I am your natural enemy

Chapter 389: From reality to imaginary, let the bullets fly for a while (5k)

Wen Yan was startled when he heard Lao Meng's words.

"For this thing, I will set a trap for you and take what is in your hand.

If it’s so precious, why do we need to sell it out?

This golden nugget was taken from the hands of a little demon. "

Lao Meng sighed, hesitated, and then said.

"This is gold. Whether it was before or now, in many cases it can be used directly as money. It is absolutely hard currency.

Since the only thing is money, of course it must be circulated. Money that is not circulated is just pure gold.

The fastest way to cultivate its inner strength is to circulate it in the hands of different people and different species. "

As soon as Wen Yan heard this, he realized that his question was a little inappropriate.

Since it was used as money, he had seen it from the earliest days. The standard uniform of the Lieyang Department cost tens of thousands per piece. This one was really worthless because the mezzanine inside was really full of cash.

And there is no way to cut corners, even if there is one missing piece, anyone can see it at a glance.

This is the most important standard protective equipment for grassroots field workers. Most of the time, this uniform is enough to protect the aliens such as Ah Piao that they encounter, relying on the power contained in the cash.

But currently, the power of cash is indeed different from that of gold, but in essence, they should be similar.

Lao Meng has always used gold bars to make transactions, in and out, everything. He also said that some of his gold bars also contain the same power as the golden lumps.

Wen Yan immediately understood that by asking this question, he was somewhat digging into someone's career foundation.

That is to say, he has dealt with Lao Meng many times and knows that he doesn't mean this.

If it had been someone else, he would have offended someone.

Lao Meng looked at Wen Yan's look and sighed to himself, forget it, Wen Yan doesn't even know the customs, how can he figure out more complicated things.

Now that Wuyuan Pawn Shop is involved, Wuyuan Pawn Shop has set its sights on him again, and now it is discovered that there is not only some overlap between them in business, but also in the most core areas.

If he was skinned at a pawn shop without a chance in the future, he would also be implicated.

Instead of keeping this core secret secret, it would be better to blow it up directly and expose Wuyuan Pawn Shop first.

"I trade large yellow croakers and small yellow croakers. Except for a small amount of information, the rest are all in kind. I value quality over quantity.

After trading a top-notch good thing, the power brought by this process is far greater than the results of a year of trading junk goods.

The information is only equivalent to the first flush, used to expand customers.

But judging from the information I have received so far, Wuyuan Pawn Shop is on the path to becoming bigger.

These money-making guys, when they get big enough, they start to turn away from reality.

How can doing business honestly compare to the benefits that can be brought by speculating the market and making the market fluctuate violently? "

"Uh, don't you want physical goods? Why did you start playing finance?" Wen Yan really didn't understand this.

“So the people in the pawn shop cooperated with the local wealthy families in Nanyang.

Coupled with the recovery of spiritual energy, the trend has accelerated in the past two years, and the price of gold has been rising.

They took the opportunity to stir things up, and many ordinary people in Nanyang would take advantage of this wave to buy some gold or sell gold.

With a little more policy restriction, they can ensure that most of the gold can be transferred within their control.

Whether it is selling or buying, it is considered liquid.

With flow, no matter how low the power contained in the gold is, or how poor the quality is.

As long as the quantity is large, the total amount will be several orders of magnitude higher than that of a gang like me.

If the quantity reaches a certain level, it will definitely cause qualitative changes.

As for the trading volume, there is no need to worry. Gold prices vary around the world.

As long as it keeps rising for a month, falling a little, and falling for two days in a row, a large number of retail investors will be unable to hold on.

If they want physical goods, then retail investors are actually the top priority.

As long as there are fluctuations, they can always harvest in this field.

Gold is only the core thing, and they can continue to make money through these means.

Once you make money, it will be bigger and you can add more core parts.

The core interests of the pawn shop do not conflict with those of his collaborators.

They can even bring out many benefits that ordinary people care about.

How they operate it is actually very complicated, and I couldn't figure it out for a while.

But the general direction of things is basically like this, and nothing can go wrong. "

Seeing that Lao Meng didn't seem to be hiding anything, Wen Yan let him go.

"The reason why they are so big and they want to target you is because of the high-quality gold bars you have in stock, right?"

"Yes, I am different from them. I only value quality, especially high-quality transactions, which are a necessity.

Gold bars are just a carrier.

The reason why they are so big and causing trouble in Nanyang is probably because qualitative changes are not easy to handle.

They need some high-quality gold as the most critical primer.

The amount they need is not one or two large yellow croakers that contain power.

It is absolutely impossible for me to agree to this kind of transaction. If I agree, it will be equivalent to giving away all my accumulation over the years.

The only way they can get these things is to make a trap and force me to take the initiative to go to Nanyang.

Only in Nanyang did they have a chance to succeed.

It’s just that I don’t quite know what they are going to do to take away my inheritance. "

Wen Yan frowned slightly.

"You mean, if you were attacked in America before, you might have something to do with them?"

According to the situation at that time, the only place suitable for Lao Meng to go was Nanyang.

"Eighty percent of it is related. Maybe the only thing that doesn't fit into their plan is that their emperor was assassinated.

They took advantage of the situation and found me to be the new minister. This reason was the most reasonable and impeccable.

Even if I was attacked in Nanyang, they could explain it by saying that the performance was not good.

Anyway, there is always a way to prevent me from doubting that their purpose is really just to kill me.

They had introduced a treasurer as a scapegoat before, and they really punished him.

I almost believed their lies.

I hadn't found anything at that time, and I thought there was no conflict of interest between us.

Little did I know that people were going around in a big circle just because they wanted to rob. "


Wen Yan was speechless looking at Lao Meng gnashing his teeth.

He just listened and couldn't stand it.

Sure enough, there is naked hatred only between peers.

Now it is no longer that he wants to ask Lao Meng for help, but that Lao Meng wants revenge.

As for Lao Meng's character, he was beaten once in Europa last time and almost lost in the void. Lao Meng went to stir up trouble and trouble for several months.

Recently, when Wen Yan was browsing the forum on his mobile phone, he saw someone saying that some people in Europa were saying recently that after the church experienced the Twilight of the Gods, by the time of the Dawn of the Gods, it was already like a man-eating tiger. Bare of teeth and claws.

It just looks huge and scary, but in fact, its strength has long since ceased.

It was so fierce back then that the power of witches was on the rise and they would burn them to death. They even forced a prophecy witch at that time to hide away even though she knew she was going to die. She could only wait quietly at home for someone to come to her door.

Now, a witch gathered a group of women and ran outside the church to protest, but the church didn't even dare to let out a single fart.

They even had to send some people to secretly protect the witch's safety, so that if the witch died at the gathering, she would turn into yellow mud and fall off her crotch, either shit or shit.

There have been similar remarks before, but they were just small drops of water that couldn't even make ripples. Unlike now, they are almost becoming a trend.

It's so damn good that the time when these remarks appeared coincided with the time when Lao Meng went to take revenge.

Wen Yan is not saying that Lao Meng did this, but Lao Meng must have contributed to it.

After Lao Meng stirred things up, and after a little more stringing together, there were more people who wanted to fish in troubled waters and more people who fanned the flames, which immediately caused a series of chain reactions.

The vampires were charging, and behind them there was a dark wizard quietly summoning the spirit of the little boy below the church.

Some people are also breaking the news that an important raw material for a certain cosmetic product is cut alive from a certain creature, and then continues to be cut alive after the creature grows out. This suddenly steps on the pain point of political correctness, a stronghold of the church. They were all rushed.

However, the people in the church did not dare to do anything at that time. Dozens of long guns and short cannons were blasting them in the face, and the live broadcast truck was parked nearby. Whatever they did, they were guaranteed to be broadcast to the other side of the world in the next second.

The local law enforcement agency tried to stop it, but it suddenly turned into a riot. In the end, the local director took the blame. The windows of his house were smashed and the door was spray-painted.

One thing to say is that Europa's mobility in this regard is really strong.

There is something even more ruthless later on: filming the little boy who summoned the spirit and making him cry about what happened to him during his life.

It's a pity that one TV station dared to broadcast this video, but before it was aired, it was severely criticized. The video itself was circulated and was confused as a satirical short film with special effects.

If it weren't for Lao Meng, Wen Yan really wouldn't pay too much attention to these things. Now that he has nothing to do, he goes to the forum and finds that there are so many fun people in the forum. For things that are banned in Europa, there are original videos on the forum. .

One thing to say, just watching the video, Wen Yan felt that the dark wizards on Europa were very good at summoning spirits, but he just didn't know how they did it.

Now seeing that Lao Meng seemed a little bit embarrassed by his ferocious appearance, Wen Yan thought for a while and said.

"Actually, to be honest, I think you should not go to Nanyang. I think something is not quite right."

"I can't bear this tone."

"Is it possible that people will definitely go to Nanyang just because they know you can't bear this tone? Those guys are plotting something. It shouldn't happen in the past few days and months."


Lao Meng was shocked. He was also thinking about it. Yes, those people had carefully thought about his reaction. Wasn't it expected by the other party now?

"How about I find you a safe place and you can settle down first and avoid the limelight?"

"Where can I hide?"

"Hide in the detention center of the Lieyang Department. I know the warden there."

"Uh..." Lao Meng took a breath, could he still hide like this?

"In the current situation, it's best for you not to go anywhere. I suddenly had a feeling just now, and I always trust my feelings.

If you hide in China, I don't think it's particularly safe.

The most appropriate thing is to go directly to the Lieyang Department's detention center.

In this case, the Lieyang Department can quarrel with people outside and speak forcefully.

You are from China, and it is absolutely impossible to extradite you even if you take ten thousand steps back.

By the way, let people outside know that it's not that you don't want to take revenge, but that you were caught and are unable to go. "

"They wouldn't believe such a thing."

"What? They still think that the Lieyang Department is cooperating with you? The Lieyang Department will not damage its own credibility like this. In the past, when Cai Heizi was still there, he might have cooperated."

"Huh? You're not going to let me really get arrested, are you?"

"You are indeed arrested. Due to your ability, in order to prevent you from escaping, you will 100% be placed in that detention center.

Everything is normal procedure.

As for the subsequent trial after you are temporarily detained, I am sure that your priority is very low and there are so many cases.

It’s not certain when it will be your turn to take the case. "

Lao Meng suddenly realized that he had been wandering outside for so long that he almost forgot that there were some things that he could not say but could do.

Maybe when he is released, he can get a compensation of 10,000 to 20,000 yuan...

At least in terms of regulations and procedures, everything is fine.

"I think you have to let the bullets fly for a while. Don't be so anxious. I really think you are starting to fall into the opponent's rhythm. This is very fatal."

Lao Meng was silent for a long time and nodded.

"Okay, my old buddy, I'll ask you to help take care of me then."

"Okay, what else do you need me to cooperate with?"

"No need, just pretend you haven't seen me, and just follow the normal procedures for the rest."

Lao Meng turned around and left, riding the broken three-wheeler and disappeared.

Just ten minutes later, in a place on the outskirts of Yuzhou, Lao Meng fell out of the void while riding a tricycle.

He fell to the ground, covered in blood, and the tricycle disappeared in a flash of light.

There was only one person and one dog lying there on the ground.

A few minutes later, a late-night snacker passed by and found Lao Meng covered in blood. He was startled and immediately called the police.

Ten minutes later, Lao Meng was sent to the hospital without an ID card, but after facial recognition, the identified identity was automatically reported.

Because in name, although Lao Meng is not a level A wanted criminal in any serious case, he is still at the level of an online fugitive.

Ten minutes later, the people from the Lieyang Department appeared.

The identity of Lao Meng was confirmed, and the identity of Lao Meng's dog was also confirmed.

The hospital's examination results showed that Lao Meng suffered multiple wounds on his body and suffered severe blood loss. He could not even draw blood, so he could only scrape some blood on the wounds.

One of his ribs was broken and his organs were damaged, as if he had been hit by a dump truck.

Even the dog was in a deep coma.

Twenty minutes later, Feng Yao arrived at the scene. Looking at the current diagnosis, he was shocked and quickly called Wen Yan.

Feng Yao crackled and talked about the things and the situation.

"What's going on? What should we do now?"

“Brother, are you the leader or am I the leader?

You ask me?

What is his identity? How should I deal with him? Do you still expect me to intercede for a criminal?

It’s true that we have a personal relationship, but we have a personal relationship. At worst, if he goes in, I will give him things and cigarettes. "

Feng Yao took the phone away, listening to Wen Yan's righteous voice on the phone, with a trace of confusion in his eyes.

Then as he listened, he figured out the taste.

"Well, let me ask you something. Have you appraised the things you were asked to appraise?"

"It's been identified."

"Okay, that's okay."

Feng Yao stretched out his finger and hung up the phone.

He didn't quite understand what kind of drama Wen Yan and Lao Meng were singing, but it didn't matter.

He only needs to know that Lao Meng has already appraised the things and met Wen Yan.

He knew how this play should proceed now.

In the big hospital in Yuzhou, as long as Lao Meng didn't lose enough blood to die, it was impossible for him to die.

Early the next morning, the doctor confirmed that Lao Meng was out of danger and had regained consciousness. His recovery speed was much faster than expected and his life was no longer in danger, so he agreed to transfer to another hospital.

Lao Meng was taken to a small hospital under the banner by people from the Lieyang Department to recuperate according to the rules.

Because the guards here are strict, it can ensure that Lao Meng cannot escape.

As for the dog, according to Lao Meng's own wishes, he was sent to Wen Yan for foster care.

The next night, someone contacted a nurse from the hospital where Lao Meng was first treated. He guided the nurse and told her about Lao Meng.

The little nurse was not thoughtful and didn't say her name. She just thought it was nothing but an anecdote and talked about the mysterious patient she received today.

It looked like he had been hit by a dump truck, or like he had been stabbed more than a dozen times. He was almost dead when he arrived, and the estimated blood loss was at least a thousand milliliters.

But unexpectedly, without a blood transfusion, the patient recovered more than half of his body overnight, and the blood turned to his face.

In the end, the patient was taken away by his uncle. He might still be a fugitive.

Half an hour later, some people in Nanyang heard the news.

Lao Meng was attacked last night and was overturned. In the end, he desperately escaped back to China. Maybe the spell broke out and caused him to pass out on the roadside. He was sent to the hospital. Then when the hospital confirmed his identity, an alarm was triggered, causing Here comes the people from the Lieyang tribe.

On the top floor of a tall building in Nanyang, a young man looked at the newly sent information with a sinking face.

"Have you confirmed the authenticity?"

"Basically confirmed." An old man next to him replied in a deep voice.

"Can those trash yesterday hurt Lao Meng?"

"It should be the result of the actions of the two masters from the past two days. He couldn't suppress it anymore and broke out when he was fighting those killers yesterday. The symptoms were very consistent.

Our people also saw that those killers were basically killed with weapons.

There was also some of Lao Meng's blood left there, but he had done something to it and couldn't use it anymore.

These were all confirmed by someone. "

The young man put down the information and looked a little livid.

He didn't expect that Lao Meng would overturn, nor did he expect that the magician's strength seemed to be stronger than expected, making Lao Meng a little overwhelmed.

"Notify him and find a way to rescue him as soon as possible."

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