I am your natural enemy

Chapter 529 Nostalgia, Release of Career (6k)

Gauss looked normal, and he skillfully dialed the video call. After the call was connected, he saw his big face on the screen, and immediately skillfully changed the rear camera.

The surprised little black man appeared in the screen, and Wen Yan was shocked.

"What the hell?"

"I don't know, but it seems to be very fast..."

Before Gauss finished speaking, he saw the little black man's hand retracted from Gauss's chest. The moment he retracted his hand, blood spurted, and the little black man held a throbbing heart in his hand.

A smile gradually appeared on Gauss's calm face, as if he was missing.

"Gauss, are you okay? I'll be there soon."

"It's okay, just a fatal injury."

With a smile on his face that made even perverts feel creepy, Gauss closed his eyes slightly and began to enjoy it.

This feeling has not been felt for a while.

Although it is superficial, it is nostalgic after all. Occasionally, it can be regarded as revisiting the past and learning the new.

The little black man crushed the heart with one hand, and Gauss still smiled.

"People in this world have studied many things to a very detailed level.

The heart is just a blood vessel and a bunch of strong muscles.

And I have strong muscles all over my body."

As Gauss said this, a series of heartbeats suddenly sounded all over his body.

It seems that there is a separate heart in each part of his limbs and torso to maintain its operation.

The big hole in the chest and the broken part of the thick blood vessels are like hideous and strange living things, reconnecting together quickly, and the places where they are connected have turned into strange scar tissue, which keeps expanding and turns into a heart again.

Gauss stretched out his hand, and the corners of his mouth gradually grinned towards his ears. He waved to the little black man.

"Come on, come on, do it again. Remember next time, you should act quickly and stop slowly. You are too fast, and it is difficult for people to fully feel every detail."

The little black man took two steps back cautiously. He had just crossed into this world and found that the people here were very weak, and there were still many of them.

Just as he was about to start the carnival, he found Gauss, a guy whose background he couldn't figure out and who made him feel uncomfortable.

Xiao Heizi retreated quietly. At the same time, Xiao Baizi, who was pale all over, appeared behind Gauss. One hand was like a phantom and sank into Gauss's head.

The hand passed through Gauss's head and flew past quickly. After landing, it stood with Xiao Heizi. Xiao Baizi was also shocked. He had nothing in his hand.

Because no matter how non-mainstream Gauss was, he was still a demon king and had no soul at all.

Even if his status was sealed for most of the time, he was still a demon king. So far, under the current version, the only character who could let the old Tianshi open the altar in person and was not killed in the end was Gauss.

As a demon king, the path he took was completely different from the monsters in Shenzhou and the mainstream gameplay in Shenzhou.

Like the old master, who has been standing on the ceiling as the progress of the spiritual energy recovery deepens, his power is already comparable to that of a land immortal, but his body is still flesh and blood, with a large number of limitations, and he will die when the time comes.

But Gauss is different. The power he can exert in the world is indeed far less than that of the old master.

But his survival is maxed out, and he will be crushed to pieces and burned to ashes. He will not really die, but will be beaten back to his hometown.

Being sealed for most of his position will not change some things. The heart is dug out and crushed, which is indeed just a fatal injury for nostalgia.

On the other side, Wen Yan also saw the two monsters in the video, one with a black body and the other with a pale body. They look like ghosts, but they are obviously not ghosts.

He is not too worried about Gauss's safety. Gauss is a legendary king of endurance, and this is a small scene.

What he cares about is that he suddenly had a whim before, and this is indeed something wrong.

And the black box only monitors to check for abnormalities, and the key point is that it only gives a prompt when it detects that someone is going to set a fire.

For other things, if there is no obvious mysterious force involved, the black box will regard it as a non-abnormal situation.

This can be regarded as the limitation of the black box, which is very dependent on existing data and core element information summarized by humans.

The strongest place is also the weakest place.

What Gauss encountered was reported quickly, and the local departments in Xingzhou responded quickly and had various corresponding plans.

In less than ten minutes, the firefighters arrived first, learned about the situation, and after a brief exchange with the field staff of the Lieyang Department who rushed to the scene as soon as possible, they immediately gave up the preset conventional rescue plan.

Some people inflated several air cushions on the ground, and others drove the fire ladder and hit several hooks on the part below the fourth floor.

A special long cloth three or four meters wide and more than ten meters long was hung on those hooks, allowing people trapped on the fourth and fifth floors to jump directly from the window.

After completing the first arrangement, the second simple slide was arranged.

This is not a conventional fire-fighting problem, and efficiency can only be the first priority. Otherwise, there are at least 600 people on the fourth and fifth floors, including guests and staff.

This is because some guests at the wedding banquet have already left. Otherwise, there would be sixty or seventy tables at the wedding banquet alone.

Given the fire and the weirdness, this method is currently the fastest way to evacuate.

The two weirds were blocked at the door by the unhappy Gauss, who used these two things to play with nostalgia.

Seeing the two weirds, they thought Gauss was too tricky and were about to bypass him, but then they saw Gauss grabbing his stomach and taking out a staff inlaid with a demon skull.

With a bang, the staff, which was as tall as a person, was inserted into the floor, and the demon skull opened its mouth and laughed strangely.

"You bastards, you have been blessed, come and bring me joy."

Ripples spread out, and statues with distorted faces, as if they were in extreme pain and extreme joy at the same time, came out of the wall.

The two weirds were trapped in this area, and they began to get a little scared when they saw Gauss becoming more and more crazy.

Gauss's mouth was grinning to his ears, looking at the two guys with dissatisfaction in his eyes.

"Run? Why run? I gave you a chance to offer me the old sacrifices, but you are unwilling? You really don't know how to appreciate it."

He stretched out his arm, pierced his chest with a claw, dug out the newly grown heart, and held it in his hand.

With a puff, the heart was crushed.

The next moment, the little black man, whose upper body looked like a real body and whose lower body looked like a ghost, suddenly widened his eyes. He covered his chest with his hands, his face full of disbelief.

A heart grew out of his chest at some point, and at this moment, this heart, together with the heart dug out by Gauss, was broken into pieces and forcibly crushed.

The little black man twitched and fell to the ground, like a fish on the shore, constantly opening and closing his gills and flapping his arms.

The little black man twitched for a few seconds, then collapsed there, and with a bang, he exploded into a ball of black mist, which rolled and gathered again, and turned into the appearance of the little black man again.

The little black man's sad expression seemed much more real this time.

He was killed once.

Seeing that it was useless and that he couldn't kill the other party in such a simple way, Gauss was not discouraged, but smiled.

Just like an ordinary person, after adulthood, by chance, revisited the classics of the past, suddenly discovered details that had not been noticed before, nostalgia and some gains, that is a rare good thing.

"Come, don't care about those statues, I just think they should be there, they look better.

Come, sacrifice to my painful pleasure, I will give you more gifts if I am satisfied."

The two weird tried several times, but they did not walk out of the range locked by Gauss.

They tried several times and soon locked the key point, not on Gauss, but on the demon staff inserted in the ground.

The two looked at each other and completed the communication without speaking. One of them feinted and the other hid behind the other, turning into two afterimages and rushing over quickly.

When Xiao Heizi rushed to Gauss, Xiao Baizi's body had already passed the demon staff inserted in the center like a phantom.

At this time, Gauss had reached out, grabbed his head, and suddenly twisted his head off.

At the same time, the figures of Xiao Heizi and Xiao Baizi were instantly swapped, and Xiao Baizi, who turned into a phantom and happened to be on the demon staff, became Xiao Heizi.

When Xiao Heizi's head twisted synchronously with Gauss's head, the demon staff was also twisted together, and it broke with a click.

Xiao Heizi died again, but the power similar to the field here was also broken by Gauss himself.

The moment it was broken, the two weirdos left Gauss behind, rushed into the crowd that had not yet escaped, and began to kill wantonly.

One of them devoured the blood and the other devoured the soul. For a moment, blood flew across the wedding hall and the murderous spirit boiled.

The two weirdos who devoured enough blood and soul became stronger and stronger. Gauss seemed unable to catch up with them or stop them.

Time passed by little by little. When all the people who had not left in the lobby were killed, the little black man who had become a complete entity seemed to teleport. In the moment he passed by, he took off Gauss's head and held it in his hand.

Seeing Gauss's eyes full of disbelief, the little black man's frowning face seemed to have a hideous smile and satisfaction.


A sound of breaking came, and everything around seemed to be covered with cracks. Everything was broken like a mirror.

After breaking, everything was still the same as before, and they were still under Gauss's control.

The head on the demon staff made a strange and piercing laugh.

Outside this control circle, Gauss put his mobile phone on the table and filmed the picture. He filled a bowl of soup again and sat on the table alone to continue drinking soup.

And the originally messy hall was now empty. Everyone left here through the window through the simple slide.

The two weirdos finally broke the illusion and saw the real moment again. From the extreme unbridled joy, they instantly fell into the cruel reality. The huge gap was like an iron fist hammering their minds.

The gap in that moment, the intense emotions that burst out, were like the best seasoning.

Gauss watched the performance while drinking the soup in the bowl, showing a satisfied smile.

"The soup here is really well made.

Wen Yan is right, it comes from the pain of the past, too superficial.

Ordinary people will give pure seasoning, but it is too fragile.

Indeed, only this kind of alien that is difficult to kill is a precious seasoning.

I am very satisfied with your sacrifice.

Originally, I should have given you eternal pain, but now I have learned to think from your perspective. You probably won't like my gift.

Well, I will show my mercy and hand you over to Wen Yan. "

After saying this, Gauss ignored the two trapped aliens. He took the bowl and poured another bowl of soup, and continued to sit there waiting.

The weirdo trapped inside, no matter how hard he tried, couldn't get out, and the demon head on the staff was not something they could destroy, so they could only be trapped inside.

Gauss snapped his fingers and asked them to continue the next round of performances.

He was waiting for Wen Yan to come and take a look at the nostalgic theater.

As for the other things in this matter, he didn't need to consider them.

While eating, Gauss looked into the passage, where there was still smoke. Of course, this little bit of poisonous black smoke was at most a simulation of the environment of his hometown for him.

He felt that there seemed to be something else.

In the blazing flames downstairs, a swaying and twisted face seemed to emerge , that face seemed to be struggling, screaming, and showing a little pain when hit by the fire hose.

A car stopped outside the building, Wen Yan got out of the car, and checked the latest news on his mobile phone.

Some people have been controlled, and these idiots thought it was an ordinary case, and ordinary criminal police came to investigate and question.

At the moment when this case happened, all people who might be related would at least be temporarily restricted from leaving the area.

If it weren't for the fact that the immortal who was eating a banquet was eating here, it is estimated that at least hundreds of people would have died within ten minutes of the incident.

The preliminary related information now is related to a local Feng Shui master who calculated the eight characters and auspicious times. All the times of the wedding banquet were calculated by this guy.

The person who died at the funeral banquet was the father of a local wealthy businessman, who was related to this family The boss of the restaurant is a friend of many years. The auspicious time was calculated by another Feng Shui master, and this Feng Shui master is a cousin of the previous Feng Shui master.

Moreover, this guy was born in Luofu Mountain. He was a typical person who did not get the qualification for ordination and went down the mountain to make a living.

Many non-monastic Taoists follow this path. Zhang Laoxi from Fuyu Mountain also took this route.

Even if his talent, strength and other aspects do not meet the standards for ordination, he is at least from a big mountain and a big sect. He may not be rich, but no matter how bad he is, he can at least have enough food and drink.

Take Zhang Laoxi for example. If he had not adopted a bunch of apprentices, it would not be difficult for him to buy a house and settle down in Yuzhou City with his income.

This case itself has a high priority, and he was contacted quickly. This guy may It is also related to the arrests made by the Lieyang Department a few days ago.

The little golden pig sold some information, and the threat to Mr. Zhao, who grows onions in Haidai County, made the rather unambitious onion monster furious. He racked his brains to recall and gave some scattered information.

After comparing them with each other, and adding the scattered confessions given by some newly arrested people, this guy from Luofu Mountain appeared in two of the cases.

It’s just that this guy is currently a background character and has not been directly involved in the case.

This time, this guy appeared in another case, and he was an important role in determining the auspicious time, so of course he could not be ignored.

But this guy had already gone to Nanhai County yesterday, saying that he was invited by people there to look at Feng Shui.

Now he can’t be contacted and his location cannot be determined.

Let the people of the Lieyang Department do the arresting, and Wen Yan didn’t care about it.

He took a look at the results of the arrests in the past few days. All those who should be arrested have been arrested. Many people in the chat group of Onion Monster have been arrested. Most of them are from the south. There are not many people with addresses in the north because they are not online. They are not afraid of being exposed and it is difficult to lock the other party's address.

Wen Yan wondered, is this revenge? Or is he going to do something else?

He took his mobile phone and put on a gas mask and entered the floor.

The people here were dispersed, and the people on the upper floors were rescued in time.

So far, one person has died, the arsonist.

Seven people were injured, all of whom were injured when escaping.

The open fires have also been extinguished. They are still working because they want to prevent re-ignition and eliminate risks.

Wen Yan went up the stairs to the fifth floor. As soon as he came up, he saw Gauss sitting in the blackened hall, sitting on a chair, with his legs crossed, holding a small bowl.

On one side of the hall, a staff with a demon skull on top was inserted into the floor. Two guys, one black and one white, kept tumbling within a range of more than ten meters. I don’t know what they are doing.

Wen Yan recognized the demon skull at a glance. It was the gift he gave to Gauss when he came back from the Sea of ​​the Dead last time.

I didn't expect Gauss to like it so much. It's only been a few days, and he made the demon skull into a staff.

"You're here so soon. I'll leave the rest to you." Gauss put down the bowl and walked downstairs.

"Don't rush to leave."

"I just felt that there seemed to be something else downstairs, but then it gradually disappeared. I'll go and take a look."


"Don't worry about this. The skull you gave me is very good. It must have been very powerful and useful when it was alive."

"Okay, then you go down first."

When Wen Yan came up just now, he took a special look at every floor and didn't see anything special.

He looked at the two weird black and white ones, and a prompt appeared in front of him.

"Black and white evil."

"Special aliens from the wilderness.

One likes to devour the hearts and blood of living beings, and the other likes to devour the souls of living beings.

They often appear in places with strong evil spirits and will be attracted by special places where evil spirits collide.

The two evil spirits are two in one, and they are the inside and outside of each other. If one does not die, the other will not die either.

They are usually born in places where a large number of living beings die, and are disliked by living beings. ”

“A grand wedding banquet and a funeral banquet with a large number of guests are held at the same time. When the wedding banquet sends guests and the funeral banquet welcomes guests at the same time, they will collide with some special evil spirits.

When the flames promote the festivity to the extreme, the grand wedding banquet begins to turn into a funeral banquet.

The fear and despair of living beings, the boiling thoughts, churn within a certain range, and constantly transform into each other.

When living beings begin to die and complete the sacrifice.

In the current version, it can be transformed into a portal for the black and white evil spirits and the corresponding aliens to cross the boundary. ”

“Temporary ability: none. ”

“Extra tips from Xihe Lu: The purification of the scorching sun fire and the soul fire will return the relevant professions to heaven and earth. "

Wen Yan pondered the meaning of the last sentence.

Is the Black and White Dual Evil profession unique? Only one pair can exist at the same time?

Or after purifying these two here, their professions will be added to the professions that may appear in the present world?

Looking at the prompt, he can probably understand that it should be that the progress of the spiritual energy recovery is deepening, the penetration is becoming easier and easier, and the connection is becoming stronger and stronger. Now this method can be used to open a specific portal and let specific things come in.

Wen Yan also caught the meaning behind this prompt.

In other words, someone knows how to take the initiative to receive, and the difficulty and requirements of receiving are no longer as high as before.

This It was different from the fox tribe paying a huge price to contact the Great Wilderness Fox Tribe. That was a summoning with limited races, limited methods, limited time, etc., with great restrictions and no guarantee of effect.

Now this summoning has much lower requirements, and even ordinary people are needed throughout the whole process to achieve it.

As for the lives of these ordinary people, it is estimated that the people behind them don’t care at all. For them, they may only worry about whether they will be caught or caught later.

He didn’t rush to do it, and Gauss also came up from downstairs.

“I just felt that something seemed to be crossing the boundary. After the fire was extinguished, I couldn’t feel it anymore.”

“Let’s talk about this later. Can these two guys hear us talking?”

“No, they are busy killing me inside.”

“Okay, help control it first. You have helped a lot this time and have made great achievements. Remember to treat me to a meal when you get a bonus next month.”

“Okay, is it a lot? Is it enough for me to have a meal? "Gauss was immediately excited when he heard this.

"I think it's enough for you to hold a banquet ten times."

"Okay, I'll hold a banquet myself next month."

Wen Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The banquet-eating immortals held a banquet less than two days on average, and they hadn't held one as the host family yet. Gauss was actually thinking about this...

If he thought about it, this matter would be very simple, just mention it.

Unfortunately, Gauss only wanted to make money and do it himself, and he was very ambitious.

Wen Yan took the phone and asked the black box to upload the information to the general manager.

He was ready to try and purify the two black and white evil spirits directly, but when he saw the last extra prompt, he thought it was better to wait and not be impulsive.

At the same time, in Nanhai County, 800 nautical miles from the coastline, a sunken ship, supported by a bunch of black crabs, was sailing on the seabed.

In the cabin of the sunken ship, a ghost with puffed cheeks, put his head through a gasoline barrel, and blew into it.

Next to him, a ghost wearing a fisherman's hat gnashed his teeth, his eyes were so angry that they floated out of his eye sockets and floated in the water.

"Take turns, give him air, don't let this guy die, if he dies now, it doesn't count as drowning in the sea, nor on land.

He has to die only when he gets ashore!

I want to see which damn guy threw a cement barrel into the territory we patrol, and threw it in such a deep place.

Damn it, he is a Taoist priest, isn't this harming us!

Xingjun praised me last time and helped me get rid of my suffering.

Is this a slap in our face? This is a slap in Xingjun's face!

This matter is not over! Speed ​​up and get to the shore quickly!"

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