I am your natural enemy

Chapter 381: Do good deeds without worrying about the future (5k)

One day later, apart from being the host, Wen Yan spent the rest of his time reciting sutras for salvation. He did not need to direct other matters at all. Anyone from Fuyu Mountain who had the ability to participate in the rituals could be randomly selected. They are all more professional than him.

Another verse ended. Wen Yan opened his eyes and looked at the black mountain stone sculptures in front of him. The light smoke turned into a long road, extending from here to the sky. A large number of dead souls, like dead souls on the road to death, followed the light. The long trail of smoke disappeared.

By now, we can already see that the clothes of the dead souls that appear are a bit like those from the past hundred years.

He saw a group of remnant souls all dressed similarly, carrying their bags and going up the river.

A large number of mountain spirits have appeared on the ground. In addition to the mountain spirits, small marks also appeared on the black mountain stone carvings.

Starting from the bottom of the Black Mountain Stone Sculpture, a small staircase extends all the way up to the top of the Black Mountain Stone Sculpture.

Taking a closer look, there are paths on both sides of the small stairs and on the entire mountain. Next to the paths are white flags with markings.

He was tireless in chanting sutras to achieve salvation and purify evil spirits. He sat like this for a whole day. When he opened his eyes, he felt a little dazed.

Looking around again, there were already hundreds of people gathered around the square where the ritual was performed. They all wore daily blue robes, ranging in age from teenagers to sixty or seventy years old.

The way these people looked at him was different from the past.

The last time he went to the main hall where his disciples practiced scriptures, those disciples obviously didn't care much. He was dealing with contemporary Lieyang, and he didn't know if everyone inside knew about it.

But the concept that warriors seem to be inherently inferior to Taoist priests is still deeply ingrained. Friendship is friendship, and other things are not necessarily the same.

But now, Wen Yan could clearly feel that the respect in the eyes of these people looking at him had nothing to do with whether he was the contemporary Lie Yang or not.

The uncle of the Fourth Master came over and said softly.

"Let's rest for a while, it's been a day."

"Huh?" Wen Yan looked at the sky. It was almost the same as yesterday. He thought not too long had passed.

"In the last hundred years in Buyeo Mountain, you are the only one who can chant sutras and do things 24 hours a day without rest, without getting tired and without making mistakes.

Take a rest, there's no need to be in such a hurry.

Some things have to be taken slowly and don't be too hasty. "

Doing rituals does not have to be done in one go. There are ups and downs in the process, and the time in between is for people to rest.

Especially the three-day rituals, the seven-day rituals, and even the Luotian Dajiao that often starts in half a month, how could it not allow people to rest.

The fourth master's uncle wanted to persuade him before, but seeing that Wen Yan had already entered samadhi, he did not dare to disturb him. He could only let the ritual continue, and when one wave of people got tired, he would change the wave.

There are so many people here, and Wen Yan is very exhausted just by himself.

After all, once the ritual has begun, the people assisting the ritual cannot stop until the person in the center of the altar stops.

Wen Yan stood up and cupped his hands around him.

"I'm sorry, everyone, I fell into trance and forgot the time. I need your help this time."

He clasped his hands and bowed in three directions.

Everyone also stood up and bowed in return.

Even in terms of face, Wen Yan also gave him enough face. He was not unruly or domineering, but very polite. No one had anything to say.

As a Taoist priest, this is a daily task. Some young Taoist priests may have never had this experience in their lives.

When I tell you about it in the future, it can be regarded as a refresher on my resume. I have participated in a large-scale salvation ceremony.

Wen Yan stepped forward and inspected the black mountain stone carvings. The stone carvings, which originally had a hint of ominous black, now became a little more transparent and had a thicker and more sedimentary feeling. They no longer had that gloomy look. At first glance, they looked like they had just left the mountain. The feeling of being unearthed from the underworld.

At this point, it was basically completed, but Wen Yan didn't quite understand why he hadn't gotten the title yet.

He stretched out his hand and touched the Black Mountain stone sculpture. The next moment, he felt that the Black Mountain stone sculpture in front of him suddenly became larger and continued to enlarge, and his consciousness was immersed in it.

In the blink of an eye, he was standing at the foot of a huge mountain. Next to him was a monument without words, and in front of him was a staircase leading to the mountain.

Every time the stairs go up, there are two paths leading to both sides. There are no tombs on the mountain, only logs with white flags hanging on them to serve as tombstones.

There are no words on most of them, just something that looks like a symbol.

Wen Yan stepped forward to a white flag, bowed, and then stretched out his hand to touch the symbol.

The next moment, the symbol magnified in front of his eyes, and in an instant he was taken to a small farmyard. In the small courtyard, a strong man was teaching several young children how to squat on horseback, and taught them how to exert their strength. Don't hurt yourself.

Wen Yan watched with great interest. The strong man said it in a very straightforward and simple way. To sum up, it is to teach people to use their legs and muscles to bear the force instead of letting their knees bear the main pressure, so as to avoid injuries over time.

The other person didn’t know anything about meniscus, but this kind of hands-on teaching experience was much easier to understand than reading a book on his own.

Even the details may be more detailed than what is recorded in the book.

It is easiest to memorize the feeling when you are taught step by step.

Wen Yan looked at it for two minutes, took a step back, and then appeared on the trail again.

Then I looked at two wooden monuments with white banners hanging on them. One taught how to handle the large intestine, and the other taught how to make a trap.

Not every dead soul left something behind, but there were still some dead souls who left things they thought were useful before they were freed. Just like the dead soul Wen Yan saw at the beginning who gave him a rudimentary fighting technique.

That thing has been integrated into his new way by Wen Yan.

Wen Yan stood on the mountain path and looked at the wooden monuments hanging with white flags all over the mountains and plains. Each one was a thing left by a deceased soul.

It may be something that impresses the other party deeply, or it may be the best skill that the other party mastered during his lifetime.

These are the best gifts.

Wen Yan walked around the mountain, followed the only staircase here that extended from the foot of the mountain to the top, and walked up step by step, all the way to the top of the mountain.

There is only a space one and a half meters long and wide on the top of the mountain. On it is a small table with a black mountain stone sculpture. However, this black mountain stone sculpture is lush and green, giving it a lively scene.

Wen Yan stepped forward, sat in front of the small table, stretched out his hand and touched the small black mountain stone sculpture, and immediately noticed the hint.

"You completed the ultra-purification of this object with your purest state of concentration.

The result far exceeded expectations. All the souls trapped inside were freed, and all the hostility was resolved.

In their last moments, they left here the best things they had and could leave behind, hoping to be of help to you.

Even if there is nothing left behind, the dead soul still expects this result.

Their common desire is to make what they left behind appear here in a fixed form.

You can repeat and come here many times to learn the things here.

Too huge, focused, sincere, pure, and unified final wishes gathered together.

Make things available to you with additional effects. "

"Get the title: Natural Enemy of the Mountain System."

"Basic effect: Shrink the ground into an inch.

The effect is directly proportional to the body's basic state, and this effect can be increased by consuming expendable power.

Note: In mountainous terrain, this effect gets a 300% bonus. "

“Extra basic effect: Heavy as a mountain.

Your ability to handle various types of stress has been greatly improved.

This effect is directly proportional to the basic condition of the body. "

"When wearing this title, it has 100% suppression, 100% real damage, and 100% immune immunity to all mountain members.

Has a 21% probability of triggering, obliterating the succession feature.

Has a 21% probability of triggering and depriving the guardian.

There is an additional 21% probability of triggering the secret realm. "

"When wearing this title, you will get additional effects: the temporary abilities that can be equipped at the same time +1."

"Titles that can currently be worn at the same time: 2."

"Currently, temporary abilities that can be equipped at the same time: 1 (+1)"

Wen Yan was a little surprised when he saw this harvest.

Sure enough, he guessed correctly before. The prompt is not omnipotent, nor may it be completely correct. It is even possible that the prompt will be missing some things.

If he goes through the motions like before, treating it as a daily task and reciting sutras for super purification, the final result should be the most basic title of natural enemy of the mountain system.

But he came to Mount Fuyu, opened a monastery, and performed great rituals. He worked tirelessly and without sleep for more than twenty-four hours after entering a state of trance.

His original intention was indeed just to get the title of natural enemy of the mountain system, but at the beginning, he forgot about this thing and just focused 100% on doing the things in front of him.

The effect of ultra-purification is far beyond normal, both in speed and quality.

As a result, all the dead souls gave him unexpected gifts.

This is the first time Wen Yan has received a title. Not only does it have two basic effects, but it also has three probability triggers, and it even comes with an additional temporary ability limit effect for equipment.

He was a little shocked. This was the first time he knew that the effect of the title was not fixed.

What effect it can have depends entirely on how he does it. How much it has depends on how he does it.

After coming back to his senses, Wen Yan stood up, came to the foot of the mountain, and saluted the entire mountain.

"Thank you for your gifts. I like them all."

He turned around and took a step out of the range of the mountain, and his consciousness returned to his body.

Open your eyes and look at the Black Mountain stone carvings again, and the clues have changed.

“Black Mountain Stone Sculpture.

It can be attached to the target mountain and turned into a realm (when it has a secret realm, it can be turned into a secret realm)

Additional additional effect: additional mountain spirits will be produced every month. "

Wen Yan took a breath and bowed again. This gift was really too much, far more than he thought.

This is why he actually doesn't like to use violent means to solve problems. Even if he only thinks about the problem from a utilitarian perspective, he can gain more by solving problems through non-violent means.

Wen Yan looked at a pile of black stone flakes on the ground. These were mountain spirits obtained during purification and salvation.

Wen Yan had several boxes brought over to collect all the mountain spirits. These were all good things.

His muscles and bones are much stronger than flesh and blood, and his internal organs are much stronger, so he needs mountain spirits to help strengthen his body.

He had already made preparations. After purifying them in one breath, he divided some of the mountain spirits and used the rest sparingly.

After all, the reminder of the Black Mountain stone carvings is that only through purification can one obtain the mountain spirit.

Once the purification is complete, it will naturally be gone.

Unexpectedly, there are additional mountain spirits now.

Wen Yan thought of a sentence, but do good deeds and don't worry about the future.

He picked up the Black Mountain stone carving, looked at the Fuyu Mountain disciples here, and found his great uncle.

"Uncle Taishi, apart from the mountain at our feet, is there another mountain next to our Fuyu Mountain?

It's best if it's just a barren mountain with no impact. "

"There are so many mountains here, what are you going to do?" Taishi's uncle smiled. He thought Wen Yan was going to choose a mountain.

Choosing a mountain, among the three mountains and five mountains, actually has other meanings.

Some mountain gates with a strong population sometimes have to be divided into mountains because there are too many people.

To choose a separate hill next to it means to branch out a separate branch but not move it.

Likewise, doing so also means that it is necessary to start recruiting disciples.

Although Taishi's uncle felt that Wen Yan was still young, with Wen Yan's record and strength, it seemed a bit arrogant to create a new way on his own and establish a sect, but in Fuyu Mountain, it was a sure thing to divide a mountain. Very suitable.

The uncle of the Fourth Master on the side also smiled when he heard Wen Yan's words.

The separation of mountains means that Wen Yan cannot stay in Fuyu Mountain all year round.

Unfortunately, Wen Yan has no idea what the elders think.

He knows what the hell dividing the mountain means, it's not even common sense.

Because the three mountains and five mountains may not be separated even once in ten years.

In addition, there are only a small number of people in Buyeo Mountain, so there is no need to separate the mountains. Everyone lives together.

Wen Yan held the black mountain stone carving and smiled.

“After the super purification was completed, those dead souls left something behind for me.

I think this thing should stay in Buyeosan.

I'm going to look at it slowly by myself, and it won't be until the Year of the Monkey that I can look at it all.

I feel that keeping their gifts to myself would be contrary to the original intention. "

Wen Yan saw that none of the elders seemed to understand, so he said.

"Well, when I finish it, you will understand that I need a mountain to carry it and create a realm."

Taishi's uncle pulled Wen Yan and pointed to a hill in front of him.

"Then let's go there. There is only a pavilion there, and there is no road up the mountain. It is an undeveloped wild mountain. It belongs to the top, and it does belong to Fuyu Mountain."

"Okay, then I'll come as soon as I go."

Wen Yan held the black mountain stone sculpture in his hand and took a big step. With one step, it seemed as if a wave was born under his feet, and the wave carried him forward.

With one step, he appeared more than twenty meters away, as if strolling in a leisurely courtyard.

That extreme speed blends with the feeling that doesn't seem to be fast, turning into a weird feeling that is both contradictory and harmonious.

Wen Yan himself was shocked. The effect of shrinking to an inch was really scary in a mountainous environment with a 300% bonus.

That's it, he hasn't exerted any extra force yet, and there's no extra consumption.

With the thought, Wen Yan blessed himself with some yang energy, but after trying it and consuming it, the best effect was not the yang energy, but the power of his new way.

The power of the blending of Yang Qi and Qi and blood.

In one step, there was a distance of almost thirty meters.

When he continued to try adding the Tiangang Bagua Step, one step was more than forty meters long, and the whole person seemed to be teleporting.

But he knew that it wasn't that he was fast, but that the distance became shorter for him.

Even when he rushed down the mountain at such a terrifying speed, he didn't feel at all out of control.

As he walked down the steep mountain road, his body tilted, and he felt as if he was walking on flat ground.

No, it's not like that, it's really like being on flat ground.

This should be a built-in effect that is not displayed.

After Wen Yan took two or three steps, he disappeared from everyone's eyes. A group of people looked at this scene in astonishment.

The uncle of the seventh master couldn't hold back and asked the uncle of the fourth master in a low voice.

"Did you see anything? Has Wen Yan's martial arts reached such a state? Moving forward at such a terrifying speed, there was no sound of breaking the air and no strong waves. How did he do it?"

The uncle of the fourth master glanced at the uncle of the seventh master with a calm expression.

"I'm not a warrior, how would I know?!"

"..." The uncle of the seventh master opened his mouth, and when he saw the uncle of the grand master and the uncle of the third master looking over together, he swallowed back the words that were on his lips.

He asked because he really didn’t understand!

He is just a Taoist priest. He has never seen such a warrior at such an old age. What's wrong?

On the other side, Wen Yan's steps were rampant, as if he were playing an extreme sport, stepping down the hillside. The feeling that heaven and earth were working together, and even the mountains were helping him move forward, was really exhilarating.

As he was moving forward, he saw a flying sword appear next to him with a whoosh, keeping pace with him at a pure speed.

"Brother Jian, I haven't seen you for a few days."

The Feijian shook its blade slightly, made a sword sound, and then passed Wen Yan and disappeared in front of him with a swish sound.

After flying far away, the flying sword circled again, circled back again, continued to revolve around Wen Yan, and flew with Wen Yan.

With a step of tens of meters, the mountain felt like walking on flat ground. Feijian circled around him as if he had seen the same kind of people, and seemed to be in a very good mood.

Not long after, Wen Yan arrived at the foot of the target mountain. He took a few steps forward, held the Black Mountain stone sculpture in his hands, and placed it on the ground.

Following his thoughts, the Black Mountain stone sculpture slowly sank into the ground and disappeared.

He took one step forward and entered the field directly. He saw a staircase extending all the way from the front of Wen Yan based on this mountain.

Densely packed wooden monuments hanging with white flags appeared in the forest.

The tall trees are like big umbrellas, blocking the wooden monument below.

The domain is rapidly taking shape, and in an instant, it is like the mountain in the Black Mountain stone sculpture, integrated with the real mountain, and a domain is formed.

Wen Yan looked at all this with satisfaction, turned around and walked out of the steps, walked a few steps outside, and then walked out of the field.

I originally wanted to put some restrictions, but after thinking about it, forget it.

Everyone is destined to come.

He didn't want the various skills all over the mountains and plains to be buried here.

No matter what skills there are, they are at least useful.

Even if some of the disciples in Fuyu Mountain are not good at practicing Taoism or martial arts, they might be able to find other skills here and have a way to make a living after coming down from the mountain.

Of course, the most important thing is that Wen Yan's scalp feels numb when he looks at the wooden monuments all over the mountains and plains.

He was asked to try them one by one and look at them one by one. Thinking about it, he felt desperate. Forget it, this kind of thing requires a large number of people.

From now on, he will just eat some ready-made food.

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