I am your natural enemy

Chapter 382 Little thoughts, joys and sorrows (5k)

Wen Yan looked back at the entrance of the field. It was an open field that could be entered at any time. There were a large number of blind boxes for courses. The disciples in Mount Fuyu would be very busy in the coming time.

Whoever can dig out the treasure depends purely on luck.

Wen Yan knew that in addition to some practical skills, there must be something particularly powerful here.

Throughout the dynasties, countless people have died in battle at the foot of this Black Mountain, and there must be some strong men among them.

There must be some people who possess special things but fail to pass them on.

Let Wen Yan touch the blind box by himself, forget it, he will look at the catalog then.

He turned around and walked towards the mountain again. It was still like walking on flat ground, and there was basically no difference in speed between going up the mountain and going down the mountain.

The flying sword circled around him and flew with him. After flying for a while, the flying sword slowed down slightly, maintaining a state that was just a little bit faster than Wen Yan.

Wen Yan smiled. Feijian, the uncle of the third master, was probably very lonely. He probably hadn't been this happy for a long time. Fuyu Mountain hadn't visited the house without opening his eyes for a long time. Feijian probably hadn't seen blood for a long time either. .

Wen Yan thought for a while and was not in a hurry to go back. Since he was fast anyway, he ran around the mountain and ran around several surrounding mountains with Feijian.

He used the Tiangang Bagua Step to shrink the ground into an inch with blessing, and coupled with the 300% blessing in the mountain environment, it was like a human-shaped flying sword, flying around in a circle along with the flying sword of the third master's uncle.

It didn't take a few minutes in total to return to the square.

Wen Yan stood still instantly, looked back, and waved.

"Brother Jian, I'll play with you next time."

Feijian circled Wen Yan twice with some lingering thoughts before disappearing with a whoosh.

Wen Yan returned to the square and looked at the people who still didn't understand what was going on. He gave a little explanation.

After Grandmaster Taishi understood it, he immediately smiled.

"This is good, this is good."

What Taishi's uncle has always been worried about is not whether the disciples of Fuyu Mountain are strong enough, but strong ones are only the ones who stand out.

Fuyu Mountain's strategy of recruiting disciples has always been to focus on orphans. Most of them have no talent for cultivation or martial arts.

Taishi's uncle was only worried about their livelihood after they came down from the mountain.

The idea of ​​the older generation has always been that if you have a skill, your livelihood will be guaranteed, and your ability to withstand risks will be much greater.

Wen Yan said that he only looked at three skills, horse riding, large intestine processing, and trap making. The skills that Taishi uncle valued most were the skills of large intestine processing and large intestine making.

Some disciples are not in very good physical condition and have suffered losses in childhood. It will be difficult to fully make up for it later. They may not be able to do too heavy work. If they can learn a dish, learn how to braised vegetables, they can go out to sell the goods at the stall every night and go home. , at least the livelihood is guaranteed.

Fuyu Mountain does not prohibit marriages and does not force its disciples to go down the mountain, but most disciples will choose to go down the mountain to make a living.

Generation after generation of young people have come this way.

In the past, there were a large number of young people who couldn't stand loneliness. Now, with information spreading so fast and so conveniently, there are even more young people who can't stand loneliness.

Nowadays, the older people in the mountains basically come here like this.

Shanmen also supports its disciples to go down the mountain, broaden their horizons, and understand by themselves. There are many things that cannot be understood by reading many books, so they must go in person.

This is called entering the mortal world in Taoism, which is a necessary experience process. Many seniors have gone through this.

Of course, for most of the disciples in Fuyu Mountain, they are just trying to make a living.

Grandmaster Taizu announced the affairs of the field, and a group of people were very happy. Even if he told them that most of the skills may not make people much stronger, nor can they make people rich, they were still very happy.

Wen Yan watched from the side. He liked the atmosphere of Fuyu Mountain very much and also liked the mentality of these disciples.

Basically, these people have been adopted by Fuyu Mountain since they were young and have been taught very well. At least until now, Wen Yan has never seen any disciples from Fuyu Mountain who are the kind of arrogant people and have never seen anyone complaining about themselves. People are all normal.

After seeing many abnormal people and many crazy people, Wen Yan finally understood how difficult it was to live in a mountain gate filled with normal people.

Even the Tianshi Mansion, where the old Tianshi is in charge, has Zhang Qihui who likes to play with dolls...

Taiyi Temple is a bunch of crazy people from top to bottom.

Laojun Mountain has always been sparsely populated, and there is always a shortage of people. Wen Yan even thinks that they are just lazy and are forced to have no choice before accepting a disciple.

In comparison, Fuyu Mountain's overall strength is considered to be at the bottom, but compared to other mountain sects, the disciples are a bit too normal, and sometimes seem a little out of place.

After Grand Master's uncle was announced, the young disciples couldn't help it and wanted to go and have a look.

There is an extra area in my mountain gate. You can enter it at any time and learn things using special methods. It is impossible not to be curious.

But no matter how curious they were, the young disciples still came to express their gratitude to Wen Yan first, and then asked the elders for instructions. After receiving the permission, the group of young disciples rushed down the mountain with cheers.

Wen Yan looked at the teenagers, and an idea began to sprout in his heart.

"Uncle of the Fourth Master, could you please preside over me and number each white banner wooden tablet and record what is inside.

If we cooperate well this time and have perfect procedures and processes, I will have other ideas in the future. "

"What do you think?" The uncle of the fourth master asked directly, without guessing. His thoughts could not keep up with Wen Yan's brain circuit.

"It's hard to say now. I just have a little idea."

Wen Yan thought for a while, but still didn't say what he thought.

Since the last time the progress of the Shui Guan Lu was improved and an additional "pulsation" effect was added, the progress of the practice has been significantly accelerated, and the related links and transformations of the five internal organs are almost completed.

After the muscles, bones, flesh and blood, and internal organs are all completed, it is time for his practice to continue to advance toward the head.

If Zhang Xuewen hadn't been used as a guinea pig before, he wouldn't have been able to do it so quickly. If he was forced to try it by himself, it would be impossible for him to have the perfect picture he has now.

At that time, he understood that there were limits to just relying on himself.

Similarly, the various handprints, fingerprints, Gang Steps, Yu Steps, mantras, talismans, etc. inherited in the Three Mountains and Five Sacred Mountains can all be transformed into the new path.

It is absolutely impossible for him to complete this workload alone.

When he passed the new way to Zhang Xuewen, he had an idea in his mind. Since it was absolutely impossible for him to complete such a huge workload by himself, it was even less possible for him to innovate and create new things by himself.

Then why not recruit more people to help complete this huge task?

The most critical point of the new path is in Lieyang.

He had heard more than once before that if the Thirteenth Patriarch had not died young, he would have carved the blazing sun into the heaven and turned it into a vase.

Some people had targeted him before, not for his gentle words, but for his identity as contemporary Lie Yang.

Even now, there must still be people hiding, peeping at him in the darkness, waiting for opportunities because of ideological issues.

Wen Yan didn't care too much about these people. As long as he didn't show off, as long as he didn't stretch out his claws and had some idea in his mind, he wouldn't be able to dig them out and beat them to death when the other party didn't do anything.

In fact, it is normal to have different ideas. Wen Yan believes that even those in that faction must be divided into many types, such as radicals, moderates and so on.

If the people who adhere to the idea that "the blazing sun should not be carved into the heaven" are all very united and have the same idea, then it is impossible for them to hide their heads one by one.

Only those who are weak need to hide.

If he was strong enough to punch Lieyang, kick three mountains, and press Wen Yan to the ground with one hand and rub him, who would be sick for doing so many little tricks?

Wen Yan didn't have much interest in those things. Maybe when he gets older and dies, if he can ascend, he can fly directly into the heaven, turn the blazing sun into a basket, and carve it into the heaven.

At least at this stage, he really had no interest.

But now, Wen Yan started to have some ideas.

He began to wonder if there was any way to carve the blazing sun into the heavens without ascending.

He wants to find a lot of Palu to help open the road together, but he can't do it without the most basic hard conditions.

Without Lieyang, the basic Lieyang Fist, except for the basic part in the first stage, other parts, whoever practices it will be weak.

The last part of the third stage needs to be a shock to the head. Wen Yan is thinking about bringing Zhang Xuewen in at the end of the month to give it a try.

Let him do it by himself, he is really not sure.

Wen Yan was even thinking about whether to find a few more big shots to help with the matter.

I got the most harmonious road map from Zhang Xuewen. I am used to eating fine chaff, and it is a bit difficult to accept it if I ask him to make do with it.

In addition to the most difficult part of opening the road, there are more complicated things later, all of which require people to do it.

In other words, he can do those tedious things at this stage, and he doesn't have to open up a new path to do it.

Think of it as a small test this time. If everything goes well, it will lay a little more foundation for his little idea.

The rest will be figured out later.

It's not appropriate to talk about this kind of thing right now.

If the news leaks out, it will surely stimulate those people who already dislike the contemporary blazing sun to become extremists.

It's better to keep a low profile, at least it's not necessary now.

When it is possible to do it, then do it directly and cut through the mess quickly. Whoever takes the lead will die afterwards.

Wen Yan didn't say these things, and his fourth master's uncle didn't ask. When Wen Yan called home and was about to open a window, his fourth master's uncle took a stack of books and stuffed them into Wen Yan's hand.

"When I go back, read more books. It's not necessary to understand it very well, but it is still necessary to have a little understanding, for example, some common sense things."

The uncle of the Fourth Master pointed to the top book in the pile of books. The title was very simple, called Common Sense. It was obviously not published normally, but printed by himself.

The fourth master's uncle pointed at the book and asked Wen Yan to go back and take a closer look.

"Besides, since you chose that hilltop and you set up a domain there, that hilltop is yours."


"I've seen it. Although the domain is based on that mountain, there is no other way than entering from the entrance of the domain.

In other places, they are still normal mountains and do not affect each other.

Taishi's uncle has already sent someone to find a design and come up with a design drawing.

In the future, some houses will be built in suitable places on that mountain.

Everything that should be there will be there. "

"Wait a minute, uncle of the Fourth Master, why are you starting to build a house? Isn't it too expensive?"

"If you are not happy, you can talk to your great uncle."

Wen Yan glanced at the distance. His uncle's face was glowing red and he seemed to be in a very good mood. He could still vaguely hear what he was saying angrily. In just a few words, he could probably tell that he seemed to be talking to someone. Communicate about building a house.

He was gentle and speechless, what could he say?

To throw cold water on someone when they are in the best mood, no matter how cold-hearted they are, it is not something they would do.

"Uncle Taishi is getting old, and there are not many things to be happy about." Uncle Fourth Master sighed and muttered softly.


Wen Yan has nothing to say.

He still doesn't understand what happened, but he can probably guess that what Taishi's uncle understands is different from what he understands.

He has never seen how his great uncle would be so happy.

It feels like when he, the contemporary blazing sun, appeared, even the Grand Master and his uncle were not so happy.

He didn't even dare to go up and get in the way, so he ran away with his book in hand.

When he got home, he took out the book called Common Sense specially ordered by his fourth master uncle and read it carefully.

Seeing the "common sense" named Fenshan behind him, Wen Yan understood why Taishi's uncle was so happy and even asked Shanmen to pay for building a house.

"What kind of common sense is this?!"

Wen Yan looked shocked. He had visited Fuyu Mountain so many times and had never seen anyone living on other hills.

Not to mention living there, if there is a pavilion on other hills, it is considered a big building.

Even the ordinary disciples of Fuyu Mountain, his contemporaries, and the Taoist priests whom he had to call his uncle and uncle, didn't know much about this so-called common sense.

Because it is clearly recorded in this book that Mount Fuyu has not been divided into mountains for more than 300 years.

On the last branch of the mountain, everyone died violently on the way down.

The Buyeosan Mountain that remains now is the last seed of the incense.

According to the data recorded above, Mount Fuyu is secular, very close to the world of mortals, and has a closer connection. There were many people descending from Mount Fuyu back then. When it was most critical, even the top of the current mountain was almost lost.

The other mountain gates in the Three Mountains and Five Sacred Mountains are not so difficult. There is always a distance between them and the world, unlike Mount Fuyu, which is so close.

Seeing this, Wen Yan let out a long sigh, and he didn't even dare to tell his uncle Taishi, "Oh, I'm actually illiterate and don't understand this. I don't mean that. You are happy."

Forget it, as long as the old man is happy, it's just a name anyway.

He took out his mobile phone and looked at the balance in his account. He originally thought that a few million dollars in cash would be enough for him to spend a long time, but including this month's bonus, it turned out to be 10 million dollars in cash.

According to his level of spending several thousand yuan a month, it would be enough for him to spend more than a hundred years.

After thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone and asked the black box to find Fuyu Mountain's account for him, and directly transferred 9 million to it, keeping a small change for himself.

I originally thought that something was going to be built at the mountain gate, but I didn't expect that the house was built purely for him.

The economic situation of Fuyu Mountain has not been very good, and Wen Yan can't bear to spend the money from the mountain gate in vain.

Anyway, looking at the environment there, the construction should be quite difficult. The amount of earthwork would explode, so nine million might not be enough.

Putting down the phone, Wen Yan walked to the living room, picked up the little zombie, leaned on the sofa, and stroked the sparrow cat's head.

"I have no money. I have spent all my money. Don't get mad and think about buying a store."

"I saved money!" Quemao glanced sideways at Wen Yan and pushed his phone generously.

"No, in a few days, I'm going to clear a copy and get some bonuses. I'm starting to think that the money may not be enough."


Wen Yan ignored the question mark on Quemao's forehead and went to the kitchen to cook for his family.

I got the mountain-type natural enemy, and it was stronger than what I got under normal circumstances.

It just so happened that he had basically spent all his bonuses, and he urgently needed to find an old guy to get the gold coins.

Then there is nothing to hesitate about. Go kill the mountain ghost first.

If this guy is allowed to spend the New Year, wouldn't he have made a year in vain?

Wen Yan would feel uncomfortable if this guy's year of earning was in vain and he ended up in a state of tragedy.

After resting at home for a day, Wen Yan called the head of the headquarters the next day.

Let the Lieyang Department cooperate and prepare some things, and then he will set off from the underworld again and borrow the underworld.

Passing by the Skeleton Porch on the side of the Underworld, I walked out from where I left last time.

This time, with experience, Tong Si and Feng Wei first let them hide in Yuperii, while Wen Yan looked at the undulating ridges ahead.

With one step, the 300% bonus is activated, and the distance is tens of meters in one step.

He closed his eyes and only moved forward in the direction in his heart, going up and down the mountain as if walking on flat ground. His speed was completely different from last time.

When he opened his eyes again, he stood outside the village and saw familiar slogans on the wall beside the road.

It's just that this time, the atmosphere here is obviously different from last time.

He saw the villager he saw last time. The villager's face was gloomy and green, with a kid on his shoulders.

In the blink of an eye, Wen Yan was like a gust of night wind in the dark night, whistling lightly. The villager raised his head and looked around, as if he saw some shadow, but it disappeared in an instant.

I originally came out to use the toilet, but now I didn’t dare. I quickly turned back home and closed the door.

And the little ghost on his neck has disappeared.

Tens of meters away, Wen Yan pinched the neck of a kid with one hand. The kid was like a balloon, slightly deformed by the pinch, but he couldn't break free no matter what.

His claws grabbed Wen Yan's arm, but were forcefully bounced away by the strong Yang Qi.

"I ask, you answer. If you answer a wrong word, I will send you to the west."

"Who do you think you are……"

Wen Yan sideways glanced at the kid, exerted force in his hand, and with a pop, he crushed it. The yang energy was like fire, and with a gentle roll, it was destroyed into ashes.

"I gave you a chance and you failed."

Wen Yan raised his head and looked at the whole village. The whole village was covered with a layer of yin energy. It was obvious that there was more than one kid here.

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