I am your natural enemy

Chapter 507 Jianmu, Sword Pointing (5k)

"Director General, you asked me to come here specially. Is there something urgent? Or is there an urgent case?"

"There are so many cases, I can't finish them all, and there are urgent cases. Can't you stay idle?"

The director general asked casually, and Wen Yan shook his head immediately.

"I'm on vacation. The New Year is coming soon. I want to take advantage of the New Year to get some things done."

The director general smiled and took out a box and handed it to Wen Yan.

"Take it."

"What is it? For me?"

"For that little girl, a strange item in the warehouse, it is not very useful, it can only be used to hide the identity.

There was a fugitive who used this thing to escape for twelve years.

Let the little girl take it, someone will handle the procedures for you, and the origin will be recorded.

If you want to find paper documents, you can get them. At least there will be no problem with the procedures."

Wen Yan opened the box, and there was a ring inside, and a red rope was strung together to become a necklace.

"This thing works so well, how did that guy get caught in the end?"

"That's all you care about?"

Wen Yan didn't ask about the procedure or anything like that. In this case, if the Lieyang Department forged a document, it would be completely legal and compliant.

No, that's not called forgery, it's real, it's just called reissuing a document.

"Of course I care about this. If he was caught, it proves that there are still defects. I have to find out what the defects are in advance."

"It has nothing to do with the thing. That guy started a business and became a boss. In the past ten years, the company has been listed. He thought that the things of the past were over.

Who would have thought that there was an internal fight in his company, and he and another senior executive played a scene of stealing official seals and fighting in a group.

Their senior executive used a chameleon artifact brought back from abroad, and this matter became the work of our Lieyang Department.

The video was uploaded at the end, and his gait and footprints were compared with three marking points during the routine filing.

Invite an expert to come and take a look in person At first glance, I knew it was the same person.

Such a pampered guy, when no one can help, how can he withstand the pressure of a serious interrogation.

Here are some documents, take them and hang them under your former welfare home.

There is no information about you, not even the oldest pure text records, which is a bit troublesome.

But I think there must be something to record who you are.

In this case, it would be reasonable for the girl to follow you. ”

“Okay, then I’ll put it away first, that’s all?” Wen Yan put away the things and documents. The Lieyang Department has always been very reliable in logistics, so there is nothing to look at.

"There is another thing, but don't rush, let's talk about it after the New Year."

"Can you tell me? If you can, then tell me first."

"Do you still remember the dead tree that fell into the present world?"

"Remember, has the research on that thing yielded any results?"

"There are some results. According to what happened before and the current research, the team over there has a guess.

This thing may be the remains of the ancient Jianmu, the tree that once reached the sky.

There have been many legends, which generally say that this thing is a bridge between the heaven and the human world.

All those who can ascend to the sky through Jianmu can obtain magical powers, and later they can develop into the ranks of immortals.

There are two current studies and guesses.

One is that this thing may have really been a bridge connecting the two worlds.

The second is that this thing should really be able to obtain magical powers, with the ability to reach the sky. Yes.

But now only the wreckage remains, and the former might should be almost destroyed.

Even the former whoever discovered it, I don’t know how he found it, but he can use bugs to patch up some results.

Recently, I found that someone is coveting the dead tree.

Someone wants to subvert a researcher in the research team, and used some means to confuse people.

But the big man in Laojun Mountain is here. I don’t know how strong the big man is, but his realm is very high.

His mind is clear, his spirit is spotless, his spirit and realm are in harmony, and it is said that he has achieved the Yuanshen.

No method is needed, just one look, and you can see that the researcher has been tricked.

Finally, our people traced it and found that it was related to the immortal tree that the Nanyang Alliance made two months ago. "

"..." Wen Yan was confused when he heard it. Why did he get further and further away?

The director glanced at Wen Yan, and he knew what Wen Yan was thinking by looking at his expression.

"Don't think this is too far-fetched. Throughout the ages, many myths in and outside of China have some common elements.

For example, floods and giant trees.

We have Jianmu and Fusang here, Europe has the World Tree, and some civilizations in Robin that have basically disappeared also have legends about magical giant trees.

From Norse mythology to ancient Greek mythology, and then to our China, all have sacred trees.

Some of them are still common. When an exploration is frustrated, it is not nonsense to look for a breakthrough point in other places.

It is normal for those who want to find the immortal tree to want to find something in China.

After all, we are the only ancient civilization that has lived long enough, has the most orderly inheritance, and has left the most records.

Myths that have been changed countless times and their details have been changed can all find that some of the core has not been modified.

Who knows if there is a part that actually records other places.

Do you think that there are more people studying us outside now, purely because our national strength has risen?

That's because some things, no matter where they come from, are really useful.

Otherwise, those guys who started out as bandits would take the initiative to study your culture?

For example, the matter of the Immortal Tree was initiated by people from the Nanyang Alliance. Their exploration encountered setbacks. If they don't come to us to look for clues, where can they go? "

"Just tell me what you want me to do." Wen Yan sighed. I had heard before that the boss of Laojun Mountain was preparing to mend the sky, but now it involves the Immortal Tree.

"After the New Year, you may need to go into your old dreams and look for some clues.

Mainly not for other things, but to mend the sky.

Try to see if you can mend the crack in the sky in Feng Yao's dream, which is also the crack between the old dream and purgatory.

There has been no change in this matter so far, but after all, it is a big hidden danger and cannot be left alone.

As for other related things, I must let you know first.

Once you know and understand, you may come across relevant clues. "

"Okay, I understand."

Hearing this, Wen Yan understood everything.

There are still many things to do next, everyone is busy at their respective positions.

Even the big bosses of Laojunshan Qianxiu could be recruited, and I don’t know who invited them.

Or is it that the people of Laojun Mountain, this generation except those who came down from the mountain, are beginning to join the world?

Wen Yan didn't quite understand this, but he could guess that the world was changing so fast that some people were forced to make changes.

"Next time you come, I will take you somewhere." Before leaving, the head of the headquarters left a message and asked Wen Yan to leave with his things.

Back home, life started to feel normal.

After giving Lucy a pendant and a new identity document, things became much simpler.

After taking on a new identity, even Quemao thought the orphanage was closed. As a person who was born there, Wen Yan brought back the last orphan.

As for Wen Yan, he practiced and read books for two days. If he didn't understand something, he would go to Buyeo Mountain to ask for advice.

Wen Yan was not in a hurry, but Brother Dao was losing his temper. Seeing that the New Year was about to come, Brother Dao took advantage of Wen Yan's day's practice to finish and pretended to take a casual stroll. He made a circle from the front yard and walked to the backyard.

"By the way, Wen Yan, when are you going to come?"


"Come to the door."

"Oh, don't worry about this. I always feel that there is something wrong with me. Don't worry, it is you who is determined. No one can say anything."

"Oh, that's good." Brother Dao looked sideways at Wen Yan and left with satisfaction.

Then he returned to the front yard and faced the sparrow cat's casual provocation. Brother Dao looked right at the sparrow cat and beat the sparrow cat again.

After lunch at noon, Wen Yan opened the door from the underground hive and quietly came to Fuyu Mountain, ready to continue asking for advice.

In addition to asking for advice on reading, I also need to ask for some basic things.

Ever since he obtained the mythical identity of Dark XX, and the suffix has not yet been decided, Wen Yan knows that he has no place in his heart.

It was okay to play cosplay before, but when it became real, he was still somewhat resistant.

Therefore, when he was reading recently, he saw a lot of classics that he thought were quite reasonable. Most of them emphasized that a lonely yin does not give birth to a lone sun, and a lonely yang does not grow.

Some are emphasizing that when things go to extremes, they will inevitably reverse, and when they reach their peak, they will decline. If anything is too extreme, it will be a bad thing.

But at the same time, he has also seen records in some classics about how to shed the yang and leave the yin, and finally achieve the ultimate goal, shed the body, and the soul ascends to immortality. This is the way to enter the next big level and realm.

He doesn't quite understand what is correct and what can be used as a reference.

When he arrived at Fuyu Mountain, Brother Jian appeared in front of him instantly.

A flying sword was pointed at Wen Yan's eyebrows, spinning slowly.

"Brother Jian? You don't recognize me again?"

The flying sword flew around Wen Yan twice and refused to leave.

Wen Yan didn't dare to move. Ever since he got a mythical identity, Brother Jian didn't seem to recognize him the last time he came to Fuyu Mountain and almost made two holes in his body.

"Don't worry about it, it just doesn't want you to come and is trying to scare you." The voice of the third master's uncle came from afar.

"What's wrong? I didn't mess with it, did I?"

"No, I want to ask you how the weather is lately. You're not sure about the weather forecast."

Wen Yan raised his head and looked at the sky.

"In the past three days, there should be no rain and at most some clouds."

"Can you cover the sun?"

"It may be covered, but I don't think it will be all day."

"That's ok, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, I have to complete a year-end training for it. It has to not rain for three consecutive days, there has to be sun in the middle, and there has to be clouds covering the sun. It is willing to take a bath, but not happy. Take a bath."

"Have a bath, haha..." Wen Yan laughed out loud. For Feijian, it was really a bath, and he had to remove a layer of skin.

Feijian heard the conversation between the two and saw that he couldn't stop Wen Yan, so he quietly slipped to the ground and flew to nowhere.

"Are uncles from the third master and uncle from the fourth master here? I'm here to ask you something."

"It's in the back mountain, you go."

"Okay." Wen Yan put down the tea he brought for his uncle of the third master and continued to go to the back mountain to find his uncle of the fourth master.

As soon as they walked not far away, they saw Brother Jian quietly floating out from behind a tree.

"Brother Jian, you told me directly last time. It was very serious. If you had told me earlier, I would definitely not come years ago."

The flying sword slowly rotated in a circle. After circling Wen Yan twice, it quickly drew some tracks in front of Wen Yan. A trace of taillight remained in the air, leaving behind a few flying words.

"Go and say it's going to rain these days. Don't come here until the end of the year. I'll teach you something."

"Okay, I'll tell Uncle Third Master later, but it's none of my business whether Uncle Third Master believes it or not." Wen Yan agreed and started talking.

Brother Jian didn't care about this and continued to leave a few big characters with flying colors.

"Sword pointing."

Wen Yan stretched out his right hand and formed a sword finger.

The next moment, Brother Jian quickly circled the tip of Wen Yan's right finger, and a drop of blood flew out.

Then the drop of blood was chopped into pieces by Brother Jian the moment it flew up. The tiny particles followed the flow of light and fell onto Wen Yan's sword finger.

In the blink of an eye, Wen Yan only felt a slight pain in his fingers, and there seemed to be an extra talisman between the front and back of the sword. It looked the same, but there was a slight difference between the front and back.

When Wen Yan's power started to circulate, he could clearly feel that when he pinched out the sword finger, there seemed to be a little extra power circuit, which was very complicated, but natural.

Wen Yan tried it, stretched out his hand and saw a red light shooting out, leaving a mark on the stone beside the road.

It's not very powerful, but it's a skill and can give you some inspiration.

Wen Yan didn't care, just took it as a joke, happily agreed, and waved goodbye to Brother Jian.

When he met the fourth master's uncle, Wen Yan expressed his doubts about reading. After explaining, Wen Yan asked about his recent practice.

This is what the Fourth Master's uncle taught him before. When practicing, when you are unsure in your heart, it is best to wait and settle down. It is not a good thing to rush forward too rashly.

After hearing this, the Fourth Master's uncle smiled broadly.

"I thought it was something. You worry too much. Throughout the ages, the thing we value least is actually this so-called identity.

As for power or things, it always depends on how you use them.

A large part of the medicinal materials are actually poisonous, so shouldn’t they be used anymore? "

The fourth master's uncle quoted scriptures and explained to Wen Yan in simple language for a long time, until his mouth went dry.

But looking at Wen Yan, it seemed that he was still in a state where he could understand every sentence, but could not completely convince him, unable to reach that very firm state.

The fourth master's uncle thought about it and taught students in accordance with their aptitude. It might be useless to use methods aimed at ordinary Taoist priests. Wen Yan didn't have much feeling for those classics.

After much deliberation, he used another method to strengthen Wen Yan's belief.

"Decades ago, there was a matter of identifying one's identity, you know, right?"

The uncle of the Fourth Master said something roughly, and Wen Yan nodded immediately. He remembered hearing the old lady say it when he was a child, and heard that it had a great influence.

"Then do you know that Comrade Li actually wanted to choose himself as a landlord, but in the end he decided to be a rich peasant?"


Wen Yan was shocked. He had only heard the old man talk about it before, but no one would tell him this at that time. What he said was only the old man's own experience.

What left the deepest impression was the old man in the Wrangler who asked Lao Xu if he wanted a wife. He said that the poorer he is, the more glorious he is.

"Do you understand now?"

"Got it."

The fourth master's uncle put it in a way that Wen Yan could fully understand. The trace of uncertainty in Wen Yan's heart dissipated in an instant. This time it was as clear as day.

"Thank you, uncle of the Fourth Master."

Wen Yan stood up and bowed respectfully to thank him.

In fact, I understand the truth and gentle words, but there is no room for hesitation in practice. It is easy to deceive others, but it is difficult to deceive yourself.

His hesitation was also because he had seen many examples of power corroding and affecting the mind.

And at the critical moment, that trace of hesitation may be a huge trouble, a huge rift.

Now he has completely lost all trace of uncertainty.

Coming out of the fourth master's uncle, Wen Yan did not forget about Brother Jian and went to find the third master's uncle.

"Uncle Third Master, it's going to rain these days. I came here specifically to tell you."

The Third Master's uncle was startled for a moment, then glanced up. He felt Feijian quietly hiding on the roof, and nodded.

"Okay, I get it."

"Uncle of the Third Master, I'm going back first. I may not have time to come here before the new year. I'll come back to pay you New Year's greetings during the Chinese New Year."

"It's okay. You young people should be busy. You can go about your business and don't have to visit us old guys often."

Wen Yan said goodbye to his third master uncle and turned to leave.

When he was about to leave, he saw Brother Jian quietly appearing next to him again.

"Brother Jian, I told the third master's uncle, is it okay?"

Seeing Brother Jian nodding, Wen Yan smiled and left Fuyu Mountain.

Brother Jian was in a great mood instantly, leaving an arc of white marks in mid-air and disappearing in mid-air.

On the other side, Wen Yan returned home and was in a good mood.

The next step is to be busy. The housekeeper said that after the small year, it is the new year, and it is necessary to prepare new year's goods.

Fried crispy pork, fried meatballs, fried sesame leaves and other things can actually be prepared at this time.

Of course, this was a time when supplies were not plentiful. It would have been cheaper to buy them earlier, so save what you can.

Now, it's just greedy.

After all, it is very time-consuming and troublesome to do this. In normal times, most people rarely do this at home.

When you go to a restaurant to eat, you are less likely to gather around the pot and enjoy the freshly fried atmosphere.

Without this atmosphere, it would feel slightly worse.

At night, Wen Yan brought two bowls of fried goods to Lao Zhao's house, then went to the underworld and crossed the crossroads.

When I saved the souls of the dead today, the effect was 30% stronger than before.

With peace of mind, everything you do will be successful.

When he returned to the crossroads, Wen Yan lit a bunch of incense and stuck it at the intersection.

Then he stretched out his hand and blessed the two soul lamps on the side of the road with yang energy, and all the street lamps.

"After the Little New Year, it is the New Year. After the New Year, it is the beginning of the second year. I hope you can achieve the right result as soon as possible."

Then Wen Yan bowed to the dead souls in the underworld.

"Today, please eat incense for everyone who comes and goes. It's not much, just a token of my heart."

When Wen Yan stepped onto the path and was about to go up, he heard a voice.

"I am grateful for your light and your incense. I will give you some news. The New Year will come this year. Be careful."

Wen Yan turned around and looked, but saw nothing. The underworld was as usual, with densely packed souls, and it was impossible to tell who was talking.

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