I am your natural enemy

Chapter 360 Identified and worshiped (5k)

Wen Yan had played the PHS bomb many times when he played games before.

No need to connect, you can choose your own time and detonate remotely. It would be perfect if it is equipped with a canon ringtone.

Now this operation is the standard procedure of the Lieyang Department to capture the ghost God of Wealth.

Statues and small temples are very important things to the ghost god of wealth. In addition to being possessions, they are also equivalent to the barren graves that Wen Yan used to travel to the underworld.

The statue and the small temple are the intersection leading to the main hall square.

First blow up this thing, so that the ghost god of wealth loses the possessed object and the entrance to the passage.

To be on the safe side, it is necessary to ensure as soon as possible that the statue will leave the ground, disconnect from the earth and the earth's atmosphere, and then explode it into powder from the inside.

The field staff of the Lieyang Department are very professional and have set up everything. I heard that there are three additional insurances. Wen Yan only needs to make a call and complete the detonation like playing a game.

First, cut off the escape route of the ghost god of wealth, and then the rest of the matter will be done step by step.

The average ghost god of wealth is not very strong in itself. The ability they can exchange, at least at this stage, is for the purpose of making more money, and is not a strong combat ability.

Except for the one in Caiyun County, Wen Yan thinks the one in front of him is the biggest problem.

However, Xiyu County itself has a small population and a large land, and is severely short of manpower, so Wen Yan came to support this side.

After the explosion, black smoke billowed in the fire, and a small prompt popped up in front of Wen Yan's eyes.

"Friendly reminder: Being identified..."

In the black smoke, a ghostly God of Wealth rolled into shape, with a gloomy face looking at Wen Yan not far away through the dust and black smoke.

He tried to use his own ability to get a closer look at Wen Yan's background.

However, at the beginning, Wen Yan could no longer be seen.

He saw the huge Yang Qi, and saw that all the Yang Qi was like the main stream and tributaries of a river, constantly branching off into small branches, creating a beautiful and harmonious scenery like nature.

He opened his eyes wide, wanting to continue to peek, but when his eyes began to tremble slightly, behind the huge Yang Qi, there was the boundless void, and the faint blue light illuminated the void.

There was also a ball of light that appeared silently and wrapped around the rear.

There seemed to be a hand slowly blocking his sight. He ignored this kind intention and wanted to see more clearly to complete a thorough identification.

But the next moment, he broke through this blockage, and what he saw was boundless light. The dazzling brilliance forcibly blocked everything in his field of vision, allowing him to see only light.

He closed his eyes in pain, and two lines of tears began to flow from the cheeks where the black smoke had gathered, and his eyes were almost crippled.

What he could see and identify was that there might be several layers of obstruction behind it.

Some of them did not even come from Wen Yan's own blocking, but from others who helped Wen Yan block his appraisal.

Wen Yan raised his head and looked at the billowing black smoke, waiting to see the follow-up to the prompt.

Then the prompt stayed for a few seconds and then disappeared silently, with no follow-up or countermeasures at all.

Doesn't it mean that there is no need to pay any attention to it? It is impossible to identify a Chou Yin Mao?

It's right to think about it. When he encountered a similar situation before, a bloody exclamation mark appeared in front of his eyes. This time it was just a reminder to let him know that it would be over.

When the black smoke gradually dissipated, Wen Yan saw a face in the black smoke, looking like a standard ghost god of wealth.

The prompts started the moment I saw it.

"Tip: When you get the information prompt, it will be perceived by the other party."

Wen Yan didn't stop and continued to look, and normal prompts began to appear.

"Ghost God of Wealth (Chaofeng)"

“The descendants of Huizhou merchants have extraordinary experience accumulation and keen eyesight, and can accurately judge the value of an item.

At the same time, you can also use a concrete perspective to peek into the details of an object or creature.

After serving as a court official for many years, his strongest point is his vision.

He is the most indispensable talent in xx pawn shop.

He is also the number one person who penetrated xx pawnshop into China and opened up the Chinese market. "

“As a member of the Ghost God of Wealth, it is natural for me to have the qualifications for redemption ability.

He can even redeem abilities that ordinary ghost gods of wealth are completely unqualified to know.

The abilities he possesses, both in terms of quantity and grade, far exceed those of ordinary ghosts and gods of wealth.

Friendly reminder: He is very good at escaping. "

“Temporary capabilities.

1: Ju Ling.

2: Shock.

3: Fuqi. "

The last time Ju Ling met, Wen Yan immediately equipped the shock first.

"Concussion: This is an extremely advanced technique. When the power is strong enough, you can try to master this technique to use shock to interfere with a series of special abilities including but not limited to cosmic abilities, escape techniques, etc."

He tried Fuqi again.

"Qiji: When allowed, you can obtain part of the unique power of certain gods. After completing the complete process, the power will be maximized."

Wen Yan got the hint, and on the other side, Chao Feng also sensed it. When he was identifying Wen Yan, Wen Yan sensed it and started a forced reverse identification.

He reacted quickly, opened his mouth and spit out a cloud of black smoke. In the black smoke, a scroll unfolded and disappeared into the black smoke.

His unique ability and unique one-time magic props allowed him to cover up the most critical information and cover up more information that followed.

He originally noticed that the yang energy in Wen Yan's body was extremely fierce. The yang energy was not even a ball, but had an extremely complicated route. His first reaction was to run away quickly.

He thought he knew warriors very well, but he had never heard of such a warrior.

He has a sharp eye, and even if he doesn't understand what it means, he still knows that it can give him an extremely harmonious and natural sense of beauty, so this is not an ordinary thing.

If Wen Yan dares to ambush here alone, he is definitely not a simple character.

It was only when he realized that Wen Yan could actually detect his identification, and even follow the connection generated by his identification to force a reverse identification, and it was obvious that the other party had read some information.

Chaofeng didn't want to run away.

If Wen Yan is not resolved today, there will be endless troubles.

Especially since Wen Yan ambushed here at this time and even planted explosives in advance.

Then there are only two possibilities.

Or, the Lieyang Division discovered them and started a large-scale operation, so when he built a temple in such an inhospitable place, a master would stay here.

Or, the story of the Ghost God of Wealth was exposed, and he was also found to be abnormal, and the Lieyang Department specially sent a master to squat him here.

No matter which one, the Lieyang Department must have known about the Ghost God of Wealth.

The explosion was divided into two parts. The first one was caught off guard. It first blew up his statue and temple into the sky and separated from the earth, and then blew up the statue.

Such a targeted approach happened to be stuck at the point where he had just come up, so it was impossible for him to have no understanding of the Ghost God of Wealth.

Otherwise, how about just blowing up the statue?

The Lieyang Department may know a lot more than he expected.

How did they get so much information?

Is it relying on this guy with the ability to identify?

Impossible, not enough, far from enough.

Only someone who knows the ghost god of wealth very well could leak this information.

There must be someone inside.

Who is the mole?

Chao Feng quickly thought about the list in his mind.

Finally, three ghost gods of wealth were locked.

There is a disciple who is said to be dead. His temple in this world was smashed, but his temple is still there in the square.

One is the filthy God of Wealth who took the initiative to come to the square a few days ago and has been staying in the small temple for the past few days.

One is Caiyun County's new ghost God of Wealth. This guy made such a big move and prepared to plunder hundreds of souls at once. He was so rampant and unscrupulous that no one died in the end.

Oh, it seems that only the person who set the fire died?

But that's not right. The person who set the fire might have been dead.

He wanted to get in touch with this guy before, but unfortunately he never got in touch with him. He was particularly difficult to get along with.

How could such a difficult person become a ghost?

The Ghost God of Wealth also needs some qualities. Not to mention having a lotus tongue and turning black into white. At least he cannot have reverse qualities.

Among all the ghost gods of wealth, only these three have been abnormal in the past half month.

Chao Feng quickly reviewed the recent information in his mind, and he ignored Zhou Xiaorong.

Because in his eyes, Zhou Xiaorong was just a clear-eyed college student who was forced to work in sales after graduation but couldn't open an order in a month.

After being polluted by the filthy air, Zhou Xiaorong was the most vulnerable, so there was no problem.

When the black smoke gradually dissipated, Chaofeng fell silently to the ground, and then slowly disappeared into the yellow sand and loess.

On the other side, Wen Yan grabbed it with his left hand, and the gray cloth flew out on its own.

The strong yang energy rushed up and violently hit the ground, causing ripples to appear on the sand.

There was a loud bang, and the sand in front exploded.

The yellow sand in the sky turned into sand waves, rolling towards both sides.

In the yellow sand, black smoke filled the air, and the waves of sand that exploded did not stop after rolling. Instead, they got higher and higher, rushing towards Wen Yan.

Among the yellow sand, wisps of black smoke seeped out, and in front of the waves of sand, Chao Feng's face appeared.

After getting closer, Chao Feng could really see Wen Yan's face clearly.

"Wen Yan! It turns out it was you, and it was indeed the disciple who betrayed you!"

As a minister, he naturally wants to know the latest news as much as possible. He will pay attention to anyone who is emerging and needs attention.

Wen Yan's name may not be well-known in other counties, but in the A Piao circle of Guanzhong County, it can be said to be famous.

Unfortunately, most of the latest internal information in China in Chaofeng's hands came from A Piao, and a small part came from Nanyang.

He also specifically looked for Wen Yan's photo and recognized it at a glance.

He even knew that there was a rumor in the gossip that Wen Yan might be Tuoba Martial God.

It's just that there are too many such rumors and cannot be verified. Wen Yan is the Tuoba Martial God, which is actually somewhat credible. At least it is not a fake news.

Now that he had seen Wen Yan with his own eyes and felt the yang energy in Wen Yan's body, Chaofeng felt that the gossip was probably false.

But Wen Yan's own yang energy is very strong, which is indeed true.

He blended the black smoke into the yellow sand and controlled the yellow sand to swarm up.

Wen Yan waved the gray cloth and smashed the face on the yellow sand, but it did not affect the waves of yellow sand that were already several meters high.

His yang energy collided with the black smoke in the yellow sand, making a sizzling sound.

Seeing the yellow sand approaching, it was like cutting off the water with a knife. The physical blow could only block a part of it, but it had no big effect at all.

He now knew why the emperor chose the temple in such a place where birds did not poop.

No matter what the Sun Division is trying to do, the logistical pressure here will be enormous.

Even if Chao Feng is exposed, with his current ability, he can easily escape here.

He only needs to go all the way west and enter the largest desert in China, which stretches for thousands of kilometers and is his home field. He can easily escape.

With such a large scope, no equipment is easy to use.

When necessary, he can even use his abilities to complete the counterattack here.

This place is extremely unfriendly to creatures with flesh and blood, but it has no impact on the court and is even more beneficial.

Wen Yan gave up his original idea when he saw black smoke seeping out of the sand waves more than ten meters wide.

He held the gray cloth and shook it. The moment he pulled it up, the gray cloth took advantage of the sand waves and pulled Wen Yan up.

The several-meter-high sand wave also suddenly rose up at this moment. When Wen Yan was about to cross the sand wave and impact, it wrapped around Wen Yan's legs and pulled Wen Yan into the sand wave.

The waves of sand rolled upwards, swallowing up Wen Yan bit by bit, as if falling into quicksand.

The moment he was completely submerged, the bracelet on Wen Yan's wrist turned into water and submerged into Wen Yan's mouth and nose.

The sand waves fell and turned into a huge grave bag, wrapping Wen Yan inside.

Chao Feng possessed himself on the sand, controlled a large amount of sand, and suppressed the blazing Yang Qi emanating from Wen Yan's body, preparing to suffocate Wen Yan to death inside.

He chose this place because he was prepared for the worst, unless the Lieyang Department put a mushroom bomb directly under his butt without his knowledge. With the terrifying high temperature of at least 50 million degrees at that moment, the purest The destructive power evaporated him instantly.

Otherwise, he would not be afraid of a fully armed army group.

That's the only thing wrong with living people. Flesh and blood are too fragile.

Here, he can use the simplest method to kill living people.

Now that Wen Yan is killed, he is ready to run away, heading west and leaving China.

His temple in Shenzhou was destroyed and the intersection was gone, so he had to use other methods to leave.

The easiest way is of course to use Wen Yan.

Time passed bit by bit, and Wen Yan, who was trapped in the huge sandbag and pressed to death, gradually became silent.

The blazing Yang Qi, which still contained a bit of ferocious blood, gradually dissipated.

The uncomfortable feeling Chaofeng felt gradually dissipated.

He calculated the time and found that it had been more than twenty minutes before Wen Yan was forcibly suffocated to death.

At this point, he was cautious and didn't do anything immediately. After waiting for another five minutes, there was still no movement.

Chao Feng just began to gather his ghost God of Wealth body, and the black smoke that penetrated the yellow sand gradually condensed.

In addition to the abilities that ordinary ghosts and gods of wealth have, he also has several additional abilities such as controlling yellow sand, possessing yellow sand, controlling corpses, possessing corpses, escape from the ground, swinging, trust, and illusion.

Finally, he must add to his many years of experience and vision, which has transformed into identification skills.

Black smoke gathered, and he shuttled through the gaps between the yellow sand and came to Wen Yan.

The moment that part of the black smoke seeped into Wen Yan's body, Chao Feng immediately realized something was wrong.

The blood in Wen Yan's body is still flowing, and Wen Yan is not dead yet.

Just when he was about to retreat and spread his body, Wen Yan opened his eyes, his eyes bloomed with light, and the violent sun blessed his body, and the explosion of yang energy was ten times stronger than before.

But this time, what burst out was the power of the new way. Yang Qi, strength, and blood were all integrated together, a power that took into account the advantages of both entities and non-entities.

Along with the "vibration", the entire sand dune shook. Every grain of sand seemed to be colliding with each other, and the entire sand dune seemed to be stuffed into a huge vibrating screen machine.

Chaofeng's difficulty in controlling the sand began to skyrocket.

As soon as the black smoke dispersed a little, it was forcibly suppressed by the force that exploded from all directions.

The bulging sand dunes gradually spread out, and Wen Yan's hands seemed to be burning with flames, using the flames as a carrier to hold a cloud of black smoke in front of him.

In the black smoke, Chao Feng kept struggling, but to no avail. Wen said that this was a one-stopping effort.

Wen Yan wouldn't have bothered to act with him if it wasn't to prevent this guy from escaping into the desert without a trace and causing endless trouble.

Wen Yan had guessed before that the ghost god of wealth with a body might be this guy.

So, now that he has no statues and temples, and no way out, if he wants to escape, he can only rely on the black smoke body of the Ghost God of Wealth?

80% still need a carrier to do many things more conveniently.

There is no one here for dozens of kilometers, and there is a body with authority in front of him. Doesn't he want it?

Sure enough, when this guy condensed the scattered body of the ghost god of wealth on his own and brought it close to his eyes, he seemed to notice something keenly. Wen Yan couldn't wait any longer.

Seeing that Chao Feng's struggle was useless, the face suddenly looked at Wen Yan's, and the illusion was activated.

In Wen Yan's eyes, he was constantly suppressing and compressing the black smoke. After suppressing it, he sealed it into a small lead box.

In fact, there is no small lead box at all, only the gray cloth blessed with yang energy, which is constantly wrapped around, turning into a ball, and constantly shrinking.

Chao Feng wanted to escape, but found that it was useless. He could not penetrate the weird gray cloth, and even Wen Yan's simple and crude suppression did not slack off at all.

At the last glance, through the gap, he saw a trace of ridicule in Wen Yan's eyes.

He forced the appraisal again, and when he was almost blind, he vaguely saw the back of a figure on the next floor, dressed in a red dress, who looked like a demon.

Wen Yan completely sealed Chaofeng, and then added a violent sun to strengthen the seal.

At this time, the small lead box in Wen Yan's eyes turned into a gray cloth wrapped into a ball.

Wen Yan looked around and sneered.

"You still want to test me here, Guapi, you are really good at choosing places. I'm afraid you don't even know why this place turned into a desert."

The sand waves, which are less than ten meters tall, are not even remotely close to the power that my aunt brought here back then.

This is the path that my aunt took back then.

With the blessing of his aunt, he cannot be killed by the yellow sand here no matter where he is.

If it wasn't for the purpose of capturing alive such an important character who was good at escaping, he would have stopped acting long ago.

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