I am your natural enemy

Chapter 424: Asking for authority, shelving the case (5k)

The interrogation room at the Lieyang Department headquarters is rarely used. When it is used, it is mostly used to interrogate living people. After all, whether it is professionals or aliens, many of them are quite dangerous, and the means of restriction are basically based on restricting people, which is difficult to completely restrict.

There are even fewer ghosts who will be brought to the headquarters for interrogation, because any ghost who has committed a serious crime and is qualified to be brought here will basically have his magazines emptied on the spot, and there is no need to bring him here at all.

Today, there are several ghosts squatting in the interrogation room. The people inside are more nervous than these ghosts. In the interrogation room, three cameras and four sensors are all turned on, and someone is always watching the camera, plus emergency devices.

Moreover, today's emergency devices are required to be turned off automatically. Those who know this understand why, which is to prevent the machine from being blamed.

Everyone who handles it knows that these ghosts must not get into trouble, and at the very least, they must not get into trouble in their hands.

It has only been a short time since a traitor appeared in Nanwu County and linked up with the people under trial.

Except for a few people who knew the inside story, other people in the Lieyang Department only knew that such an incident had occurred and that the consequences were serious.

And this was enough for others to be doubly cautious.

As the sky brightened, the night shift began to get off work, and the day shift was basically people who did not have any urgent tasks, except for the front-line field staff, such as interrogation experts.

Lao Li was very stubborn. He sat outside with a mobile phone to pass the time. When it was dawn, a familiar clerk brought him buns and soy milk. He sat on a bench, eating buns and drinking soy milk, just like the family members of patients who went to Beijing for treatment.

The head of the headquarters lived in the headquarters. When he entered this floor, he saw this scene from afar and felt helpless, but he really couldn't say anything.

He didn't say that he didn't trust the Lieyang Department, but he was too idle to sleep. Who could say anything?

The head of the headquarters didn't go over, just took a look and said nothing. Trust is something that is difficult to build but easy to break.

The people of the Lieyang Department are all over Shenzhou. There are too many people. In this case, it is absolutely impossible to guarantee that everyone in the department has no problems, let alone guarantee that they will not make mistakes in the future.

We can only set limits in the rules and take precautions on weekdays.

This is also the reason why the head of the headquarters has not advocated rapid expansion of recruitment even though the Lieyang Department is obviously short of manpower.

It is indeed not difficult to recruit people.

But as we all know, more people may not necessarily increase efficiency.

The difficulty is how to control the sudden increase of people, how to make these people improve efficiency, rather than reduce efficiency.

How to maintain the basic quality of personnel, or even improve the original average level, rather than increase the proportion and number of termites.

These are not solved by a simple expansion of recruitment. At least for now, maintaining an annual increase within the control range is better than rash expansion.

Before, Guanzhong County began to recruit ghosts. In addition to the unique situation of Guanzhong County, recruiting ghosts is already the best solution at this stage and the general trend in the future. There is also another reason, which is to be a pilot first.

The head of the headquarters came to the office, poured a cup of tea and placed it beside him as usual, and began to deal with the official business of the day.

He did not intervene in what happened last night, nor did he give any instructions. At least on the surface, he did not know about it. It is not good to intervene in everything and express opinions on everything. Just follow the rules.

If it were according to the general procedure, the ghost would definitely not be brought here, but the ghost attacked Wen Yan in the underworld, and the place where Wen Yan came out was in the suburbs of Beijing, so this is indeed under the jurisdiction of the Lieyang Department in Beijing.

The head of the headquarters looked at the schedule and began to look at today's documents. Someone knocked on the door.

"Come in."

The door was pushed open, and Wen Yan poked his head out first. Seeing the head of the headquarters, he grinned.

"You didn't sleep late at night, went out for a walk, and now you're up so early?"

"Young people are energetic and sleep less." Wen Yan pushed the door open, holding a soy milk bun in his hand: "You haven't had breakfast yet, right? I went to the canteen to buy it. The buns in the canteen are really good, with thin skin and large fillings. After steaming, the leeks are all emerald green, and they look appetizing."

"..." The general manager was rarely speechless. He now began to miss Cai Qidong. If Cai Qidong was still there, Wen Yan would not run to him.

"Eat something first. I asked the big secretary brother. You haven't eaten yet. If you don't go out and don't need to see people, you like this vegetarian leek bun. The big secretary brother was woken up in the middle of the night yesterday and is still busy now, so I brought it for him."

Wen Yan came up and started to talk, blocking all the words that the general manager wanted to say.

Seeing that Wen Yan was not shy at all, he sat down and started to eat the buns and drink the soy milk. It seemed that it was a little hot and made a slurping sound.

The head of the headquarters had no choice but to get up and come to the small coffee table to eat together. He had indeed not eaten breakfast yet.

While eating a simple breakfast, Wen Yan talked about what happened last night.

"I was supposed to meet an informant last night, and the other party gave me a lot of very valuable information.

It just so happened that Lao Li asked me for help, so I tried it.

I also tried the new clues by the way, but I didn't expect that the other party had targeted defense.

Later, I followed the clues and found that the following things were in the information of the Lieyang Department, and I had no authority."

Wen Yan talked for a few minutes, and the map of Yan State finally unfolded.

The general manager had finished eating the steamed buns and was drinking soy milk while Wen Yan got to the point.

"So, you came here early in the morning to ask for permission?"

"Yes, I just found out something related to the local ghost God of Wealth through my informant who gave me important clues. If I don't understand it, I won't be able to sleep."

After hearing this, the head of the headquarters remained silent for a long time.

He had been guessing just now that Wen Yan came so early in the morning and brought him breakfast, maybe it wasn't because of the affairs of those Ah Piao last night.

Unexpectedly, Wen Yan went around in a circle and seemed to come back, but he was talking about something else the whole time.

Wen Yan was not in a hurry and just waited here.

Using the two people who were burned to death together with the third dead Ah Piao as an entry point, he tried to summon the souls, but was blocked. The only thing he could see was a lantern on the Golden Avenue.

I originally wanted to use the lantern as an entry point to find the people behind it, but I didn't expect to find a closed ghost market that had an incident. The ghost market is directly related to the local ghost god of wealth. The relevant details and authority are very high.

Then it cannot be said that Wen Yan is holding a grudge just to find the person behind the scenes. He is really doing business now, but in the process of doing business, he may dig out the attacker.

Wen Yan didn't mention the few Ah Piao who were brought back throughout the whole process, nor did he focus on digging out the attackers.

The head of the headquarters thought about it for a while, returned to his desk, and found the relevant information. After looking at it for a few minutes, he pondered for a while and said.

"The relevant authorization has been given to you. You can read it yourself, but those without authorization cannot read it. Do you understand?"


Wen Yan turned on his phone and took a look. He was prompted to obtain relevant authorization for some information.

"Headquarters Chief Zhang Liang, don't worry, I will definitely follow this matter to the end!"

The head of the headquarters waved his hand wordlessly, and Wen Yan left happily.

Seeing Wen Yan go out with a grin on his face and close the door behind him, the head of the headquarters pondered for a moment and called Fuyu Mountain.

"Hey, is your uncle awake? I have something to ask."

"That's right. I want to ask, how is Cai Qidong's situation? Can he still stand up? We need him to return to Nanwu County to shoulder the responsibility."

"Yeah, okay, I understand."

After hanging up the phone, the headquarter manager sighed. Wen Yan was really capable of causing trouble. He entered the capital with a string of Ah Piao, and the next day he used a reason he couldn't refuse to ask for permission.

Just talking about Ah Piao, no one has ever done this before.

Wen Yan got the authority and went out with his cell phone. He was almost out of the door when he heard someone said that Lao Li had been squatting outside the interrogation room corridor early in the morning, and he was still squatting there.

Wen Yan thought for a while, then turned back and came to the interrogation room floor. As soon as he got out of the elevator, he saw Lao Li wearing glasses on the bridge of his nose and holding his cell phone far away. He looked at the phone twice and then looked up. .

As soon as Wen Yan came out, Lao Li saw Wen Yan and stood up immediately.

"Brother, let's go, find a place to sit?"

Lao Li glanced back, and before he could say anything, Wen Yan smiled.

"Let's go, bro."

He took Lao Li out of Lieyang Department's unit and found a teahouse opposite.

As soon as I sat down and poured the tea, Lao Li raised his tea cup with a guilty look on his face.

"For the sake of our Li family, it is too much to let me take such a big risk, so I will use tea instead of wine to thank my brother in advance. From now on, whenever there is any use for our Li family, just open your mouth and fight with swords and fire. I, the Li family, also have people who are not afraid of death."

"Brother, stop now, sit down quickly, this matter really has nothing to do with you."

Wen Yan told the truth that the attack on him had nothing to do with the people who summoned the Li family.

But Lao Li didn't believe a word Wen Yan said.

He himself knew what the situation was like on the underworld. If he was not careful there, he would be completely lost. And if he encountered an attack there, it could basically be said to directly amplify the already huge risk tenfold.

Being in such a different place, he didn't know how to protect himself in that situation and still get out of the underworld.

Not to mention, he had just finished speaking during the day, and Wen Yan had to help him even if he didn't sleep at night.

"To tell you the truth, brother, in all my life, I have never seen such an honest person as you."

"Brother, please stop praising me. I'm really embarrassed. I tried yesterday and couldn't recruit any of the people in the information you gave me. The situation is a bit weird. I was just about to tell you.

What is certain is that none of their souls seem to have dissipated, but for some unknown reason, they cannot summon their souls.

And the reasons why souls cannot be summoned may not be unified.

How specific it is, I have limited strength and limited knowledge, so I don’t know very well. "

After hearing this, Lao Li was not disappointed, but relaxed.

"This is the best news recently. As long as the soul is still there, there may be hope. If it dissipates, it will never be found again.

To have this result is considered the best result, just let me take the risk...

Don't worry, brother, you don't have to worry about this matter, I will follow you from beginning to end. "

"Brother, it's better not to stay up any longer. You should go to bed early at night and do whatever you want. This is the headquarters, so there won't be any accidents."

Having said this, Wen Yan glanced at Lao Li, as if he was still planning to waste more time, so he tried to persuade him again.

"Besides, they are just a few ghosts, not important characters. What if someone is involved, what forces are involved, and who dares to let these ghosts die in the Lieyang Department? Isn't that a big fish more important than these ghosts?"

Old Li thought about it and realized that it was the truth. He didn't care about it. He didn't put pressure on them. If he didn't care, he might catch a big fish.

After persuading Old Li, he asked him to go back and catch up on his sleep. He didn't attend the meeting this morning. Anyway, there was no important topic today.

Wen Yan also slacked off and found a place to check the information.

He asked Black Box to classify it. He first looked at the part where he didn't have enough authority before.

At first glance, wow, no wonder he needed such high authority. The guy who opened the ghost market was from Beijing. He had a good background. Moreover, many of the customers of the ghost market were rich or noble, especially many second-generation people who always wanted to make a name for themselves.

At that time, the spiritual energy had been revived for decades, but the progress was very slow. Almost all the demons with the highest spiritual intelligence were still in the stage where they could not transform or take shape, and could only maintain the beast form.

But it was during this period that the ghost market opened, and it attracted real ghosts, and there was more than one.

It caused a tragedy at that time, and many people died. Many dirty things in the ghost market that could not be said or reported were also exposed.

At that time, the case was hosted by Cai Heizi, who had not yet become the head of the department, and supervised by the head of the headquarters.

Dozens of people died in one breath, and the people involved were either powerful, rich, or had rich and powerful families.

Such a big case should have been a big deal, but according to the various evidences left at the scene and the living witnesses, if these dead guys were still alive and caught, they would be sentenced to ten years per capita, and at least one-third would be sentenced to death without waiting for trial.

At that time, the spiritual energy recovery progress was very slow, and the authority of the Lieyang Department was far less than it is now.

At that time, Cai Heizi was the host and was under great pressure. In the end, even the director of the headquarters was under pressure from all sides.

In the end, it was found that the ghosts really thought that this was a real ghost market and went in. As a result, some ghosts found that their relatives and friends were inside and appeared as goods. This ghost turned evil on the spot, which led to a big conflict and tragedy.

So the result was that the matter was sealed, and the dead considered themselves unlucky. People were dead, and the relevant evidence files of their crimes during their lifetime were also sealed.

Wen Yan just looked at the text and pictures recorded in the information and couldn't help frowning.

He also saw that among those who died at the time, some of their parents and the people behind them had retired or been arrested over the years.

Wen Yan felt that this might be the reason why the director of the headquarters dared to let him see these materials.

Otherwise, reading these materials might bring risks.

This person is much more powerful than ghosts.

Looking more carefully, there were many people who survived in the ghost market that year, which means that the goals of those ghosts were very clear, and they were not mindless to kill anyone they saw.

He flipped through the pages and found a photo.

The photo was of the entrance to the ghost market, with a dimly lit lantern hanging there. The light of the incandescent lamp, through the lantern's cover, created a strange atmosphere.

The upper part of the picture was the ghost market behind, with black air surging, like large pieces of flames burning.

This photo was the part he had no right to see before, which meant that at the time, there were some ghosts, and under extreme circumstances, they could burst out with power beyond the limit at that time.

This situation would definitely cause panic at the time.

With a clearer photo, Wen Yan asked the black box to continue matching and continue to search for associations based on the existing information.

This time it was very slow, and it took more than ten minutes for the black box to give Wen Yan a photo.

This was a photo from another case. The black box enlarged an irrelevant corner of the photo and then restored it in high definition.

A pattern appeared in a corner of the background of the picture, and that pattern was exactly the same as a pattern on the lantern hanging at the entrance of the ghost market.

"This is the most relevant clue I found.

This pattern is written, according to handwriting identification, pattern identification and other related things.

The result shows that there is an 85% probability that these two patterns were drawn by the same person.

The location in the picture has been sent, please check."

Wen Yan took a look and found that the location in the picture was actually somewhere in Guanzhong County, and this place was very close to the Lantern Town in Guanzhong County.

"What is the case in this picture?"

Black Box immediately sent the information.

The information showed that it was just a typical case of ghost seeking revenge.

A murderer from thirty years ago buried the body in his own yard after killing someone, and then as the spiritual energy revival progressed, the victim's resentment was hard to dissipate and continued to accumulate.

Finally, it accumulated enough to break through the dust and rush out. In a rage, it tore the soul of the person to pieces and swallowed it, and then the ghost lost his mind and was beaten and dissipated on the spot by the people who rushed over.

Wen Yan compared it with the previous case again...

Well, it is a bit similar.

Wen Yan pondered for a moment, put away his phone, turned around and left. Today's meeting was not important, so he skipped it.

He took the Underworld Road to Guanzhong County and came to a place near the destination. He soon found the place in the picture.

At the same time, in the Underworld Road.

An old man with white hair and beard, holding a white paper lantern and three incense sticks in one hand, walked in the underworld.

As he walked, the old man came to the main road intersection and looked at everything in front of him with a look of astonishment.

Not only did the main road intersection become larger and wider, but there was also a crossroads, two statues of soul lamps next to it, and real street lamps on the side of the road.

Then, the old man looked up and saw that there was a camera on the street lamp, and he couldn't hold it anymore.

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