I am your natural enemy

Chapter 383 Change, Brick (5k))

This time I came in, it was obviously different from the last time.

And on the way in, Wen Yan took a closer look and found that the broken maze-like situation on the road was indeed not the intention of the mountain ghost.

It should be the seal itself, which excludes everything from the outside world. There should be no way in here, not even the broken space maze.

It's more like someone outside tried to break the seal, but found that there was nothing they could do. It would only make things more chaotic. The more they tried to break the seal, the harder it was to get in.

In the end, the method was changed to guide from the outside, turning the place into a fixed pit, killing people like Wen Yan who could find the entrance.

Wen Yan didn't know what the other party did, but the second time he came, he could basically tell that the influence was from outside.

It is also possible that the mountain ghosts cooperated a little, but the main force must still be outside forces.

Under the dark night, Wen Yan stood on a high point and looked at the entire village. It was filled with ghosts and gloom, and the whole village seemed like a ghost.

Wen Yan felt strange that when Mr. Wang stayed in the village, these brats were still so rampant. Isn't this just a disco show in the Palace of Hell?

Wen Yan first came to Mr. Wang's house, which was the only place in the village that was not infected by the yin and ghost energy.

Wen Yan knocked on the door, but there was no answer. He thought for a while, climbed over the wall, lay on the top of the wall and looked inside. It was pitch black and there was no movement.

He released Tong Si.

"Help take a look to see if there is anyone inside. I don't feel very accurate."

Tong Si was released, glanced at the door of Mr. Wang's house, and took two steps back.

He looked carefully and shook his head.

"There is no one inside. I dare not get close. With my strength, if I dare to break into this place, I will die quickly."

"Look at the whole village again to see if there is any danger, especially for you."

Tong Si glanced at the entire village and immediately shook her head.

"Even those little devils can jump around here, so I'm sure I'll be fine."

"Well, find all the outliers."

Wen Yan took Tong Si and walked around the village in the dark.

Villages in Guanzhong County in this era did not have the luxury of having lights everywhere at night. Wen Yan’s speed, coupled with the cover of the night, drove him around for more than ten minutes. When he arrived at the door of Mr. Wang’s house again, twenty people were already behind him. Multiple imps.

The gray cloth blessed with yang energy tied a knot around the neck of each kid, like a string of grasshoppers.

The more those brats struggled, the tighter the gray cloth around their necks tightened. The brat's sharp claws scratched the gray cloth without even leaving a mark. The gray cloth was calmer than Wen Yan.

Compared with the pressure of assisting Wen Yan in his practice, this claw is really not as good as scratching an itch.

Wen Yan dragged more than 20 little ghosts and sat at the door of Mr. Wang's house. He casually moved the frame over, buckled it on the ground, sat on it, and looked at the little ghost in the front.

"Come, tell me, what's going on here?"

The kid at the front had a stiff neck and was very stiff. It was obvious that he didn't intend to say anything.

"I just like tough bones." Wen Yan smiled, pinched the kid with one hand, and threw him towards the door of Mr. Wang's house.

The moment the kid hit the door, what Mr. Wang had arranged on the door was instantly activated, and the kid was instantly wiped out and completely dissipated.

Wen Yan continued to look at the next kid.

This kind of kid can be regarded as a general term or a separate name.

He is very weak and likes to ride on the necks of ordinary people and confuse them. The most common place is in casinos.

This kind of kid likes to ride on the neck of a gambling dog, confuse the gambling dog, and watch the gambling dog play cards. Sometimes when encountering a key card, he will stretch out his hands to cover the gambling dog's eyes.

This is the purest evil intention. I just want to see you unlucky. It is best to force the gambling dog to go to the rooftop balcony.

When it's time to take a leap of faith, the little ghost will show up and tell you with a smile that I did it, and he is very happy.

When the gambling dog has deep resentment and the moment he dies, the kid will swallow up the new resentment against him and eat all he can in one go.

The little ghosts here are attached to many ordinary people, not for food or drink, but to do what they like or to carry out the orders of the controller.

Wen Yan didn't even bother to say a few more words to these brats.

When he saw something he didn't want to say, he threw himself directly at the door of Mr. Wang's house and sent them to heaven, ensuring that their death would be painless and instantly disappear into ashes.

After three or four in a row, the kid behind them began to feel scared. They could tell. When Wen Yan threw them against the door, their expressions looked like villagers feeding chickens.

He threw out a handful of corns with an expressionless expression, waiting for the chicken to rush up and eat them.

They are just handfuls of corn now, not even insects.

A kid couldn't stand the fear of being killed in a queue. Just when he was about to say something, he looked back and saw a kid behind him. His neck was almost broken by the gray bull, but he still had his eyes wide open and a ferocious look on his face. looked at him.

The kid hesitated and said nothing. It was just such a hesitation, and it was fleeting.

When it came to the next kid, he was obviously not so tough, he said hesitantly.

"We are just following orders, I really don't know the rest..."

"Well, what's the difference between not knowing and not telling?" After Wen Yan finished speaking, he threw it directly on the door and continued to disintegrate into ashes.

More than 20 imps were killed in a row, and Wen Yan had no intention of stopping.

On the contrary, towards the back, his patience seemed to be getting less and less. When it was the kid's turn, he didn't bother to ask any more questions. He stepped forward and sent him away as soon as he saw that the kid didn't mean to talk freely. Walk.

Wen Yan's face began to look more and more ugly, and he became more and more impatient.

He's telling these brats, I don't care if there are fewer people.

It's not that the fewer people there are, the more precious the information you know, but that I'm becoming increasingly impatient.

When they got to the last three, the kid whose neck was about to be strangled, when the gray cloth was loosened, he immediately started talking like a bald man, talking fast.

"Mr. Wang went out, and his grandson was attacked and injured.

It wasn't us who attacked. How dare we? If Mr. Wang finds out, we will all die.

We only dared to come here when Mr. Wang was not here, and even when we came, we didn’t dare to harm anyone.

They are just greedy for fun, eating, and drinking, which stimulates them to quarrel, suck up some resentment, and give them a beating.

Two days later, when Mr. Wang came back, we ran away.

It's really not harmful, I really don't dare.

There used to be a group of little devils who tricked a man into falling off a cliff, but they were saved by Mr. Wang. "

The little ghost said for a moment, making Wen Yan laugh.

If he hadn't seen the little ghost when he came last time, and had a special knowledge about the little ghost before coming here, he might actually believe a little bit.

"You didn't let others speak just now, why did you speak again yourself?"

"They may not know. After they have finished speaking, what else can I say?"

"That makes sense."

Then Wen Yan pinched the kid, threw him into the door, and sent him to the west.

Wen Yan looked at the two remaining brats. They were almost scared to death. They were moody themselves, but they had never seen anyone more moody than them. They beat people to death with a smile. They had never seen such evil people. Pass.

"Don't waste time. Just don't say anything like what you just said. My patience is very limited.

If I am not satisfied with the information mentioned, I will give you the same results as the previous ones. "

There are two brats left. You look at me and I look at you. The brat in front hesitated for a moment, but before he could make up his mind, Wen Yan killed him again.

Wen Yan didn't want to ask about the last one left. When he was about to throw him out, the kid hurriedly said.

"I know I know."

Seeing that Wen Yan had no intention of stopping, the kid didn't dare to pull any more and said quickly.

"We followed orders and did something specifically to lure Mr. Wang away.

We didn't dare to ask any more questions about the sudden order given by the Mountain God.

But I happened to take a sneak peek at that time, and saw a corpse with a broken head and a broken face, staggering into the mountain.

It's really a corpse, I can't mistake it. "

"That's it?"

"Really, the day we came out, I secretly took a look. The feet of the mountain god were exactly the same as the feet of the corpse I saw that day."

"Where has Mr. Wang gone?"

"Going to the mountains to collect herbs."

"anything else?"

"I no longer know……"

"Then what's the use of you?"

Wen Yan casually threw the kid against the door.

Turning around and looking outside the village, he swayed and disappeared in an instant.

Of course he knew who the corpse belonged to, it was the corpse of the old Wang Shiwu.

Wang Shishi was killed by a head-on collision, and Wen Yan only captured his soul.

On the one hand, the crack was about to close at that time and time was tight. On the other hand, Wen Yan deliberately left it behind.

Everything in this seal is false, but to the people here, it is all true.

This truth only retains the advancing events and retains the power itself.

Just like Wang Jianjun, he is not in the seal at all, but there is still his young self here.

Mr. Wang also died at the beginning, all his chores were taken care of, and he was buried normally.

But inside the seal, there was still Mr. Wang at that time.

At that time, the mountain ghost could possess the old Wang Shiwu, but not anyone else in the seal.

Wen Yan knew that mountain ghosts could only possess real people and truly exist.

Everyone in this seal, except for the sealed mountain ghost, does not really exist.

If there was a real corpse left here, what would the mountain ghost do?

He had no choice, he only had this choice.

Wen Yan was not afraid of how strong the mountain ghost was, but he was worried that the enemy had no body at all, no entity, could not be seen or touched. This was the most annoying thing.

Since the mountain ghost has been possessed before, let's give him the only choice.

Now it seems that the mountain ghost lived up to his expectations and really chose that corpse.

And through the kid's description, Wen Yan also roughly understood that Mr. Wang probably didn't remember him anymore, nor did he remember that this place was actually a seal.

Mr. Wang is still doing things according to the normal track.

But the mountain ghost may remember what happened before. After all, the only real thing here is the mountain ghost.

In the past, only the mountain ghosts remembered it, and it might have been a kind of torture, literally for decades.

Now, it may have become the mountain ghost's advantage.

Wen Yan seemed to be flying close to the ground, and quickly came to the place where the crack was last time. He looked carefully and found that there was no trace here. Mr. Wang might not have been here.

He continued to shuttle between the hills at high speed, as if flying on the wind.

He took Tong Si to see him, and not long after, he found Mr. Wang in a den deep in the mountains.

Wen Yan walked nearby and looked at the circle of traps on the ground. He deliberately touched one and made some noise.

When he slowly approached, Mr. Wang had already walked out of his den and looked warily at Wen Yan, who was walking in the dark forest.


Wen Yan stepped forward, figured out Mr. Wang's temperament, and went straight to the point, telling him what he had seen last time.

Mr. Wang frowned slightly, and then he turned on the flashlight, illuminating Wen Yan's body.

"Old man, you should be able to tell that I shouldn't see you, right? These are your exact words."

Mr. Wang looked at Wen Yan and was silent for a long time. When he found that Wen Yan had said everything he wanted to say, and he saw for himself that this was indeed the result, he believed in his own judgment.

"Mr. Wang, I have brought Jianjun to Nanwu County. The reason I came here this time is to deal with the mountain ghost first. How to find him, how to get out after I deal with him, I need the help of the old man."

"That thing is basically impossible to kill."

"Try it, if it doesn't work, I'll bring a mushroom bomb in next time. I even have one hidden privately. Don't look at me like that. It was given to me by the Sun Division."


Mr. Wang looked at Wen Yan, and he always felt that Wen Yan had something unreliable about him. No matter how generous Lie Yang was, he wouldn't give such a thing away, right?

how? Do you still dare to release mushroom bombs now?

Mr. Wang put the matter aside as soon as his thoughts changed. The fact that Wen Yan could come in and appear in front of him was enough to explain the problem.

"If what you said is true, then he has a corpse from outside. There is only one place he can go. You come with me."

"How about I carry you on my back, so hurry up."

"..." Mr. Wang looked at Wen Yan and did not refuse: "Okay, let's go back first and bring something with us."


Wen Yan carried Mr. Wang on his back and stepped out a dozen meters away. The ground beneath his feet seemed to turn into waves, supporting him forward.

Mr. Wang's eyelids twitched slightly, showing his magical power.

Is this physical quality really not for martial arts training? But a Taoist priest?

Seeing that Mr. Wang seemed to adapt well, Wen Yan quietly increased his speed and returned to the village at lightning speed.

Mr. Wang took his guy with him and changed into his suit. He gave directions and pointed out a general direction.

Wen Yan carried Mr. Wang on his back and ran wildly through the mountains. In just ten minutes, he stood on the top of a mountain.

Mr. Wang pointed to several mountains in the distance. The moonlight fell and illuminated the shadows of several peaks.

Those peaks formed a semicircle, facing north and facing south. This terrain meant that the sun was not visible all year round in the mountain valley surrounded by several peaks.

“This is the only place suitable for storing corpses, there is no other place.

The yin and humidity here are heavy, and people once fell from the mountain and died inside.

Some people are herding sheep, but the sheep are disobedient and go up the cliff. Some of them slip and fall to their death.

There are a lot of various animals every year, and a lot of things are stored in it.

I come here every year to dispose of the corpses here, otherwise disaster will arise sooner or later. "

Wen Yan nodded and rechecked the equipment on his body. He had brought enough things this time. He had brought everything he might need.

Then Wen Yan glanced at Mr. Wang again, activated his temporary abilities, and replaced them with Borrowing Eyes and Overflowing.

He closed his eyes and when he opened them again, the scene he saw had completely changed.

Those mountains are like the bodies of giants, sleeping there.

Death energy, Yin energy, and ghost energy are all hidden inside, and they are constantly accumulating inside.

The huge Yin Qi seemed to have formed a big river underground, continuously gathering into the highest mountain peak in the center.

It's like a black hole inside, constantly swallowing up the power and digesting it.

This is why you can't feel anything at all outside, because no power is wasted at all, everything is swallowed up.

"Please wait a moment, I'll explore the way first."

Wen Yan dropped a word, took a step forward, and disappeared.

He approached those mountains from the side, quickly circled around several peaks, followed the place where the Yin Qi disappeared, and found a cave entrance covered by weeds and trees at the bottom of the mountain col.

He took a breath and blessed himself with Yang Qi first. The Yang Qi bloomed directly in the dark night. The rich Yang Qi vaguely turned into a flame and illuminated the mountain col.

Under the mountain col, there were many skeletons of various animals, as well as the carcasses of some animals, which were obviously dead not long ago.

Wen Yan pulled out his mace and shouted loudly.

"Monster, come out and die."

In the cave, a low roar came, and the Yin Qi swallowed by the whale suddenly stopped, and the next one, like a blowout, a cold wind blew out of the cave.

Wherever he passed, all the trees began to wither and wither, and the dark wind roared in, blowing the flames on Wen Yan's body and swaying rapidly. In an instant, the flames suddenly swelled, making a whirring sound.

The next moment, streaks of black light flew out of the cave. Wen Yan raised his middle finger and kept resisting in front of him, deflecting all the incoming objects.

Accompanied by the cold wind and fog, a figure, like a ghost, quickly approached in the cold fog. After resisting Wen Yan's attack, the body seemed to be transparent and dodged the second blow.

One of his claws hit Wen Yan's chest. Wen Yan did not dodge and withstood the blow.

The next moment, the clothes were torn and sealed by Wen Yan, and the thing hidden in the chest was shattered.

Huge amounts of death energy and corpse energy roared out. Wen Yan held the black stone with one hand, like holding a brick, and slammed it out.

The figure in the cold mist wanted to continue to turn into that illusory appearance to avoid it, but unexpectedly, that illusory appearance was useless. One of his arms was broken by a brick, and one side of his face was hit hard. After a moment, the body turned into an afterimage, and flew backwards to the side with a whoosh.

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