I am your natural enemy

Chapter 434: Dusk Street, a Big Zombie in Gorgeous Clothes (5k)

Wen Yan immediately checked the surrounding environment to determine whether there were any foreseeable risks.

But everything was normal and nothing looked dangerous.

Then Wen Yan's mind instantly recalled the words the headquarters chief had given him twice.

Don't look at everything here with normal thinking. It's unusual and unusual, and you can't judge it completely based on real experience.

He looked around twice quickly, and when Er entered the palace and wanted to speak, he immediately stopped him from speaking.

After careful confirmation, there was nothing familiar to him here. He should have never been here before.

According to the current experience, it is unlikely that this is his old dream, and the reason why the old dream appears has nothing to do with him.

Then, this should be the reason for the second entry into the palace, which caused the old dream to emerge.

This is very important and something Wen Yan must determine first.

Wen Yan did not let go of his hand. He pulled the panic-stricken Er into the palace and came to the alley next to him.

"Are you familiar with this place?"

"Familiar...familiar, what...what's going on?" Er Jingong tried to stay calm and suppressed the fear of the unknown.

"You triggered something and then fell into...a different space. This should be a place you have been to before, and there may be things you have experienced. Since you are familiar with it, then, what is this place?"

After Wen Yan asked, he thought for a moment and immediately added another sentence.

"Speak slowly. If I tell you to stop, stop immediately."

"This is called Wugu Town. It was the place where I was first arranged to do an important job by Mr. Six personally. The sarcophagus was taken away from here."

Hearing this name, Wen Yan's expression changed slightly.

"When did this happen?"

"About twenty-six or seven years ago."

"Whether it's twenty-six or twenty-seven, make sure!"

"Twenty-seven." Er Jingong blurted out. It was obvious that he could turn things into old dreams. He couldn't even remember the specific time, but this guy said he was used to it.

Wen Yan looked at his surroundings, he knew this place.

Because the black stone he took back before was originally from the villagers near this town. On the way back, he found a black stone of a size and weight suitable for pressing pickles, so he took the black stone back.

This is the starting point for the following series of events in the records of the Lieyang Department.

As for why the black stone was picked up by a villager, it is impossible to find out what happened before it was picked up.

The most likely guess is that a flash flood broke out nearby, and there were traces of landslides, and the black rocks beneath the ground were washed out.

At that time, we didn’t have the luxury to spend a lot of money on slope stabilization projects in places without roads. Even now, the places with the most such projects are highways or places where people often appear.

It is not uncommon for flash floods or landslides to occur in the mountains. According to the geographical environment here, they happen every year.

Now in places where there is a risk of landslides and flash floods, people have moved away one after another.

Back then, the Black Stone was picked up, and then people died suddenly one after another. All the people who died suddenly turned into zombies. In a short period of time, dozens of wild zombies appeared.

At that time, the Lieyang Department suffered a lot because of what happened here, and many people were poisoned.

There were no well-researched portable serums at that time, and poisoning was a very troublesome matter.

The people from Fuyu Mountain came and settled the matter.

And that time was twenty-six years ago.

That was one year after Erjin came here to deliver a sarcophagus.

In that era, there were not so many cameras or networks, and the Liyang Department's authority and strength were far less than they are now.

If Er Jingong hadn't told the news himself, no outsider would have known about it.

According to Er Jingong, the sarcophagus at that time should have been a set of coffins, and there were still things inside that could move and struggle.

Wen Yan's first reaction was that there were zombies inside.

Now it is discovered that a year later, a wild zombie incident occurred locally.

There is 80% connection between the two.

If we calculate the time according to the spiritual energy recovery progress at that time, the time interval between the two would be about one month now, or even less than one month.

It doesn't matter what the hell it is.

If these things are figured out outside, then you can take your time to consider them, but once you have come in, you must understand the details first.

Considering that the second time he entered the palace and fell into the old dream, he was describing to Wen Yan the man called Third Master, who had obvious inverted triangular eyes.

And this person, who had obviously died and was sent back to the palace by Erjin, came back to life the next day.

It's obviously not normal either.

Wen Yan thought about it, this shouldn't be an accident, or something someone did from a distance.

It was more like someone had done something to Er Jingong, or signed something similar to a contract.

When the second palace begins to leak some information that cannot be leaked, this method of advance preparation will be automatically triggered.

After all, people like Er Jin Palace who can hang out with each other, shout loud slogans, say loyalty and brotherhood, are not in trouble.

If something really happens, no matter what kind of person you are, you definitely can't place all your hopes on your brothers who can be loyal and keep their word, and would rather die than surrender.

It is normal for people to be wary of things they do when they enter the palace on the second day.

Adding to the last incident with the skeleton arch, it can be basically inferred that those people can use some means to send people to the old dream, and directly evaporate from the world, without even a corpse.

This time can actually be regarded as the same means, but the triggering method is obviously different.

If the information that Wen Yan has integrated now and the information he speculated are correct, with Er Jin Gong's level, can he survive in Wugu Town? Can he still get out of here?

How lucky is he.

Wen Yan looked at Er Jin Gong who was uneasy.

"You should have seen it, is this place exactly the same as what you saw more than 20 years ago?"

"Yes..." Er Jin Gong was anxious and kept rubbing his hands. He had also seen some abnormal things and knew about the Lieyang Department. Of course, he knew that Shenzhou had developed for nearly 30 years, so how could it be exactly the same as what he saw at that time.

There is no other explanation except for the different space.

"Then you should also know that people like you know too much, and it is only a matter of time before you are silenced."

Er Jin Gong opened his mouth and finally nodded dejectedly.

You will always have to pay for what you have done.

They knew this sentence from the day they started.

However, he had thought that he would be hacked to death or hit by a dump truck, but he never thought it would be like this.

There was no need for Wen Yan to explain, he also knew that he was being silenced.

"Tell me everything you know, all the smallest details, including how many times you went to the toilet during the transportation process and what pattern the tiles on the toilet wall were.

You should know that it is unknown whether we can return alive this time.

I want to know all the details that may be useful and useless.

Even if you die, as long as you can send back the information, the person behind the scenes will be taken down.

At least you don't have to worry about your family anymore. Even if you die, at least you won't die with regrets.

Don't blame me for speaking bluntly. In this situation, we can go around in circles and die together."

Wen Yan said bluntly, and the panicked heart of the second prison was calmed down a little.

At least so far, Wen Yan looked solemn, his eyes kept scanning, paying attention to the movements in all directions, but he was not as panicked as him.

He now believed in Wen Yan's words.

In addition to thinking that Wen Yan would not make such a big scene for him, he also believed that he would be silenced, and believed that his superiors would silence him in this way.

After entering the palace for the second time, he calmed down and followed Wen Yan, recalling the experience he would never forget in his life, and telling it in detail from the beginning.

Wen Yan listened and recorded at the same time, but his attention was elsewhere.

It should be the evening of the town at this moment. No one can be seen on the street, but it does not feel bleak. Wen Yan also inexplicably has a feeling that the popularity here is good.

It seems that many people are coming and going here, and there are people shouting in the shops on the side of the road, and there are also fragrances wafting out of the restaurants on the street.

The empty road is very lively.

Especially when Wen Yan closed his eyes, he could smell the fragrance from his nose, and heard the hustle and bustle in the wind. It was getting dark, but he could still feel the heat here.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a completely different picture.

Wen Yan picked up Er Jin Gong and flew away from the town. Er Jin Gong was picked up with one hand and saw the surrounding scene. He was retreating rapidly, just like riding a high-speed train and passing through the downtown.

"If you can't stand it, close your eyes and continue talking. Don't worry about the outside."

Er Jin Gong was moved at high speed, and he felt so uncomfortable that he simply closed his eyes, concentrated on recalling, and told all the details he could think of.

Wen Yan carried Er Jin Gong and ran all the way out of the block and came to the mountain next to the block. He put Er Jin Gong under a big tree and looked at the main street of the town.

As the last ray of light in the sky disappeared below the horizon, on the empty main street, one figure after another gradually emerged from a vague shadow and gradually turned into one figure after another.

The empty main street was immediately filled with people, as if they were going to a market.

However, with the appearance of these people, the feeling of the whole main street to Wen Yan completely changed.

There was no more excitement in the bustling crowd, and it was full of cold and eerie silence.

Wen Yan took out his mobile phone, turned on the camera function, and enlarged the picture.

Then he saw that every person on the street had a pale or blue face, and from beginning to end, they all had a strong smell of death.

A person took a pair of scissors, cut his skin, peeled off his skin bit by bit, and then hung it on the shelf.

Then new skin began to grow on his bloody flesh, and he continued to peel the skin and hang it on the shelf.

The dead customer who came pointed at the skin that was still dripping with blood, and seemed to ask the price and bargain.

Finally, the other party took out a piece of blackened bone, handed it to the seller, bought one of the skins, and then walked into the simple dressing room, peeled off his skin, and put on a new skin.

When he came out again, he had changed from a pale dead man to a livid zombie.

At a street food stall, a zombie was holding a large kitchen knife and slicing off his other arm like slicing noodles, with strips of flesh and blood flying out and falling into a big pot.

Every zombie that comes to eat will trade with black bones of different shapes.

It was too far away, and Wen Yan's mobile phone could not take clear pictures of such small things, but he could still recognize that it should be a ghost bone.

The voice of Er Jin Gong on the side stopped unconsciously. He opened his eyes and looked at the main street in the distance with a pale face.

Of course, he knew that if Wen Yan had not just left there at a speed that he could not bear, he would definitely be dead.

A living person appeared in that kind of place, he could not think of any way he could survive.

"You haven't seen these things before?"

"No... I haven't seen them."

Wen Yan nodded, it would be abnormal if he had seen them.

This may be the reason why Gu Meng is dangerous.

Gu Meng is very big. For an individual, the harmless exclusive place may only be such a corner.

Just like the store Wen Yan went to last time, only the lobby of that small store, the outside of the store and the back kitchen are not part of this corner.

The place outside the corner is where the danger lies.

He calculated the time, it should be the same as last time, only the first few minutes of entering the old dream are relatively safe.

If it exceeds this time, you may start to encounter danger.

Therefore, most people who accidentally enter the old dream enter for a moment, or for a few seconds, and few for a few minutes.

This time, after waiting for a few minutes, there is still no sign of leaving. Obviously, this time it is not a way to enter and leave naturally in secret.

It is artificial.

At this time, the sound of chains came from outside the main street.

There was fog there, and eight zombies, carrying a large sarcophagus, walked out of the fog and entered the town.

The lively crowd in the town immediately made way for the eight zombies to carry the coffin.

"This is it, right?" Wen Yan took the phone and let Er Jingong take a look.

"This is it! This sarcophagus was pulled at that time!"

Er Jingong hadn't finished speaking when he felt a flash in front of his eyes and flew out.

Wen Yan stood in place, the Yang Qi around him suddenly burst out, and the fiery power suddenly burst into flames.

He stood in place, his arms bulged, his arms were thicker than before, and his two arms were crossed.

In front of him, a man in gorgeous clothes, with a face like he was painted with lead powder, had one claw blocked by Wen Yan's raised arms.

He frowned slightly, as if he was a little surprised. His sharp nails only scratched a little bit of the skin on Wen Yan's arm.

That kind of toughness that was not like a human, but more like a big zombie.

But the flames burning on Wen Yan's body, that extremely huge Yang Qi, was not just Yang Qi, which made him extremely uncomfortable.

The man in gorgeous clothes disappeared in an instant and appeared a few meters away from Wen Yan.

Wen Yan put his hands together, casually pinched a finger gesture, and dispersed the power blocked in his arms.

This was just researched before. The disadvantage is that it will block the passage, the pressure is extremely high, the muscles will become stiff, and the sensitivity will plummet. The advantage is that the membrane, blood and flesh can maintain extremely high strength and toughness in this situation.

At that moment, the strength of the flesh and blood membrane can directly surpass the strength of the bones now.

He looked at the broken skin on his arm, and a wisp of black and gray spread rapidly along the broken skin to the surrounding area.

He was poisoned.

But he didn't have to do anything, the corpse poison was swallowed and absorbed by the black nail of the middle finger of his left hand.

The man in fancy clothes could naturally see this scene, and he was even more surprised.

Wen Yan moved his body and grinned.

"Why do you fight and kill as soon as you meet? The locals are so rude."

He was not afraid of corpse poison, and he was too familiar with the flash used by the other party...

The little zombies at home flashed to him every day, sometimes in his arms, sometimes on his back.

When he felt the sense of crisis, that familiar feeling appeared, and he knew what tricks the other party used.

The man in fancy clothes looked at Wen Yan and nodded.

"Not bad."

"I am the most polite. When someone greets me, I always have to return the favor."

The next moment, Wen Yan was blessed with a violent sun. He took a step and disappeared at a speed comparable to flashing. He took a step of 40 to 50 meters and instantly appeared on the man in Washington.

A roar came from the air. The man in the gorgeous clothes would disappear when he was touched. However, before he was touched, his figure was like being hit by a dump truck and flew backwards with a whoosh.

The blazing flames rushed out, and the Yang Qi, which was more than ten times larger than before, instantly enveloped the area of ​​several kilometers.

Wen Yan stood still. A dozen meters in front of him was a charred road.

At the end of the road, the man in the gorgeous clothes stood there with a charred chest and slightly hunched.

He looked at his chest, then raised his head and looked at Wen Yan.

"Buyu spearman?"

"I am just an ordinary disciple of Buyeo Mountain, I don't even have a Taoist name."

Wen Yan has heard of this title. The disciples of Buyeo Mountain practice some martial arts and can fight with bare hands, but if they want to exert their strongest strength, they will naturally use weapons, and the most suitable one is the spear.

It's just that no one has used this title for a long time.

Qin Kun, who is the best at boxing, likes to fight with bare hands.

The only zombies who know this name are at least several hundred years old.

The blackened chest of the man in fancy clothes disappeared rapidly, and his slightly sunken chest returned to normal. Then, the fancy clothes he wore also strangely returned to normal.

He patted his clothes and smoothed them.

"Okay, the greetings are over. No more fighting. When did Fuyu Mountain become so powerful? A disciple without a Taoist name is so powerful."

"What is your name?"

"I forgot my name. You can call me whatever you like. Anyway, you have come here, don't think about going back."

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