I am your natural enemy

Chapter 498: Evil God's Token, God's Law (5k)

The world boss, the guy referred to as the Yellow Devil, was stuck in the descending body when he came to the world, unable to completely master the descending body, and now, even the descending body was lost.

Facing the unknown situation of going to the Sea of ​​Undead, the probability is between fighting the undead and abandoning the descending body.

He had no choice but to choose the latter.

Although choosing the latter is almost equivalent to losing the possibility of reaching the peak the fastest and easiest, at least there are still choices and other ways to go.

Now they have to think about why they offended someone inexplicably, and the offended person may not be a simple character.

In addition to the Yellow Devil, the one who felt the most troubled was the Dot King Undead Mage.

He just used his old relationship and old favors to find an undead who was willing to pay attention to him.

This undead didn't know what happened at all, he only knew that the king had come, and he was still waiting to see if the king would patrol and pass by where he was.

Being able to pay attention to the Undead Mage was a big face.

But he only said this, and didn't tell the necromancer anything else.

The necromancer wanted to continue asking others, but he didn't use his previous arrogant attitude, asked nicely, and even offered a price for being summoned by a high-level ritual, but still no high-level undead paid attention to him.

Those who paid attention to him were all garbage undead who might not be able to speak fluently, and the soul fire might not understand what he meant.

The necromancer felt his scalp tingling. What if there were no powerful undead willing to be summoned by him in the future, then what would he become?

A necromancer who couldn't summon the undead?

Completely give up the path of the army of the dead?

But this is the most powerful path for the necromancer.

As the progress of the Dawn of the Gods deepens, it will definitely be an era when the gods sit in the clouds, and there will definitely be a lot of chaos in the middle.

In this case, summoning the army of the dead, infinitely multiplying, and at its peak, with the help of billions of undead, carving out the kingdom of God on earth.

It sounds outrageous, but in today's era, it is actually feasible.

The most densely populated area with 8 billion people is just not within the scope of his old nest.

So what is it now?

The King of Ideas sat there, completely confused.

The Stitched Monster hiding behind the crowd thought of the high-level undead he provoked last time. His feelings were the clearest, far clearer than anyone else.

But he didn't say it.

After all, strictly speaking, he is actually an undead creature.

This gathering of aliens is ultimately for their own interests. He hasn't figured out what happened yet, so there is no reason to rush to the front and be the first bird to stand on the opposite side of the undead king.

A group of people have different thoughts, and they are all using their own methods to find information.

For a while, all kinds of news flew around, and the speculations caused were even more chaotic.

On the big ship in the town, there was still a pillar of light rising from the chessboard. Wen Yan waited quietly. When the CD of the violent sun was ready, he would bless it once.

Finally, the experiment came out. The limit of continuous blessing of the violent sun to a person or an object in a short period of time is three times.

Different things or different people have different limits of blessing.

This chessboard can withstand three times, but Lucy can only withstand one, and there will be no stronger effect after that.

And even if the blessing is successful, the effect of the second time will plummet compared to the first time, and the third time will continue to weaken significantly.

According to his own feelings, Wen Yan added up the three times, which is roughly 120% to 130% of the first blessing.

This is just his own feeling, the actual effect may not be accurate, and many times, from 100% to 120%, it is a qualitative change, and the feeling of looking at the numbers alone is not great.

In the end, in order to ensure that every bit of help is increased as much as possible, Wen Yan tried to bless the town under his feet once. Although it was not obvious, it seemed to have some effect.

In front of the chessboard, Lucy kept a dull look on her face. She didn't really understand it now. She just felt that she could trust Wen Yan, and Wen Yan was right.

While waiting, new words appeared on the electronic screen of the chessboard.

"The choice has been made."

As the words appeared, Wen Yan saw a figure approaching rapidly in the light column above the light column.

Wen Yan stared at the figure, and when he got closer, he saw that it was Lucy's body.

Wearing a slightly Gothic-style small suit and short hair, he looked like a handsome guy, but his face was unhealthy and pale.

Wen Yan's face was as gloomy as water, and he was ready to fight. In any case, he was ready to strike first.

But as Lucy's body approached, he focused to the extreme.

"Yellow Devil Advent Body."

"The pure body of the Advent Body has almost no power left, and no soul.

The soul and power of Lucy's professional have been transferred."

Wen Yan was slightly relieved when he saw the prompt appear.

Lucy's body fell with the light column, closed her eyes and fell backwards, gradually overlapping with Lucy sitting in front of the chessboard. The little girl Lucy became Lucy with short hair and a small suit.

She opened her eyes, still with a trace of confusion in them.

Then, a gentle yang energy spread out from her soul, repelling all other cold forces in her body, as well as the continuous environmental damage brought by the Sea of ​​Undead.

She coughed lightly, and her face, which had just regained some redness, immediately turned red again.

Wen Yan shook his wrist, and a stream of water flew out and fell into Lucy's mouth and nose. After a blessing, Lucy's face began to gradually return to normal.

The previous state, plus being within the range of this small town and big ship, would not have any impact.

But the body was forcibly pulled into the Sea of ​​the Dead, and began to suffer a series of negative effects.

Wen Yan could run wildly on the moon, so the environment here naturally didn't matter, and all passive effects could be withstood.

But Lucy is not Wen Yan. Her flesh and blood body is in such a place, and even this small town and big ship can't guarantee that she will not be affected here.

Her ability was not specifically evolved for this aspect.

There is no time at all, waiting for her ability to adapt to this place.

However, it's not a big problem. Wen Yan dared to do this, and he had already thought about what to do next.

"Sir? Why did I become like this?" Lucy looked at her clothes and touched her shorter hair, looking confused.

"Small question, the hair will continue to grow at the back, do you feel uncomfortable?"

"I feel... so hungry."

"What do you want to eat?"

"Fried chicken... okay?" Lucy asked tentatively.

"You can eat it later, but fill your stomach first." Wen Yan took out some snacks such as biscuits from his bag and gave them to Lucy.

He touched his stomach, and he was a little hungry.

But it was obvious that there should be nothing in the town that he could eat, nor anything that Lucy could eat.

Everything looked very real, but it was not really real after all. There was still a difference, unless you didn't plan to go out.

As for the outside, it was literally a barren land where no one would shit.

In a way, it was a good thing for Lucy to eat what normal people eat, proving that she was indeed normal.

"Sir, there is something on your neck."

Lucy took out a necklace from her collar, and there was a ring hanging on the necklace, which looked very new and shiny.

Wen Yan took it in his hand and looked at it. It looked like a gold ring with an emerald on it. There seemed to be a trace of mist flowing inside the emerald.

"The evil god's token."

"A certain guy's token has some very convenient functions, such as positioning, displaying identity, borrowing power, etc. Wearing it can omit many procedures in some rituals.

In the non-active case, please keep this thing in a different world from a certain guy, or ensure that there are sufficient shielding means."

It seems that the opponent was caught off guard. Before he could even take this thing off, he was taken into the Sea of ​​the Dead by Lucy's body.

"Check your body again to see if there is anything else or something different."

"I don't feel it."

Wen Yan waved to the red-eyed bugs bunny and asked it to take Lucy to check it carefully.

The final inspection results showed that there was no problem. The yellow devil took good care of this body. There was no scratch on the body, and the hair was trimmed meticulously.

There was nothing wrong with the clothes. They were just ordinary custom-made clothes, which were comfortable and fit.

After confirming that there was no problem, Wen Yan rummaged through his gold ring and found a box. He put the emerald ring into the box and put it into the ring.

People from all over the world like gold.

This thing is the hard currency of all kinds. From ordinary people to magicians, and to some Taoist masters called rich in Shenzhou, no one doesn't like it.

It is almost a universal thing. From various core parts of industrial products to some strange objects, it is used.

After putting it away, as long as it is not in the same world, it should be no problem to take it out carelessly.

After confirming that there is no problem, the problem that Wen Yan has to face now is how to go back, and how to take Lucy out.

It is best not to pass by Robin's house or Florida when going out.

He closed his eyes and sensed it carefully. He had to continue to go home.

He came to the edge of the town ship, changed his skin, waved forward, and the countless skeletons that formed the sea of ​​the dead below lifted the town ship and sailed forward.

Born, who surrendered, was allowed to board the town ship. He did not dare to enter the town, but only dared to build a small house on the edge and use it as a place to stay.

His original belongings were all carried by the giant skeleton beast and followed behind the town ship. As for the things in the nest, there was nothing. Except for some special bones, everything valuable was on the body.

But what surprised Born was that Wen Yan was very interested in two of the bones. Born of course offered them to Wen Yan, but Wen Yan also blessed him again.

This made Born quite uncomfortable. He had never seen such a generous upper-level undead.

Those two bones were two bones that Born found in the Sea of ​​Undead when the skeleton tide occurred. They were not ordinary undead sea skeletons, but some powerful creatures that fell into the Sea of ​​Undead and were consumed to death here, and their bodies were ground and the remaining bones.

Some bones are quite useful, but there are also some that the undead despise.


In the assembly, after a period of chaos, it finally calmed down.

A purgatory broker, through his own channels, got some information that a king had indeed appeared in the Sea of ​​the Dead and was patrolling. No one dared to get into trouble at this time.

After paying a huge price, someone got the news that a murderer from the Winchester family was crossing the purgatory, hunting down someone who had angered the other party.

The outside world was also in turmoil. Recently, the Shenzhou ship ran to the door of Robin's house and attracted a lot of attention, but all the people with status in Robin's family kept silent.

In the meeting, a group of people were still discussing, but only two people kept silent.

One was a skinny stitched monster who had not yet replaced his body parts. On the one hand, he was really weak, and on the other hand, he pretended to be weak. He was a standard participant who was slacking off at the meeting.

The other was the idea king necromancer. His mind was full of thoughts. If the army of the dead could not be dealt with, he could only change direction. He was thinking about how to deal with it and what ideas to use.

As he was talking, someone clicked on the necromancer.

"I remember that you came up with an idea more than a decade ago, but it was rejected at that time.

Now there is no better and more suitable way, tell everyone again."

"What idea?" The necromancer raised his head. He couldn't think of it himself. He had come up with too many ideas.

"It's to use influence to promote a bill. It didn't work at that time, but it's possible to try it now."

"God's Bill?" The King of Ideas asked tentatively.

"Yes, yes, that's what it's called. I can't remember the specific details, but I remember you were scolded badly at that time."

A group of aliens, plus a few people, were waiting for the King of Ideas to explain.

Although the King of Ideas was sometimes unreliable, sometimes he would always think of some very good ideas.

This time, the matter failed and suffered heavy losses. The descended body was snatched away from their nest by others, but they could only watch helplessly. In fact, no one could blame anyone.

The Yellow Devil didn't blame them. After all, no one could have expected a king to appear in the Sea of ​​Undead.

Regardless of the results, the idea of ​​using the Sea of ​​the Dead is actually very good.

"I said at that time that finding and cultivating a descending body were both unreliable things.

The descending body itself is the biggest flaw and it is easy to go wrong.

I always felt that Huang Mo did not need to have such a huge weakness.

We have infiltrated for so long and won over so many people, isn't it just for this day?

Huang Mo does not need to rely on a descending body to anchor our world.

As long as we promote the passage of a divine law, a law recognized by the most powerful country in our world, it has absolute validity.

Then, at the most orthodox official level, Huang Mo is allowed to walk in the world in the name of God.

Isn't it a better choice?

From then on, Huang Mo no longer has such an obvious huge weakness, and we can slowly experiment with all methods.

We can even try and fail continuously, and it doesn't matter if we fail, no matter what, we can guarantee the lower limit.

It will never happen in the future, like this time, Huang Mo was almost dragged down to the Sea of ​​the Dead."

The King of Ideas said this idea with a little pride, although he was criticized a little badly back then.

Especially those who hold power outside, they are even more blunt, saying that this is embracing death.

But this time, no one thinks that what King Dianzi said is wrong.

Because the present is different from the past.

At that time, the Dawn of the Gods had not yet accelerated, and the so-called extraordinary power was actually just like that. The Taser gun could make a superhuman lying on the ground and remain stiff.

In this regard, those superhumans were not even as good as some ordinary people.

And when the magazine was emptied, the superhumans at that time were no different from ordinary people.

At that time, the power of the church was still very large, and the people who really held power had different ideas than now.

But more than ten years have passed, with the progress of the Dawn of the Gods deepening, with the fierceness of the multi-party game, with the increasing power, and more and more schools, began to flourish, and there were more and more professionals and outliers.

At the same time, the most important thing is that there are more "uncertain" people in Robin's family, and even dare to issue a bill to ride on the face of the church. Before, some people ran to Shenzhou to borrow some codes there, and in other places, some people even dared to publicly humiliate the church in front of the whole world.

Robin's family has been very quiet recently. They are just watching the fun, watching the Satanists, dark creatures, and aliens in Europe fighting with the church, exorcists, and other guys.

The carnival has begun.

So many premises have already appeared. The idea that the King of Ideas was spit on back then suddenly seems not extreme at all when it is brought out again.

His idea seems to be a way to solve the existing problems in Robin's family.

A white-haired man was thoughtful.

"This idea is very good. With the sudden acceleration of the progress of the Dawn of the Gods last year, some people in the parliament have been discussing new bills a few days ago.

Since it is impossible to control many things by force, it is better to let go.

This is indeed a way to convince some people to pass the bill.

There are too many things hidden in the dark, so it is better to pass the bill and let them all stand up.

As long as the bill is passed, we can do a lot of things."

In the cognition here, God is actually a general term, referring to the creator and ruler of all things in the world, and also refers to the spirits after the death of gods or people with superb abilities and virtues.

The range is large enough, so it is easy to include the Yellow Devil.

And if it is promoted as a regulatory bill, under the current situation, the resistance will not be great, and even some sects will come to help them promote it.

Among the possible opposition forces, the largest force is busy now and should not have time to pay attention to them.

The discussion in the assembly was in full swing, and everyone expressed their opinions to determine the key points and find the operable areas.

The aliens put forward ideas, and the guys who mixed in human society put forward specific directions and means of operation.

That night, someone entered the home of a congressman and began to make arrangements.

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