I am your natural enemy

Chapter 451 Entrustment, battlefield (5k)

If it were someone else, Wen Yan might be a little worried. Even if he had solved it, when he saw the other party in the old dream in a state far stronger than what he had seen, maybe, maybe there would really be a risk of overturning.

After all, Wen Yan had long summed up his experience. Whether it was professional ability or temporary ability, it was based on his own ability and foundation. If the gap was too big, even if he had the corresponding title, it would still be the same as not having the title.

For example, at the aunt's place, even if it was just the aunt in the old dream, she didn't target him. He couldn't even walk in front of the aunt. The pure power gap was too big.

In today's words, it is not very accurate to say that when the equivalent is large enough, there is really no need to consider whether to hit the left eye or the right eye. If you are hit 50 meters away from you, you will die. The only difference is whether you are stuck on the wall or half of your body is left.

Wen Yan was very glad that he recognized this point before he encountered extreme danger, and did not fall into the vicious circle of being led by professional ability.

Therefore, if he wants to walk out of the new path, all his abilities must be used as an auxiliary to this point. The progress of professional abilities can be ignored, but the new path must be promoted.

This thing is the same as martial arts, it is the power that truly belongs to him.

The last time he fought with the person in the pawn shop, the opponent opened a space that banned all abilities, but Wen Yan's martial arts ability was not banned.

Because martial arts has been proven since the time of the old Zhu family, and it is the only thing that can be practiced in the Dharma Ending Age, this is the origin of Wu Ming.

Wen Yan first practiced martial arts, and then continued to expand the things that are naturally inherited from the same lineage, which is completely his own power, different from professional abilities.

The key points of the previous several times did rely on professional abilities, but if the professional abilities could not correspond, then it would be a complete failure. This is a situation where both the strengths and weaknesses are extremely obvious.

One's own strength is different. Maybe the most prominent strengths cannot be compared with the specialized professional abilities in some aspects, but one's own strength does not have any particularly short weaknesses. It can cope with any situation, but it is just a matter of how much it can cope with.

Now that he has seen the former Shanjun, Wen Yan has nothing to be afraid of. Judging from the situation, the Shanjun at this time has not had his spine broken again and has not been beaten to death again.

When Wen Yan did not come, forget it, this place can be said to be independent.

When Wen Yan came, especially when Ye Er vowed, the most firm point of view was that Gu Meng would sooner or later integrate into the world.

Then the Shanjun here, when facing Wen Yan, is equivalent to being observed.

Wen Yan does not need to do anything, just a look, the state of the Shanjun here will be synchronized with his original body and reach unity.

This is the second choice. Shanjun either chooses to resist and lose the title of Shanjun, or make the same choice as his original body.

Obviously, Shanjun did not hesitate at all and chose the latter directly.

He regarded this thing as more precious than his life. His life can be lost, but this cannot be lost.

It was like this when Shanjun was still a tiger, pressed to the ground, and the word was written on his forehead.

So, the Shanjun here is gone, collapsed directly, and disappeared here.

Wen Yan glanced at Ye Er, who looked dazed, and ignored him.

It would be a good deal for him to just crush him to death, and I'm afraid that he would fulfill his wish.

Since he couldn't leave, he didn't care, and let him watch.

This psychopath said that he didn't expect it, but he would drag Wen Yan into the old dream without hesitation when he got a chance.

Didn't he rely on his profession as an old walker to enter and exit the old dream?

Then restrict his way of leaving and see if he really said the same thing.

Wen Yan ignored Ye Er, took a step forward, and disappeared in the mountains. He came to the other side.

He probably knew who this person was.

Even in this era, there were probably very few people who could fight against the mountain king at this time, not to mention that he could take a blow hard, destroy an arm and a shoulder, but still set a trap to lead the mountain king here, so that the mountain king was temporarily suppressed.

Wen Yan took a step forward and appeared three feet in front of the other party, and saluted.

"Fuyu Mountain, Wen Yan."

The other party stood in place, reluctantly stretched out a hand, saluted, and said solemnly.

"The name of the Taoist Qingniu Tashan..."

Before he finished his sentence, he saw the other party's face suddenly turned pale as paper, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the whole person softened and fell backwards.

Wen Yan took a step forward and appeared next to the other party in an instant, supporting the other party and leaning against the tree next to him.

"Senior, it's like this, don't recite poems, who can't recognize you when you make a move?"

The young Taoist leaned against the tree, and his mouth twitched.

"I haven't reached the age of thirty yet, so I don't deserve the title of senior."

"I deserve it."

"No, it's too arrogant for a young man to call me senior."

Wen Yan took out a candy from his bag and handed it to the other party.

"Take it. It's not medicine, but it should keep you going for a while."

"No need. My heart meridian is broken. I will be able to ascend to immortality as soon as I leave this place. You don't need to do anything.

The contemporary Lieyang has been sent away, but unfortunately I was no match for that monster.

I also underestimated him, thinking he was just an ordinary monster.

I didn't expect that he was actually the ancient mountain king..."

The Taoist's complexion was getting worse and worse. He was actually dead at this moment. He used his own Taoist skills to set a trap here, so that he could hold on for a while.

He didn't ask how Wen Yan did it, and he didn't even doubt Wen Yan's identity.

A martial artist with such strong yang energy and supernatural powers could not be from any other place except Fuyu Mountain.

Seeing the yang energy on the Taoist gradually dissipating, Wen Yan stretched out his hand and blessed him with yang energy.

In an instant, the Taoist, who looked like a dead man, suddenly widened his eyes.


He looked around, then looked at Wen Yan, and then thought about how the mountain king was fine just now and suddenly disappeared, and the Taoist looked surprised.

"There is no two suns in the sky, and no two suns on the earth. I can see you, so I think there is only one possibility. This is an old dream. I am dead, and Shanjun also fell in your hands."

"I guess so."

"Did Lieyang of this generation survive?"

"No, the record says he died in the war, but no one knows the specific circumstances. I entered here by accident."

"What a pity. Lieyang of this generation was born in a humble family, but he was kind-hearted and quick-witted. If he was carefully cultivated, he would definitely be a great man. What a pity..."

The Taoist took out the cloth bag on his body and took out a booklet from it.

"Since I died here, and it is a time of chaos and war, I think this thing has been lost. Can you please take it to Laojun Mountain?

I also know that it is really difficult to take things away from here. I can only trouble you to remember as much as you can.

This thing is really too important to Laojun Mountain. I am going down the mountain this time for this matter."

Indeed, it is basically impossible to take things out of the old dream, at least this book cannot be taken out.

It is even more difficult to ask Wen Yan to memorize it on the spot...

So, Wen Yan took out his mobile phone, opened the book, and took a few photos of each one to ensure that no details were missed.

To be on the safe side, his personal mobile phone was also taken out and a bunch of photos were taken.

The Taoist was stunned by the side, and finally saw Wen Yan bring the mobile phone in front of him, so that he could see the clear photos.

"This treasure is probably very precious."

"It's not very precious. Almost everyone has it."

When the Taoist heard this, he laughed three times, leaned against the tree trunk, and died with a smile.

Wen Yan sighed. As soon as the other party started to move, he guessed who the other party was.

The black box tracked Ye Er's information before, but accidentally went astray and dug out Ye Er's ancestors.

The information given by the black box at that time was that in the 27th year of Zhizheng, the generation of Lieyang was just discovered and moved.

It was just that the world was in chaos at that time, and they fought with a tiger monster on the road. The people who came down from Laojun Mountain died on the spot.

But after the death, there was no subsequent record.

It should be that this person who came down from Laojun Mountain was indeed very strong and trapped the mountain king for a long time.

Then the mountain king escaped, and somehow, he angered Lao Zhu, who had already challenged the Central Plains. His spine was broken, and he quickly began to prepare for the next season.

Wen Yan didn't have the heart to tell the Taoist that the person he saved died on the spot, but eventually died at the hands of others.

Wen Yan looked at the pictures taken on his mobile phone. He really couldn't understand them. There were too many pronouns. Without sufficient relevant background, he could understand every word, but it was like reading a heavenly book when they were put together.

People at that time were still very particular. When they met, they had to recite two poems to introduce themselves.

It was just this record. Why couldn't it be recorded a little more clearly...

Wen Yan had a headache after reading it. He put it away first and sent it to Laojun Mountain later.

The black box didn't find more records, so there should be no follow-up to this incident. If this book fell into the hands of someone who couldn't understand it, I'm afraid it wouldn't be regarded as a treasure.

In addition, considering the illiteracy rate at that time, Wen Yan estimated that Laojun Mountain definitely didn't find this book.

Wen Yan stood up and took the book with him. He couldn't take the real thing out, but it was always okay to look at it here.

He buried the Taoist priest at the place where he had just suppressed the mountain king. This was the place where the Taoist priest had sacrificed his Taoist practice. This was the only chance in his life, and he used it here.

After burying the Taoist priest, Wen Yan split another stone and moved it over, carving a few words crookedly on it.

"The Tomb of Taoist Priest Pingyangzi of Laojun Mountain."

Ye Er, who was dragged by Wen Yan and could not leave or stay away from Wen Yan, stood in the distance, looking at Wen Yan's actions with a long face.

"What's the point of you doing this? You know that this is an old dream, and it's meaningless to do this."

"You have been making others feel that what you do is meaningful all your life, and you even resent others for it. But now you are denying the meaning of what others do?"


Ye Er frowned and said nothing more.

Wen Yan nodded. Although this guy was crazy, at least he really believed in his stuff.

Wen Yan erected a monument for Pingyangzi, not because it was useful, but purely because he felt at ease. What he had to do was to do the things entrusted to him.

For people at that time, especially those who truly practiced Taoism, life and death were really trivial matters. Even if they had no personal acquaintance with someone, if they met them on the road and intervened, even if it meant death, they had to do it.

Wen Yan admired this kind of people, so he was doing these things that seemed meaningless to Ye Er.

Ye Er stood in the distance, watching silently.

He only felt fear now.

He didn't understand what happened before. If it was just strength, he felt it was normal. There were always people with stronger strength, and there were too many in the old dream.

But he saw in Wen Yan the same firm belief as him, and he began to be afraid.

He now felt that it was still unsafe to just block Wen Yan's route to rise?

He had noticed that there was a connection between him and Wen Yan before, so he dragged Wen Yan into the old dream that impressed him the most without hesitation, just because he thought it was safer.

His ideas were still somewhat different from those of others. He felt that he had to cut the grass and root it out.

Now, he felt more and more that his judgment was correct. Wen Yan was dangerous, not because of Lieyang at all.

Now it seems that Wen Yan is not in a hurry to find a way to leave, nor is he worried about the situation here. He dragged him and didn't kill him.

This is to destroy his belief.

Ye Er himself admitted that Wen Yan was right.

When others do not understand your ideas, in order to make them understand your ideas, you must first understand what the other party's ideas are, so that you can find a point of entry and assimilate the other party.

There have been countless examples that have proved that simple physical annihilation is useless.

A spark will always turn into a prairie fire again.

Whether it is inside or outside Shenzhou, it has been proved from ancient times to the present that simply blocking is useless.

After Wen Yan finished these, he turned around and left without paying attention to Ye Er.

Ye Er was bound within a certain distance and was dragged by Wen Yan. He stood still, and his body was like a frame drop, constantly being dragged forward by the connection between them.

Wen Yan still remembered that Black Box said that after being rescued, the Lieyang of this generation went all the way south, encountered wars, and encountered demons rampant, and was involved in them, and finally died.

Wen Yan wanted to try to see if he could see it. He wanted to see it with his own eyes.

And this may require Ye Er to be the key and medium.

Wen Yan walked quickly forward and soon left the mountains here and saw the fog on the edge of the old dream.

Ye Er was dragged and didn't know what Wen Yan was going to do. When he was still thinking about whether to do something, Wen Yan spoke.

"Didn't you say that the era with the existence of the scorching sun would definitely turn into an old dream, and this kind of old dream would not dissipate with the passage of time? Then, practice is the only criterion for testing the truth. Let's go now. Do you have any objection?"


Ye Er's face was solemn, and he thought, here it comes.

He frowned, knowing that Wen Yan wanted to borrow his power to let him have an expectation in his heart first and lock a direction first.

However, every bone and every muscle in his body was full of resistance.

But his heart couldn't refuse at all.

If you want to instill your own ideas into Wen Yan, then what is a better way to take Wen Yan to see it in person?

His face was full of resistance, but in his heart, he had already begun to follow Wen Yan's idea.

He began to recall his ancestors and things that happened in the past.

The anchor point began to fall.

As long as there was this old dream, then with this kind of connection, blood connection, and corresponding profession, he did have a great probability of locking on to the old dream that Wen Yan was going to.

Ye Er saw that the fog in front began to fluctuate, and a trace of despair appeared on his face.

He couldn't control it, and his heart actually agreed with what Wen Yan said.

The anchor point appeared.

Why did he feel that he was being controlled by Wen Yan at this moment when he was clearly promoting what he was going to do.

Wen Yan pointed at the fog and stretched out his hand to guide it.

"Please go ahead.

By the way, the existence you think is invincible, there were people who could rival it in the past.

Even in this era under our feet, there are people who can press him to the ground and break his spine.

You don't think that if Gu Meng is integrated into the present world, there will only be those evil things, right?

You look down on our era too much.

You are actually just a standard extreme selfish person, you just want to find your position in the future in advance.

Just like when you ventured to the north, you are just for profit.

If it works, you will get huge benefits, if it doesn't, you will leave your life there.

Don't say it too high-soundingly, it would be better to be sincere."

Ye Er closed his mouth and said nothing more.

He looked at the vortex that began to appear in the mist and gradually took shape. He pondered for a moment, untied the bandage on his palm, squeezed out the blood and splashed it out, letting the blood fall into the mist vortex.

With a whoosh, a touch of blood appeared in the mist vortex.

Ye Er kept silent, but Wen Yan had already taken a step forward and stepped directly into the vortex of fog, and disappeared in an instant.

Ye Er re-bandaged his wound, his face a little complicated.

He hadn't even said what was over there, and Wen Yan had already gone over.

He understood that Wen Yan believed in his firm belief in his own ideas, but the more so, the more complicated his heart became.

An enemy believed in his belief in his own ideas more than his companions.

After Ye Er was silent for a while, he took the initiative to step forward and entered the vortex of fog without waiting to be dragged in.

The moment he went out, Ye Er stretched out his arms to block his eyes, and a dazzling light bloomed in front of him.

The surroundings were filled with a thick smell of blood, and fierce impacts surged in front of him one after another.

When the light gradually faded, Ye Er squinted his eyes and saw that this place looked like a battlefield.

A large number of militiamen without even armor were fighting here.

The ground was full of blood, and there were corpses everywhere. There were evil ghosts mixed in, some holding human hearts in their hands, and some holding human heads in their hands.

In the sky, black birds were entrenched, and the demonic aura was gloomy. A large number of demons could not wait to start the gluttonous feast.

The flames burned on the battlefield, and a large number of demons were shrouded by the extremely abnormal and huge yang energy, and all were ignited.

And the most dazzling focus was Wen Yan, who was holding the Chunjun mace and standing in the center of the battlefield.

Wen Yan exerted force on his feet, and the demon under his feet had its head stepped directly into the mud, with raging fire burning and spreading continuously.

He did not expect that after coming here, he would encounter a battlefield, and such a tragic battlefield.

Those who were fighting were like wildebeests trying to cross the river. There were countless other things around them, hiding in the river that they could not see, waiting to start a rare gluttonous feast.

This was completely different from the ancient battlefield that Wen Yan had imagined.

Even though he knew that armor was actually a very valuable thing, he did not expect that only a few of the two sides fighting here could wear simple leather armor.

If Ye Er's key was correct, this should be the place where the fourth Lieyang fell.

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