I am your natural enemy

Chapter 496 Skin is combat power, loyal sea of ​​the dead (5k)

Wen Yan immediately re-read the title of the youth version brought by the skeleton dog: Undead Enemy, and re-read the description.

"Undead Enemy (Youth Version)"

"Fixed effect: Deterrence.

The levels of the undead are strictly divided. According to the level, all undead with a lower level than you will be deterred by the same level as the upper undead when facing you. The greater the level difference, the stronger the deterrence effect.

When the deterred undead is three levels lower than you or lower, absolute deterrence is triggered, which is equivalent to the suppression effect of the highest level of the undead king in theory."

When he got it, he was still thinking that it was worthy of the youth version with the word "small".

The effect alone is indeed useless. After all, no matter how the level is calculated, he can kill the undead three levels lower than him without moving a finger, just by bursting his yang energy.

The biggest advantage is the breakthrough from zero to one, and the difficulty of completing it later will be much lower.

That's what Wen Yan thought at the time.

Until now, seeing the undead literally covering the field of vision and the ground, he felt that this title was of great significance.

This is a real sea of ​​undead. They all look weak, but even if he has the special effect of being a liver emperor, plus the endurance surge brought by the ghost horse, the sea of ​​undead here can definitely kill him alive.

No creature with flesh and blood can outlast this sea of ​​undead.

Even the seemingly tireless machines will be exhausted here.

This is the home field where the undead have an absolute advantage. Looking at the land piled with bones, Wen Yan felt that throwing mushroom bombs might not have a particularly big effect.

The number of people that can be killed within the direct killing range of mushroom bombs is a little bit. As for the places that are a little further away, the damage that is useful to flesh and blood, these undead probably don’t care.

The most effective is probably to wash the ground with incendiary bombs.

But looking at this endless sea of ​​undead, even if the logistics are forced to death, I am afraid that there is not enough ammunition to clean up here.

Wen Yan stood at the bow. The endless undead in front of him rushed towards the town ship like ants. The speed was not fast, but it gave Wen Yan a feeling of rising tide.

In the distance, on the hills, on each hill, there stood a skeleton that was obviously taller and a little different.

Those tall skeletons waved the bone knives in their hands and pointed in the direction of the town ship.

The undead from all directions took steady steps and swarmed towards here.

Wen Yan stood at the bow, looking at the approaching undead, and fell into deep thought. It seemed that it didn't work.

Was it too far away?

Now there was another problem. The town ship was accompanied by a vibration and officially began to run aground.

The whole town began to sink slowly. The ground here was not ordinary ground. It was indeed more like the sea.

Wen Yan stood at the edge of the town and watched some skeletons climb up along the edge. When some skeletons approached him about 20 or 30 meters, they suddenly stopped.

Deterrence began to work.

Wen Yan frowned slightly. This effect is not very good.

If it is only 20 or 30 meters, it will be no different here.

More and more undead are crawling towards the town along the perimeter of the town ship. The residents in the town are now resting. The environment here is also at night, and the street lights are on.

The Paw Patrol in front is barking anxiously, but still hasn't woken up the people in the town.

The people here should be like Lucy. When Lucy starts to rest, they also start to rest.

Before Lucy wakes up, the whole town will be in a deep sleep.

Wen Yan pondered for a while, looking into the distance, thinking about what to do.

He closed his eyes and sensed that the direction of home was in front. If he was alone, he should not have any problems if he forced his way out.

But if he escaped alone, it meant that Lucy was abandoned.

Lucy would definitely not be able to outlast the sea of ​​undead here, and the talents in the town would not be of much use either.

At that time, it means that Lucy will be out of the last safe zone and be taken back from here, instead of hiding in the dreamland and making it impossible for the Yellow Demon to attack.

That means that the Yellow Demon has an anchor point in the real world that belongs to the real world and can be completely controlled by it, which means that the strength will rise rapidly, just like the Flame Demon who first descended on the Kangaroo Country.

Wen Yan definitely cannot accept this.

He looked into the distance, looking at the top of the hill in the distance, the tall skeleton, holding a bone knife, and the half-tattered cloak behind him, like a flag.

On another hill, black smoke was coming out of the skull's head, and countless skeletons were circling and struggling under his feet.

The wailing and crying that Wen Yan heard in the void before became very clear here, and maybe the sound he heard at that time came from here.

After looking at the obviously more powerful undead on the hill, he compared it with the tide of undead on the ground, the ordinary, tattered skeletons, half-rotten, and walking corpses that might last forever.

Wen Yan felt that he had not found the right way to open it.

At this moment, accompanied by a soul-stirring howl, a skeleton of a beast several tens of meters long appeared in the distance.

The skeleton of the beast had lost its limbs, and only its huge trunk fell to the ground. On the back of the beast, the skeleton turned into a throne, and on it sat a skeleton with soul fire burning in its eyes.

Even from a long distance, Wen Yan could see the burning soul fire, and the guy was particularly conspicuous in his black robe.

Under the giant beast, countless skeletons piled up like the ground were also interlaced to support the giant beast, moving forward in the sea of ​​the dead.

Wherever it passed, all the still active undead walked to the sides to make way for the giant beast in advance.

And in the sky, there was a big bird flapping its bone wings, screaming at the top of its voice.

"The respected Master Born has arrived, and those who block the road must be sunk into the sea of ​​the dead!"

At least it looked quite scary.

Wen Yan looked at this scene, and his thoughts moved. He looked at himself and seemed to understand what the problem was.

The title of the young version of the natural enemy of the undead came from the skeleton dog. His ruddy face and excellent complexion did not match the undead at all.

As soon as he thought about it, all his yang energy began to converge, and his skin changed from ruddy to a zombie color with a bluish white.

The vitality of a human being was all restrained, and there was a trace of a breath that didn't match the blazing light. It was the purest darkness, like a starless and moonless night. The darkness itself, with nothing, would also make people afraid.

As he changed his skin, the moment the breath emerged, the invisible aura spread instantly.

All the undead crawling towards the town along the facade of the town ship stopped instantly.

Then the undead fell one after another like dumplings, and the undead on the ground also stopped and didn't dare to move forward.

With Wen Yan as the center, the undead within a few kilometers stopped.

The skeleton mage riding on the back of the skeleton beast also stood up, and he also had a wooden staff in his hand.

The bone-winged bird in the sky said in a hoarse voice.

"Respected sir, this prey is yours. Respected Master Born, I have no intention of snatching it from you."

The skeleton beast began to retreat. He thought that there was a powerful undead who had taken the lead. After careful consideration, he still felt that there was no need to fight to the death.

In the distance, Wen Yan, who was standing on the bow of the town's big ship, had almost some impression of his own level.

In the eyes of the other party, he was a relatively powerful undead, but his level was not much higher. His level should be similar to that of the other party. The other party thought that he had snatched the prey first, and he was not sure to snatch it back, so he gave up the fight.

Wen Yan closed his eyes and mobilized his strength. The door burning with a faint blue flame suddenly opened. His strength passed through the door and turned into a faint blue flame.

When Wen Yan opened his eyes, a faint blue flame began to burn in his eyes.

The skeleton dog on the door let out an angry roar.

If it was something else, it would be fine if it was pretending to be here with Wen Yan.

A group of undead, who gave them the courage?

Instantly, the invisible aura, accompanied by a roar, turned into a shock wave and swept across in an instant.

Suddenly, the world was quiet.

The countless skeletons that turned into the earth, at this moment, all stopped.

On the ground, after a slight pause, countless skeletons in front, including the skeleton undead standing on the hill, waving bone knives, bowed down in unison like wheat waves blown by the wind.

And the skeleton giant beast also stopped and bowed his head to show his submission.

On the back of the skeleton giant beast, the skeleton mage Born immediately stood up and knelt on the ground.

The big bone-winged bird flying in the sky landed on the ground and lowered its head.

The sea of ​​undead has never been so quiet.

No more wailing, no crying, no roaring and screaming.

Born knelt on the ground, and the fire of his soul was trembling.

He thought it was just a tricky undead, but he didn't expect it to be a real high-level undead, and a king.

All the undead in the Sea of ​​Undead, strictly speaking, are just undead.

After they are summoned, they will become undead again in a higher world after they have a new body.

And this kind of undead can only be called high-level undead after they are truly anchored in that world.

This is a special existence of undead, which can only be transformed into a high-level creature after completing the transition.

Only undead can use this method to complete the transition more easily.

Under normal circumstances, this is the only reason why countless undead in the Sea of ​​Undead are willing to be summoned, willing to be enslaved, and willing to fight for the summoner.

It is to fight for a chance to jump to become a high-level undead.

But becoming a high-level undead is also fundamentally different from the king of high-level undead, which is even more different than the difference between the skeletons that make up the "sea" in the Sea of ​​Undead and the overlord of the Sea of ​​Undead.

Born knelt on the ground, his soul fire was constantly trembling, and he couldn't even think of resisting.

Under absolute suppression, his soul fire did not allow him to have any disrespectful thoughts.

And Wen Yan, like a big zombie, stood at the bow, his eyes burning with dark blue flames, and the aura on his body gathered behind him and turned into dark fire. In the flames, there seemed to be a pair of eyes staring at these undead.

The natural enemy of the undead, absolute suppression brought by absolute deterrence.

He didn't speak, and no second voice was allowed here.

Wen Yan looked at the dead sea of ​​undead with a gloomy face.

Now two things are confirmed.

First, the way he opened it before was indeed wrong.

Skin is indeed equal to combat power.

Second, his level is not important, but the Skeleton Dog, who has completed two jumps and was once a serious leader of the undead, is definitely enough to crush these undead, at least in terms of status.

The Skeleton Dog started low enough, the world is low enough, and after completing the jump, it represents absolute purity, and is born one jump level higher than these undead in essence.

These powers, plus Wen Yan's flesh and blood, Wen Yan's power, the result is an exponential explosion.

In the dead silence, Wen Yan pointed at the most pretentious Skeleton Mage just now.

"Come closer."

Born suddenly felt that the pressure on his body was less. He slowly stood up, lowered his head, bent his waist, and quickly walked down from the back of the skeleton beast, and then came to the town ship. He didn't dare to look up.

But the countless skeletons under him, clustered and bulged, lifted him up, let him rise slowly, and rise in front of Wen Yan so that he could receive a lecture.

For the first time, Born felt that his bones were all weak. He knelt on the skeleton and did not dare to stand up.

"Stand up."

Born hurriedly stood up, and the soul fire in his eyes was trembling constantly.


Born was anxious to death. He didn't know what to say, nor did he know what the king wanted to ask, but looking at the position where the king stood, and then feeling the dead silence in the town.

He suddenly realized.

"Welcome the great high-level undead king to your loyal sea of ​​undead.

Please allow me, the skeleton mage Born, to offer the most insignificant loyalty."

Born reached out, took off his head, took out a ball of soul fire from his head, and then held the ball of soul fire in both hands and raised it above his head.

This is the way for the undead with spiritual intelligence to offer loyalty to the more powerful undead.

It is equivalent to the other party mastering his soul fire. From then on, there will be no day to turn over, and they will always be inferior to others.

Wen Yan looked at the ball of soul fire, and his first feeling was that he could extinguish it.

After extinguishing it, the skeleton mage in front of him was killed.

The second feeling was that he could clearly feel some emotions and simple information conveyed in this soul fire.

It was like the standard demonstration of "digging out my heart for you to see".

This skeleton mage was afraid and terrified, and he was not afraid of death, but worried that he would not accept this loyalty.

After feeling this, Wen Yan gave up the idea of ​​controlling the other party first.

"Put it away."

Bourne did not dare to force it, and suppressed his emotions, but there was still a trace of regret that was difficult to suppress.

This was the biggest opportunity in his undead career, but unfortunately, the big boss in front of him did not look down on him at all, and he was not qualified to offer his loyalty now.

"Tell me what happened."

Wen Yan ordered.

Bourne immediately became energetic, without thinking at all, and started selling directly, he wanted to prove his value.

"Respected King, please forgive my rudeness. I was deceived by an evil necromancer who should have sunk into the Sea of ​​the Dead.

In fact, not only me, but almost all the undead in the Sea of ​​the Dead who have ignited the fire of the soul and have self-awareness have received a bounty.

That evil necromancer deceived us and said that there was a big ship that was going to run aground in the Sea of ​​the Dead.

He told us that when the big ship completely sank into the Sea of ​​the Dead, whoever caught a little girl in the big ship.

Then, whoever caught it could receive the highest standard of summoning ceremony.

After being summoned, they could directly transform into high-level undead.

In fact, this is not the first time that the evil necromancer has deceived us.

Except for the example from a long time ago, after a long time, a necromancer contacted us again and deceived us.

That evil liar, his credibility is not as good as that of the evil liar. The guy who was looking for the devil told us last time that he was going to form an army.

He even told us that he had prepared the core materials for the rituals needed for hundreds of thousands or even millions of troops.

He was just waiting for the right opportunity to summon the undead in the Sea of ​​the Dead, create an army of undead, and create more undead.

In the end, the undead will definitely occupy a part of the world, and they don’t have to curl up in the Sea of ​​the Dead, where it’s hard to even find a piece of wood.

Of course, he lied to us, and lied to us for a long time. A necromancer secretly told us this before.

This time, he deceived us again to offend the dignity of the respected king. "

As Born spoke, his soul fire was trembling violently, indicating rage, but then, a halo flashed in his soul fire, and his rage was suppressed and he immediately calmed down.

Letting the undead in the Sea of ​​the Dead deal with a high-level undead king in the Sea of ​​the Dead, that necromancer, is simply crazy to an indescribable degree.

Wen Yan listened to Born's words and basically understood what was going on.

Even after hearing the following part, it was mentioned that the necromancer had already made a promise to these undeads, and even mentioned a million ritual materials.

The first thing Wen Yan thought of was the Nanyang Alliance.

The number of people who died on the battlefield now is not as many as those accumulated in the Nanyang Alliance, and it is impossible for a large number of people to die on the battlefield. In the end, there is no body left, and no one can see the living or the dead.

There should not be other places where such a large number of dead bodies are preserved.

When the pawnshop owner sought help, a base in the Nanyang Alliance even launched missiles. After the incident became a big deal, the head of the base was directly removed, and someone else took the blame. The subsequent wrangling was all done by the Lieyang Department. Wen Yan was not very clear about it.

In fact, everyone knows that the subsequent events are very complicated and involve a lot of things, so that all capable people are key suspects. And unfortunately, there are only a few people who can participate in everything there and hide it.

Bourne sold everything he knew, whether he could say it or not.

Wen Yan pondered the idea of ​​the necromancer. To be honest, it was really good. Anything that can be consumed here cannot be consumed by the undead.

Unless it is something in the undead mechanism.

Wen Yan was silent, looking at this sea of ​​undead, and then looked at the skeleton mage Bourne, thinking in his heart that the idea of ​​the king of ideas should not be wasted.

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