I am your natural enemy

Chapter 487: Fueling the fire, rushing towards the sun (4k)

Wen Yan couldn't really tell the difference between a probe and a satellite, because according to the information given before, the functions of the two overlap.

Moreover, before launch, they looked exactly the same. Even when they were in space and the solar panels were unfolded, they still looked pretty much the same.

Non-professionals, at most, saw something floating in the lunar orbit and knew that it should be a satellite.

Black Box gave Wen Yan a lot of explanations, and even posted several papers at the end. Wen Yan gave up decisively after taking a look. If he could understand the complex graphics, data, and nouns in the papers, he would have done it himself.

Black Box sent some explanations, saying that this was a very necessary prerequisite. In addition to satellite networking and ensuring communication, an observation system would also be built later.

Since a lunar observation system is built, it is necessary to defend against small meteorites and the like. After all, the moon is not like a small broken ball. Small meteorites burn up in the atmosphere before they land.

Those large and small meteorites will fall directly on the moon, so the most suitable laser defense system must be available, and there are ready-made technical reserves, but they have not been tested in the field.

To maintain this laser defense system, there must be sufficient power supply. Solar panels alone are not enough because the moon's rotation period is a bit long.

Batteries are a must, and power generation equipment is also a must...

If you have all of these, you can't just throw them on the ground, endure the huge temperature difference, and endure space radiation. Necessary protective measures must be taken, right?

In the end, a base is needed.

At first, Wen Yan thought it made sense, but he felt a little speechless as he listened.

This has nothing to do with being cautious or not, right?

Forget it, never mind, he still thinks it makes sense to launch satellites, and he will take his time with other things.

In the next three days, satellite launches began on the back of the moon. Launching on the moon is indeed much simpler. There are 25 satellites, most of which are communication satellites, as well as scientific satellites and resource satellites.

The reason why it was so fast was because the Ministry of Space said a lot. To sum up, if the probe is launched within the next week, it can theoretically reach the target before the Chinese New Year.

Then Wen Yan is not sleepy. If there is no chance, forget it. If there is a chance, can Wen Yan keep Black Spider for the Chinese New Year?

At the junction of light and dark on the back of the moon, Wen Yan stood in the dark and threw out a real paper money. The moment the paper money slowly fell to the ground, the relief of the war horse on the nine-layer mountain range suddenly lit up.

The next moment, the ground in front of Wen Yan bulged, and a green stone war horse rushed out from the ground. Before the light behind Wen Yan swept over, it carried Wen Yan, as if it turned into a green phantom, and ran wildly towards the depths of darkness.

The boundary between light and dark behind him was left farther and farther by the war horse. Here, the war horse ran particularly freely, was less restrained, and adapted faster in the dark night.

More than an hour later, a reminder came from Wen Yan's device that he had arrived.

Wen Yan dug a shovel of lunar soil and stones here, used them as coordinate objects, and completed the marking.

It is really difficult to do this on the ground, but here, a piece of ore dug out randomly here may have been lying in the same place for 100 million years.

Wherever you dig it out, after using it as a coordinate object, the door you open is basically there.

In the past few days, in addition to transporting satellite launch devices, Wen Yan has been picking up coordinate objects everywhere on the back of the moon to be prepared.

By the way, change the launch location for other satellites, let the people of the aerospace department collect data, verify the data, and mark it by the way. After the launch, after the satellite and the propulsion device are separated, re-control the rear device that falls into the moon.

These are all data. According to the information conveyed by the black box, this is also an experiment, which is helpful for Wen Yan's task. Wen Yan doesn't understand, so just do it.

After choosing a good place and marking the coordinates, the black box uses Wen Yan as the coordinate and opens the door. Wen Yan handed the coordinate object he just got to the black box, and dragged out the last satellite together with the launch device.

Watching the equipment take off, on the other side, the black box opened the door with the new coordinate object, and verified whether the door opened by the coordinate object corresponded to the coordinate.

After confirming that there was no problem, Wen Yan let Zhanma have fun here by himself, and told Zhanma not to go to the front of the moon or enter under the sun, and summon it back later.

After returning home, Wen Yan came out to check the news, and then checked the information of the Lieyang Department, and finally went to the mysterious forum to see that no one talked about the lunar satellite.

He moved more than 20 satellites in the past few days. Those satellites are not all lunar synchronous satellites. These satellites are scattered around the moon, like a big net that wraps the entire moon inside.

Last time there were changes on the moon, they could all be observed, but this time there was no news at all. Wen Yan didn't believe that no one saw it.

The Aerospace Department even prepared several sets of words for how to deal with being asked later, and then found that they were all launched and they were not used.

Wen Yan can launch the final probe tonight. Everything has been delivered, except for the transfer of the black spider.

Feng Yao personally sent the modified strange object to be used as a cage for the black spider.

"Did something big happen over there these two days? The Ministry of Aerospace threw more than 20 satellites up, but there was no response?"

"Well, there has been a lot of chaos these days, and there have been a lot of big things.

I don't know who it was on Europa's side, but they ordered those dark wizards who usually don't show up.

As a result, some dark wizards, even some wizards, went crazy and attacked an archive of the church.

There is one of the important archives of the church, which contains a lot of records, including the dark history.

It is said that there are even handwritings of their saints there.

No one thought that those wizards who usually had a good relationship with the church would go crazy and dare to do this.

All the means of defense against dark creatures in the archives are useless.

I don't know what was taken away in the end, but now it has been completely bombed there, and there have been targeted attacks in all nine member countries.

Someone shouted a jihadist slogan. The ruling party of the United Kingdom was so frightened that they resigned directly. The Minister of Magic just ran away with a bucket. "

"What the hell?" Wen Yan was confused when he heard this: "What jihad?"

"This is a bit complicated to talk about. You can probably understand it as the alien world war on their side. The last holy war was during the same period as the collapse of the Roman Empire on their side. Do you know what this term means to them?"

"I guess I understand, is there anything else?"

"In Robina in America, there are even more demons dancing around. I heard that they are the undead of Yin. I don't know what happened, but they started to revive.

Also, just the day before yesterday, someone suddenly discovered that a small island country in the southern ocean had disappeared.

Because the people there have not had any contact with the outside world for more than ten days.

Then, someone discovered that thousands of people on one of the islands in the middle of the ocean had all disappeared the day before yesterday.

The large number of traces left on the island prove that they walked into the sea and disappeared.

Something big happened in Robin's aerospace department. Someone somehow brought in some heavy weapons, and the murderer massacred more than sixty people in one breath.

Including their ridiculous director.

There is no more news coming out now. It is probably not an ordinary case. It may be related to aliens.

Under such circumstances, who has the time to control what our aerospace department is doing? Even if someone discovers it, no one will take care of it. "

Wen Yan was a little regretful that the Ministry of Aerospace stopped the show and created more than 20 satellites out of thin air. He also wanted to watch the smack talk, but he never thought that the people who might come to smack the show would be interrupted by their own people.

"It's good that no one cares about it. I'm really afraid of any accidents."

"Exactly, I have something else to tell you."

Feng Yao chatted with Wen Yan, and then followed Wen Yan into the underground hive after dark.

When he saw the altar table and tablets on the first floor, he immediately went to offer incense, and then took out the modified cage to watch Wen Yan operate it.

Wen Yan stretched out a hand, reached into the flames of the small flame, grabbed the black spider that had shrunk into a ball, pulled it out, and threw it into the cage.

The black spider fell into the cage, still huddled in a ball, as if dead.

Wen Yan looked at the cage and made sure it was okay before he felt relieved.

Arriving all the way to the bottom of the underground hive, Wen Yan followed the instructions given by the black box and installed the cage in the space left in the detector.

Feng Yao on the side looked at Wen Yan's careful look and said casually.

"Don't worry too much. The aerospace department has prepared triple insurance for you, a three-layer launch device to ensure that the chain will not fall off. When the time comes, just keep accelerating and throw it into the sun.

The latest high-temperature-resistant materials are added to it, as well as a strange item, so there will basically be no problems. "

"Well, I know that even if the delay of the received signal is too high, the built-in device will adjust itself."

An hour later, Wen Yan opened the door and came to the back of the moon. He put the equipment away, gave the entire equipment a blessing of yang energy, and waited for automatic ignition.

Watching the equipment take off and disappear, Wen Yan gradually began to feel unclear about his yang energy, and then he turned back.

After returning home, Feng Yao turned on the computer, and he also synchronized the real-time trajectory here.

The probe flew from the back of the moon. Instead of flying straight towards the sun, it first circled the side of the blue star facing away from the sun, using gravity to accelerate.

And there is also an animation here to briefly demonstrate that the probe will continue to use force to accelerate after a few days, and will use the planet's gravity to complete part of the necessary deceleration after more than ten days.

In the final stage, the other two parts of the three parts are abandoned and the last part is allowed to fall towards the sun.

Feng Yao on the side looked at Wen Yan's serious look and shook his head.

"Don't you think it was a little too deliberate to say this in front of that guy just now?"

"You don't understand. I think it took a lot of effort to figure this out. I know best how people who don't understand will react. I don't think that guy understands this."

"You're not still worried about that guy being able to escape, are you?"

"I'm a little worried that that guy will turn into a satellite spirit." Wen Yan nodded.

He had previously crammed in some relevant knowledge. At first, he thought that he just had to keep accelerating and just rush in.

But later Black Box specifically explained to him that after going out, if you want to adjust the direction and change the speed of this device, the more complicated it is, the less safe it will be.

The moon is also moving. Launching from the back of the moon is equivalent to throwing it out. In addition to the speed of the detector itself, it naturally carries the speed of the moon itself.

Wen Yan required safety first, so the equipment could not be made too complicated. When it got closer and closer to the sun, the equipment was doomed to be damaged before it fell into the sun. Those electronic equipment could not survive to a place too close.

The most reliable method at that time was to directly use the sun's own gravity to pull the target in.

If the speed was too fast, combined with the initial initial velocity, it might not fall into the sun, but orbit the sun.

According to Wen Yan's requirements, this was the most reliable solution.

After all, in the second half, there was no need to consider delicate operations. Some precision equipment might not be able to survive until then.

Wen Yan knew very well what the black spider was. It was absolutely impossible for it to know these.

As a pure layman, Wen Yan had rich experience and knew best what the instinctive mentality and reaction were.

Before leaving, he had to ensure the black spider's mentality and give it a wrong concept.

Although according to the people of the Aerospace Department, when flying in space for a long time, if there are people inside, in the absence of almost no reference objects, people will think they are in a static state.

Wen Yan has his own twisted logic, and Feng Yao was a little speechless after listening to it, but he also felt that it was right to be cautious.

In space, the detector was flying at high speed, and the black spider curled up inside did feel that the surroundings were still.

It stretched its body and tried to break through. No matter how it struggled, it was still useless and could only be trapped in the cage.

As time passed, it began to feel the brilliance of the sun, as if the whole world in front was the world of the sun, and it was running towards this eternal light.

The only eternal light in the world, absolute light.

No matter who it is or what era, this sun, for them, is the eternity that always hangs high in the sky.

It struggled, roared, and tried various methods.

Gradually, it suddenly calmed down. It felt that it seemed to be slowing down, and its speed towards the sun slowed down.

I don’t know how long it took, it saw it.

The device that trapped it inside began to melt and vaporize, revealing some gaps.

Infinite light filled the outside world, and it felt that it might be saved, and the device was broken.

In space, the detector completed the last detachment.

When one part detached, another part would accelerate forward, and another part would be decelerated.

The decelerated part was the part that trapped the black spider.

However, this was just the black spider's own feeling.

In fact, when the last detachment was completed, the detector began to be destroyed, and the cage was exposed to space. In the end, the only thing that remained was a piece of strange object on the top of the cage that was not destroyed.

The light here was too bright, and when the cage was also forcibly vaporized, the black spider was forced to hide in the shadow of the strange object.

It thought it was safe, but the strange object was attracted by the gravity of the sun and kept falling forward.

It couldn't get out of it. It had been deprived of a trace of its origin before, and it was absolutely impossible to survive in this infinite light environment. Its resistance, under this absolute crushing, was no different from having no resistance.

By the time it understood, it was too late. It could only watch itself falling towards the sun.

It was specifically told that there was a strange object that could withstand high temperatures, a pit, waiting for it to jump in.

Because Wen Yan was always worried that the black spider had no body and no soul, would that mean it had no mass? Would it be impossible for it to be attracted by the sun?

So a strange object was specially prepared for the black spider, allowing it to drill into it, just like the old method of stewing loach with tofu.

Moreover, the Lieyang Tribe had already done experiments, and the temperature tolerance of this strange object had an upper limit.

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