I am your natural enemy

Chapter 497 Assist, it's your turn to choose (5k)

Wen Yan had a general impression of the necromancer's ability to summon the dead.

What he once imagined was that when a necromancer found a corpse and cast a spell to resurrect the dead, a skeleton soldier would jump out of the corpse.

But the reality is very different.

Wen Yan had been thinking before that, under normal circumstances, the zombies in China were not as smart as wild beasts. Only if they were raised in a suitable place for more than a hundred years would they be able to undergo some qualitative changes.

And if you want to restore some memories and consciousness during your lifetime, it will take even more time. To have the same consciousness as ordinary people, you must be at least four to five hundred years old.

This is the process that big zombies go through under normal circumstances.

Then why can the undead summoned by the necromancer on the corpse understand the instructions as soon as they come out and can be commanded by the necromancer?

Now he understood why.

This is a fake transition that someone discovered at some point in time and found a way to take advantage of the loopholes.

I also understand why there are so few necromancers. The knowledge they possess should be passed down, so why can't others.

Whether casting spells or controlling the undead, the prerequisite is to first get rid of the undead on the Sea of ​​Undead.

If you summon them casually, even if you succeed, the ones you can summon are just the lowest level things that you can't command at all.

According to the way that the Skeleton Mage knew everything and talked endlessly, wishing that his soul fire would be taken away on the spot, he naturally said what he had to say. If he felt that Wen Yan was interested in something, he would start talking.

The relationship between the necromancer and some undead souls in the sea of ​​​​undead is like core property. It is basically passed down from father to son, and from master to apprentice.

The higher the intelligence of the undead, the more cautious they will be when facing the necromancer.

If he was killed by any special method, he would be completely dead.

Boyn found that Wen Yan didn't seem to understand these things. As soon as he thought about it, he realized that it was right for the big boss in front of him not to understand.

The king is a born high-level undead, with a complete body and complete intelligence. At first, he could not even sense that there was an undead here.

It's not like undead at all. It sounds simple, but even for advanced undead, this is a standard top ability.

Therefore, such high-level kings of the undead do not need to look down at all. They, the undead in the sea of ​​​​undead, have to go through things that they do not need to suffer.

Maybe you find these things interesting because you don’t understand them? Curiosity piqued?

Bone didn't understand. He felt that it was better not to understand. Now he just needed to seize this opportunity.

He was closest, that was luck.

The small town ship that was still sinking before was held up by countless skeletons below. No one needed to take the initiative to give orders. The car of the high-level undead king couldn't sink into the sea of ​​the undead, right?

While Bone was talking enthusiastically, the big bone-winged bird lowered its head and quacked twice on the back of the giant skeletal beast lying on the ground in the distance.

"Master Boyn, you have a letter! Master Boyn, you have a letter!"

What Bowen was saying stopped suddenly. He was a little frightened and was about to fall down as soon as his bones softened. He wanted to defend himself, but the thought was suppressed as soon as it came up.

"Let's read the letter first."

Wen Yan muttered something casually, and Bo En secretly breathed a sigh of relief and quickly explained.

"Dear senior undead, that mourning bird was ignited by a little bit of my soul fire. It has no wisdom and only helps me do simple things regularly.

For example, something as simple as receiving a message can also be used to block something like a curse for me. "

Wen Yan motioned to Bo En to read the letter quickly.

Boyn didn't dare to let the mourning bird fly up. He took the initiative to walk down the slope.

The mourning bird was lifted up, still lowering its head and howling at the top of its voice.

"Arch Mage Bone, received a ritual message from the Necromancer Robert.

The content is to ask if any undead have discovered the big ship and if they have found the target.

The undead who catches the target first is eligible to reply to the message.

He will prepare the highest-level summoning ceremony to summon the successful undead and the target together.

The undead who have not captured the target are not qualified to reply.

All undead who attempt to actively contact during this period will be completely cut off from the possibility of being summoned. "

After listening to the mourning bird's words, Bone felt nothing in his heart and even breathed a sigh of relief.

This kind of letter is not specifically for him, but for all the undead who can receive this letter.

The necromancer is still as arrogant as before. In the past, Bone may have felt that he could not offend the necromancer.

Now he felt that this crazy and evil necromancer had no chance of becoming undead.

When Boen was about to ignore this message and continue talking about what Wen Yan was interested in, Wen Yan waved to him.

Wen Yan also heard the howl of the mourning bird, and the little idea in his mind began to be perfected.

Ever since he fell here this time, it has been Huang Mo and his thugs who have been making moves. Wen Yan's previous plan was to go back first, then come back and kill Ya.

Originally, Wen Yan wanted to build a plank road to infiltrate Chen Cang secretly. After returning, he united everyone to carry the banner of killing the necromancer. No matter what the people outside thought, when they saw this absolutely correct banner, they just Able to hold nose and cooperate.

Before this was done, the Necromancer gave him another big trick.

He had never thought of blaming the undead mage for what happened in the Nanyang Alliance before.

He really dared to do things that his imagination had never imagined!

The king of ideas has paved the way for him.

Now he wanted to copy the idea of ​​the Necromancer, the King of Ideas, and while he was thinking about it, the King of Ideas gave him another assist.

Everything can be one or two, but not three or four.

If he didn't copy it now, it would really be unjustifiable.

Wen Yan's thoughts swirled, and after thinking about it, he waved to Bone.

“There are two options now, let you choose yourself.

The first option is to write back to the necromancer now and say you caught him.

The other option is that you can leave now. "

Bone may lie, but the soul fire of the undead cannot lie, it is what it is.

That's why Wen Yan thought he could try it out with Bowen's hand.

Although this skeleton mage has intelligence, his way of thinking is completely different from that of humans.

Bo En also understood. Wen Yan's words were very straightforward and said that he could leave, which meant that he was safe if he let him go.

Choosing the first option would at least completely offend the necromancer to death, and it might also be dangerous.

Of course Bohn chose the first option and did not even consider the option of leaving safely.

So he made a prompt decision and started to reply in front of Wen Yan.

He took out a long and thin bone from the mourning bird, and picked up a shoulder blade. He used the thin bone as a pen and wrote some words on the shoulder blade.

The ink used is the power of his soul fire.

This is both information and identity certificate, and it is also the core introduction for the other party to make a summons.

After writing, when the writing slowly penetrated into the bones and no longer showed power, Bone was ready to throw it into the sea of ​​the undead and let the bone sink under the sea of ​​the undead.

"Wait until it gets daylight here." Wen Yan pointed to the town ship at his feet.

"The great high undead king..."

"My surname is Wen. Since you accepted the employment, you can call me boss."

"As you command, great high undead boss."

"Just boss, no prefixes."

"As commanded."

Bo En immediately understood that this was to hide his identity, right? As expected of a high-level undead who can be active in the high-level world.

And why does this last name sound so familiar?

It seems like I just heard someone say it a few days ago.

As he thought about it, Bone's soul fire trembled slightly.

Good guy, this boss is really extraordinary. His disguised identity is actually from the Winchester family!

Wen Yan didn't care what Bo En was thinking. Bo En agreed and was willing to take risks to provide key help, and Wen Yan would also give back.

He stretched out his hand and touched Bone's skull. The yang energy in his body followed the sixth door and turned into a faint blue, completing the blessing.

In an instant, burning tongues of fire emerged from the soul fire in Bone's eyes.

He felt like he was promoted instantly!

Even if he can feel it, this power seems to be only a temporary blessing, but how much benefit he can get depends on himself.

After arranging for Bone, Wen Yan turned around and returned to the town, began to rest, and recharged his energy first, waiting until Lucy woke up.

It became very peaceful in the Sea of ​​the Dead.

Bone was outside the town ship, waiting for his chance.

After at least ten hours, the dark town began to gradually light up, and the street lights in some places began to go out, which indicated that Lucy was about to wake up.

Wen Yan was invited in by the red-eyed Bugs Bunny. He watched the sleepy Lucy get up, took the initiative to go to the bathroom, stepped on the small stool, brushed her teeth and washed herself.

After waiting for a while, Lucy appeared in front of Wen Yan with her head held high and energetic.

"Sir, I'm awake! We can continue!"

"Okay, wait a moment."

Wen Yan came to the bow of the ship, and Bone was still waiting here. Time here was meaningless to the undead.

"You have to think about it, this is a road of no return."

"Boss, this doesn't require thinking. All that needs thinking is magic." Bone said very seriously without any hesitation.

"Even if I am not the high-level undead king you call me, you still don't regret it?"

"Yes, my boss."

"Okay, your soul fire."

Bone immediately took off his head and held up his soul fire.

Wen Yan touched the soul fire, and a trace of it flew out, fell into the sixth door, and landed at the feet of the skeleton dog.

This time, Bone felt stronger pressure, and he was ready to die. This was an honor for the undead.

The shoulder blade was thrown into the sea of ​​the dead. As the shoulder blade sank into it and disappeared, the message was sent.

On the other side, King Diazi received the message after performing a small ceremony.

"Good news, my plan worked.

I didn't expect that they could last so long, at least more than ten hours.

Fortunately, in the Sea of ​​the Undead, the only difference is how long it lasts.

A skeleton mage named Bone has captured the descendant, and now the message has been sent. "

The King of Ideas immediately shared the good news with everyone in the gathering.

He never thought about whether there was an undead lying to him.

He had nothing to lose by lying to him once, but being blacklisted was the biggest loss for the undead.

The new ritual was quickly prepared. All the materials needed were here, and there were more than one.

Lucy, who was possessed by the Yellow Demon, also came to the ceremony site. He wanted to take over Lucy's consciousness, soul, power, and everything at the first time.

After the ceremony began, on the other side, Bourne felt that he was chosen as the summoned object. He told Wen Yan the news at the first time.

Wen Yan sat on the lawn in front of Lucy's house, facing Lucy, with the chessboard between them.

Wen Yan picked up the dice and looked at Lucy.

"Should we maintain the greatest respect when playing this game?"

"Yes." Lucy responded as a matter of course, looking at Wen Yan with some confusion.

Wen Yan's eyes gradually became solemn and serious.

"So, should both parties playing the game be equal?"

"Yes, sir, what do you want to say? I don't quite understand."

"If my body is sitting here in person and playing games with you, shouldn't you also bring your body and sit here in person to play with me, right?"

"Ah?" Lucy was a little confused.

"This is just your dream. Your consciousness is here, but your body is not here. I want your body to be here too, so that you can play with me completely, is that okay?"

"No... no problem." Lucy was confused and felt like she was woken up from a dream, but she thought Wen Yan was right.

Wen Yan smiled.

"No matter what happens, you can trust me."

"Okay, sir."

At this time, the big mouth of the mourning bird began to howl.

"It's started, it's started, the summoning ceremony is connected!"

Wen Yan stared at Lucy.

"I remember I haven't made a wish yet.

So, if I make a wish now, your consciousness and body must be here.

This is respect for the opponent and respect for the game."

As the wish was made, the dice fell on the chessboard.

The dice spun rapidly and turned into a "6".

Instantly, the chess piece representing Wen Yan moved forward to the sixth square. At the moment when the electronic screen was flashing continuously, Wen Yan blessed it with a violent sun.

After the electronic screen flashed continuously for a few seconds, a line of words began to appear.

"The competitor who was dragged into the quagmire picked up the chessboard during the game... The future is already blurred... Now, start making a choice!"

A blazing light suddenly burst out on the chessboard, and a beam of light shot up into the sky.

Just as Born and the necromancer's summoning ceremony established a connection, this beam of light rushed out along this closest connection.

Huang Mo, who was right next to the summoning ceremony, was instantly enveloped by a beam of light.

All the people around were directly forced to retreat.

Huang Mo didn't care much at first. No matter what kind of summoning, as long as he didn't want to, no one could force him to go over.

But the next moment, his body at this moment moved.

Huang Mo's face changed drastically.

He didn't move at all! It was his body that moved at this moment!

In the sea of ​​dead souls, Wen Yan looked at the light column coldly.

The effect of the previous moves, in the final analysis, was completed by Huang Mo with the help of a slight connection between him and Lucy.

Wen Yan had been passively enduring and exhausted.

Now it was his turn to fight back. He was originally going to copy the idea of ​​the King of Necromancers and do a reverse summon to pull Huang Mo down.

Reverse summoning was something that Gauss had told him many times.

But after thinking about it, Wen Yan compared it with Gauss and felt that this method would not work on Huang Mo.

Finally, he thought of how to maximize Lucy's power, bypass Huang Mo's idea, and force Huang Mo in.

Directly ignore Huang Mo and only target Lucy.

The blazing light column broke through the world. Wen Yan waited quietly. When the CD of the violent sun was ready, he immediately blessed Lucy with a violent sun.

The blazing brilliance bloomed in the sea of ​​dead souls.

Lucy's power was guided by Wen Yan, and she exerted it to the maximum extent, and it was only aimed at her own body. This level of determination was definitely something that Lucy, a child, could only do.

After adding Wen Yan's power, a qualitative change occurred.

On the other side, Huang Mo was enveloped by the light column that rushed out of the ritual, and the light column was dragging his body towards the inside of the ritual.

Now, the choice is in his hands.

Or, obey this power and go down directly.

However, his "Purgatory Swimming" characteristic was taken away, and there was a sea of ​​dead souls below.

He didn't know what happened to make the undead in the sea of ​​dead souls cooperate to do such a thing.

For the undead in the sea of ​​dead souls, not being able to be summoned is a more serious punishment than death.

There must be a huge change in the sea of ​​dead souls!

After losing a characteristic that was previously thought to have little impact but is now very deadly, the situation is different.

Huang Mo didn't dare to take risks.

He didn't know what happened in the Sea of ​​Undead, but he was able to do it without any information, and was tricked by a skeleton mage with high intelligence.

The other party dared to do this, so he must be sure.

As long as he dared to go, he would have to face the Sea of ​​Undead head-on without the "Purgatory Swim".

No one can outlast the undead in the Sea of ​​Undead.

Devils can’t do that! Neither can gods!

He had finally come to this day, how could he allow himself to be dragged into the sea of ​​the dead and struggle endlessly.

Beside him, the other members of the gathering were dumbfounded. They had no idea why this happened, but they could see that Huang Mo was being dragged forcibly.

The Dot King Necromancer was sweating all over. He was urgently contacting his old undead to ask what happened in the sea of ​​the dead.

After dragging for a few minutes, Dot King was shocked.

“A king appeared in the sea of ​​the dead?!”

Hearing this, Huang Mo, who had been struggling, decisively gave up his first choice.

He gave up the descending body with reluctance. He had no choice.

The moment he gave up, the bright yellow in the eyes of the descending body disappeared instantly.

The small body was instantly taken away by the light column and fell into the sea of ​​the dead.

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