I am your natural enemy

Chapter 489 Black Box Recuperation, Feng Shui Treasure Land (5k)

Wen Yan, still unable to sleep in the middle of the night, received an automatic emergency notification from the Lieyang Department of Nanwu County. Feng Yao was attacked and was now being rescued.

As soon as Wen Yan got the news, he set off immediately.

The current news is that no one found out who the attacker was. Feng Yao was sleeping in the office and the alarm was suddenly triggered. When people arrived, Feng Yao's intestines were leaking out and blood was dripping all over the floor. He is now being rescued.

Wen Yan calmly rushed to the Lieyang Department of Yuzhou.

Feng Yao was undergoing surgery and was receiving blood transfusion while being rescued. The assistant next to him directly pinched the blood bag to speed up the blood transfusion.

Wen Yan looked at the monitor next to him. From blood pressure to blood oxygen, all indicators were very low, but after reaching a certain level, it seemed as if he was being forcibly held back by some force and would not continue to fall.

Seeing this, Wen Yan breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Feng Yao had eaten candy. After updating Feng Yao's candy last time, he told him that he had to renew it even if he didn't eat it. This thing has a shelf life. If he doesn't renew it, what happens? It's such an injustice if it expires when it's time to use it.

Then Feng Yao said that he should take one pill every day to replenish energy as he was very busy.

Wen Yan also choked Feng Yao several times because of this. He had already told him not to listen, but Ji Youli just listened to him.

Fortunately, Feng Yao listened to his advice. Wen Yan stood in the observation room, watching the movements in the operating room and the gauze filled with blood. He could probably guess that the biggest danger was blood loss.

Next to Wen Yan was a housekeeper, Feng Yao's assistant, someone who was personally selected by Feng Yao and could keep up with him and live directly in the station.

The other party was talking about Feng Yao's current situation. From the time Feng Yao was discovered to now, in less than half an hour, Feng Yao's blood loss is estimated to have been 3,000 milliliters. The blood loss was too fast and he has entered a state of shock. .

If Feng Yao hadn't lived directly in the unit, the department's response speed was fast enough, emergency resources were sufficient, and it had enough experience in responding to emergencies. In addition, there were other forces that forcibly supported Feng Yao's vitality. Feng Yao might not have been able to wait. He died when he got to the operating table.

It was as if something had penetrated his abdomen directly. His liver, intestines, and abdominal aorta were all damaged. Fortunately, his spine was not injured.

In addition, he now had the power to help Feng Yao stay alive and gave him enough time for the operation, so the risk was not that high.

"What is the probability that he can return to normal?" Wen Yan asked.

The assistant next to him said nothing and looked at a middle-aged man next to him. This was a doctor from the Lieyang Department of Yuzhou. He usually worked in the hospital. Someone would come to the Lieyang Department on duty every day and he would get an extra bonus. .

"We can't confirm this yet. We'd better wait for the results of the surgery first..." The doctor didn't dare to say anything definite.

"Here, there is no need to be vague. Whatever your judgment is, just give us the most accurate result that can be estimated based on the current situation. This is not a hospital. No patient will cause trouble because his expectations are different from what you said. We The next judgment requires a relatively accurate result.”

Wen Yan said calmly, trying to keep his tone calm and not appear aggressive.

It was obviously not the first time for the doctor to encounter this kind of situation, but it was the first time for him to encounter the situation where the seriously injured person was a senior member of the Yuzhou Lieyang Department.

He did not answer immediately, but communicated with the surgeon and confirmed that the surgeon could even find the energy to reply to him. The middle-aged doctor secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"If there are no accidents, he is out of danger, and the damaged arteries have been repaired. Compared with people in the same situation, his condition is actually the best. He has not suffered any complications, and all indicators have not dropped. In the most serious case, it is expected that the surgery will be completed before dawn.

Of course, this is all going well. "

"Thank you. I'd like you to look after this place."

After confirming that Feng Yao's life was not in danger, Wen Yan came to the scene in person. After looking for a long time and finding nothing special, Wen Yan took out his amulet, directly blessed it with a violent sun, and hung the amulet on the window.

Circles of ripples invisible to the naked eye continued to spread in all directions.

Wen Yan came to Feng Yao's office. Feng Yao's bed was stained with blood, and there was a pool of dark red blood on the ground, not even a single footprint.

In the event of an emergency, the back office staff will try to keep the scene as pristine as possible.

All the videos and photos here have been taken, and the location and appearance of everything have been archived.

Wen Yan came here just to see if he could find anything else.

There was nothing left, at least Wen Yan didn't feel or see it, and there was nothing that could trigger a prompt.

Wen Yan looked at the amulet that Feng Yao hung on the bedside. It was a nightmare amulet that had cracked, which meant that the amulet had tried its best.

This amulet is different from the one in Wen Yan's hand. It looks more complicated and exquisite, and it is all coated with pulp. It should be a better amulet obtained from other channels earlier.

He couldn't hold back this. As speculated, it was not someone who sneaked into the Lieyang Department to commit murder.

Although the protective power in the Lieyang Department is not very strong, and there are no special experts in the department who are on duty 24 hours a day, there are still security guards, various cameras, and various corresponding equipment.

A strong man who could kill everyone in the camp in one go couldn't do it silently without leaving any traces.

Now that the amulet is broken, it is basically certain that something entered Feng Yao's dream when he was asleep, and hurt Feng Yao in the dream, and even Feng Yao's body was injured out of thin air.

Wen Yan looked carefully, checked it once, and turned to leave.

He went to ask someone for the video data and high-definition photos he had just taken, uploaded them to Black Box, and asked Black Box to find out if there were any problems with the details.

After waiting for two minutes, he didn't see Black Box reply. Wen Yan frowned slightly and asked again, and Black Box replied.

"Sir, please wait a moment, this will take a while. My data is damaged and the computing power is limited to 99.98%."

"What happened?"

"The director general asked me a question that I couldn't answer, which triggered a bug. The director general asked me to tell you, sir, please don't tell anyone about what you told Feng Yao, the acting deputy minister, three days ago. This information itself has a big problem."

Hearing this, Wen Yan frowned slightly. Feng Yao said at that time, and the director general also told him specifically later not to tell anyone.

This means that this information is very limited and dangerous, right?

"Is the danger Feng Yao encountered related to this matter?"

"I'm sorry, sir, I can't mobilize computing power for related matters, and I don't have basic data as a reference, so I can't give an answer."

"Don't mention computing power. Giving you computing power now will harm you. When the time comes, it won't be damaged, but it will be ruined."

"Okay, sir, I understand your good intentions.

The general manager said that there may be a relationship, because it has indeed happened that knowing some information itself will encounter dangerous situations.

Therefore, the confidentiality system is often just a necessary safety measure.

You don't have to worry too much about this matter. All the senior officials in the Lieyang Department understand this truth.

The more you know, the greater the danger. The visible danger is just the most common danger."

"I understand the truth, I'm just... unhappy.

Is it possible that this matter is related to the world boss?"

Wen Yan calculated the time and asked another question.

"The head of the headquarters said that it was unlikely, and it was most likely not done by the world boss.

According to past experience and rules, plus the characteristics of the doomsday computer.

When the world boss arrived, there was no anomaly in Florida.

They did make preparations and tried to eliminate hidden dangers.

The people in the state government did put in a lot of effort.

They even counted the specific number of people shot and the number of deaths in the three days.

But they did not find anything that could be the world boss.

So, it is speculated that the world boss has arrived as scheduled.

But maybe this world boss s is still very weak and will not arouse people's vigilance.

If you want to nip the danger in the bud, it depends on luck.

Moreover, the state government and the federal government have had some unpleasantness in the past few days.

Federal agents took this opportunity to capture many professionals or aliens hiding there.

By the way, they also confiscated many strange objects or things similar to strange objects from those people.

There is no news yet. Someone was shot in the back and committed suicide. It is incredible. "


Wen Yan looked at the news and was speechless. Even if some expectations were not very smooth, he did not expect such a development.

Do those people really value the "world boss"?

The fire demon of the kangaroo in the southern hemisphere has caused the most damage at present.

The soul-devouring beast has the longest advance notice, and it is also expected that the soul-devouring beast may directly bring about the end of the world.

In comparison, Gauss just spent a lot of money, and the loss caused was not great. Just think of it as spending money to eliminate a potential danger for Decheng in all directions without dead ends.

After Gauss settles down, there are many ways to slowly dig things out of Gauss.

Just digging out a magic spell is enough to make up for the original price.

The intelligence of the Lieyang Department over there is not very good, and it basically depends on people to spread it. Now there is another source of intelligence, which is the mysterious forum.

Many secret messages, or things that the Lieyang Department did not know at the first time, are all obtained from the mysterious forum.

In the absence of so-called supervision, no one can reversely track the account, and everyone is like taking off the mask and saying whatever they want.

Of course, this is what they think. In fact, the Lieyang Department did not take the initiative to supervise, and everything was done according to the original rules.

The difference is that this thing is now in the hands of the Lieyang Department, and all the information in it will be recorded synchronously.

In order to prevent anyone from knowing this, after the server field has studied it a little more, it will be installed as it is, which is equivalent to reconnecting people in other places to the Internet.

The advantage is to prevent others from reverse tracking.

Now they don’t have much intelligence. They only know that it’s a bit chaotic over there. Although it’s already quite chaotic, the aliens dare to walk around in the street. Ordinary people think it’s some kind of performance art and are not surprised...

The black box now seems to have been beaten up and is also "recovering". During the recovery period, they dare not give it much computing power authority.

The situation over there is uncertain, so they can only put it aside for the time being, keep an eye on it at any time, and obtain as much intelligence as possible.

Now they also have troubles here.

Wen Yan would definitely not let it go. If it was because he told Feng Yao the information that Feng Yao was attacked and almost died, Wen Yan would not let the matter go unless he killed the guy who attacked Feng Yao.

Even if Wen Yan understood that it was normal to tell Feng Yao any intelligence.

But he was unhappy.

After communicating with the head of the headquarters with the help of the black box, the black box also gave the inspection results.

The only possible problem with the video and pictures in Feng Yao's office was that the amulet was cracked.

And at the request of the head of the headquarters, the black box also checked the surveillance outside Feng Yao's office during the relevant time. There was no abnormality, and there was no abnormality in the monitoring of various equipment.

Now it is almost certain that something went wrong when he was asleep.

At that time, the head of the headquarters had not slept yet, because he was still thinking about the world boss and making various plans.

Wen Yan did not sleep either. Wen Yan simply could not sleep.

The only person who knew that Purgatory and Ancient Dream might be just different names and might be the same in essence was Feng Yao who fell asleep.

"Tell the head of the headquarters not to sleep. I'll come over now and send someone to get something."

"The head of the headquarters said that the headquarters is very safe, don't worry about this."

"Be prepared."

Wen Yan replied, and then took another look at Feng Yao who was undergoing surgery. His vital signs were very stable. Fortunately, the broken intestines could be reconnected, and the broken liver was not a big problem. The liver can regenerate itself.

The doctor in the observation room saw Wen Yan and immediately told him that Feng Yao's vital signs had stabilized, the most dangerous time had passed, and his blood pressure had stabilized. There was no need to continue to pump blood into his body desperately.

And now there is new information. Among the many samples extracted from Feng Yao's wounds, there are no other traces of residues except those on Feng Yao's body and those brought by the environment.

In other words, the preliminary judgment is that there is no murder weapon.

Wen Yan didn't feel surprised. He finally confirmed Feng Yao's current state and whether he was dreaming.

The doctor said that Feng Yao was already in a coma and would not dream. There was a big man from the anesthesia department sitting next to him, watching him all the time, to ensure that Feng Yao would remain in this state until the end of the operation.

Even if he was not injured, after being anesthetized, the area in his brain that controls consciousness and cognitive ability would be suppressed, and it would be basically impossible for him to dream.

Moreover, it is absolutely impossible for him to wake up in a dream.

When Wen Yan heard the last sentence, he had a thought. To be able to say such a thing, he must have studied many cases in the Lieyang Department.

Wen Yan immediately thought that Feng Yao's injury might be related to his consciousness and cognition far exceeding that of ordinary people?

He must be able to wake up in a dream.

Let others take care of it, Wen Yan quickly went to the capital, and when he came out of the desolate grave, someone had already prepared a box next to him.

Wen Yan put a week's worth of candy in the box and asked them to give it to the head of the headquarters and eat one a day.

Anyway, it is better to be prepared for the worst, regardless of whether the Lieyang Department in the capital is very safe.

The responding field staff put the goods into a standard box in a serious manner, locked and sealed it, and set off immediately.

Wen Yan did not enter the city. Every time he came to the capital, the time he spent from the outside of the city to the Lieyang Tribe's basement was several times longer than the time he spent running from Nanwu County to the suburbs of the capital.

He turned around and left, returning to Nanwu County.

After returning, seeing Feng Yao was still in surgery, Wen Yan calculated the time and went home first. He moved a recliner directly to the first floor of the underground honeycomb and burned incense for the big guys first.

"Elders, I have something to say. I really can't bear this. If I don't go today, I may never sleep well again. I can only be thick-skinned and ask the seniors to help protect me."

Wen Yan burned incense one by one, in a serious manner, and kowtowed to each elder.

According to previous experience, his prompts will not appear after entering the dream. This is the biggest limitation.

So, no matter how angry or anxious he was, he didn't do anything rash, but came back and moved a recliner here to sleep.

Wen Yan took everything he might need with him, then closed his eyes, adjusted his breathing, and cultivated sleepiness little by little.

After more than ten minutes, he gradually fell asleep.

After falling asleep, Wen Yan opened his eyes and found himself in his own yard. His grandmother was sitting next to him, looking at him helplessly.

"You are too impatient, kid."

"Grandma, there are only two people who might meet him now. Besides me, the other one is the general manager. He is very old and has something very important to do. I definitely can't let him take risks."

"Wait a minute, I'll go ask Lao Wang if he knows anything."

With that, the grandmother stood up and walked out.

Hearing this, Wen Yan's eyes lit up. Wow, is Wang Jianjun's grandfather so powerful? Is he likely to know what Feng Yao might encounter?

"Grandma, wait a minute, can I ask Grandpa Wang's name?"

"What do you want to do?"

"Nothing, wasn't Wang Jianjun taken to Decheng? Grandpa Wang definitely doesn't want him to go back to his hometown, and he is a very filial person. I will make a spirit tablet for him and ask him to find a Feng Shui treasure land for his grandfather's spirit tablet."

Grandma opened her mouth slightly, looked up and down at Wen Yan, and laughed out loud.

"How can there be such a person as you, the person has passed away..."

Wen Yan pretended not to understand. He had not thought about it before, purely because his moral bottom line was too high. Now he couldn't. He felt that he had to unite all the forces that could be united as much as possible.

If it was before, Wen Yan would definitely not dare to say so rashly, but now that Wang Jianjun has been in Decheng, even if Mr. Wang is unwilling, he should not be unhappy.

Grandma also understands this truth, and Mr. Wang is always thinking about how to repay Wen Yan.

Last time when he gave Wen Yan a gift, Mr. Wang felt it was too shabby, but there was nothing else more suitable.

This time, as long as he mentioned it, Mr. Wang would definitely not refuse. This is a win-win situation.

So grandma just smiled and said nothing more.

Even if all the Taoist priests from the three mountains and five peaks were pulled over, Wen Yan said that his home was the most suitable, or the only suitable Feng Shui treasure land in Decheng, and no Taoist priest would say no.

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