I am your natural enemy

Chapter 499 Devil's Broker, Untapped (5k)

On the day Wen Yan disappeared, Feng Yao was lying in bed, his wounds had not healed yet, and he began to make arrangements, trying to find a way to confirm where Wen Yan was, how to rescue or respond.

Wen Yan's mobile phone had no signal. According to past experience, this situation means that he has never been in the world.

Originally, in order to prevent risks, he did not dare to let the black box open the door, but one day later, he could not wait any longer.

The black box used Wen Yan as the coordinates and opened the door in the underground hive, but there was nothing and it could not be opened at all.

Even someone was asked to bring special equipment to the underworld, but he did not receive the signal from Wen Yan's mobile phone.

Since Wen Yan fell into the underworld, the scientific research madmen in the Lieyang Department began to modify the communication equipment.

In the absence of particularly large obstacles, the corresponding equipment can detect the signal from a long distance.

This signal strength may be far from enough for normal communication, but it can be used to confirm whether it is within a certain range in the same world.

In the end, Feng Yao asked Gauss for help. Gauss originally said that he might not be able to help with this matter, so he could only try it, and he was not very good at divination.

After trying it, Gauss said the good news was that the divination was successful and he knew where Wen Yan was.

But the bad news was that Wen Yan fell into Purgatory and he could do nothing about it. Even the devils were unwilling to go to that ghost place. If he went there, he would most likely never get out.

Gauss would take some time to do some things recently. He happened to find someone to purchase some materials that were only produced in Purgatory. He could ask someone to see if anyone had any news about Wen Yan.

It was not difficult to get the news. In Purgatory, all kinds of news were flying around recently. In addition, many people frequently contacted some monsters or aliens here, so the news flow was much faster.

Unfortunately, the news was useless. One moment it said that Winchester was chasing a monster in Purgatory, and the next moment it said that a big demon in Purgatory ran away. The next moment it said that there seemed to be some big changes in the sea of ​​dead souls that had not changed for thousands of years. It was so lively.

The devil broker that Gauss contacted, after secretly sending Gauss a few messages, suddenly ran away and could no longer be contacted. I don’t know where he went.

On a deserted beach in Florida, a man wearing glasses holds a thick cowhide book in his hand, and in front of him is a magic circle with flames burning.

In the magic circle, a fat man who looks quite honest stands inside, with an innocent face.

"Dear Sam, if you want to find me, just send me a text message.

As long as I see it, I will definitely call you back as soon as possible.

Why go to such great lengths to summon me here.

If people know that you summoned the devil, it will not be good for your reputation."

"After summoning the devil, just kill it." The man with glasses replied calmly and in a serious manner.

"Okay, okay, it's just a joke, don't take it seriously, don't worry, if I tell others, everyone will know three years ago that the famous Winchester family can summon the devil."

"What happened in Purgatory? Who in our family has such a bad temper and rushed to Purgatory to hunt? Who is he hunting?"

"Dear Sam, you know, I haven't been to Purgatory..." The devil saw that the other party had started to flip through the book, and he immediately changed his words: "Well, I only went there twice and almost didn't come out. I just bought some things there."

But then, Sam stomped his feet and triggered the mechanism, and the flame magic circle on the ground was raised a little.

The magic circle was on a flatbed cart, and the cart was pulled by a rope buried under the sand, so it didn't slip into the sea.

"Don't play tricks on me. I heard that you are the most popular broker right now, and even big shots at the level of the devil are looking for you.

If you say you know nothing, then I have to doubt your professionalism.

Go ahead, I will pay you the consulting fee when I get the answer I want.

If you can't give it, such an unprofessional devil broker, I might as well send you to the sea to cool down."

Faced with the threat, the devil broker immediately raised his hands.

"Okay, okay.

My dear Sam, you know that what belongs to the earth belongs to the earth, and what belongs to the sea belongs to the sea.

I am a devil born in the fiery hell. If you throw me into the sea like this, I might freeze to death.

For the sake of you having spared me once, for the sake of you paying the consulting fee, and for the sake of you recognizing my professionalism.

I can tell you a little news.

There is a Winchester who is hunting something in Purgatory, but I don't know what he is hunting.

I spent a lot of money to get a little information. This Winchester is particularly fierce.

But he is not as cruel as the Winchester who went into Purgatory before. As long as he is thrown into the sea, he will be killed. Surrender and then pay the ransom.

He would spare the lives of those he met on the road.

So, the guys who didn't provoke the other party are now very honest and don't want to see that Winchester flipping the book.

As for the others, I really don't know. I only know that he has killed more than a dozen people.

Wherever he went, no one dared to confront him head-on, and they all paid the ransom honestly.

The ransom he collected on this trip was more than what I earned in five years.

As for more news, there is no more. I just took a big job and was negotiating it, and you forcibly pulled me here..."

Sam's face was as dark as water, staring at the devil's broker, and suddenly stretched out his hand and cut the rope.

The flatbed slowly slid into the sea, and the devil's broker was very anxious.

"I really don't know more. No one dares to approach Winchester.

I was just talking to a demon king when you pulled me here.

I don't have time to care about Purgatory. I don't care if all those damn, dishonest profiteers in Purgatory die.

Anyway, there will definitely be more bastards who will continue to trade with me.

I really don't know more!"

Seeing the flatbed truck getting closer and closer to the sea, the devil broker got anxious.

Let's not talk about whether he would be drowned or frozen to death. There have been all kinds of wars and news flying around recently. Many people are very sensitive. If he dares to set foot in the ocean, he might inexplicably provoke something that he can't afford to offend.

"Okay, okay, the last piece of gossip, not guaranteed.

This news was bought from a damn rancher at a high price.

That Winchester seems to be a mixed-race, with an oriental face.

It's really gone, Sam, damn it, are you really going to kill me?!"

Sam didn't move, but the flatbed truck stopped with a thud, and when it was about to rush into the sea, it hit something.

If the devil's broker could sweat, he would be sweating coldly now.

Three years ago, he was caught by this uncle, but he was not killed. He thought he was lucky to meet the inexperienced Winchester who was not yet murderous.

Never expected that this man left his mark, forced him to tell his real name, and finally used him as a book of the Winchester family, pulling him over to ask a few questions whenever there was something wrong.

Every time he said he would turn his face, he was insidious and cunning, shameless and vulgar, not as good as those reckless men in the Winchester family who only knew how to kill.

This time it was the same trick again, but he really didn't dare to gamble, this guy really dared to kill.

Sam stepped forward, ejected a gold coin, and it fell into the hands of the devil broker.

"This is the consulting fee."

The devil broker looked at it and shook his head.

"This is not enough. You pulled me over and made me offend the Lord Demon. I have to buy some gifts to apologize. I hope the Lord Demon will forgive me.

And the value of this kind of gold coin is also plummeting. It is almost only worth gold."

"Then what do you want?"

"I want to stock up some foreign currency now. I want Shenzhou's Qin Banliang.

This time I only want one Qin Banliang as consulting fee. Remember to give it to me later.

Since you don't want to kill me, I'll tell you a message for free.

Run quickly. Your movements here have been discovered. There are many gunmen approaching."

Hearing this, Sam immediately took out his mobile phone and took a look. There were already gunmen with guns near his car. After the gunmen appeared, they immediately removed the monitoring equipment on the car.

Sam was silent for a moment, chanted a short spell, and destroyed the fire magic circle.

The devil broker trapped in the magic circle instantly turned into a puff of black smoke and disappeared.

He uncovered the flatbed, took out the spare things from the bottom, quickly replaced them, and sank into the sea with the flatbed.

As it sank into the water, the flames and patterns on the flatbed disappeared, and Sam turned on the propulsion device and quickly disappeared underwater.

A moment later, a gunman came nearby and guarded here. After a while, a thin and weak guy in a black robe also came here.

After checking around, he took people away. Half an hour later, this person appeared here again.

He took off his hood, revealing the thin and pale face, which was the stitched monster in the gathering.

Just now, he received news that there was a breath of summoning devils here. Everyone else was busy, so he came to check it out in person. It happened that he had no soul and his body was not afraid of being possessed.

He stomped his feet on the beach.

"Don't hide, come out, you can hide it from others, but not from me, I want to make a deal with you.

You don't have to come out, I can pretend that I don't know who was summoned.

But please send a message to the Sea of ​​​​Dead, just say weird Andrew, say hello to that adult."

After saying this, the Stitched Monster waited quietly, and then saw "OK" appear on the beach.

"Okay, you can come to me for anything."

The Stitched Monster nodded with satisfaction, turned around and left, and even absorbed the remaining breath here before leaving to prevent anyone from tracking.

When the Stitched Monster left, accompanied by a burst of black smoke, the Devil Broker appeared again.

It was not easy to be summoned to the present world, and he was almost killed. Of course, he had to seize the opportunity and do more of his own things before dawn.

Look, there is a business coming to the door, and it is an undead creature.

The Devil Broker chuckled, these guys really have different thoughts, and everyone has their own little thoughts.

It's good to be selfish. With selfishness, brokers like him can fish in troubled waters and reap benefits.

Recently, the fight on the Europa side has been too fierce. Since the last time there was a dark creature and was attacked by the church, he made up his mind and got a real devil's body. The more he scratched, the more fierce he became. Recently, he fought every night.

Robin's side is even more ruthless. A few days ago, I even heard that while the Europa side was fighting and dying every day, this side held a super high-standard ceremony. I don't know what it summoned.

Anyway, his clients have been very honest these days, for fear of being affected.

Thinking of the words of the undead creature just now, the devil broker thought of the task he received again. The maverick demon king asked him to find someone.

That Lord Demon King is quite remarkable, although he is not a gregarious existence among the devils.

But he can come to the world and exist for a long time, and he even knows that this Lord is in Shenzhou.

Not only is he alive, but he has not been expelled, which is really awesome.

So, he is now thinking about leaving a way out and starting to hoard some foreign currency.

Among the foreign currencies he has heard of, only the Qin Banliang feels the most valuable. He has heard of Qin Huang. He has never heard of some other currencies, does not understand them, and dare not ask for them.

Similarly, he, a broker, is not very gregarious among the devils. He never engages in his traditional devil business and only acts as a middleman.

Facts have proved that devils who deal with souls have no future.

The devil broker pondered his mission, and when he thought about it, he thought of a way to turn into black smoke, slip along the edge of the jungle, and disappear quickly.

Soon, he caught up with the stitched monster, the weirdo Andrew, who was waiting in front of the stitched monster.

"I need a little of your power as a seed. After all, you know where the Sea of ​​the Dead is.

From the channels I can get information from, no one dares to go there.

If you want to ask those undead, you have to give something decent.

You also have to let people know who is asking, right?"

The devil broker smiled, with a kind face and a bit of cunning, which fits the stereotype very well.

The stitched monster nodded with satisfaction. It seems that this devil broker's business is not small, and he is so attentive.

He stretched out his hand, unbuttoned his clothes, revealing the Y-shaped stitched wound on his chest. He stretched out his hand, along the middle, and reached into his chest, grabbing a little light from it, and the power condensed rapidly and turned into a dark red ball.

He stretched out his hand and handed it to the devil broker.

"According to the rules, we have to sign a contract first, right?"

"No, I never sign a contract, and I never trade souls. The risk is too high. I might be turned into a record by the recorder one day."

Hearing such a righteous word, the stitched monster nodded and handed the thing to the devil broker.

He had heard of this person, and even specially stayed in the place where the other party had been, and absorbed a trace of the other party's breath, so he could recognize him immediately this time.

As always, he is independent and has a very good reputation, which is much better than those devils who sign contracts just to find loopholes.

Of course, the most important thing is that he is not worried that the other party will use this thing to deal with him. He is just a stitched monster, strictly speaking, an undead creature, and not even a dead soul in the eyes of the necromancer.

The devil broker left with the things contentedly.

An hour before dawn, he finished his other things and disappeared from the world.

He can only be regarded as a devil without a body, more like an evil spirit, and there is no need to go against the trend of heaven and earth.

Less than an hour later, a certain intelligent undead in the Sea of ​​Dead Souls received a commission from the Devil Broker.

The commission contained four items.

First, we need information about what happened in the Sea of ​​Dead Souls yesterday.

Second, we need the undead to find out if it is possible that the target he is looking for is in the Sea of ​​Dead Souls, and the code sent out is the salary and bonus will be paid on a certain date this month.

Third, we need to send a message to the undead king, and express our sincere greetings to Andrew, the weirdo from another world.

Fourth, we need to find some special bones.

The bargaining chip for the commission is a treasure transformed from the core power of a high-level undead creature.

The reason why this undead was lucky enough to receive this commission was because he was not far from the king's huge car.

In the Sea of ​​Dead Souls, the small town ship under Wen Yan's feet was still moving forward.

It was not known how long it would take to sail out of the Sea of ​​Dead Souls.

Wen Yan felt that he seemed to have overlooked an important question. How big is the Sea of ​​Dead Souls?

Now he was sitting on the lawn, propping up his chin and thinking about how to speed up.

Opposite him, Lucy also maintained the same posture, holding the dice in her hand, waiting for Wen Yan to say that she could throw it again.

Wen Yan was thinking about how to guide Lucy, let her understand what to do, and then use the chessboard to release it.

The speed is too slow now. Wen Yan may be able to withstand it without waiting to go back, but Lucy really can't waste it.

"Remember, this ship is too slow now, I have to speed up, but this ship can't be thrown away, it needs to be retrieved, and it must be released in case of an emergency."

Wen Yan was trying to guide Lucy.

To ensure that there is no problem, he has blessed the chessboard and Lucy in advance, when Lucy threw the dice.

The dice turned into a point, and the electronic screen flashed for a long time, and finally only a string of "..." came out.

After flashing for a long time, an option appeared on the side.


After clicking it, there are only three options.

The first option is: release or retrieve.

The latter two both show: not yet developed.

Seeing this, Wen Yan was relieved. This small town and big ship was actually the power of Lucy, or the main body, or even the foundation. It must not be thrown away.

Now it is finally explained clearly. It seems that Lucy does not need to understand. She just needs to trust Wen Yan and think that it is right to do what Wen Yan says.

Just when this was done, the skeleton wizard Born sent a message that a daring undead came to offer a treasure that was transformed from the power core of a high-level undead creature.

Of course, the undead also told the source, selling the devil broker, because the devil broker did not sign the contract, nor did he say that he was not allowed to tell others the news.

Even if he signed, the king would still not be considered someone else.

After listening to what Borne said, Wen Yan knew who said that the salary and bonus would be paid on a certain date this month.

Except for Gauss, no one would ask him this.

Only Gauss was confused at the beginning, why it was said to be paid on the 5th, but it was not paid on the 5th, why there was a working day, why it was postponed, and why sometimes the salary was paid in advance on Friday.

Wen Yan looked at the things in front of him. Since it could convey information, he suddenly thought of another thing. Can the ghost warhorse be summoned here?

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