I am your natural enemy

Chapter 520 Locking range, blinding eyes and evil intentions (6k)

In the middle of the night, the headquarter director was woken up. He had just gone to bed. He was old and had less sleep, so he couldn't last longer than young people.

When he heard that it was Wen Yan's call, the headquarter director immediately asked someone to answer the call, and then he washed his face in the bedroom to wake up.

Without absolute necessity, Wen Yan would definitely not call at this time.

After the call was connected through the confidential route, Wen Yan just let the headquarter director look at the display, and the black box had listed the course of events.

It was difficult to explain this matter in a short time, and it was safer to let the headquarter director look at the details dug out by the black box.

The headquarter director took a few glances and his eyes changed slightly.

Unexpectedly, Wen Yan actually caught a big fish.

No, that's not right. It should be when Wen Yan was fishing with a net, the big fish lost its mind and rushed around, and directly took Wen Yan to a fish pond.

The headquarter director first read it quickly, and then read it carefully again, thinking about the details.

The head of the headquarters has personally handled more cases than Wen Yan has ever heard of or seen. This case, judging from the current information, seems a little strange, but he thought about it and remembered something similar.

"You said you summoned the soul and found that the head of the deceased Sun Fuan was empty, which reminded me of an incident in the past.

I will push the file to you later, and you can go and see the details yourself.

It is basically a person with two souls in one body. At first, they were twins, but only one was born alive. The two souls shared one body, but there was still only one wisdom.

The main body is the younger brother, who is active during the day, and the older brother can use that wisdom to occupy the body to move after falling asleep at night.

The younger brother is ordinary, spoiled since childhood, and unlearned, while the older brother knows his situation since childhood, and is sensible and cautious since he was very young, and cherishes it very much. Time.

As time went by, the gap between the two brothers became larger and larger. Their parents knew about this situation. Over time, the elder brother, who was sensible, studious, and obviously had higher IQ and EQ, became more and more likable.

People will die if they compare themselves with others, and goods will be thrown away if they are compared with others.

Gradually, when he was in the third year of junior high school and was about to take the high school entrance examination, the younger brother seemed to start to learn well.

But when he was a teenager, the elder brother spent more and more time outside, and the younger brother's soul began to be devoured, and his wisdom was also monopolized.

At the same time, the elder brother also began to have more problems, and more habits and preferences that belonged to the younger brother. "

On the other side, Wen Yan listened to the general idea and understood the meaning.

"You mean, because the bone demon devoured Sun Fuan's wisdom, it inevitably devoured some bad things, things that belonged to Sun Fuan.

So what he is doing now is not strange at all, and it is a very reasonable development, right?"

"Yes, but I think it is not appropriate to say that those are bad things. It should be said that those things are part of wisdom, so they cannot be avoided at all.

When we say whether something is good or bad, most of the time, we stand on our own standpoint to see whether this thing is beneficial to ourselves.

But many things are good for Sun Fuan himself, but they may not be good for the bone demon.

According to the information currently captured and decoded by the black box, the bone demon is likely to be seriously affected by Sun Fuan's wisdom.

It is likely that he wants to get back the money that belongs to Sun Fuan, and then kill the guy who resells human bodies."

"I came to you, just How should we deal with this matter now? "

"Tell me what you think, just say it."

"My personal opinion is that I will watch the show and ensure that the situation is within the controllable range.

They can fight each other as much as they want, as long as it does not involve other people, I want to watch the show.

The most important thing is that the bone monster has lost its mind. Just after contacting me, it dared to open their chat group directly.

There were seven or eight people who spoke in the chat group just now.

If I take action now, it is likely to alert the snake.

Maybe that dog profiteer will take the opportunity to run away, and we have not locked the other party's position yet.

Let them fight each other, make a fuss, and then clean up the mess. It is more reasonable.

Otherwise, if we catch one this time, the rest will definitely hide.

But I also know the rules of your Lieyang Department..."

The general manager laughed and shook his head. It started again, and it became your Lieyang Department again.

"It's okay, just keep talking, speak boldly."

"I also know that the bone monster in this situation is a standard social instability factor.

According to the rules and habits of the Lieyang Department, we must take it down first.

This guy is actually quite dangerous, and he is a little out of control, and he may cause some avoidable damage.

But this will inevitably alert the enemy. Forget about the other people in the chat group. Anyway, after this incident, they will definitely be cautious for a while.

But the dog profiteer who is a key link is also very likely to run away.

If you want to track down the black box without being discovered, it is destined that you will not be able to lock the location of other people so quickly..."

"Do whatever you want to do, don't hesitate, and we can fully assist you if you need anything." The director of the headquarters gave Wen Yan a reassurance.

He was still quite relieved. At least Wen Yan would consider the pros and cons of various options and did not act according to his own wishes in a hot-headed manner.

Of course, he also knew that it would be different to act now, or half an hour later, or wait until the bone monster and others started fighting.

The head of the headquarters looked at the black box and roughly locked the scope after getting the authority.

In that chat group, four of the people who were talking were in Shenzhou, and three were outside Shenzhou.

Only one could lock the scope in Nanwu County.

This guy should be the profiteer that Bone Demon is looking for now.

According to what Bone Demon said before, it is likely that this guy with the online name of Grocery Store opened a supermarket boat on Xijiang River.

After being aroused by Wen Yan, Bone Demon intentionally or unintentionally sold some information about this grocery store.

Just based on the three words "supermarket boat", the probability of being tracked by Wen Yan later is not small.

If this grocery store is an outlier and does not run away before dawn, it can basically be said that he will definitely be caught.

The head of the headquarters did not say anything else. He handed the matter to Wen Yan. Now that time is tight, it can only be done by Wen Yan, and others can only assist.

On the other hand, Wen Yan got the authorization of the head of the headquarters, and he still did not want to take down Bone Demon now.

As long as the Bone Monster didn't implicate innocent people, Wen Yan would dare to stand by and watch the fun with his arms folded when the Bone Monster beat the other profiteer who sold human bodies to death.

He wasn't a member of the Lieyang Department. He was still an external expert, so he didn't have to follow the Lieyang Department's code of conduct in everything.

He saw that the black box tracked the people in the chat group in the safest way. After narrowing the scope, he confirmed that one of them was in Nanwu County, and he immediately thought of the Bone Monster's previous statement.

"Immediately mark the current location of all supermarket ships on the West River that may have had contact with the Bone Monster.

No, all those without contact traces must be marked.

Combined with the current whereabouts of the Bone Monster, confirm whether it is possible that one of them is the target of the Bone Monster."

"Okay, sir."

The black box acted quickly and instantly marked the locations of all supermarket ships on the West River on the map. Whether they were docked or moving, they were clearly marked.

The location of the Bone Monster was also marked. The guy was very fast. He called a taxi on the taxi app, but canceled it a few seconds later.

The location was displayed, and he began to move quickly.

The black box gave a short video clip, and a car was driving fast along the riverside road.

The owner of the car was not a bone demon, and it should be stolen by the bone demon.

This guy has indeed completely lost his mind, but his consciousness is obviously not lost, and he stole the car very quickly.

On this side, the black box has also given a prompt, and has called a car for him. Someone is sending a car over. If there is a need, a helicopter will come in about fifteen minutes.

After waiting for less than five minutes, the local Lieyang tribe sent a full-gasoline truck over. The other party did not ask anything, did not say anything, and just handed the car to Wen Yan.

Wen Yan stepped on the accelerator and chased after it.

Since he had chosen it, he couldn't mess it up. According to his own judgment, letting the people in the chat group know that they were exposed and immediately hiding could cause greater damage.

On the other hand, if the bone demon made a noise and was suppressed, the people in the chat group would probably change their contact information immediately, but their vigilance would definitely not be that strong.

This also gave Black Box more time to use the safest way to narrow the scope bit by bit.

As long as the scope is narrowed down to a small enough level, it is not necessary to be precise about which one it is, and it will be easier to find it later.

He chased after the Bone Demon, hanging within a minute's drive. He followed for more than an hour, and it was almost dawn.

While driving, the Bone Demon was still spitting foul language in the chat group, using simple and rough swear words, repeating them continuously, directly scolding the grocery store for being autistic, and directly shutting down the group.

The number of people online in the group gradually increased.

These people tried to persuade the Bone Demon at first, but later they also began to say that the grocery store should not lose the big picture for the sake of the small. Business has always been a matter of loss and gain. There is no reason to regret after deciding something that is not worthwhile and then waiting for someone to die.

Things that can be settled with money should not be fraught with twists and turns, and it is not right to cause trouble, at least for them, it is absolutely not right.

Others still wanted to be peacemakers, but the Bone Demon was just spitting foul language. In the end, no one persuaded them and let the Bone Demon vent.

Unfortunately, none of them knew that the bone demon was just swearing because he was driving and couldn't spare that much energy.

A supermarket ship was docked on the riverside of Duanzhou.

Some lights were on on the ship, and only dim lights were on in the cabin, indicating that there were people on the supermarket ship, but they were resting. Passing ships could come if they needed anything.

Under normal circumstances, most of the things that river ships would use, from cables to various tools, some common small parts, and food, drinks, etc., are available on supermarket ships.

In the cabin, deep in the cabin, someone was sleeping. On the supermarket floor, there was a person on duty who got up and went to the toilet, and then continued to sleep on the recliner.

As this person fell asleep, the piggy bank on the counter immediately opened his smiling eyes and smiled.

The surveillance in the supermarket was covered by a flying big banknote, and the picture was frozen in the way it looked just now.

The piggy bank turned into a stream of light and sank into the person on duty. The sleeping person on duty opened his eyes instantly.

He picked up his phone, opened the chat group and took a look, then immediately curled his lips in disdain.

"After all, he is a low-level monster with a congenital defect. He can only curse people like this."

He flipped through the chat history and found that other people were also persuading him, thinking that it was unnecessary to do something because of this small amount of money.

Seeing this, he felt that these people could stand and talk without pain in their backs.

What do these guys know, that making money is easy?

What is this little money? It is not easy at all to turn this little money into legal money that can be used in China.

If he has less money, people will be too lazy to pay attention to him, but if he has more money, it will not be easy to avoid being noticed.

The Nanyang Alliance is a waste, and eight of my accounts have been targeted.

How can I make money if I don't save money?

If I don’t make money, where will I get my strength?

Every possession costs money, and it costs my power.

He was dissatisfied with the bone monster, but he was too lazy to argue with a monster with congenital brain problems. But other people also tried to persuade him, which made him even more dissatisfied.

Since Boss Tao was beheaded, all goods in Nanwu County and the counties covered by the Xijiang River Basin are not allowed to be transported by him?

Without him, those guys would all be in trouble, especially the bone demon, who would definitely become a brainless thing.

He closed the group chat and planned to stay offline for the next week to see who could endure it.

At the same time, a car stopped on the side of the road. The bone demon, whose whites had turned red, opened the door and got out.

He looked at the supermarket boat docked by the river. His ferocious expression gradually calmed down, and he kept mumbling over and over again.

"That's my daughter's tutoring fee, that's the money for college, that's the dowry in the future, both of us must have it, no less, give it back, give it back..."

The resonance of his obsession reached its limit at this moment. His boiling mind seemed to have calmed down a lot, and his consciousness that was on the verge of overturning began to stabilize.

He took out his phone and dialed a number. After waiting for a few seconds, the phone picked up.

"Boss, I want a thirty-meter cable, your thickest model, two barrels of lubricating oil, and ten gas tanks. I'll get it right away."

"Okay..." In the cabin, the grocer's expression changed drastically as soon as he said one word.

He immediately came to the other side and looked towards the shore, and saw the bone demon standing on the shore with a calm expression.

"What a madman!"

The moment he walked out of the cabin, a smile appeared on his face and his eyes became kind.

"Hei Zai, your boss wants something, right? The price is still the same. I'll prepare it for you right away."

The bone demon looked at him quietly with calm eyes.

"Give me back my money, every cent. Give me back."

Just when the grocery store was about to say a few words and check the situation, he saw that the bone demon's eyes were red, and a black line penetrated the whites of his eyes from the corner of his eyes, like a black spear stuck in his eyeballs.

"That's the money I gave to my daughter. I sold my own money, and every penny was returned to me."

As the bone demon spoke, his expression began to look ferocious. His appearance began to fail and he began to take on his true form.

The grocery store saw this situation and said without hesitation.

"Okay, just wait, I'll get it for you now, it's all cash!"

The grocer returned to the cabin and took out a small box. He opened it in front of the bone demon and saw stacks of old banknotes neatly arranged inside.

The moment the bone demon looked over, he saw banknotes flying out one after another. In the blink of an eye, the shadows of banknotes were all in front of him.

Two big bills flew out and covered the bone demon's eyes. The bone demon, who was just for money, and whose mind was now full of money, was immediately fascinated.

The grocery store showed disdain and disgust, and carefully looked at the surrounding environment.

The place where the ship docks is also carefully selected. Strictly speaking, it is not allowed to dock casually. I found this place because of this angle. The surveillance here can only take pictures of the back half of the supermarket ship, but not the front half.

"You guys, why did you come here just for a special trip? You've really lost your mind and gone crazy. You can't even tell who is who..."

In the distance, Wen Yan was already waiting for Jiang Yanyan to arrive.

When it comes to the river basin in Duanzhou, Jiang Yanyan must be well prepared for things on the river.

He looked far away, and when he saw the guy who looked like a grocery store, a hint appeared in front of him.

"Gold-swallowing beast (spirit)"

"The main body is a piggy bank that has been handed down for at least fifty years. It has had nineteen owners, but it has never been broken.

With excellent luck, he acquired a trace of the charm of a mythical beast, and finally derived his spiritual wisdom and transformed into a spirit.

The beast is called a gold-swallowing beast, and it naturally relies on swallowing money to practice cultivation.

The money it earns on its own has the highest value.

The more money you swallow, the stronger you become.

When it swallows up enough money that is of high quality to it, one day it will shed its old slough and turn into a real gold-eating beast. "

"To you, this is just a scumbag who is worthless in other aspects except for possessing people. He is not even worthy of being hung on a street lamp."

"Temporary ability: none."

"The current title 'Golden Enemy' has been triggered."

Wen Yan looked around and saw something shining brightly in the cabin. In the dark night, it was like a lighthouse shining directly on his face, which was particularly dazzling.

It was a piggy bank with a very ancient style and seemed to be of some age.

Now Wen Yan understands why, according to the news of the black box investigation, it seems that all the supermarket ships on the Xijiang River have no major problems.

Even if there are some problems, they are not problems that the Lieyang Department can deal with.

Because the guy active on the supermarket ship doesn't even have a human body.

It only possesses a human body when it needs it.

Normally, these people are just normal people. The black box has given extremely high authority in this case. It is normal that it can't find out anything that needs Lieyang's intervention.

Because the people on the supermarket ship really don't know anything and don't intervene in anything.

Wen Yan took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Jiang Yanyan, asking Jiang Yanyan to go first.

Wen Yan sent the message, and only ten seconds later, the river water rolled, and a boy with a big head and small eyes emerged from the river, with a majestic posture, stepping on the waves.

"Which monster is making trouble here?"

Jiang Yanyan knew that Wen Yan was next to him, so he was confident to speak.

If it comes to fighting, the two monsters in front of him are not as good as his brother Wen with one hand.

The grocery store saw Jiang Yanyan and felt a pang in his heart.

The local water god, the water god who has been certified, has he transformed? Or is it the water god's Dharma image?

"The Lord God misunderstood, misunderstood."

The grocery store quickly said it was a misunderstanding, and he pointed at the bone monster.

"This brother settled the account today and found that I had miscalculated and paid him less. He was upset and came to collect the debt.

I was chatting with him to see how much the difference was. He didn't make trouble, really, he didn't make trouble.

How dare I, a person who makes a living on the river, make trouble in the place of the Lord God.

That's crazy..."

Jiang Yanyan stared at the grocery store with his small eyes and a big head, and suddenly shouted in a deep voice.

"Monster, dare to possess a living person!"

The next moment, the grocery store's face sank, and he immediately opened the box in his hand again.

This time, it was not two big bills flying out to cover his eyes, but hundreds of them flew out and rushed towards Jiang Yanyan.


With a low shout from the grocery store, Jiang Yanyan saw countless big bills flying in front of him, blocking his vision.

The water vapor in the river churned and turned into waves, wetting the flying big bills.

The grocery store was not surprised and continued to shout.

"Evil intentions."

At least one or eight hundred thousand big bills in the box flew out and pounced on Jiang Yanyan.

In the distance, Wen Yan walked over. He was not in a hurry to intervene. He also wanted to see how Jiang Yanyan had improved over the past few months.

After Jiang Yanyan's vision was gradually completely blocked by the big bills, he seemed to fall into a fantasy, and some people's conversations emerged in his ears.

"If you want to build a better temple, it will cost a lot of money."

"If Daliang wants to build a better one, you have to spend money and favors to get it."

"Even if it's the smallest temple, it's not a small amount of money. There are subsidies, but you can't really follow the lowest standard, right?"

"If the standards, specifications, sizes, etc. are set, it will be difficult to upgrade in the future."

"You have to spend money..."

Jiang Yanyan turned into a water god, and he actually knew that everything costs money.

He has been studying in recent months, and even if he wants to add something to the temple, he has to spend money.

It's true that the Lieyang Department has subsidies, but they won't pay for everything.

On the shore, the grocery store breathed a sigh of relief. It is indeed a recognized water god. It is useless to deceive the eyes, and it is also difficult to bribe with evil intentions.

Suddenly, the grocery store seemed to sense something, and he turned his head with difficulty and looked to the side.

I saw Wen Yan standing there with a piggy bank in his hand.

When did it appear?

Why didn't it feel it at all?

Why did he still realize that his body was being held by someone?

His body was being held by someone, and all his strength seemed to be held by someone. He could not generate or mobilize any resistance, as if he was completely suppressed.

The hairs on his body stood up.

Wen Yan held the piggy bank, and the dazzling light that burst out from it was suppressed. He looked at the grocery store.

"Are you going to come out by yourself, or do you want me to help you?"

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