I am your natural enemy

Chapter 488 Youth Edition Title, Barrier (10k)

On the terrace, Wen Yan leaned back in a chair, holding a book, frowning and thinking.

This was the translated version sent by Laojun Mountain, which included the original text and the analysis for reference. It didn't look like a method, but more like a philosophy book.

He could understand it as a philosophy book, but how deep he could go into it depended on the individual.

But the people of Laojun Mountain said that it was indeed a method, and how much he could comprehend still depended on the individual.

When it was time to eat, Wen Yan put down the book with a slightly tortured expression.

Since he had obtained the player's natural enemy, he had the effect of a liver emperor, and after the ghost war horse was embossed, his endurance had also become stronger. The downside was that he would not feel sleepy when reading some difficult and obscure classics.

Putting down the book, Wen Yan raised his head and lay on the recliner. The next moment, the little zombie appeared in his arms.

Wen Yan took off the title of the player's natural enemy, closed his eyes, and began to rest.

It had been more than ten days since he last went to the moon, and he had never been there again.

Before, he complained that more than 20 satellites were thrown up, but no one found them. Even if the satellites in the lunar orbit were not found, there must be some satellites in the orbit of the blue planet that could not be seen, but they could still capture signals, right?

Unexpectedly, the first one to be discovered and attract people's attention was the ghost warhorse.

This guy was running and couldn't stop, running directly from the back of the moon to the front of the moon. At that time, at least half of the front of the moon was not illuminated by sunlight.

And the place where it ran was not far from the tree. There were people watching there for a long time, not only official organizations, but also various non-governmental organizations, and various rich people who spent money.

Then, someone took a photo of it. It looked like a blue lightning was rushing through the photo. Because the speed was too fast, plus the parameters of the photo setting, the blue trace stretched for dozens of kilometers.

Now it has been nicknamed Blue Lightning.

Wen Yan has saved the picture. He wanted to educate the warhorse, but after a few words, Que Mao said that the warhorse was illiterate and it didn't know anything, so Wen Yan couldn't continue.

Now I stay at home honestly to avoid being photographed.

There are many disturbing things, but Wen Yan has a rare half-month of leisure. Every day he reads books, practices, eats, and goes to pray for the dead at night.

Life is peaceful and fulfilling.

And this kind of life has worn away the hostility and anxiety, but it allows Wen Yan to calm down and gradually understand the contents of the book sent by Laojun Mountain.

The breeze is gentle, and in the comfort and tranquility, Wen Yan gradually fell asleep. The little zombie lay in Wen Yan's arms, also slightly opened his mouth, and fell asleep with him.

In the most relaxed state, Wen Yan's breath is unusually peaceful, and the yang energy in his body is like the sun in winter, warm but not strong.

A moment later, the four-eyed skeleton dog came to Wen Yan's feet with a grin, and lay on the ground to rest with him.

In Wen Yan's body, the power is running on its own, not fast, and on the sixth stone gate, the power is like flowing water, flowing on its own according to the lines.

The flames slowly burned upward from under the stone gate, and after completely infecting the two yellow-skinned reliefs on the stone gate, they began to change from the center.

This time, the yellow-skinned relief was not directly pushed off, but an additional relief of a skeleton dog emerged.

The skeleton dog was lying on the ground and sleeping. Behind the skeleton dog, countless tiny reliefs appeared, from the skeleton dragon in the front to the undead knight, the black warrior, the skeleton king, etc.

The relief of the skeleton dog became larger and larger, and finally opened its mouth and swallowed the two yellow-skinned reliefs in one gulp.

The skeleton dog seemed to adjust its body in its sleep, and the relief appeared in the center of the stone gate.

It suddenly opened its eyes, smacked its mouth, and a faint blue flame ignited in its eyes. The flame quickly spread and enveloped the entire stone gate.

When those orange-red flames reached this door, they suddenly changed their nature and had a hint of other characteristics.

The skeleton dog in reality also opened its eyes, looked up at Wen Yan who was still sleeping, and then continued to lie down, closed its eyes, and continued to sleep.

The skeleton dog on the stone gate also continued to lie down and continue to sleep, waiting for Wen Yan to wake up and push the gate open.

After waking up, Wen Yan felt that his mind became particularly clear, and then he felt that he seemed to have been promoted.

Closing his eyes, his consciousness came to the sixth stone gate, looking at the stone gate burning with a faint blue flame, the relief on the stone gate has turned into a lying skeleton dog.

Without the four-eyed dog skin disguise, the real skeleton dog is exactly the same as what Wen Yan had seen before.

Wen Yan stretched out his hand and touched the dog's head. The next moment, the stone gate burst open, completely opening up the passage to the mountains behind.

As his thoughts moved, the flames flowing on the mountain behind turned into a faint blue.

There was no scorching heat, but a cold and deep feeling with more spirituality.

This is the spiritual fire of the skeleton dog, the fire of the soul.

Wen Yan opened his eyes, looked at the skeleton dog wagging its tail, reached out and touched the dog's head, a little speechless. The skeleton dog itself did not have this spiritual fire, but he did not expect that the true face would be reflected on the stone door.

In his palm, a little blue flame fell into the skeleton dog's head, and the skeleton dog's eyes instantly ignited blue flames.

The skeleton dog was brought out of consciousness and spirituality by Wen Yan, which was an ascension. Now the spiritual fire has been ignited again in the world, which is another ascension.

The silly dog ​​is not that smart. He was so stupid at the beginning that he was willing to give up everything and follow Wen Yan. Of course, Wen Yan would not treat him unfairly.

Wen Yan originally thought that this time when he broke through the new stone door, there would be no prompts, just like before, and he only needed to develop the effect himself. When the spiritual fire ignited in the eyes of the skeleton dog, the prompt appeared.

"The lowest level undead from the low-level world, after countless attempts, finally stood at the top of the undead.

With your help, I gave up all my power and origin and finally completed the transition.

At this moment, the new skeleton dog ignited the soul fire, completed the rebirth, and became a completely different undead creature.

As an enlightener, your power has also completed a transformation."

"Get the title: Undead Natural Enemy (Young Youth Edition)"

"Fixed effect: Deterrence.

The levels of the undead are strictly divided. According to the level, all undead with a lower level than you will be deterred by the same level as the upper undead when facing you. The greater the level difference, the stronger the deterrence effect.

When the deterred undead is three levels lower than you or lower, absolute deterrence is triggered, which is equivalent to the suppression effect of the highest level of the undead king in theory."

Wen Yan was a little surprised that the skeleton dog came to help open the door, and it was directly given a title, even if it was a young version.

He continued to wait, and after waiting for a long time, no more prompts appeared.

Now Wen Yan understood why it was a young version.

There is really only one fixed effect.

This fixed effect may be because the skeleton dog was once the big brother, and now it has been re-enlightened and brought along.

Just looking at the description, it has nothing to do with control, it is just a deterrent.

As for how this level is calculated, it is not too clear just looking at the prompt.

But Wen Yan can be sure of one thing, for the undead three levels lower than him, he may stand still, just a normal burst of yang energy can purify it, and there is no need for deterrence at all.

His current martial arts is only the third stage, and he is also at a disadvantage in terms of pure level.

If calculated according to the martial arts level, three levels lower than him, it should be the stage where an ordinary ghost has just become a ghost.

For the ghost at this stage, an ordinary person with a slightly stronger yang energy can make it retreat.

Wen Yan looked at the prompt, thought about it for a while, and put it behind his mind.

The biggest advantage of this thing should be that it is from nothing to something. As long as there is a process from 0 to 1, even if it is just a youth version, from 1 to 100 in the future should be a matter of advancement.

The difficulty is just to find out how to advance this progress.

Wen Yan didn't know before that even the title can have a super castrated version. He thought that the title only had two states, with or without.

Wen Yan stood up and took the skeleton dog downstairs. When he was eating, he found a new problem.

The skeleton dog started to eat other things. To be more precise, it only ate bones. The cleaner it was, the better. It didn't want meat.

After thinking about it, Wen Yan went to get a small tiger bone and threw it to the skeleton dog to let the skeleton dog grind its teeth.

Its body is actually the body of a man-made Taoist soldier. Every part of its body is man-made. Apart from this, it is smarter and not much different from ordinary dogs.

Now the skeleton dog started to eat bones. Wen Yan could clearly see that it would spit out the little meat and tendons left on the bones like a cat spitting out hair.

Wen Yan grabbed the skeleton dog and checked it carefully. He touched the skeleton dog's stomach and didn't feel any traces of bones eaten. He reached in and checked it again. Only then was he completely relieved. It wasn't that there was any special habit that revived, but that the bones were absorbed.

"Good dog, I'll give you all the bones in the house in the future. Chew the tiger bones first, and then get you some good bones later."

After dinner, he took the sparrow cat for a walk as usual to let the sparrow cat exercise more. As soon as he walked out, he saw Gao Si coming out of the yard.

"Wen Yan, I have something to talk to you about."

"What's the matter?"

"I was making something recently, so I exchanged some things with someone, and by the way, I heard something from my brother on the road."

"Who did you learn this from?" Wen Yan was a little speechless. Gao Si learned really fast.

"I learned it from watching TV. When I applied for broadband last time, I was given a TV set-top box. Why not use it if it's free?

Don't worry about it. It's not important.

The important thing is that I heard that there is a country called Robin, and many demons and devils have descended recently.

Because they descended too many times, everyone who sent me materials knows about it.

Also, there seems to be a devil inside, summoned from Purgatory. I don't know how they could do it.

I think you must want to know this news."

"Why haven't I heard that anyone has sent you goods? Magic? And what is Purgatory? Of course, I'm just curious." Wen Yan was a little curious. Anyway, it must not be a normal method, otherwise, there is no reason for him not to know.

"Oh, I need some materials, so I found some devils from my hometown, and I used the summoning array to receive the materials.

Didn't I tell you? If you need it, you can summon me.

Or I can find a way to summon you in reverse. Oh, I remember that you were still in the underworld at that time.

As for Purgatory, it is a place where some demons and devils go after death according to legend.

Someone once went there and saw the dead demon king there, and he recorded these things.

Later, some people went there one after another, and many of them were recorded. There must be records in the church's scriptures.

I heard that it was a method that could really kill the devil, plus some rituals.

The devil that was killed would fall into purgatory and suffer endless and repeated torture.

There are similar things in many scriptures. Do you know Sisyphus and Prometheus? "

Wen Yan nodded. He had seen these two names when he borrowed books from his friends when he was a child.

"I have heard of this. One is to push stones up the mountain and keep rolling down, day after day.

The other is to be tied to a cliff, and the liver will be pecked by an eagle every day. The next day it will grow back, and the intestines will be cut open and the liver will be pecked.

Is it these two?"

"Yes, it is these two. I have seen these things on my mobile phone.

People who are thrown into purgatory can never return, and can only suffer torture like this, endlessly.

I don't know what method they use to say that they can summon dead devils from purgatory. "

There was a hint of strangeness in Gauss's tone, but that was all. He didn't seem to have any intention of delving into it.

Wen Yan listened to Gauss's explanation and pondered it. It was something he had been familiar with for a long time, but when he heard Gauss say it again, he suddenly had an inexplicable sense of déjà vu.

Suddenly, his eyes widened.

"An old dream? ! "

This ghost thing must be an old dream.

After death, you fall into it, and there are also old dreams after death.

Repeating torture, repeating old dreams.

Some people have been there and met the dead, but they may not be able to go again later. Most of them are coincidences.

The dead can come back from purgatory.

Wen Yan was shocked. The elements are exactly the same, just the names and descriptions are different.

That side is called purgatory, saying that there is endless torture.

And this side is called the old dream, saying that there is an old dream that can never be returned, a ray of life and hope left in the endless dead end.

Now that Gauss said it, and his mind became clear, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

After a quick comparison, this is not the old dream!

Yes, it doesn't make sense that there are only things like old dreams in Shenzhou and nowhere else.

But Wen Yan didn't expect that some mythological stories he knew since childhood were actually describing old dreams.

Didn't anyone know about this thing before?

Impossible, someone must have known it before.

"Wen Yan? "

Gauss saw that Wen Yan seemed to be lost in thought, his face changed, and he couldn't help but shout out.

"It's okay, I just thought of something else. Thank you for your help. I will tell the Lieyang Department about this information. This is considered as extra information you gave me, and there should be intelligence fees. "

"Thank you. "Gauss was immediately happy when he heard about giving money.

Wen Yan laughed and said nothing more.

Gauss has realized the pain of having no money, especially the money he worked hard to earn, but in the end, it seems that he didn't do anything and the money was gone. When the money is not enough to spend, there will be a huge gap.

He now loves to work and earn money, and earn bonuses. Even if there are other ways to easily exchange for money, he is unwilling to do so and wants that hard process.

Because he said that when the money reaches a certain level, he will not be happy. He has done a very rigorous research. When the salary is just low enough, the salary increase is the happiest. As the income increases, even if it doubles, it will not be too fast.

And because of the high income, the threshold will become higher and higher. Pure money can no longer buy happiness.

The current situation is just right. Water flows forever.

After experiencing true happiness, diving from the high point all the way, with the huge contrast of pain, it will be particularly precious.

Of course, this is a theory that Gauss has continuously supplemented and improved in details.

Wen Yan couldn't say anything. He didn't agree with it, but he understood it. He was a layman. He felt that this month's settlement of last month's salary and bonus, not counting the house and other rewards under his name, only converted into the lowest value of after-tax cash, was more than 4 million. Even if he just looked at the number, this money would be of great help to maintain physical and mental health.

He can stay calm and not care about some things in life. Having money in the bank card is not the reason for the vast majority, but at least it must be part of the reason.

Wen Yan took the sparrow cat for a walk, took the phone, and called Feng Yao.

"Hey, Gauss gave you some information, tell you."

"You say."

Wen Yan told the information given by Gauss, and then couldn't help asking.

"Have you heard of people like Sisyphus and Prometheus?"

"I've heard of the latter, but I don't have much impression of the former. "

Wen Yan repeated Gauss's description of purgatory.

"Do you feel anything wrong?"

"No, what's wrong?"

"Think about it again."

"I can't think of it, just say it."

"Don't you think this purgatory is exactly the same as the place I went before?"

"Huh? ? ? "Feng Yao was slightly startled, and then shouted again: "Huh!!!"

"You didn't know this before?"

"Why should I know? I'm so busy with domestic affairs that I don't have time to understand what's going on outside. As long as I know the general situation, I know who to find when I encounter problems. "

"I think there is something wrong here. You'd better call the director general and tell him."


After hanging up the phone, Feng Yao immediately called the headquarters and said he wanted to report something to the head of the headquarters.

A moment later, Feng Yao's phone rang. He first reported the information given by Gauss, and then talked about Wen Yan's definition of purgatory and the connection with Gu Meng.

On the other side, the head of the headquarters also felt the same way. He had a strange feeling of clearing the fog. In fact, the surface information has always existed in the Lieyang Department, but no one has ever put these two things together.

Even though the similarity is so high that it can be basically determined to be the same in essence, no one has ever mentioned it.

The head of the headquarters pondered for a moment. Of course, this is not right!

There is something that is creating a barrier and cutting off the association between the two.

The head of the headquarters pondered for a moment, clicked on the computer to record, and listed some things for the black box to compare.

Soon, the black box came to the conclusion that the two are similar in some places, but the black box did not come to the conclusion that the two are the same thing, and did not even give this possibility.

The headquarter director asked again if there was any possibility between the two, and that they were essentially the same thing.

The black box answered that it was impossible.

When asked what the probability was, the black box answered 0%.

Seeing this 0%, the headquarter director was completely sure that there was a problem.

When asking the black box about probability, the black box never gave a probability of 100% or 0%.

Even if he opened the door of the office now, would he fall to death on the spot because his left foot tripped over his right foot, the black box would not give a probability of 0.

The headquarter director asked the black box to reconsider and calculate again.

In less than half a minute, the headquarter director saw some prompts on the screen, and the computing power that the black box could mobilize at the moment was directly blown up.

But even so, the result was still not calculated.

"Just an approximate one is enough, and the decimal point is discarded." The headquarter director continued to add conditions.

The black box still did not calculate it, and was still in the state of blowing up the computing power.

"Give up this problem."

Still no response, can't give up.

The next moment, the headquarter director personally operated and directly pulled the switch where the black box was.

Nothing worked after the power was turned off.

After the power was turned off, it was sent again and everything returned to normal.

The headquarter closed the page and asked Feng Yao.

"Did Gauss tell Wen Yan about this connection, or did Wen Yan guess it himself?"

"Wen Yan didn't say it, but Gauss should not know the details about Gu Meng, and he should not be interested in it. It must be discovered by Wen Yan himself."

"Okay, don't tell others about this rashly, it will be dangerous."

"I understand."

After hanging up the phone, the headquarter called Wen Yan personally.

"It's hard to rest at home for a few days, but you are not idle, and you make a big thing again."

"What's wrong? Headquarters, I haven't even left the house recently!"

"Tell me first, what you just told Feng Yao, did you guess it yourself, or did Gauss tell you?"

"When Gauss told me, I suddenly realized that it seemed to be closely connected. Uh, headquarter, this is not another secret, right?"

"I didn't know before." The headquarter said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Wen Yan felt something was wrong.

"Does the Lieyang Department have no relevant information?"


The head of the headquarters told him what happened just now. The black box even gave a probability of 0 for the first time, and even asked it to recalculate, and directly entered a state of unstoppable computing power.

Wen Yan was confused.

Is this possible? He really didn't want to make trouble, but he didn't expect to dig up a big one.

"According to the current speculation, even if you have broken through some seemingly obvious barriers, this thing is still there.

You tell Feng Yao, Feng Yao tells me again, that's the limit.

I will convey it again, even if I make it clear, I still can't break through that barrier.

The black box can't break through this barrier, but will directly crash because of too strong computing power.

Don't tell anyone about this for the time being."


As he was speaking, the head of the headquarters glanced at the prompt that popped up on the screen and frowned.

"The world boss prompt has appeared."

"..." Wen Yan was shocked: "This doesn't have anything to do with me, does it?"

"I don't know, if you are free, come over."

After hanging up the phone, Wen Yan contacted Feng Wei first, and then stood there with the phone in his hand, feeling absurd, it doesn't really have anything to do with him, does it?

As soon as he finished speaking, the world boss prompt popped up immediately.

Is he born with a physique of being a troublemaker?

Rushing to the headquarters, Wen Yan was led by the chief secretary and came to a room.

They stood behind the glass, in the empty hall in front of them, there was only a desktop computer in the center that looked a little behind the main force.

The head of the headquarters stood beside them, and the screen in front of them had already shown the picture displayed on the doomsday computer.

"World BOSS Huang Mo is about to descend on Florida."

There is also a countdown below.


Seeing this countdown, Wen Yan's heart trembled. According to what he knew before, when the countdown is three days, the landing location will be displayed.

However, this countdown to the advent does not necessarily start from three days.

For example, the Soul Devourer Beast is not like that. It was only when the countdown reached three days that the exact landing location appeared.

According to the experience of the Lieyang Department, the earlier the countdown appears, the more trouble it will cause.

The time when the Doomsday Computer gave a prompt was exactly three days. At present, the damage that may be caused and the number of deaths caused are just enough to reach the threshold of the World Boss.

Now there is one minute left in the countdown to three days.

And it took him almost two hours to get here, and more than an hour of it was on the road to the capital.

In other words, whether it is powerful or not is another matter, the damage and the number of deaths caused by this new World Boss are definitely far more than Gauss.

"This Florida is not our Shenzhou, right?"

"Yes, it belongs to Robin's family, the place that is said to be full of talents. Fortunately, there is no place with the same name in Shenzhou."

"Do you want to notify them?"

"I have already notified them."

While talking, a young man came, and someone next to him took out a metal box, a strange object numbered 97, and a piece of kraft paper numbered 98.

Wen Yan saw this scene and was about to step forward when he was patted on the shoulder by the head of the headquarters.

"It will only be weak for a period of time, and there will be no serious sequelae. Just let him accumulate some merits."

"..." Wen Yan was speechless and immediately said: "I just bless him with something."

Wen Yan stepped forward and directly blessed him with a violent sun. After thinking about it, he was generous and stuffed another candy into his mouth.

He watched quietly, watching the young man in the department holding a wolf hair brush and writing the word "Yellow Demon" on the kraft paper.

Then, his eyes turned pure white, and his hand was led by the wolf hair brush to write quickly on the paper.

The moment he started writing, the huge amount of Yang Qi that had just been blessed by Wen Yan began to be consumed rapidly.

And the content written this time was a little different from before, not directly listing the characteristics.

"Unpredictable and undetermined special monsters, very few of which are both devils and demons.

It can have a body or not, a soul or not.

Just because it once had a pair of yellow eyes, the Yellow Devil became its exclusive nickname.

Its ability is unpredictable and undetermined, and changes according to the actual situation.

It is both a god and a devil, and very few of them have the dual nature of gods and ghosts."

"Characteristic 1: Unpredictable."

"Characteristic 2: Dual nature of gods and ghosts."

"Characteristic 3: Anchored changes."

"Characteristic 4: Free travel in purgatory."

"Characteristic 5: Immune to light and darkness."


The young man wrote down a lot along the way, and when he couldn't continue, he suddenly fainted.

Two people immediately supported the young man and helped him out.

The director took a look at Wen Yan and knew that it must be the extremely powerful yang energy that Wen Yan blessed, which was working, so that this time the writing had more content, which was much more detailed than normal.

Wen Yan looked at the contents. The first part was somewhat similar to the prompt, but the latter part was completely different.

This thing is indeed useful, but it is a consumable. One less piece is used.

If it is not particularly important, such as the world boss, which is bound to cause a large number of deaths, the Lieyang tribe will not use it.

Someone next to him recorded the contents on the paper. The kraft paper spontaneously combusted without fire and turned into ashes.

Wen Yan looked at the recorded contents. This thing seems to be very troublesome.

Things without a specific form are always troublesome.

At least looking at the content, it will definitely not be like Gauss, who stupidly appeared directly in person. The trouble is only the preliminary preparations, and there is no need to worry about the combat power.

The good news in misfortune is that this world boss, like the Flame Demon at the beginning, did not descend on Shenzhou.

Through the analysis of those characteristics, it is easy to draw a very likely conclusion that this yellow demon should have come out of Purgatory.

As for the others, it is difficult to determine.

If it is like Gauss, debuting at the peak, it may be the easiest situation.

The difficulty should be that it was too weak in the early stage and could not be discovered at all. By the time it was discovered, it was too late.

It was basically confirmed that it was not in Shenzhou this time, so the head of the headquarters brought Wen Yan out.

Wen Yan looked at the head of the headquarters and seemed to be still worried, so Wen Yan asked.

"Head of the headquarters, why do I feel that you seem to be more worried?"

"Yes, if it was somewhere else, it would be fine, but in Robin, if it was a troublesome guy, I would really worry about a big mess.

The world has never been peaceful, no matter when.

A few days ago, a small country in the ocean disappeared directly, and few people even knew about it.

But if there is a big mess in Robin, it will inevitably affect everyone.

At that time, we can't think of staying out of it.

If this thing appears very strong this time, it would be a good thing.

But if there is no movement after three days, based on my understanding of there, something big must happen later.

If they have a big problem, at least we will be splashed with blood."

Wen Yan was speechless, the head of the headquarters was right.

When the Fire Demon first descended, the Fiery Sun Tribe did not think of making a big deal out of it, so they notified the people in the Southern Hemisphere in advance. Unfortunately, the people over there did not seem to take it seriously, which led to a disaster in the end.

A fire there caused carbon emissions and so on, which directly destroyed the environmentally friendly parts.

Not to mention the hundreds of millions of living things that died as a result...

But this time when he arrived at Robin's house, a state full of talented people, Wen Yan even felt that if there was no big movement after three days, the other party's eight achievements would be over.

Or, to think about the worst, the relationship between the two parties is not good now, and it is unknown whether the other party believes what the Lieyang Department says.

After all, this is no longer the past era, and it is no longer possible to be alone.

Otherwise, sea transportation would not have become more and more difficult, but more ships were launched, and the trade routes on land in China continued to advance.

Wen Yan has done everything he should do, and the next thing is not something Wen Yan can decide.

He left the Lieyang Department and returned home, waiting for the news.

When everything is fine, ask the black box where the detector is and whether it is almost there, and then ask about some news outside the black box.

There has indeed been some action in Florida, but in Wen Yan's view, it is still not enough, far from enough.

But according to the black box, this is actually an extremely efficient situation, and it cannot be increased any further. You know, Florida is also very big, and there are no more specific or smaller coordinates unless they are visible. The meteorite landed, otherwise there would be no greater action.

In a small town in Florida, on a slightly potholed road, black full-size SUVs passed by at high speed, followed by two nervous people, chasing after the cars and giving them the middle finger.

In the tavern next to the road, several strong men with tattoos all over their exposed skin were sitting inside, muttering and angrily cursing the federal government, and they were causing trouble again.

In a corner of the tavern, a little girl was playing chess with an invisible friend opposite her.

When she took the next step, her friend pointed to the next step. The little girl helped her friend take the next step, and the two of them had a lot of fun.

After a while, the bartender behind the bar came to the little girl and knocked on the table.

"Lucy, you should go back. If it's any later, your mother will be unhappy again."

The little girl jumped down from the high chair with some regret and waved to the other side of the small table.

"I'll play with you another day. I'll definitely win next time."

Opposite the small square table, there was nothing. When others looked at it, there were only paintings carved on the backs of the chairs. The details of the paintings were blurred and it was difficult to tell what they were.

The little girl said goodbye politely to the bartender and then to the strong men drinking in the pub.

The strong men who drank laughed, and one of them stood up and was about to send the little girl home.

They like this little girl very much. Their town is increasingly declining. There is no one in the whole town who is more cute and polite than this little girl...who doesn't hate or fear them.

There were not many people in the town anymore, but there were still some guys with somewhat abnormal brains. The strong man personally sent the little girl home.

But when they approached the little girl's house, they saw the black cars that had just passed by and parked in front of the little girl's house.

The little girl's mother was pinned to the ground. A majestic guy in a black suit handcuffed the little girl's mother behind her back. There were more people who kept moving things out of the room.

There are books, various things that are not for ordinary people at first glance, animal head specimens, all kinds of unknown materials, bottles and jars and other things.

Vaguely, I heard the other party talking about witches and the like.

The strong man who came with the little girl was furious and immediately stepped forward to question her.

"What are you doing? Who are you?"

"FBI." One of them stepped forward, stopped the strong man, and showed his ID, while the others continued to do their own things.

After a while, the few residents in the town gathered around, and the only remaining police chief also arrived.

But in the end, they just watched helplessly as the black car took away the woman, and all procedures were legal.

The reason for taking her away was not that she was a witch. They didn't even recognize witches. Instead, they took her away to assist in the investigation on the grounds that the illegal drugs she was selling had harmed several people in the next state.

The townspeople were aggrieved. The last doctors in the town were in the town next door. They couldn't afford the high medical expenses. Many people couldn't even afford better insurance. Whenever they felt uncomfortable, they would always look for women. Preparing medication for treatment.

Two days have passed and there is still no result.

On the third night, when the little girl was still sleeping, her invisible friend quietly appeared beside her, woke her up and told her to run away.

Then the next moment, her invisible friend seemed to be torn apart by some force, flew out quickly, passed through the door and disappeared.

The little girl quickly got out of bed, opened the door and chased out.

After going out, she saw her mother standing outside the door.

The little girl keenly felt that her mother's temperament seemed a little different, but the two days of fear were already too much for her to bear. The moment she saw her mother, she immediately rushed towards her, crying non-stop and telling her grievances.

Her mother looked down at the little girl, her face expressionless and stiff as if she was wearing a mask. She didn't say a word, took the little girl's hand and left the house, heading towards the jungle...

Feng Yao packed up the single bed in the office and lay down on it after taking a shower.

He had also heard about the coming of the new world boss, and today, after the coming time, nothing happened there, or rather, nothing that people there thought was a big deal happened.

Gang street gunfights at night, killing a few people, and the like, were indeed not a big deal there.

The worst situation had occurred, but Shenzhou was powerless, and only hoped not to be splashed with blood.

Feng Yao set the alarm and began to sleep.

Not long after falling asleep, a woven amulet that Feng Yao hung on the head of the bed suddenly cracked.

In the dream, Feng Yao stood on an isolated island, and there seemed to be a crack in the sky. A dark giant hand stretched out from the crack and grabbed Feng Yao.

Feng Yao was panicked and wanted to escape but there was nowhere to escape.

His body was directly pierced by a sharp nail extending from the giant hand.

The sharp claw, which was more than ten centimeters thick, pierced his abdomen, causing him unbearable pain, and the whole person woke up in a dream in an instant.

The sharp claw picked him up, kept climbing, and flew towards the crack in the sky.

The next moment, a little man with a very stern expression and wearing boxing gloves emerged from his body.

The little man punched the claw several times, breaking it directly and letting Feng Yao fall to the ground again.

The little man fell again, stepped on Feng Yao, and looked down at Feng Yao with a disdainful look.

"What are you looking at? If I can't beat Cai Heizi, can I still beat you? Who will I rebel against if you die!"

As he said that, the little man attacked Feng Yao's prostate fiercely.

In an instant, Feng Yao suddenly opened his eyes.

The moment he opened his eyes, he felt a sharp pain. He looked down and saw that his abdomen was already bloody.

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