I am your natural enemy

Chapter 359 Tower 119, Canon (5k)

Over the past three days, the power of the poor ghost's radiation halo gradually increased, and the overall income of the group of ghosts and gods of wealth began to plummet.

They just complained, but in fact, this incident did not arouse their vigilance.

When they are normal, it is impossible for them to make profits every day, but when they are communicating and bragging together, it is too difficult for them to ask me. I can't afford anything in exchange for these three melons and two dates.

Even now, the problem is that it’s too difficult for me and I haven’t earned anything.

At least most of the ghosts of wealth here will not tell others how much money they really make.

We usually brag and exchange experiences, but that is because we are far away from each other and there is basically no competition.

In addition, many experiences are suitable for the local area and not for other places, so there is no need to worry when bragging.

Those who focus on one thing like Zhou Xiaorong are very rare cases.

Now that the overall situation has begun to decline, no one has become vigilant. It is normal to have ups and downs.

Ren Yubao squatted here motionless and began to gradually show off his power. On the other side, the preparations for Lieyang Department were also carried out in an orderly manner.

A large number of small temples that took advantage of loopholes and did not need to declare were photographed during the day and archived one after another.

As for Wen Yan, he had already asked Zhou Xiaorong to assist him in starting the positioning work.

Zhou Xiaorong numbered all the 118 small temples in the square.

According to the number, he describes the appearance of the small temple, the materials used, the approximate size, the overall or partial color, and then describes the special points on the small temple, using these as nodes to assist identification.

Wen Yan fed these descriptions to the black box. The black box was distributed in various counties of the Lieyang Department in the past few days, searching for photos that met the conditions among the various photos taken.

After the black box completed the screening, it handed over the few alternatives to Zhou Xiaorong for confirmation.

After Zhou Xiaorong confirmed it, Wen Yan would also ask the disciple to confirm it again to add a little more insurance.

The above procedures must be completed at least twice.

In three days, 110 of the 118 small temples had been confirmed.

And this confirmed location was also confirmed at night with special camera equipment. At night, there would be a ghost god of wealth appearing there, and then it was finally confirmed.

The last few locations have not been confirmed yet, just because the last few locations are not in densely populated areas, and those small temples are usually no longer worshiped.

It is indeed a bit difficult to trace it now, especially one that is determined to be northwest style based on Zhou Xiaorong's description, so it is indeed a bit difficult to find it.

Because it is so vast and sparsely populated, in some places, the administrative unit at the next lower level in a state has an area larger than a county in the south, with an average of nearly 4,000 acres of land per capita.

There are few people in such a big place. I want to find a small temple where no one worships. If there are no people from the Lieyang Department outside the county to support manpower and equipment, I want to dig it out by manpower. I can find it in a year. It is considered extremely efficient.

On the fifth day, drones flew in the desert and sent back information simultaneously, allowing AI to make a judgment first.

With the help of a drone, we finally found the small temple in a ruins buried in yellow sand.

I don’t know how the ghost god of wealth in this small temple makes money in a place like this.

This place is often hundreds of kilometers of no-man's land, let alone people, it's hard for Ah Piao to see even one or two.

Finally, all 118 small temples were located.

After Wen Yan confirmed it, Wen Yan submitted the information, and the final confirmation process was for the Lieyang Department to come.

Wen Yan held the phone and thought about it.

"Do you remember what that hall looks like?"

"Ah?" Zhou Xiaorong was shocked.

"Since every small temple there corresponds to a ghost god of wealth, is it possible that the big hall also corresponds to a certain person?"

"This...I do remember it. I also remember the appearance inside, that is..."

"Tell me everything you remember. It's best to include the size, style, color, material, and data."

Wen Yan did not continue to read the rest of the content. He directly asked the black box to take over the subsequent related content and put it all into the black box so that no one could see it.

He was worried that the detailed information about that palace was the most sensitive information.

After setting it up, Wen Yan added a command to the black box.

"After receiving the relevant description, we will start matching immediately."

But after thinking about it, I added another one.

"The matching scope is not limited to China. In addition to China, priority is given to the Nanyang area."

So, if a great hall exists, it is unlikely to be in no man's land.

Nowadays, everyone has a camera, and there is always someone taking photos on the public Internet.

As long as it exists for a long time, it must be there.

After setting up here, Wen Yan put away his phone.

Zhou Xiaorong described it in great detail, including approximate height, width, and internal layout, all of which were not very precise.

And this is actually enough to help screen out more than half of the black boxes.

The black box begins to mobilize computing power to complete the matching.

Someone in the Lieyang Department reported to the superiors that the computing power was insufficient and the work was not easy to do. Some things relied solely on manpower, which was too inefficient.

The general manager turned on his equipment and looked at the computing power ratio. Currently, the part that accounts for the highest computing power in a single task is the black box. The black box does not know what it is doing and mobilizes a lot of computing power.

New equipment is already a top priority, and the existing equipment is obviously not enough.

The head of the headquarters looked at it. Ten minutes later, the computing power mobilized by the black box was still at the highest value within the allowed range. He called Wen Yan.

"What did you find over there? The black box has been running at full capacity for ten minutes."

"Make it match that hall."

"Tomorrow night at about 1 o'clock, the branches in the twenty-eight counties will take action at the same time.

Do you want to participate in Caiyun County's operation?

If you participate, you will be allowed to choose the loot first. "

"Aren't the seniors from Wudang here?"

"It doesn't affect it."

"Okay, I'll go tomorrow."

Wen Yan hung up the phone, and more than an hour later, Black Box finally produced several alternative photos.

They all look pretty much the same, and if someone were to tell them apart, it would be obvious at a glance that this is not a grand palace.

Wen Yan asked Black Box to hand the photo to Zhou Xiaorong and let Zhou Xiaorong confirm it.

A few minutes later, Black Box sent a message.

There are no pictures, just an address.

Somewhere in Southeast Asia.

Wen Yan took his mobile phone and searched it, and sure enough he found an ancient building there.

According to public records, it was built by Chinese people who went to Southeast Asia a hundred years ago and made a fortune there.

The temple is dedicated to the Second Master Guan.

The gangs that were prevalent there at that time were allied by blood, and it was in this Guandi Temple.

But as time passed, many things changed. There was also a war there, and everything was disrupted.

The current Guandi Temple is no longer the same as the one before. It has been repaired many times, and the incense there is now very average.

Thirty years ago, there was a fire there, and the current temple was almost rebuilt.

The black box said that it was originally impossible to match.

However, during the matching process, it was discovered that many temples had undergone repairs and reconstructions, and some temples were almost completely two temples before and after reconstruction.

Therefore, after it failed to match, it expanded the matching range. Starting from matching photos within ten years at the same location, it continued to expand the range along the way.

Finally, when matching image data from more than 40 years ago, an old photo was found.

After it restored the old photo, it handed it over to Zhou Xiaorong, and the result was completely confirmed.

The main hall, at its current location, is exactly the same as it was before it was burned down and rebuilt.

Even the cracks on one of the pillars are exactly the same.

Wen Yan checked the relevant records, looked at the hall, and pondered for a long time.

Just as he thought, since there are one hundred and eighteen small temples, each of which has its corresponding place, there is no reason why the obvious Chinese-style hall should not have a corresponding realistic basis.

Wen Yan has already told the headquarters chief about his experience in catching the ghost god of wealth.

He used Men Xinsheng as a test subject. When he was not equipped with temporary abilities, as long as there was no idol attached to him, he could use strong enough yang energy to forcibly suppress him. The results were all reported.

Feng Yao has also come to the door and has experimented with many kinds of equipment to find an effective method.

Men Xinsheng was very cooperative. He almost sold all the other ghosts of wealth. Even Zhou Xiaorong, a ghost of wealth who had to say a good word, was not merciless in selling.

Now let’s do some experiments together, there’s nothing you wouldn’t like about it.

At night, Wen Yan tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. He always felt that he had overlooked something.

He never felt that this idea was an illusion. He closed his eyes and recalled the whole thing again.

After reminiscing, he sent a message to Zhou Xiaorong.

"I remember you said that there was already a ghost God of Wealth who changed his body, right?"


"Do you know which ghost god of wealth he is?"

"Uh..." When Zhou Xiaorong saw this question, his mind suddenly shut down. He took a breath and replied: "I don't remember."

"I don't remember, then why do all of you remember that someone exchanged a body with an identity?"

"I remember there was a display in the main hall that that item was only redeemed once."

"Does anything else show how many times it has been redeemed?"

"It seems...there may be."

"Someone has exchanged a body with an identity. Aren't any of you curious? Has no one inquired about it?"

"No..." When Zhou Xiaorong saw this, he understood in his heart that this was obviously not normal.

He doesn't know about other people, but if he knows about this, he will definitely inquire about it. Even if he pays some price, he will also inquire about what the exchanged body looks like, how to use it, what are the restrictions, etc. wait.

This is his obsession.

He doesn't care what his body is, as long as he can move and do things that ordinary people can do, he is satisfied.

He even thought that if this body was from China, it might not be a living person at all, but might just be a zombie or something like that.

"Okay, there is one more thing, please pay attention to it."

Time passed little by little, and on the sixth day, Ren Yubao was still squatting in his small temple.

His power has made the ghost gods of wealth obviously feel something different. There is nothing strange, but for many days in a row, many ghost gods of wealth can only get out and not come in.

"Did something happen?"

"I have A Piao reporting here, saying that the Lieyang tribe has recently been checking for evil spirits. They are checking out the local small temples, and we are all within range."

"Do you think the Sun Division is doing something that's why we haven't caught anything for so many days?"

"It's impossible. They couldn't stop everyone and Ah Piao, but we didn't receive any news."

A group of ghosts and gods of wealth gathered together to exchange information, but no one found any sign of the Lieyang Department's direct involvement.

The information they can know is that the Lieyang Department is investigating and investigating the evil priests.

And this is nothing surprising, the news came out two months ago.

There have been several major murders caused by evil priests outside, and there was even a blood sacrifice at Lao Mo's side, with thousands of casualties at one time. This excludes those who died in the local gunfight that day.

A group of ghosts and gods of wealth communicated with each other here, but nothing came of it.

Zhou Xiaorong walked up to one of the ghost gods of wealth and asked casually.

"Brother, haven't you gained much in the past two days?"

"The harvest is lower than usual." The Ghost God of Wealth replied casually, and then asked: "Aren't you going to continue collecting the sacrificial paper money?"

"Take it, but I have no capital. If not..." Zhou Xiaorong cursed the filthy God of Wealth every day.

The ghost god of wealth next to him casually comforted him and continued to listen to the exchanges between those in front of him.

Zhou Xiaorong glanced at him, stopped scolding him, and listened.

He walked around and counted the ghosts and gods of wealth who were now in the square.

One hundred and seven people came out of the small temple and came to the square.

The remaining eleven remained in their own small temples.

Including the smelly ghost God of Wealth and the face-scarred ghost God of Wealth in Caiyun County.

After confirming that everyone was there, Zhou Xiaorong followed the agreement and did nothing and continued to listen to what others said.

In broad daylight, a group of ghosts and gods of wealth were chatting here after get off work, while on the other side, Wen Yan and Feng Wei were traveling around the country.

At night, in Caiyun County, all the Taoist priests from Wudang were already present, and the altar and other things were already prepared.

Unfortunately, all the roads around the target temple were in trouble.

Some people dig roads and bury pipes, but the master's skills are so bad that he dug the road under the road.

If it collapses, it will have to be rebuilt, and a section of the road will be cut off.

Some roads are being rebuilt by the government, but the problem is that there is serious water and soil erosion under the roadbed, and there are holes. It will not work without repairs.

But the gossip circulating among the locals is that there is a war going on next door, and some artillery shells accidentally landed on the Chinese side before.

So China is making preparations, but the roads here are too bad to carry large vehicles safely and quickly.

Anyway, you have to choose between official news and gossip.

So unfortunately, in the small temple on the border, all the roads in all directions were dug into dead ends.

There was also a sign posted there prohibiting access.

As evening approached, an explosion sounded. Immediately, enthusiastic residents who heard the explosion called the police, saying that another shell had landed next door.

So, before the situation was determined, for the sake of the safety of the masses, an order appeared and the evacuation began.

Unfortunately, all residents within a three-kilometer radius of the small temple were evacuated.

They even caught up with a local temporary resettlement unit to have dinner, but the logistics team of that unit accidentally added a 0 to the data, causing them to accidentally make more dinner.

At night, Wen Yan, who was supposed to come, had not yet appeared.

It was almost seven o'clock in the evening, when it was getting dark, Wudang Headmaster asked, and the head of the headquarters told him that Wen Yan might not be able to come, and let him have full authority to handle matters here.

Across the country, more than 20 counties are participating.

Various preparations have been made to ensure that no problems arise.

Every county minister does not want to lose face in this kind of action.

Under normal circumstances, it makes sense.

This time, everyone acts at the same time to deal with the same target. Whoever fails will be embarrassed.

Various personnel also made appointments under various names a few days in advance to ensure that no one would slip up.

On the other side, in the Xiyu County where it was still daylight, Wen Yan was dusty and dusty, sitting in a car and driving through the desert.

When he arrived at the target location, he saw the target small temple.

It is said to be a small temple, but it is actually a badly weathered earth and stone statue in the ruins, the kind that even tomb robbers would look down upon.

He stayed awake and traveled to 118 places in one day to take a look in person.

This small temple is the only one that is extremely eccentric.

Others, more or less, have their own reasons for choosing.

It's like having a small temple located on the riverside, which is still some distance from the residential area, so it's relatively remote.

But when people choose to go there, they are just waiting for things to come. They come every year and every season, especially in summer.

The one in front of us is a full eighty kilometers away from the nearest settlement.

Wen Yan took advantage of the underworld and chose the nearest barren tomb, which was more than thirty kilometers away from here.

Coupled with the information given by Zhou Xiaorong, it seems that the ghost god of wealth in this small temple is not a poor ghost, but a kind of neither up nor down nor slip away.

I had seen this guy go to the main hall before, and it seemed that he had exchanged something.

Wen Yan gave up and went to Caiyun County. Xiyu County happened to be looking for support, so he came.

A group of people got out of the car and worked for a long time. When it started to get dark, they all retreated, leaving Wen Yan alone.

Wen Yan found a place to sit down and waited quietly.

Around ten o'clock or almost eleven o'clock in the evening, it started to get completely dark.

Wen Yan raised his eyelids and looked at his phone. Zhou Xiaorong still didn't send any message.

And in that square, Zhou Xiaorong was still here. He was not in a hurry to leave, and was just cursing in the street not far from the stinky God of Wealth.

It wasn't until he watched the ghost gods of wealth leave one by one, and only the smelly ghost god of wealth seemed to be sitting in the temple motionless and autistic, that he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

On the other side, Wen Yan sensed that movement began to appear on the statue.

Among his undercover agents, one is autistic and the other is acting badly. They just don't go to work to see if the other ghosts and gods of wealth are also acting badly.

If there is no problem, then it will be ruined, it doesn’t matter.

If there is a problem, based on that guy's past performance, he will definitely avoid abnormal behavior.

Sure enough, this guy came out to work.

Come to work in a place where people don't shit like this.

The moment Wen Yan sensed it, he immediately took out his cell phone and dialed.

The canon sounded in the desert, and then the next moment, there was a loud bang.

The small temple and the broken stone statue were directly blown off the ground.

As soon as the black smoke came out from the stone statue, the stone statue was blown into powder by an explosion from within.

Wen Yan held the phone and grinned.

Thanks to the cooperation of the field team of the Lieyang Department, he has wanted to play this once and has been thinking about it for a long time.

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