I am your natural enemy

Chapter 388 Getting a Wife, Customs (5k)

After many years of the Fierce Sun Division's strategy against demons, the demons have somewhat normal IQs. Even if they drink heavily and scold the Fierce Yang Division behind their backs when nothing happens, they all agree that the current situation is the best. For most demons, this is the best situation.

Those big demons who have status, strength, and normal IQs all know what it means to spoil a pot of broth with a piece of mouse excrement.

It is impossible to completely control various separate cases. The Lieyang Department will not implicate other demons for this kind of thing, and the demons will not think that such an individual case can bring about earth-shaking changes.

These can only be regarded as public security cases, and if they are exhausted, they will be at the level of criminal cases.

What these monsters hate the most is actually the kind of monsters who secretly stir up troubles and always want to cause a big incident.

This kind of case is very involved and will involve a large number of monsters. It is destined to be a major case that will be hit hard.

If it is not done well, it will affect the lives and even survival of all the demons in the place.

What happened this time was that when experts from the Lieyang Department were performing a major mission, a demon was involved. All clues showed that there was a high probability that the demon was involved in the early stage.

Even if only considering the nature and priority of Wen Yan's task, according to standard procedures, all monsters involved with the dead big carp must be screened.

But this time, the Lieyang Department doesn't want to make a big deal about this matter at this stage, so it will naturally use the special characteristics of the monster.

The effect is very good, and it is much more efficient than the field staff of the Lieyang Department checking it themselves.

This leopard demon is originally from the country. Its tribe still lives in a nature reserve. Even if it gets injured or sick, everyone has insurance and lives a comfortable life.

Those who are poachers don't like to come to Zhongyuan County, because the probability of overturning here is infinitely close to 100%.

A county with a large population means that if you pass by a village and are discovered by the villagers, they may turn around and report you.

Sometimes the weather is bad, there is a disaster, and there is a shortage of food. Like this kind of leopard, go to the village to find some food. The villagers don't care what you eat. You can eat what you like. If you like chicken, eat chicken. If you like to eat duck, you can eat it. Just eat duck, someone will reimburse you later.

Over the past few decades, these guys have been more attentive to maintaining the existing order than the employees of the Lieyang Department.

This time I was looking for Teqing. As a veteran Teqing, Golden Leopard Demon didn’t hesitate at all and started working immediately.

When you can eat enough, you will not see what is edible and what is not edible, but will want to try it. If your life is better, you will have more friends.

Everything is connected.

Until now, it was impossible for a leopard to become friends with a big carp.

The field officer of the Lieyang Department first took out a box and put away the golden nugget.

Then I listened to the recording again, and it was basically consistent with the record. It is quite difficult for fish to transform into monsters. The hard condition is that they need to live long enough. Even if they are spiritually enlightened, their IQs are generally not very high.

Monsters such as carp are the type that need special care, because no matter how slim the hope is, they do have a chance to evolve.

Although the current IQ is not that high, if it evolves in the future, it will definitely improve.

After preliminary confirmation of the situation, the carp demon code-named 079 became a low-risk target, and the original equipment for high-definition recording was also taken away.

Based on the common intelligence of the carp demon, it is basically impossible to disguise it to the extent that relevant experts cannot see the problem.

There are interrogation experts, micro-expression experts, and experts in the field of acoustics in the Lieyang Department. These experts who are deeply involved in the professional field can judge the emotion, authenticity, etc. at that time just by listening to the sound.

If you don't shoot videos directly, the risk of special situations is a bit high. High-definition videos starting with 4k will have better results.

The field staff of the Lieyang Department took away the previous device and gave the Golden Leopard Demon a new mobile phone, which came with a one-year high-standard package. These were considered benefits in addition to subsidies.

If you want a horse to run, you must let it eat grass. This is an eternal truth.

After completing the preliminary confirmation, there was no problem, and the field staff smiled.

"Thank you for your hard work. The old rules are that the subsidy will be made on a one-time basis. After the settlement is completed at the beginning of next month, the subsidy will be credited to your card."

"Do you need to check anything else? I know a lot of monsters in Zhongyuan County." The Golden Leopard Demon looked forward to it. It didn't have many opportunities to make money. Of course, making money is a trivial matter. What it values ​​​​is being able to make contributions and accumulate merits. Lie Many things and resources in Yangbu require meritorious service.

"Who else do you know?"

"I've had nothing to do in the past two years, and I've met a lot of monsters." The Golden Leopard Monster read out a bunch of names, and also told where the other party was.

The Field Service Officer of the Lieyang Department could hardly hold his tongue. This task was much simpler than expected.

The field officer thought for a while and asked.

"Have you been running around with nothing to do this year? Do you see other monsters everywhere?"


"Okay, then let's continue running around. Don't worry, the rules of the Lieyang Department are very strict. It should be your meritorious service, and no one can get away with it."

"Yes, with all the merit I have accumulated this time, can the government give me two wives?"

"Uh..." The field worker's eyelids twitched.

"One is fine!"

The field officer smacked his lips, not expecting this kind of request.

"In principle, free love and free union are now encouraged. The government cannot give you a wife."

Seeing that the Golden Leopard Demon was a little disappointed, the field staff changed the subject.

"But it's no problem to arrange a blind date. Please wait a moment. I'll apply for permission from our senior leader and check some things."

The field officer called the superiors in front of the Golden Leopard Demon and talked about the matter, and then he received temporary authorization to investigate matters related to the Golden Leopard.

If there is a demon, it is naturally the best. If not, an ordinary leopard is not impossible.

After all, the reason why Golden Leopards can become the first in the country is not really a matter of their efforts, but that their numbers are really very rare.

There is only one golden leopard demon in the entire Zhongyuan County.

The field worker searched for it, and then opened a picture on his phone. A leopard had murderous eyes and an antelope's neck in its mouth, looking ahead warily.

"There is a golden leopard demon in Tianfu County, but it is a bit fierce. I can try to arrange a blind date for you later. Whether you can succeed or not depends on you."

"Hit! That's it!" The Golden Leopard Demon's eyes widened.

This figure, these lines, and this look in his eyes are simply amazing. It’s good to be fierce, but you have to be a little fiercer, so that future generations can be more fierce and smarter.

"Let's go on to the next one now!"

Seeing the leopard demon's eyes almost popping out of his head, the field officer looked at the picture. To be honest, he couldn't tell the difference between the leopard demon in the picture and the one in front of him, so he insisted that he didn't. The same, just the eyes are different.

When the Leopard Demon left first, the field staff reported the matter to the superiors and then made some suggestions.

This special affection leopard demon is still the first in the country. He has an identity. He can be regarded as a member of the masses, and there are many similar masses. Do you want to respond to the calls of the masses and try similar things on a slightly larger scale?

After all, it is really difficult for some monsters to find a partner. There is only one in a county.

Giving a wife is easier than giving money and status.

The minister of Zhongyuan County recorded this proposal. This year's proposal is available. If there is another positive success story, then this proposal can really be mentioned at the end of the year meeting.

The gold nugget obtained from the carp demon was sent to the Lieyang Department of Zhongyuan County. After several tests, it was found that the main component of this thing is gold, with a purity of about 85%, and it also contains something special. Strength, the time is still short and cannot be completely determined.

A small sample of the golden knot was taken out, and an in-depth examination was conducted. Finally, after going around and around, a professional from the Lieyang Department made a list with several names on it, indicating that these people should be able to spot the golden knot. What is the power contained in it.

One of the names on this list is Lao Meng, a wandering businessman. When Lao Meng did business, he always used large yellow croaker and small yellow croaker as currency, that is, gold bars.

Lao Meng is famous for his extreme love for gold, and Lao Meng himself is also a top appraiser.

One day later, Wen Yan received a call from Feng Yao.

"There is something I want to ask you for help with. We have something. Our experts are not very good at this. We are not particularly sure. To be on the safe side, we need to find a wandering merchant to identify it."

"What is it? You can't identify it?"

"It's not that a gold lump cannot be identified. The main ingredients are very simple. The other ingredients inside are actually not too difficult, but they contain other powers. Our identification cannot give an accurate answer. After all, it is gold. Wandering Trader Should be very good at it.”

"Okay, you can have it delivered here, and I'll call Lao Meng."

"In addition, the origin of this thing is..." Feng Yao recounted the history, and by the way mentioned the big carp that Suicune killed easily.

"Okay, I understand. If there is anything else that needs to be identified, please send it over together. I think I can contact Lao Meng. If I do, let's identify it together."

The devil's body was sold to Lao Meng for a large sum of money. All the money was stored in Lao Meng. If it was not spent, it would be nothing.

In the evening, the logistics department of Lieyang Department personally delivered the three things to Wen Yan.

Wen Yan looked at it and saw three things, one golden lump, whose origins had already been told.

A gold coin coated with pulp.

A broken gold mask.

The three main materials are obviously gold.

Wen Yan picked up the gold coin and looked at it. He felt that it looked familiar. It was not particularly round in shape, had a layer of patina on it, and had a special symbol on the front.

But the moment he touched the gold coin, a prompt appeared in front of him.

“Cursed gold coin.

Originating from an ancient civilization that has been lost to time, this is the key to opening the door.

Note: The holder will be cursed by drowning if he enters the ocean. "

He came to the basement, rummaged through it, and found out his trophies. There was also a gold coin in it.

He put the two gold coins together and compared them. The size and thickness were basically the same.

Only the symbols above are different.

If I remember correctly, the prompts I saw twice were exactly the same.

Wen Yan was secretly shocked. Good guy, luckily he didn't have much interest when he got the cursed gold coin before.

All he could think of was this curse. Who was more powerful than his evil-relieving Shuiguanlu?

I never expected that there would be more than one of these ghosts.

Seeing that the symbols on the two gold coins were different, Wen Yan suddenly thought of three possibilities.

One, there is only one door, and more than one key is needed to open the door.

Second, there is more than one door, and each door requires a corresponding key.

Third, there is only one door, and every key can actually open it. The key may also be a token.

Wen Yan couldn't see anything about the last broken golden mask, and there was no hint. This probably meant that this golden mask was not dangerous to him.

I called Lao Meng and after waiting for a minute, Lao Meng called back. I could still hear the sirens outside on the phone.

"Uh, Lao Meng, you won't cause any big scene over there, right?"

"No, it has nothing to do with me. There is a parade outside here and there is trouble."

Lao Meng was sitting in the living room of a villa. There were seven or eight corpses lying in the living room. Lao Meng was talking on the phone with one hand and covering the mouth of another guy who was seriously injured and on the verge of death.

"Oh, are you busy now? I have a few things here that I would like you to help identify."

"I've just finished my work. Please wait a moment. I'll come when it gets dark."


After hanging up the phone, Lao Meng casually twisted and broke the neck of his killer. Then he looked at the blood stains on his body, ran to the bathroom, took a shower, and changed his clothes. When the sky was completely dark, he was completely covered with blood. She was wearing home clothes and pushing a stroller. There was a native dog lying in the car, sleeping soundly.

He was walking with a stroller like a normal person.

Today he met killers again, but these killers may not know anything and are just being used as cannon fodder.

He has been in Nanyang these days. It is indeed much easier to hide his face here, and he probably understands what the situation is now.

He knew that it was not necessary to simply buy actors to chase him, and then the real owner came out to rescue him and win people's hearts.

Now he is basically certain that he has reversed cause and effect.

It was not to invite him to serve in court, but to invite him to serve in court as a means. The real purpose may be to kill him.

Lao Meng sneered. He wanted to have the Ankh of Rebirth and the fixed coordinates. Moreover, he was not in China yet, so he was afraid of a hammer and a quarrel. In the end, when there was really no way to end it, he would have to return to China. The worst thing is The situation, that is, stepping on a sewing machine, was incorporated.

He pushed the stroller and walked on the night path, and his figure gradually disappeared.

To go to other places, he still needs to jump and transfer. When he comes to Wen Yan, he doesn't need to jump at all. He can come back from the void in one go.

Still in the same place, Lao Meng rode a tricycle and took a local dog with him outside the wall on the north side of Wen Yan's family community.

Wen Yan is already waiting here.

Seeing Lao Meng appear, Wen Yan frowned slightly and glanced at the sleeping native dog on the tricycle.


Wen Yan stretched out a hand and touched the dog's head. A little Yang Qi tried to bless it, but he saw that the Yang Qi was dispersed.

"what's the situation?"

"I encountered an ambush two days ago, and I found out something I shouldn't know, and then a powerful family in Nanyang wanted to kill me and silence me.

They hired one of the top magicians and a top-notch magician over there, and I, an old guy, carried it for me, and that's what happened.

Apart from being unable to transform these days, his life is not in danger. He should be able to recover after sleeping for a few days. "

Wen Yan stretched out his hand and touched the dog's head. The yang energy in his body continued to emanate, transitioning over and confronting the evil force in the earth dog.

After a few seconds, Wen Yan became a little impatient and blessed the earth dog with a violent sun.

In an instant, a twisted, elongated phantom of a skull was forcibly expelled from the native dog's body by the exploding Yang Qi.

The phantom had a strange and evil aura. As soon as it flew out and soared into the sky, a thunder exploded in the night sky, and a thunderbolt fell, completely dissipating the phantom on the spot.

Wen Yan looked up and sensed it. It seemed like no one was doing it?

"Don't look at it, these evil things from outside don't even dare to enter China.

Well, this thing is equivalent to a lightning rod, or it is the complete opposite of Shenzhou Qiyun.

It's like two clouds with different electric charges. When they get close, they can easily trigger thunder.

Three mountains and five mountains have their current status, but they rely on real strength and achievements, all of which are indispensable.

This thing is one of the masterpieces of the Three Mountains and Five Mountains. "

"Uh, the legendary Kyushu barrier?"

"Which novel did you see the word in? This thing is called Customs in the south and the Great Wall in the north. It's common sense, right? It's specially made using ready-made vocabulary to make it easier to understand and keep it secret."

"There's so much common sense!"

"Thank you." Lao Meng looked at the sleeping native dog and suddenly said thank you.

"You're welcome, what did you find out there that made people hunt you down like this?"

"There are big forces speculating on money and instigating economic changes. Everyone in China must know about this. I accidentally found out something. There is a big family in Nanyang who wants to follow. There are traces of Wuyuan Pawn Shop in it.

Moreover, I accidentally found out a little secret about Wuyuan Pawn Shop.

I'm basically sure that they didn't want to act a show, but they wanted to put on a show first so that I could see that it was an act.

It made me think that their purpose was to invite me to serve in court. A few days ago, someone contacted me and said that it was a misunderstanding and that the people below made their own decisions.

If I hadn't found something myself, I would have believed this nonsense.

They played with this doll just to kill me and for the thing in my hand. "


"The gold in my hand."

"What a coincidence. The three things I asked you to appraise this time are all gold."

Wen Yan took out three things. Lao Meng glanced at the gold coins, but didn't even get a handle on them.

"Do you still want the gold coin? I also have one in my hand. I put it somewhere else. This damn thing is cursed. If you are not afraid, I will give it to you. It is said to contain some kind of treasure, but I have never heard of anyone actually seeing it. It’s nothing, nothing.”

"what about others?"

"Mask...why does this mask look so much like the ones that were just unearthed?" Lao Meng looked up and saw Wen Yan's expression. He decisively shut up and stopped talking. He looked at it carefully for a while and said, "It should be a mask worn during sacrifices. , the person wearing this mask has a very high status, status and strength, so this mask has been turned into a strange object. It is best not for ordinary people to wear it. It is best to put the other half together. It should repair itself. Overall, it is nothing. Danger is a serious sacred object."

"Where's this golden knot?"

Lao Meng took over, played with the golden knot, and sneered.

"This is why those people want to kill me, because after a long time, the big yellow croaker and the small yellow croaker in my hands all have similar power, and mine is of higher quality."

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