I am your natural enemy

Chapter 425 Guarding the main intersection, craftsman (6k)

The camera on the streetlight under the intersection was purely a joke by Wen Yan.

Because the cameras were not special cameras that could capture Ah Piao, they were just ordinary surveillance cameras.

There was a big incident in Decheng before where the whole city was evacuated, and then tens of billions of funds were invested in Decheng. The first place to spend money was naturally to use the cameras in the original Skynet system in batches. Replace it with a new special camera.

Some key intersections and special places are the first to be replaced.

But in these places, the cameras have only been replaced in the past two years. Many of them are still in good condition and have not reached the point of aging and becoming unusable.

It must be replaced. According to the procedures, some of the replaced ones will be recycled and some will be scrapped.

When Wen Yan was walking around, he happened to meet someone from the Lieyang Department and wanted to buy a few. But they heard that he wanted to install cameras at major intersections, so they gave them to him...

Wen Yan pulled a line, borrowed the wires from the street lights, and installed several on the street lights, aiming them at the four directions of the intersection.

The picture seen on the surveillance camera is just an ordinary road under the filter of the underworld. Green light and yellow light are intertwined. It can be as weird as it is. You can't take a picture of Ah Piao, but you can see the halo rising like water. ripple.

In fact, it's just a decoration. Wen Yan thinks the intersection looks right like this, nothing more.

He never expected that ordinary cameras that couldn't take pictures of Ah Piao would be able to take pictures on the underworld.

An old computer at Wen Yan's house is open. This is the computer Wen Yan used before. It was still a 960. The kind that hasn't been cleaned out in five or six years. Even cats and cats think this computer is stuck, so it is now monitored. .

People at home like to come over and watch the surveillance when nothing happens.

Even the most composed butlers like to sit here for a long time when nothing happens. They all feel very involved and feel that this is a very serious career. Even if they talk about it, they are very proud and have a great sense of accomplishment.

Because Wen Yan said, this is not called monitoring, this is guarding the intersection and taking precautions before they happen. Those who are good at fighting have no great achievements.

Today was the same as usual. The little zombie was watching videos on his mobile phone, and the sparrow cat was sleeping on the cat climbing frame. Suddenly he heard something, and when he raised his eyes, he saw a prompt from the computer.

The monitoring software has been set up so that there will be no prompts when there is no obvious movement on the screen.

When it detects that something moving has entered, a prompt will be issued.

Even if no one is watching the surveillance at the time, the automatically saved video will be automatically marked. Where there are changes in the picture, you can directly drag it over to view.

The sparrow cat's eyelids were drooped and he was drowsy. He just glanced at it, and his pupils that shrank to a slit instantly expanded. He immediately raised his ears and raised his head.

"Hey, come on, come on, there's a dead guy!"

The sparrow cat stared at the picture on the screen with wide eyes.

One of the four high-definition cameras captured an old man carrying a pale white paper lantern and several sticks of incense in his hand. He raised his head in shock and looked in the direction of the camera.

The sparrow cat flapped its wings, completely lost its sleepiness, and howled at the top of its lungs. The little zombie appeared in a flash, and when it saw someone on the screen, it widened its eyes and opened its mouth.

Then the little zombie quickly turned off the video and immediately dialed Wen Yan's number.

Seeing the little zombie put the mobile phone on his face and started to moan, the bird cat suddenly became anxious.

"He doesn't understand what you are saying. Give me the phone quickly. This is all my food expenses. No, no, it's our food expenses!"

The little zombie wanted to take credit, but was reminded by the sparrow cat, and then he remembered that her gentle words could not be understood.

She put the phone down reluctantly and put it on speakerphone.

"What's going on? Something happened? Are you all okay?" Wen Yan was confused on the other end of the phone.

"The surveillance found something!" Quemao couldn't hide his excitement in his tone: "There is an old man who is walking on the underworld! He must be a living person, no, no, no, no, he must have a body, and the camera can capture it! He is walking on the underworld in broad daylight. , he is definitely not a good person!”


Wen Yan looked back at the barren grave behind him, and then at Feng Wei and Tong Si next to him.

This piece of shit, Quemao, made a good statement, why did he just fire the map cannon?

"When did this happen?"

"Right now, the surveillance system just prompted someone to appear on the surveillance screen. This old man was so stupid that he didn't know how to lower his head when he found out he was being monitored. He even looked up at the surveillance camera for several seconds, and his face was clearly photographed.

Damn it, this Lao Deng is leaving, do you want to stop him? "

"Pull him down quickly. Don't worry about anything. As long as he doesn't come out of the intersection, don't worry about it."

"Are you looking down on me?" The sparrow cat was furious.


"..." The sparrow cat was so angry that it raised a paw to hang up the phone, but its paw was a bird's claw and was too sharp. It poked it twice without hanging up the phone.

With quick eyes and quick hands, the little zombie grabbed the phone and pointed at the scratches on the tempered film.

"Little guy, if you have any questions, remember to call me. I will buy you a mobile phone and apply for a separate card later."

"Hey..." The little zombie smiled happily and returned the phone to Quemao, but after thinking about it, she seemed to need to use it today, so she took the phone back and sat in front of the computer to watch the video. While watching the video, Watch the surveillance.

The sparrow cat had a cat face, and the corners of its mouth were full of disdain.

"I have money, I can buy it myself!"

The old man in the surveillance found the camera and the crossroads, but he didn't dare to take risks. He still walked forward and left quickly.

On the other side, Wen Yan had just walked out of the underworld and arrived at Guanzhong County.

"If someone is in the underworld now and has just passed the main intersection, can we catch up with this person if we go in now?"

"It's basically impossible to meet him. The underworld can only move forward, not backward. When we go in, the other party may be about to leave." Feng Wei shook his head.

"Have you ever met other people or things walking in the underworld in the underworld before?"

"I haven't met anyone walking in the underworld, but I have met ghosts who are already in the underworld. It is really difficult to meet other people there."

"That's a pity..."

Originally, there was nothing surprising about Wen Yan that someone walked in the underworld. Things like passing through the underworld or walking in the underworld have existed since ancient times. There are different accounts in many records, but they are roughly the same.

And walking in the underworld with a physical body has always been the most dangerous. Even the Taoists in the Three Mountains and Five Peaks never walk in the underworld unless they have no choice.

Even now, they would rather endure the discomfort and take a few hours of flight than take a ten-minute shortcut.

However, these people are unwilling to go, but there are always some other inheritances that are willing to take the risk and do things that are only suitable for the underworld.

For example, the orthodox way of summoning souls is to open an altar, prepare three animals and five livestock, talismans, shrines, straw substitutes, etc., to summon the lost souls of the living or the dead.

However, there are only a few Taoist priests who have been granted talismans, or the talismans granted by them are suitable for this kind of spellcasting.

And summoning souls is actually a relatively common demand, so some methods that do not require talismans but are more risky have been derived later.

The most typical one is to call the soul, or the wilder way is to directly let the soul leave the body and run directly to the underworld to find someone. Every time it is like walking on a tightrope on a cliff, and if you are not careful, you will fall into the abyss.

Wen Yan had heard of similar people before, but it was not normal to walk in the flesh, and it was extremely rare. Therefore, Wen Yan's walking in the underworld was like going home, and many people thought that Wen Yan was too different, or to put it bluntly, he was a heretic.

Of course, it was nothing to do at this point, but Wen Yan heard that the other party was holding a lantern and walking in the underworld in the flesh, so he felt that it was very necessary to take a look.

Entering the desolate graveyard, Wen Yan walked quickly in the underworld, trying to see if he could run into that person.

Unfortunately, he didn't see anyone even when he reached the main road.

After leaving the main road, Wen Yan returned home, turned on the surveillance and looked at it. He found all the clips that indicated that he had seen something. In addition to himself, there was only one old man left.

Now he thinks that ordinary cameras are actually quite good.

In the real world, there are living people everywhere, and cameras that can take pictures of ghosts are used specifically for ghosts.

On the other hand, in the underworld full of dead souls, using ordinary cameras to take pictures of living people is also very appropriate.

These cameras are not completely pure decorations.

He adjusted the video, freezing it at the few seconds when the other person's face was captured, then took out his phone, took a photo, and fed it to the black box first, asking it to search to see if it could find the person's information.

No matter who it is, as long as they have an ID card, live in modern society, and are still alive, the probability of having no information at all is extremely small.

This old man can't be so cautious that he has to be on guard against cameras when walking on the road to the underworld, and he has specially disguised himself, right?

The black box has high-definition photos, a few seconds of face-showing video, and the person's gait, etc. Even if the first step of looking for the face can't verify the identity, there are many other ways later.

Fortunately, the black box is very powerful and quickly gave the search results.

The old man's name is Fan Zeyun, and he lives in a place called Fanzhou in Guanzhong County, which happens to be the destination Wen Yan was going to just now.

According to the information, when Fan Zeyun was a child, his family was still very rich. Later, his family fell into decline, but he was also a well-educated person. In that era, there were very few well-educated people.

He experienced ups and downs in the first half of his life, and was displaced. He returned to his hometown in the second half of his life and has been rooted at home. Relying on the lax management of the surrounding coal mines in the early years, he bought working years and paid the pension. Now he lives on a small pension and odd jobs making lanterns for others.

He has never been married and has no children. At least according to the information, it is actually very normal.

Of course, if you count that he dared to walk the underworld in the flesh and can still walk out, combined with the previous information, it is not ordinary, but invincible.

He has no ties, no children, no relatives, and the emergency contacts are all people from the village committee.

Wen Yan knew in his heart that this old man was most likely the target he was looking for.

He asked the black box to compare the white lantern carried by the old man and the pattern on it.

Sure enough, this time the black box directly gave a 98% match.

It is basically certain that the pattern he compared with before was made by one person.

Wen Yan wanted to check the other information of this old man, but there was very little, and the few information were only available after registration.

However, the other party's actions were similar to those of many elderly people in Guanzhong County whose income depended entirely on their retirement wages. Every month, they would take their paybook to the bank, record the receipt of funds in the paybook, and then withdraw all the cash away. They also spent money in cash and never used electronic payment, so naturally there were no records.

In this case, according to the risk assessment of the Lieyang Department, this old man will basically be judged as the lowest risk group, and no one will pay attention to his actions.

Wen Yan pondered for a moment and did not rush to report it. After all, so far, the other party has only gone to the underworld, and the Lieyang Department has no strict rules that prohibit going to the underworld.

In the records of the Lieyang Department, going to the underworld is almost equivalent to playing with life, almost equivalent to self-destruction. You can't set a rule that prohibits self-destruction, right?

People are ready to commit suicide, are they still afraid of your rules? Shenzhou does not have the tradition of killing people first to prevent them from committing suicide.

When he put away his mobile phone and prepared to set off again, he saw the little zombie with a serious face, staring at the computer screen, as if he was watching the surveillance very seriously.

Wen Yan reached out and pinched the little zombie's face. In front of the little zombie, he opened the online shopping platform and let her choose a mobile phone by herself.

The little zombie didn't choose, but just hugged Wen Yan's arm and cried. This time Wen Yan understood and agreed to anything.

What she wanted was probably just a mobile phone that belonged to her completely.

Wen Yan chose a mobile phone with a good reputation, placed the order, and went out. The little zombie didn't watch the video this time, but stared at the surveillance video very seriously.

Wen Yan continued to walk the underworld road to Guanzhong County, thinking about what to say and do later.

On the other side, Fan Zeyun came out of his cellar with a lantern, and the incense in his hand was almost burned out.

Next to the cellar, there was a small incense burner with a stick of incense in it. There was a red rope on each of the three legs of the three-legged incense burner.

One of the red ropes was tied to a small scarecrow the size of a palm, the other end was tied to the foot of a big rooster, and the last end was thrown in the cellar.

Accompanied by the loud crowing of the big rooster, Fan Zeyun climbed out of the cellar holding the last red rope.

After he came out, he took out a small piece of white candle from the lantern, pinched the wick with his fingers, and extinguished the flame.

Looking back at the cellar again, Fan Zeyun sighed and said to the big rooster standing on the shelf.

"Brother Dao, something happened this time, you should leave quickly before it gets you into trouble."

The big rooster standing on the shelf turned his head and looked at Fan Zeyun with his head tilted.

"Look at you, you coward, you are talking nonsense."

"Brother Dao, this time I'm really not joking. When I was walking in the dark, I saw the crossroads, the street lights, and the cameras inside. I'm afraid I've been photographed."

"What can I do if I'm photographed? Walking in the dark is illegal? Can I bite you, a coward?" The big rooster stuck out his neck and looked at Fan Zeyun with his eyelids.

"It's nothing to walk in the underworld. I was photographed there, so I was noticed.

I can't stand the investigation. Maybe they can find out about my past.

When I didn't have the ability, they naturally wouldn't suspect me, but now that I have the ability, many things can be suspected of me.

You should leave quickly. At least it won't implicate you. These things have nothing to do with you."

Fan Zeyun's tone was sincere. He didn't underestimate the current Lieyang tribe. He knew that as the progress of the spiritual energy recovery deepened, he didn't practice very deliberately, but his ability was still steadily increasing.

If he could do this, he didn't dare to think about how far the Lieyang tribe, which could install cameras in the underworld, had developed.

To be honest, the moment he saw the street lights and cameras, he clearly realized that he couldn't keep up with the times.

The strongest and most outrageous level he could imagine was far less powerful than what others could do.

The street lights and cameras there made him lose his mind. He was ready. Maybe tomorrow, no, maybe even tonight or this afternoon, the people from the Lieyang tribe would enter his yard.

Fan Zeyun looked at the unruly rooster and lost his usual intention to argue. He said in a gentle voice with a hint of sob.

"Brother Dao, go away. I'm serious. You've helped me too much. I was able to come back from the underworld because of your guidance. I should have died a long time ago. I'm lucky to have lived to this day. Don't let me implicate you."

"Eat your rice and crow at your house. This is the way of heaven. You don't know a thing." The rooster was still swearing. Seeing Fan Zeyun's appearance, it flapped its wings and flew to the roof. It stood on the roof with its head held high, not looking at Fan Zeyun.

Fan Zeyun had no choice but to go back to the room and start packing his things.

He was ready to be caught and didn't plan to run. After his mentality collapsed, his clearest understanding was that he couldn't run away.

He had just packed his things and packed a few sets of clothes for himself. When he was about to tell Dao Ge why he left all the money to him, there was a knock on the door.

Fan Zeyun paused, and heard someone outside the yard shouting in the local dialect.

"Old Fan, are you home?"

"Who?" Fan Zeyun shouted.


Fan Zeyun recalled, but couldn't tell who the voice was. He thought it should be someone from the team, or a young man who came down to help the poor.

Fan Zeyun went to open the door and saw a young man standing outside.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Wen Yan, can I come in and talk?"

"What's the matter?"

"You just passed by my door, I just came to talk to you."

After these words came out, Fan Zeyun's muscles tensed up, and his cloudy eyes became sharp, but the next moment, he seemed to have lost all his strength and sighed.

"Are you a public servant?"

"No, at most I'm a professional who helps out occasionally."

Fan Zeyun hunched his waist, said nothing, opened the door directly, and invited Wen Yan to come in and chat.

Wen Yan knew he had found the right person the first time he saw Fan Zeyun.

"Craftsman (Lantern)"

"He grew up in a wealthy family, but he was particularly interested in lanterns. He learned a lot from the master because he was young and sweet. When his family fell into decline, he made a living from this and specialized in this all his life.

As the spiritual energy revived, he began to make the legendary lanterns recorded in ancient books.

Soul-guiding lanterns, road-guiding lanterns, etc.

From being high-spirited to being low-key and quiet, he was ready to spend the rest of his life here."

"What you want to know, he is ready to stop hiding, you should listen to him."

"Temporary ability: none."

Wen Yan followed in, and when he entered the yard, he looked up and saw a big rooster standing on the edge of the roof with his head held high.

Just a glance, he saw that this big rooster was a demon. That unique temperament and even the unconcealed eyes were too recognizable.

Wen Yan smiled, waved and said hello, and followed Fan Zeyun into the house.

Fan Zeyun took out a glass and made a cup of tea for Wen Yan, and he sat opposite Wen Yan.

"What do you want to know?"

"I'm not interested in why you went to the underworld, that's your business.

In fact, I arrived here half an hour ago, but I heard that someone was walking on the underworld from my doorstep and was photographed by the camera at the intersection, so I went back to take a look.

I didn't expect that it was really someone from here, which saved me the trouble of coming here to find someone slowly."

When Fan Zeyun heard this, a hint of understanding appeared on his face.

Before he went to the underworld, Wen Yan had already found his area, and it was only a matter of time before he found him. It seems that even without the camera, it would be the same.

"Besides things related to lanterns, you shouldn't have anything else to ask me, right?"

"Yes, I have something to ask you, for example, what kind of lantern can resist the summoning of souls?"

"Soul-calming lantern."

"You have made one before, right?"

"Yes, when I was young, I was full of youth and vigor, and I always felt that I was very awesome and could make legendary things that others couldn't make.

At that time, I made a lot of things, and the soul-calming lantern was one of them.

At that time, someone gave me an ancient book with the method of making the soul-calming lantern.

I also read it. This thing is good. Some people are summoned after their souls are summoned, or children lose their souls. After being summoned back, they are still unstable.

At this time, the soul-calming lantern should be used to illuminate and help people get through this period of unstable souls.

Unfortunately, any good thing will eventually be ruined and used for other things.

I later found out what the soul-calming lantern I made was used for.

It was used to suppress the souls of the dead who died suddenly.

Even I almost died."

Wen Yan thought about it and gave a keyword.

"Ghost Market?"

Fan Zeyun raised his head and glanced at Wen Yan. He was silent for a long time, and then hatred began to emerge in his eyes.

"Yes, it is the Ghost Market."

Wen Yan did not rush to say anything, but waited quietly.

Fan Zeyun's eyes gradually became a little empty, and he muttered to himself.

"What can I do? Someone reported it, and the person who reported it disappeared.

Someone died, and the ghosts were almost suppressed.

Someone found out that their family members were missing in it, but they could not do anything.

What kind of world is that?

Why can those guys be so unscrupulous with power?

I finally met a good seedling, but I became a mentally numb puppet.

Do you know what he said at the end?

He begged me to kill him, and he wanted to use his life to exchange for revenge.

I was ready to be arrested, but who would have thought that no one would pay attention to me at all.

So many people died, and it was just left unresolved."

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