I am your natural enemy

Chapter 436 Blessings and Guidance (6k)

Wen Yan did not interrupt Er Jin Gong, he just listened.

Sometimes he could not be sure whether it was true or false, so he let Er Jin Gong just talk, and pretended not to hear anything else, including what Wen Yan said.

This also allowed Er Jin Gong to focus on one thing, which greatly increased his chances of survival.

Er Jin Gong is now his landmark, and it is the surest way for him to return, with the highest success rate.

In addition to this, it is also important to know how Er Jin Gong triggered the old dream, what was done to his body, etc.

This is the only survivor found so far. Even if the value of the confession is not considered, his own value is not low, and it is a breakthrough.

After this guy started to expose the information, there was no way out. He could only go all the way with the Lieyang Department.

No, it should be said that it is not important for Er Jin Gong to choose himself. When the people behind him think that his loyalty is not absolute, it is equal to absolute disloyalty.

He was scared before, and those things were really not arranged by the Lieyang Department. The Lieyang Department did not even disclose the information, and everything was done according to the normal process.

And the other party still knew so quickly, and even connected with other things, which proved that they did have internal information channels.

In addition to these, there is another reason, Wen Yan can't let Er Jin Gong die here.

Er Jin Gong defected, was hunted down, and fell into Gu Meng, but he didn't die and was still alive and well.

So, this is the beginning of everything.

In the past, guys like Er Jin Gong, who got involved in these things but had no strength, knew what the outcome of defecting would be. Even if they were silenced, they would shut up in order not to implicate their families.

But if they had another choice, in this high-pressure environment where people were silenced at any time and threatened with their entire families, Wen Yan didn't believe that no one would take the initiative to defect.

Wen Yan carried Er Jin Gong and looked at the statue in the temple.

He felt that the outer route that was opened before was already beating slightly at the back of his head. His strength really seemed to be stuck here and could not make any progress.

In fact, he also knew that if he followed the original practice method, it would definitely not work.

The limbs and torso can be developed by trial and error. As long as he doesn't die, he can hold on.

But the brain is really not good. The consequence of a mistake may be that he becomes an idiot or a vegetable. At that time, being locked by 20% of blood is actually not very meaningful.

Now the voice that seems to be there and not there is telling him to give up the new way.

Wen Yan felt that the progress that was already slim became even slimmer, as if there were obstacles and shackles set up.

That is not a simple bewitching, there are other forces in it.

If Wen Yan did not excuse himself and did not take the new way, he should have completed the third stage of martial arts practice and entered the fourth stage.

But he has seen Qin Kun, Tuoba Wushen, and Cai Heizi when he exploded, and knows that the pure stacking stage is actually not very useful.

Cai Heizi in the fifth stage could not be the opponent of Tuoba Wushen at 8 o'clock in the evening, and he might not even be able to break the defense.

Even if the realm is counted, Tuoba Wushen's martial arts realm may only be the third stage.

Wen Yan didn't want to waste the sun, so he wanted to take the path that suited him best. If there was no path, he could only open up on his own.

At this moment, he could feel the obstacles and shackles more than before.

The future was dark, unless he gave up opening up and walked along the path that his predecessors had walked, just like ordinary warriors.

Wen Yan took a step forward, and he heard the faint voice in his ear again.

"You are willing to be a pioneer and pave the way with pain and blood. Your courage is commendable.

Every step you take in the future will become more difficult and more dangerous.

If you take a wrong step, it will be an irreversible ending.

But since you insist so much, as long as you can pass the test, then I will lend you a hand.

The test will be difficult, and it will test your perseverance, strength, mind and everything else.

Be prepared..."

The faint voice, with a strong sense of bewitching, seemed to be high and mighty, and had not finished speaking.

Wen Yan flicked his hand, and the gray cloth suddenly shook, as if it turned into a javelin, and instantly crossed the yard and rushed directly into the hall.

The gray cloth wrapped around the neck of the statue and suddenly tightened.

Wen Yan pulled the gray cloth with one hand, and the muscles on his arm bulged. The strength of his whole body burst out at this moment.

With a creak, the faceless statue standing on the altar was wrapped around the neck by the gray cloth. It was forcibly pulled down from the altar by the sudden burst of force from Wen Yan.

With a bang, the statue fell to the ground and broke into large and small pieces of mud. The messy hair in its belly and some black things fell out.

Only the head of the statue was wrapped in the gray cloth and dragged in front of Wen Yan.

Wen Yan looked down at the head of the statue that was wrapped around it. The face that had been invisible before had now turned into a clear mustelid appearance.

Wen Yan sneered, and the flames on his body were burning fiercely.

"Who do you think you are? How dare you say you are testing me?"

The red flame with a hint of blood burned on the head of the statue.

The face on the head of the statue gradually became cold, and the eyes of the statue also glowed with evil light, and the expression seemed to begin to become painful.

Wen Yan's flames, which were mixed with the power of the new Dao and the power of the heart fire, covered a very wide area. Under normal circumstances, the power might not be very strong, but when fighting, the degree of fit began to rise, and the power would rise exponentially.

Now Wen Yan was very unhappy.

Looking at the face full of cold malice, he stepped on it with one foot.

"You should be thankful that this is not your real body.

Fortunately, this is not your real body.

Remember, I, a disciple of Fuyu Mountain, Wen Yan from Decheng, will definitely visit you another day!"

The faint sound from the head of the stone statue that was stepped on turned into a sharp hissing sound.

"I wish you live, and live to see you make no progress.

I wish you every step is like climbing a rock, with obstacles in front of you.

The gate will never be entered, and the Dao will never be improved.

From now on, there is no need to seek the Dao and move forward with difficulty."

Wen Yan exerted force on his feet, and the head of the clay statue was crushed directly. The sharp curse sound also began to get smaller and smaller, as if falling from a very far place.

Wen Yan could feel that he was originally in shackles.

But at this moment, it was as if a mountain suddenly fell on the road ahead.

There was also a huge stone door in front of the mountain, blocking it.

On the stone door, there were patterns of two people standing up and raising their front legs.

Wen Yan felt these and frowned slightly.

This is not a simple curse, but a blessing.

A curse in the form of a blessing.

This is the logic of this guy before. Your practice is too hard, so I don’t want you to suffer for your own good. Don’t go to explore and take risks.

Now this is not a curse, but a blessing for you. I wish you don’t have to suffer the hardship of pioneering and don’t have to risk your life.

So, the curse transformed from blessing will hinder your practice and block your way forward.

It is roughly equivalent to another twisted "I am doing this for your own good."

Based on the premise of blessing, there is a benefit that curses absolutely do not have.

That is the natural resistance of creatures to curses, and there is no natural resistance.

There will even be a natural active acceptance of blessings, which will maximize the power of blessings.

These are instincts that have been engraved in DNA for a long time.

Wen Yan is now bearing this blessing with almost no resistance, just because of this reason.

Also, because he saw that the other party had no reaction to the prompt, he knew that this guy should be just a projection in the old dream, not the real body.

The other party's real body should be much stronger than the projection in the old dream. Its blessing has a sense of emptiness, that is, floating on the surface and feeling weak.

But even so, Wen Yan can feel that the last step of his new practice at this stage is probably more difficult than before.

In the past, I could still gamble a little bit, betting that I would not get my brain damaged, and try to move forward.

Now it is really blocked. The road that was originally invisible is blocked by a mountain and a huge stone gate.

Wen Yan looked at the gravel on the ground, and continued to carry the second palace, who was still closing his eyes and turning a deaf ear to what was happening outside, and continued to talk, and entered the temple.

The clay statue was broken, and the body made of mud and straw was vulnerable. In the belly of the statue, there was a bunch of yellow and black hair, and some things that could not be seen.

Wen Yan took out the mobile phone given by the Lieyang tribe, took a few photos, and shook his wrist, waving the gray cloth, rolled up the incense burner, and swung it, and the gray cloth danced with the incense burner, directly smashing the broken temple.

When the broken temple collapsed, Wen Yan saw a thin old man appearing behind the broken temple. He turned and walked away, and disappeared in a few steps.

Wen Yan saw it clearly, the old man seemed to appear out of thin air. After appearing, he saw the temple being smashed. A long gray cloth was wrapped around the big incense burner, dancing and whirring, violently smashing the temple.

The old man just took a look, then turned and left, without any hesitation.

Wen Yan only saw half of the side face and back in the dust.

This is the old man that Er Jin Gong mentioned. This is the second time he received the transportation task to transport something.

This is also the only time that Er Jin Gong has been to this temple.

Just now, Wen Yan was still guessing whether the statue was the old man, but now it is certain that it should not be.

The statue is the statue, and the old man is the old man.

The projection of the old man's old dream did not appear at all just now.

It is speculated that this old man may not be the main subject in this scene, but the main scene is the statue.

It is just that Er Jin Gong has been here and has a very deep impression of the old man, so the projection scene of the old dream will become a temple.

And Er Jin Gong has not mentioned anything unusual that he has seen here before, and he has not even mentioned the statue.

Wen Yan stepped on the ruins of the temple and watched the ruins under his feet gradually fade and disappear, and the fragments of the statues also disappeared.

The things in the belly of the statue also basically disappeared.

Only the bunch of yellow and black hair in Wen Yan's hand basically disappeared, but there were still a few strands of hair entangled together.

Wen Yan's eyes condensed.

Didn't disappear? These hairs are not projections? Are they real?

He immediately took out a piece of paper, wrapped up these hairs, and put them in his bag.

He looked down at the second entry into the palace, and began to feel that his previous speculation was a bit simple.

Maybe this scene is not just related to the second entry into the palace.

He thought about it and thought about it from another perspective.

Maybe this scene is actually the old dream of what the statue represents.

For it, it is a good old dream.

Just like Wen Yan had been to his old dream before, that small shop was a place to reduce the haze in his heart, and it was one of his most relaxing and happiest moments.

However, it may not be the same for other people or aliens.

Maybe for some aliens, it is a dangerous place with great terror.

And this kind of old dream with a small scene is basically the only one known so far that can be entered and exited naturally without great risk.

In other words, if this is the case, then he is now passing through one scene after another, which is equivalent to using the key of the second palace to open the doors of the old dreams related to the second palace.

In this way, to find the way back.

Wen Yan thought about it, considering that this old dream might be that of the statue...

He looked back and saw the direction he came from. The dark curtain was steadily advancing, swallowing up everything along the way.

Wen Yan waited for a while, waiting for the dark curtain to come and start to devour the ruins of the small temple, then he stepped on the ruins of the small temple and walked towards the fog behind.

Accompanied by the sound of rustling, the dark curtain devoured the ruins of the small temple.

At this time, a strange tone that seemed to be there and not there appeared, and the things in the darkness seemed to be stimulated and became violent and anxious. Their speed began to surge, chasing Wen Yan's figure into the fog.


In the underground building, the inverted triangle eye was performing evil magic, using the method of the last time, consuming precious materials.

He just fell into the old dream, just in that moment, a loss of consciousness, went in, and then came back to his senses and came out again.

Then, he saw Wen Yan and saw the second palace that Wen Yan was carrying.

When he saw the second palace, he knew that it was not a projection, it must be real.

Wen Yan must be real too.

He didn't know why Wen Yan entered someone else's old dream, and even after entering, he has not died yet.

He began to feel something was wrong, and he had to do everything he could to keep Wen Yan there forever.

And this time, it was much easier than the last time he interfered in a dream, because Wen Yan was in the old dream.

He couldn't be 100% sure, but he could only take it as true.


Where Wen Yan disappeared, within five seconds of his mobile phone signal disappearing, the device carried by the headquarter received a prompt.

Then the field staff arrived at the scene and protected the scene. At the same time, equipment was sent to capture the remaining things here to determine whether he fell into a certain field, fell into the old dream, or fell into other places.

The headquarter was alone at this moment and came to the room where the black box was.

Wen Yan could use the black box because the headquarter authorized him.

The headquarter himself could definitely use it, but usually, when doing things, he emphasized cooperation. The headquarter could not personally do everything, and he could not go to the front line himself. If he went to the front line, it would be a mess.

But now this matter can just use the black box.

The headquarter stood here with a gloomy face and said in a deep voice.

"Authorization, first-level authorization under three types of restrictions."

"Check, where did the relevant information about the prisoner who just got out of prison come from?"

On the projection in front of him, on a map, dense light spots appeared rapidly.

"Authorization, second-level call black box analysis under three types of restrictions."

"Check, related contact members."

Instantly, the number of light spots, which were already densely packed, increased dozens of times.

"Preliminary screening, restrictions, whereabouts, contacts, indirect contacts.

Authorization, forum data, screening related things."

The original mysterious forum was connected to the server field. Since Wen Yan got the server field back, this forum has not been shut down. It was quietly taken over by the Lieyang Department, and everything remains the same.

There are too many people who dare to speak there, and there is a lot of intelligence.

Now this can come in handy again.

As the head of the headquarters kept giving instructions, the light spots on the projection began to decrease rapidly.

Although Cai Heizi's trick was a bit damaged, it was indeed useful to startle the snake.

Many clues were found in the past two days that were not available before.

The results of the investigation are now out, and they match the characteristics of entering the old dream recorded before. Wen Yan has fallen into the old dream.

The Lieyang tribe has no good means to pull Wen Yan out, so all he can do is to continue to follow the clues and continue to dig down, and the task of directly responding and trying to bring Wen Yan out can only be handed over to Fuyu Mountain.

When Wen Yan shuttled through the old dream puzzles one by one, the news had already spread to Fuyu Mountain.

The fourth uncle came to Decheng in person and walked out of the basement of Wen Yan's house.

Originally, the fourth uncle had some other ideas, but when he saw Dao Ge standing in the yard, secretly catching insects to eat, and immediately raised his head seriously after seeing someone, the fourth uncle had some other ideas.

The fourth uncle came to Dao Ge, and Dao Ge couldn't help but retreat a few steps, retreated to the fence, and retreated to the side. He said.

"What are you going to do?"

Dao Ge usually swears and is very arrogant, but he is not stupid. He has a high level of spirituality and can sense who is the boss.

The fourth uncle looked very peaceful, and fit the stereotype of the Taoist priest, but when Dao Ge saw the fourth uncle approaching, his heart would beat wildly.

The fourth uncle was also a little surprised. He looked carefully and saw Dao Ge's feathers. Under the light, they looked quite colorful, and the comb and eyelids were also different from those of ordinary roosters.

As a little demon, the yang energy in his body was heavier than some people.

"I don't know where Wen Yan fell. I am his fourth uncle. I would like to ask Dao Fellow Daoist for help." The fourth uncle said very politely.

When Dao Ge heard the word "Dao Fellow Daoist", his chest almost broke, and the whole chicken shuddered.

"Ha... OK, OK, I ate the rice of Wen Yan's family. If he is in trouble, I will definitely help him."

"Thank you very much, Dao Fellow Daoist."

"Ah... ha..."

"Any problem?"

"No, no, I will do whatever you ask me to do." Dao Ge's eyelids twitched slightly, but others didn't know that he was dancing with joy.

It was so refreshing to hear the Daoist friend shouting, as if the value of a chicken's life had all been realized at this moment.

Then he had to help, Wen Yan couldn't get into trouble.

Having eaten the rice from Wen Yan's house, the centipedes brought by Wen Yan, and being called Daoist friend by this big guy, he had the obligation to protect all of this.

At the distant window, the sparrow cat pressed its entire face against the glass, looking at the Daoist brother who was "excited" and "happy" outside, and jumped down with a stinky face.

"Fourth Master Uncle, Fourth Master Uncle, what do you want me to do?"

"You..." Fourth Master Uncle hesitated for a moment, and really didn't expect what the sparrow cat could do. He changed his mind and said, "Go see if Wen Yan's son is there, and bring him here."

After a moment, the stupid son was brought over.

Fourth Master Uncle prepared something, and Daoist brother, who was standing by, knew that he was going to lead the way when he saw this posture. He understood this matter, and had seen and participated in it the most times, so Daoist brother followed and expressed his opinion.

The fourth uncle also consulted Dao Ge's opinion and tied a red rope to one of Dao Ge's feet, and the other end of the red rope was tied to the big toe of the silly son.

The silly son stared with his eyes wide open and kept flapping his legs, as if he was not very comfortable with the red rope tied.

The sparrow cat poked its head out from the side and came to the silly son with a serious face.

"Don't move, this is a call to your father."

The silly son looked at the sparrow cat, smacked his lips, and did not move.

The sparrow cat was beaming with joy and wanted to get closer, but the silly son reached out and pulled it away.

After pulling the sparrow cat away, he saw the painting hanging on the wall, the soulful painting painted by Xiao Wu, and the silly son calmed down, smacked his lips, grinned and laughed foolishly, and saliva flowed from the corners of his mouth.

The fourth uncle set up an altar in the backyard and took a drop of blood from Dao Ge's cockscomb. When Dao Ge heard the word "Daoyou", he was very happy and said he would take as much as he wanted.

As the ritual began, Dao Ge immediately began to crow in coordination.

One side began to summon and guide, while the other side cast a spell to chase and kill.

The target was Wen Yan.

The silly son was taken to the backyard, but he still had to turn his head to look into the room.

The sparrow cat came over and blocked the silly son. The silly son tried twice, but couldn't touch the sparrow cat, so he burst into tears in anger.

As the silly son's crying echoed with Dao Ge's crowing, the calling sound, accompanied by the ritual, sank into an unknown space, and kept falling, landing in a forest.

Wen Yan, who was walking in the mountains, raised his head and heard a vague sound that seemed to be there and not there, intermittently.

It was like the sound of a rooster crowing, as if someone else was crowing?

He immediately understood that it was Dao Ge who was leading him.

The direction in his heart suddenly became much clearer.

He looked back and saw that the dark curtain behind him was still chasing, and it became very crazy, like a wave, getting bigger and bigger, rushing towards here.

He had to get rid of these things, otherwise, he would keep shuttling between these puzzle pieces, and it would never end.

He was not tired, and could handle it for a day or two, but the second prisoner he was carrying was obviously beginning to feel tired, and his voice was a little hoarse.

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