybe it's not the peak season for sacrifices recently, and those Ah Piao don't have them either."

The ghost god of wealth who spoke looked distressed. The black beads were the soul of Ah Piao, and the white beads were the soul of life.

Use beads in exchange for paper money. If you exchange less, he will not be happy. If you exchange more, the other party will not be happy. It just depends on whose demand is stronger. Anyway, you will always suffer a loss.

"I don't have much left. I'm afraid it won't be enough for you to change. Do you have anything else?"

"Just change it as little as possible..."

Ren Yubao has been squatting in his small temple, not going out, as if he is autistic, and has been looking at everything outside with cold eyes.

Anyway, the hatred of the Smelly Ghost God of Wealth has been a bit high recently, and other ghost Gods of Wealth are too lazy to pay attention to him.

The god of wealth who has any needs will not come to him to exchange things. People are afraid that they will exchange for things contaminated with filth and ruin their savings.

No one paid attention to him as he squatted here, and he was happy and at ease.

A ghost god of wealth floated out from a small temple in the distance, and the ghost god of wealth who was looking for someone to exchange money immediately floated over.

"Xiao Zhou, do you still have any paper money for offering? I'll give you some in exchange."

"It's gone, it's all gone, what a fool..." Zhou Xiaorong breathed out the fragrance, and the ghosts and gods of wealth around him expressed sympathy for him.

Zhou Xiaorong's pocket is cleaner than his face now, and he doesn't even have a piece of serious paper money.

He is here now purely to gather information.

It would be better if he had no money. If he had no money, other ghosts and wealth gods would not waste their experience and pay attention to him.

Zhou Xiaorong squatted here, listening to the complaints from the ghost gods around him.

"In the off-season for sacrifices, it's really hard to make money."

"Hey, next month, it will get colder and colder next month, and it will be the peak season of death every year."

"That's right. When that time comes, if it snows heavily, it will be just right."

"I really envy those in the north. When winter comes, if a few people fall to death or get into car accidents, it's easy to improve their performance."

"Hey, don't think I don't know. Your little temple stands by the water. How many people drown there all year round? If you fool the newly dead guys a little, you can easily catch them."

"Don't mention it anymore, you're drowning like a chicken. It was true before. There were a lot of little brats, but now there are no hairs at all."

"What's wrong? Can the Lieyang Department add a border wall to the entire river and lock it?"

"Ever since Nanwu County gave a water demon the position of water god, you don't know that after the news spread, those water demons suddenly got involved.

The Lieyang Department didn't make any promises. Those crazy water monsters would help people ashore when they saw someone falling into the water.

There is a crazy carp demon in Haixi County. He doesn't want to be the water god at all, he just wants to have enough to eat.

After it saved several people, people over there used forklifts to feed the fish and unload the food!

Do you know about forklifts?

That crazy carp demon has already eaten more than 200 kilograms, and he still eats!

Who is a serious monster who doesn't want to be the water god, but just wants to have enough to eat?

The people over there are also a bunch of rich lunatics. They can feed the fish a ton of starting feed.

What a psychopath! ill! "

When the Ghost God of Wealth mentioned this, his mentality collapsed.

Originally, in that place, a few decades ago, some people were drowned, and they were still little brats who didn't understand anything.

Adding railings, fences, patrols, and warning signs are of no use, and they are not provided every year.

His small temple is by the river. Hey, it's just like waiting for a rabbit to survive droughts and floods.

But in the past two months, things have suddenly changed. Except for those fishermen who can't catch fish, they go to feed the fish.

There are also rich people who use trucks to transport feed, and during the holidays, they also add some fresh ingredients, which is called a good meal.

When it's time to eat, there are seven or eight water monsters who come to eat every time.

In this situation, even if you jump into the river with two concrete pillars hanging on your feet, you don't want to drown!

The most irritating thing is that the people over there have committed crimes and want to destroy the corpses to eliminate traces, but now they know not to throw them into the river!

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