I am your natural enemy

Chapter 486 Planting the rules, the beginning of chaos (5k)

Wen Yan quietly took out his cell phone and asked Black Box what he meant.

He knew at the first glance that his first reaction was definitely wrong.

Black Box also quietly replied to him, and the phone didn't even beep.

"It means there is a creature, shaped like a carp, with the body of a fish, the wings of a bird, a white head and a red beak, and pale markings on its body. It often flies at night, its cry is like a rooster, and its meat tastes sour and sweet. Eating it can cure madness.

The earliest testable written record comes from the Western Mountain Sutra, and the earliest highly similar image record comes from a three-legged and double-eared bronze tripod that was unearthed thirteen years ago and is estimated to be from 3,300 years ago. "

Wen Yan put away his cell phone. Now he was sure that it was not a heritage statue similar to the sparrow cat statue. It should be a statue of ingredients. He didn't know how it came from. Similar statues would emphasize taste and effect.

The Lieyang Department's stall here is a bit big and results won't come out so quickly. Wen Yan is not in a hurry and just waits.

Little Bat said all his nice things, and Wen Yan couldn't refuse. He was indeed collecting such statues.

He has no natural repulsion towards these guys. If he does business honestly and follows normal investment procedures, he will not express his opinions blindly.

Especially since Feng Yao also told him that some things in Little Bat's family's industry are indeed the undisputed leading ones in the world.

Either others can't do it, or the cost of producing similar effects is dozens or hundreds of times higher than that of Little Bat Home. The gap is too big.

Of course, such companies are welcome to come to China to build factories and produce directly. Taxation, employment, etc. are visible on the surface, but invisible. For example, some of the top research equipment is not available here in China, so the little bat family can Whether you can buy it or transport it to China is up to you.

At least in China, the benefits that can be seen at a glance are generally not put first, and the way of thinking is different.

Feng Yao specifically mentioned it, and Wen Yan knew that the Lieyang Department or other departments were thinking about something else.

"I have said what needs to be said. Just abide by the laws and regulations here. Don't put too much pressure on us. People in China are very kind.

I can't talk about business matters, but for other matters, you can contact the Lieyang Department directly. "

Little Bat shamelessly wanted to ask Wen Yan for a business card.

Wen Yan didn't have this thing, so he took out his phone and asked Little Bat to add friends and save his phone number.

Little Bat was satisfied. The progress was much faster than he expected. Originally, he planned to trade with the mysterious businessman first, then invest in building a factory, and then gradually contact him.

Unexpectedly, he met Wen Yan directly, and many things were not ready yet.

After chatting with Little Bat and having a meal together, Wen Yan left with the stone sculpture and the USB flash drive.

John continued to join the inspection team and continued the inspection. After the end of the day, he told the team that they valued the Duanzhou area more, and this was also the advice given by the team after comprehensive consideration.

For subsequent consultations, business negotiations and other matters, John does not need to show up for all.

After returning to the hotel, he took out a mobile phone and videotaped his family members.

After contacting the patriarch, John talked about what happened during the day, and about a strong man he saw here. Because he gave him a very satisfactory gift, he helped him remove the seed implanted in his body. The thing underneath was pulled out.

John described the object held in Wen Yan's hand, its shape, color, feeling, etc.

By the time he finished describing it, Chief Toledo's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

"Do you still feel any discomfort?"

"there is none left."

"Well, you just stay there and stay there. When negotiating terms, you can be more relaxed. It's best to take root there in the future. The Holy War in Europe is about to begin, and the Satanists in America are already extremely rampant. "

"Chief, what is that thing? Is it related to the necromancer?" John did not give up and still wanted to find out. On the one hand, he wanted to know. He no longer wanted to be tricked inexplicably. Secondly, he also wanted to take advantage of it. Only if Rido holds some information will he be more valuable.

"It was a seed, a seed that had appeared before, and it was also poison."

Chief Toledo looked a little dazed. After thinking about it for a long time, he continued.

“Now that the necromancers have appeared, these are things you should know.

Do you know where the earliest necromancers came from? "

"I don't know. I've never heard of it. It just seemed like it suddenly appeared."

“The earliest time when people knew about the necromancer was for the first time. The necromancer escaped from a remote monastery.

Later, the monastery had another name.


At that time, we knew why vampires, who had not yet branched into two branches at that time, had so many weaknesses. "

John didn't speak and listened quietly. He didn't know these things. He had almost never been exposed to human society when he was a child. Before the dawn of the gods, all vampires were extremely weak. With vitality comparable to cockroaches, Only then could he survive.

The slightly more powerful vampires can only survive by sleeping and turning into mummies.

Thirty years after Dawn of the Gods, John could begin to receive education in his family's small town, so as not to become an illiterate vampire.

Although he has lived for quite a long time, in fact, he is no different from a clear-eyed college student. The time for growth and education is stretched out very long, and even many things can only be learned by going out and being beaten.

They are beaten, and they will really lose their lives.

Chief Toredo said with a gloomy face.

"Because at that time, they planted this seed in all slaves and all civilians.

They oppressed and enslaved those people, and planted a series of unshakable fears in their hearts.

Slaves and untouchables who are not allowed are not allowed to step into the door.

The cross represents absolute authority, power and death.

Silver is the most sacred thing, and it is the only light that dispels all darkness at night.


Chief Toredo said seven or eight in one breath, and then asked.

"Does it sound familiar?"

John looked a little horrified, as if he was a college student facing the cruelty of society for the first time.

These are all the weaknesses of vampires.

"The fear they engraved on everyone, even on their souls, turned into nutrition, and gave birth to the seed to take root and sprout.

Everything was silent, like clouds and mist. When you saw it, the clouds and mist had already covered your eyes.

The vampires lived by sucking blood at that time, and the fear they oppressed on those people grew fruits on the vampires.

When the vampires found out, it was too late.

Later, the Inquisition held a cross in one hand and a silver crossbow stained with holy water in the other, and almost strangled many races including vampires.

Including the seven kinds of us The so-called dark creatures would not harm their elves, and four of them were massacred and exterminated by those people in hundreds of years.

One of them was completely exterminated simply because the rulers needed the purple blood of the purple elves as pigment.

Later, there were wise men among the vampires who took advantage of the Ragnarok and opened up another direction, becoming blood races and no longer needed to suck blood.

Relying on generations of iterations, we can drive away the rules and shackles that were not originally in our blood.

The necromancer can plant seeds and spread toxins, but not many people should remember that the original necromancer was How did it come about?

Why did a large group of people suddenly start to kill the undead wizards who no one knew what they were?

There are no written records, but unfortunately, our blood race has lived long enough and has natural advantages, relying on blood to complete some inheritance.

I don't know what they are going to do this time.

Unfortunately, they can't keep up with the times, and this set is not so easy to play.

Remember, you must learn more and communicate more with knowledgeable people. Even if you don't understand, you can still gain knowledge.

Obey the law and run your business there, and let the people you bring with you, They are all very reliable people.

But even so, there are strict rules and regulations to constrain them.

The family will increase your investment, and if everything goes well, the research department will also move there.

And don't worry about the stone carvings, I will continue to try to collect them.

There are some other things that will be sent to you.

You have to learn to be generous. There is a saying in Shenzhou that as long as there are enough gifts and etiquette, no one will blame you for your small mistakes.

You can't make mistakes, remember. "

John quickly wrote it down, then hesitated and asked.

"Chief, aren't you coming? I think if the other party is satisfied with enough gifts, the strong man should not mind helping the chief to check it."

"They don't have to help you. Remember, I don't need it. If I have it, it's better. You don't have to worry about it. Just run it there. If you have a chance, remember to participate in the mission of the Lieyang Department."

After chatting, he hung up the phone and Chief Toredo stood up. There were already several vampires standing around him who looked quite old, and one who looked like a mummy, with only the eyes and ears restored to moisture.

"Everyone, the wheel of the new era has already rolled over. If we don't chase it, we will never catch up.

Robin in America is almost unstoppable. We must start fighting.

The first bonfire of the new round of holy war must be lit by us."


Three days later, Wen Yan received a call from Feng Yao. The flower rack door was still being tested for its effect. The experiment was about how to modify the door and change it to a more suitable space. It would be studied later.

Now we have to come to him to install the door in the underground beehive.

The entrance is in the mountain a few kilometers north of the underground hive. Although Gui Hai Yidong has not yet hollowed out the mountain, there are always passages and spaces for entry and exit.

In Gui Hai Yidong's words, this is a temporary tunnel, which is used temporarily. After a series of preparations such as geological exploration are completed, it can be redesigned and rebuilt.

A large number of parts were transported to the nameless mountain by car. For the sake of confidentiality, even the trucks are automatically operated, and the subsequent handling equipment is also unmanned equipment.

This kind of standardized and quantifiable work can be done very well by Black Box.

A large number of robotic arms are installed here, and the electricity is pulled separately. They are used first. After the power is upgraded, the wires will be pulled according to the standards of a factory.

Ji Youli was also sent here to install the manufacturing program. Everything was done according to the experience of the last time, and the steps were exactly the same.

The shelves were disassembled, and Wen Yan watched from the side, and his eyelids couldn't help twitching.

If it hadn't been for the fact that they had tried it many times and none of them failed because of disassembling the strange object, Wen Yan wouldn't have dared to let Ji Youli try.

Ji Youli himself didn't know what the strange object was in his hand. He only knew to do his own work. On the one hand, it was confidentiality, and on the other hand, it was for Ji Youli's safety.

The installation and debugging were carried out in an orderly manner. Wen Yan didn't watch it on the scene. Most of the masters probably don't like the client, who knows or doesn't know, to watch them while they are working.

While waiting, unmanned trucks continued to transport things.

More than 20 boxes soon appeared in the underground beehive, and they didn't look very big.

Feng Yao said that this was sent by the Ministry of Aerospace. There were numbers in it. The ones with the first numbers were used for experiments. If they failed, it didn't matter.

The things he wanted hadn't been delivered yet, because they had to make final adjustments based on the actual data.

If the data deviated greatly from the expected data, it might not be an adjustment, but a re-do.

Wen Yan thought it made sense. The people in the Ministry of Aerospace were very rigorous in their work.

It's just more than 20. Isn't it a bit too rigorous?

More than 20 launches, are they completely done with acting? Do you really think others are blind?

Wen Yan asked curiously, Feng Yao said, "How would I know if you ask me?"

Then Wen Yan waited.

After waiting for a day, before Ji Youli fixed the door, he heard a piece of news that a super-large-scale disaster broke out in Robin's house in America, 23 tornadoes of at least EF4 level appeared on the same day, there were three earthquakes of more than 8 magnitude, and a state was completely cut off from power and the Internet.

In Europe, a black wizard directly attacked an archive of the church, where an extremely fierce conflict broke out, and more than 40 people affected nearby died.

At this time, everyone realized that the ordinary archives concealed a very strong power.

In Shenzhou, four vicious incidents occurred on the same day, all related to ghosts, but they were all controlled. The Lieyang Department said that this large-scale riot was covering the whole world, but Shenzhou had just held a Luotian Dajiao, and was only slightly affected.

As for other places, it's not that there are none, but the sounds there are impossible for people outside to hear, and there is no channel for the information there to be transmitted.

Even in the South China Sea, the Dahlia, with a group of ghosts, has fought with some aquatic monsters.

It was only when the fleet approached and released two big flowers that the monsters fled.

It seemed that everything became chaotic all of a sudden. Wen Yan looked at the intelligence and browsed the mysterious forum. The general view was that it did not appear suddenly, but accumulated to a certain extent and was ignited and exploded.

Wen Yan ignored these, he continued to do his own things, and the door in the underground hive was installed.

Some additional things have been redesigned, and the place to put the coordinates is on the side of the door. At the same time, there is an additional system next to it. When you need to open some coordinates, the black box will directly take the corresponding coordinates and open it directly inside, without deliberately opening the small door on the side to put the coordinates.

After completing the final inspection, Wen Yan first let the black box put the coordinates leading to his home.

On the wall at the end of the warehouse exit area, a black light suddenly flashed and expanded rapidly, revealing the appearance of his own living room on the opposite side. The size of the open door was just the height of a floor, and it did not expand to the limit.

After confirming that there was no problem, Wen Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He was still afraid that there would be problems with the shelf.

The mechanical arm opened the box numbered 1, and the unmanned forklift transported the contents of box number 1 to the warehouse exit area.

The rear door was closed, and after waiting for a moment, the steel wall in front suddenly turned into a deep space. The 5.8-meter-high and 7.8-meter-wide door was instantly opened.

Wen Yan stood at the door, looking at the sun in the distance, which was a little dazzling. He took a step and stepped into the moon.

The unmanned forklift at the back handed the goods to Wen Yan.

Nearly two tons of things can be carried directly by Wen Yan here.

He carried the things given by the Ministry of Aerospace and put them on the flat ground. After choosing a place, he no longer cared about it.

After letting the black box close the door, he stepped back a distance and watched from a distance. After waiting for a while, he saw flames suddenly appear under the thing that looked a bit like a detector. Like a rocket launch, it accelerated into the air and quickly turned into a small light spot.

Wen Yan couldn't see it anymore, and didn't care. He turned around and left.

In the aerospace department on the other side, a group of people working overtime were working in a daze, monitoring various parameters. Many of them didn't know what was going on.

Why was there suddenly a detector launched from the moon?

When the satellite successfully entered the expected orbit and heard the words "the satellite was successfully launched", many people were even more confused. When was it sent to the moon?

Was it from other departments? That's not right?

Isn't it still a PPT to launch a satellite from the moon? Which launch site launched this? When did it happen?

But before they could continue to be confused, they were notified to continue working overtime.

The boss of the aerospace department looked at the computer display and saw that there were already fifteen satellites to be launched, and they had already connected to the signal of the relay satellite. His face was green.

Is this efficiency so fast?

Do you really think that launching a satellite is just a matter of throwing it up randomly?

After a while, Wen Yan received a message that there was no need to be so anxious. As for those that had been moved out, there was no need to move them back. Just leave them there for now and treat it as an environmental tolerance test.

Wen Yan looked at the message sent by Black Box and sighed.

"Black Box, does this seem a bit illiterate?"

"Sir, you are overthinking. You just need to throw the satellite over, but those professionals have to consider a lot more things. They will be very cautious. This is not your fault."

"Wait a minute, are those things satellites?"

"..." Black Box was stuck for a while and didn't think of how to reply to this sentence.

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