I am your natural enemy

Chapter 530: Leverage, the so-called alchemy (6k)

Wen Yan had just reported the situation here to the headquarter director, and as expected, the headquarter director asked him what he thought.

Wen Yan naturally told him his speculation, but he didn't say how he speculated or how he figured it out, and the headquarter director didn't ask.

But when he finished speaking, the headquarter director told him.

"It can't be stopped. This is actually the reason for the world's infiltration, the infiltration and fusion of rules.

This is just like the revival of spiritual energy. It can't be blocked, but can only be drained.

This special alien, if it can be completely killed, let it die in the world.

Or die in any place other than the world where they were born.

The professions they represent will be integrated into the rules of the world.

In the foreseeable future, such things will only increase, and there is no possibility of completely eliminating them."

"Huh..." Wen Yan heard the hidden meaning: "Do you mean there have been cases before?"

"Where do you think the bull head came from? Why did the Lieyang tribe react so quickly that time?"

"Hiss..." Wen Yan took a breath of cold air, and was very surprised, but he didn't think it was that surprising.

The profession that Niu Zhiqiang inherited was actually from the Great Wilderness at the beginning?

This means that Niu Zhiqiang's profession is that there was once an alien from the wilderness who entered the present world and was completely killed by the people in the present world, releasing the profession of the soul-collector.

"Director, when did this happen?"

"Two years ago, a level six domain appeared in Qingyun Mountain. You should have heard about it, right?"

"I heard that there was an ancient demon in it. The bombs and shells did not completely wipe out the domain. It was Tuoba Wushen who went in and forcibly burned through the domain and flattened it."

I heard about this more than once last year. It was the first dangerous place in Nanwu County to be rated as a level six domain.

I heard that this incident had a great impact. The people above, whether conservatives or radicals, have reached a consensus.

That is, as the progress of the spiritual energy recovery increases, the effect of thermal weapons is destined to gradually weaken, or in other words, the scenes suitable for the application of thermal weapons will gradually decrease.

And the professionals who are suitable for the spiritual energy recovery version will, on the contrary, be more flexible in applying to the scenes that will appear in the future as time goes by.

For example, in some areas, the way of entering and exiting is destined to drive the logistics to death, and the logistics cannot meet the combat needs of the front line.

"It is there. The Lieyang tribe suffered heavy losses that time because there was a big bull demon there that could hook people's souls.

General conventional protection is useless when the individual strength gap is too big.

The big bull demon was burned to powder, and less than a year later, Niu Zhiqiang appeared.

So far, there is no second bull head."

Wen Yan understood, which solved his doubts. Before, when he saw the bull head, he always couldn't help but ask, have you seen the horse face.

So far, Wen Yan has only seen such a professional whose professional power requires the soul to leave the body to complete the transformation.

There are actual cases, and Wen Yan thought about it according to this incident.

"Director, do you think that someone wants to stir up trouble and take the opportunity to take revenge and show their attitude?

Or is it mainly to lure these two aliens here, let them die in the real world, and release their profession?"

"If you count yourself and this position, you don't have to ask this question."

"I understand."

When the director talked about the actual case, Wen Yan already had the answer in his mind.

Thinking about the sudden impulse when Gauss set out in the morning, he actually didn't need any evidence.

This was not an accident, but something that was very certain to happen in the morning.

To stir up trouble, it's not somewhere else, it's in Nanwu County.

Not in Decheng, but more than 100 kilometers away from Decheng.

Even if we exclude Gauss, the guy who decided to come to the banquet at the last minute, Wen Yan will definitely receive the emergency message as soon as possible if something like this happens in Xingzhou at such a close distance.

Within a radius of 200 kilometers, he is definitely the person with the highest authority.

When encountering such an emergency involving a large number of ordinary people, he is the one who needs to make decisions on the spot, and he has no time to think about other things.

And in such a close distance from him, two aliens jumped out to harm people. In this case, when he arrived, he must have killed these two guys on the spot as soon as possible.

No matter how it develops, the final result is very likely that the profession represented by the black and white evil spirits will be released into the world.

Thinking of this, Wen Yan completely understood, since it involves the guys who were arrested a few days ago.

This is a revenge, a demonstration, and at the same time, it is also to use his hand and the power of the Lieyang Department to achieve a goal.

According to the information collected now, this wedding banquet was scheduled four months ago, and it should not be deliberately arranged.

It is more likely that the Feng Shui master who calculated the auspicious time has calculated this auspicious time for too many people, and it should not be difficult to choose one from them.

We have also counted the wedding banquet reservations of various hotels in Xingzhou in recent months. Basically, every good day, all the upscale hotels in the whole state have booked wedding banquets.

That is the time of the funeral banquet, which was deliberately arranged. In order to ensure the time, the target chosen was also a big boss of the host family who had some strength in the local area and could handle some things on his own.

According to the local customs, as long as the Luofu disciple gives an auspicious time and gives a few important instructions, the master will definitely find a way to strictly abide by that time regardless of anything else.

In addition, the master is a businessman and believes in this very much. In addition, judging from the initial reputation, the boss is quite filial. With so many buffs stacked up, it can basically ensure that everything goes according to plan.

Wen Yan is only worried about one thing now, that is, whether the person who is causing trouble has found someone who may inherit the relevant profession in advance.

Or do they have any method to know how to inherit the profession, or how to inherit the profession with a high probability.

Although the weaknesses of the black and white evil spirits are obvious, their strengths are also outstanding.

It's a bit like Niu Zhiqiang. During the day, Niu Zhiqiang is an ordinary public official in Haidai County, and at night he will become a brutal ghost killer, cleaning up most of the ghosts like beating his son.

Wen Yan talked to Gauss, and combined with the hints, it was basically confirmed that the two of them had strong survivability. If they hadn't met Gauss right after they came out, and they were just able to restrict them, it would be difficult for them to die.

If they were separated, it would be unlikely that they would die at the same time, and if they didn't die at the same time, they wouldn't die.

Only devils like Wen Yan or Gauss, who were born without souls, would not be naturally defeated by each other.

These two black and white evil spirits can basically target any normal creature.

The head of the headquarters meant to kill them quickly. This guy who came from the wilderness was lawless and extremely harmful, and was more threatening than extreme antisocial elements.

Even if the profession would be released, as long as the creatures in the world obtained the corresponding profession, they should not be very strong at the beginning.

In addition, there would definitely be enough cognition. Born bad guys are also rational, have received basic education in the world, know what can be done, and know what price to pay for doing something.

These are things that the Black and White Evils have no concept of. These two guys are like out-of-control beasts at this moment. They are obviously intelligent creatures, but their cognition is incompatible with the real world. This is the most serious problem.

Wen Yan did not rush to act, and let Gauss trap them first.

He was somewhat unwilling to solve the problem in this way. If he just purified the Black and White Evils, he felt like he was being led by the nose.

There was nothing wrong with the decision of the general manager. The angles of considering things were different.

But Wen Yan always felt like he was being used as a gun, and he was very unhappy.

Recently, his practice was going well. The closer he got to the most critical moment, the more he could feel that the so-called thought was really necessary.

After thinking about it, Wen Yan quickly came to Luoyue County, found King Guilong, and borrowed King Guilong's reverse scale.

After returning here, Wen Yan held the reverse scale in his hand, and the bracelet on his right hand kept changing, turning into a knife handle, and the reverse scale turned into a knife. He carried the knife into the range covered by the demon head staff.

He wanted to try first to see if he could cut something.

When he holds the blade transformed from the mythical core of the beast, wears the corresponding title, and performs the corresponding sword technique, he can exert the maximum damage of 1000% of the sword technique according to the degree of fit.

And there is also a rare effect with 20% independent multiplication of damage.

Wen Yan doesn't use it very often, because the degree of fit is often not high enough.

Entering the illusion, the black and white evil spirits are still slaughtering and struggling. They can hardly tell which one is real.

Seeing Wen Yan coming in, the black and white evil spirits did not hesitate and immediately began to attack.

The black evil spirit was extremely fast. When he rushed over, he was blocked by the blade, but the white evil spirit avoided the blade. His body was like a phantom, and one arm passed through Wen Yan's body.

The white evil spirit no longer felt anything. Where did so many soulless things come from? This must be fake again.

But the next moment, the strong yang energy on his hand burned by itself, and suddenly one of his hands was scorched, burning into white gas and dissipating.

Wen Yan's mind was already in one, and he chopped down with a knife, splitting the black evil in half diagonally.

After being split in half, the broken part of the black evil's body turned into black gas, reconnected and healed again.

Wen Yan's expression remained unchanged. He had expected it, and Gauss had already told him about the situation.

He swung the long knife and chopped it one by one. The yang energy on his body began to rise gradually, as if the morning sun gradually turned into the scorching sun at noon. When he swung the long knife, there was already obvious flames accompanying it.

When he applied the scorching sun fire and chopped the black evil three times in a row, making the opponent's body completely disintegrate, turn into black gas, and then condense into a body shape again.

Wen Yan began to feel the effect.

After the black evil was chopped, the recovery speed was a little slower than the first time. It was not obvious. It was probably that the delay was slightly higher by a few dozen milliseconds.

Wen Yan ignored the white evil spirit and continued to chop the black evil spirit into pieces seven times. He was completely sure that the delay of the black evil spirit's recovery had jumped from 20 milliseconds to more than 300 milliseconds, and the feeling was very clear.

The so-called "no death if you don't kill them at the same time" is indeed impossible without any restrictions and does not make sense at all.

Strength will always be consumed, and the recovery speed will slow down. This is normal.

Thinking of this, Wen Yan had some ideas.

The flame after his yang energy was highly condensed should be able to target one of the black and white evil spirits and kill it completely, and the blue flame transformed through the sixth stone gate can completely kill the other one.

That means the basic effect is definitely there.

He did not use the blue flame, but just bloomed his yang energy, turning into a raging fire, covering the surrounding area of ​​more than ten meters, and including the black and white evil spirits at the same time.

While constantly burning, within a fixed range, forcibly burning the white evil spirit to death, causing the white evil spirit's body to continuously break and reassemble.

He also held the knife and kept chopping the black evil spirit, causing the black evil spirit to continuously reassemble.

According to the prompt, it is impossible for him to completely kill these two guys with only one force, so he just kept consuming.

Wen Yan was like a cold-blooded butcher, constantly repeating the above actions.

Outside the range of more than ten meters, Gauss looked at the flames burning in the circle and sighed.

"I said a long time ago that I would give you a gift, but you didn't want it. Now it's good, wait until Wen Yan comes."

Time passed bit by bit, and gradually, inside the circle, the solid part of the black and white evil spirits' bodies became less and less, and the virtual part became more and more.

Especially Bai Sha, whose head and below were already like an illusory ghost, and the kind of ghost that couldn't even condense its basic form.

Their strength was constantly exhausted, and they only survived because of the special abilities of the Black and White Demons.

They both prospered and suffered together. Bai Sha was so seriously damaged, and Black Sha was not much better. As they anchored each other, their bodies became more and more fragile.

Wen Yan was not in a hurry, and just kept on consuming until more than three o'clock in the morning. The power of the Black and White Demons was constantly being consumed in this continuous consumption like an alchemy furnace.

They crossed the boundary with great effort, and before they could take any supplements, they had a death marathon. The two of them were annihilated by Wen Yan more than two thousand times in a row.

They survived because of their special abilities, but their strength had been completely exhausted.

The two Black and White Demons, who were originally taller than ordinary people, could not even condense their entities, and their bodies became one foot tall.

Wen Yan put away his knife, and grabbed the two with one hand each, with a raging fire burning in his palm, and continued.

Seeing that the two had no power to resist, Wen Yan pinched one with one hand, and in a flash, he transformed all his strength into a dark blue flame to continue burning.

The red flame and the dark blue flame did not appear at the same time, and they burned in rotation to ensure that the two would not die suddenly at the same time and die completely.

When the sky was about to break, Wen Yan held a white bead in one hand and a black bead in the other hand.

The bead seemed to be illusory. When held in the hand, it was sometimes weightless, like an illusion, and sometimes became heavy.

At this time, Wen Yan looked at the two beads and saw the hint.

"Black and white evil beads."

"You seem to have found an extremely subtle method.

Based on mastering the scorching sun fire and soul fire at the same time, let the two powers alternate seamlessly at the same frequency.

With the help of the closed geographical environment, stepping on the edge of complete purification, the power of the black and white evil spirits was wiped out, and their consciousness was wiped out.

In the end, only a trace of original power that could not be erased was left, which turned into something that had never existed before.

The most suitable description for such behavior is alchemy or refining.

The most suitable description for this thing is the job change certificate.

When a suitable candidate appears, taking/fusion of one of the black and white evil beads will have the opportunity to complete the release of the profession and the job change simultaneously.

Note 1: For those who are not completely suitable, fusing one of the black and white evil beads will be transformed into flesh and soul.

Note 2: The black and white evil beads cannot be fused at the same time.

Note 3: Creatures without souls cannot be fused."

Wen Yan looked at the two beads in his hand. They shared weight. The weight of the two beads added was constant, but the weight of each was constantly changing.

When the two beads approached each other, they kept approaching each other, and kept the state of being about to collide but not touching, and began to rotate with each other.

Wen Yan restrained his Yang Qi and put away the two beads.

The demon skull staff inserted into the ground also flew up by itself and inserted into Gauss's stomach, as if it was alive, squeezed into Gauss's stomach and disappeared into it.



"Then I'll go back. I have to go to work tomorrow morning. I'm going to go back to take a shower and change clothes."

"Sorry to bother you this time."

"No trouble, I think it's very good and very interesting."

Gauss waved his hand, and a broom flew over from nowhere. After Gauss sat on it, he shook his clothes and disappeared in mid-air.

Wen Yan walked out, still thinking about the hint just now.

What he was doing just now can be described as alchemy?

There is also a certificate of job transfer. He thought about it carefully. It should be that the black and white evil spirits were stuck at the subtle point between being dead but not releasing their jobs.

This operation, in Wen Yan's cognition, is indeed like refining an elixir.

The alchemy furnace is the closed space constructed by Gauss's staff.

He walked out of the building, which was still in the closed stage. Feng Yao also came to the scene and saw Wen Yan coming out.

"Did he kill it?"

"Yes, I did it." Wen Yan didn't hide anything, nor did he avoid people, and replied casually.

"An hour ago, news came from Nanhai County that the Feng Shui master from Luofu Mountain was found."


Feng Yao took out a tablet and handed it to Wen Yan.

There is a photo on the tablet, which is a gasoline barrel. Next to it stands a ghost wearing a fisherman's hat. The ghost smiles and gives a thumbs up, which is obviously a pose for a group photo.

"The South China Sea Ghost Shipwreck No. 004 was sailing on the seabed when it noticed someone throwing a gasoline barrel into the sea.

The gasoline barrel was filled with cement, and the outer layer of the cement was covered with a layer of mud. The person sealed in the innermost part wore an oxygen mask and a small can of oxygen.

This was a particularly popular way of sinking into the sea before, because there was no fear of retaliation or the dead leaking the news.

People who sank into the sea in this way, after death, are not considered to have died on land or in the sea.

Even if they turn into ghosts, they cannot exist on land, nor can they turn into water ghosts, and it is difficult for them to exist.

There are knowledgeable water ghosts on the sunken ship. Before Having heard about this situation, I took the cement bucket with me.

Fortunately, there was no talisman on the cement bucket, probably because they didn't want to leave any important information.

Otherwise, those water ghosts would not be able to replenish the energy of the people inside.

Now the people have been secretly received, and the cement bucket has been broken to rescue the people.

The situation is very serious, but at least they have saved their lives temporarily.

That guy is also a ruthless person. He knew that he was silenced. After being rescued, he was ready to die and become a ghost.

He is still alive, and his resentment is comparable to that of an ordinary evil ghost. "

"This guy is lucky."

"This is not good luck, it's The frequency of sea monsters appearing is increasing. Even if many ships leave the offshore area, they will not go too far.

In addition, the water ghosts in the South China Sea have had some friction with the people in Jiaozhi recently.

Those guys also brought some water ghosts from Jiaozhi to fight with the people over there.

We can't control this, nor can we persuade them.

The South China Sea looks big, but in fact, the routes with many ships can only cover a small area.

The ship that threw the cement barrel to silence people would definitely not dare to go to a place where there is only one ship within a radius of hundreds of nautical miles.

In this case, if a cement barrel is thrown into the sea and the people inside are still alive, they will most likely be killed by that ship. Some water ghosts found it.

This only shows that the person who silenced the witness has outdated information and is still using the old tricks.

The people who do these dirty jobs should not be important characters. Most likely they just take the job of throwing away garbage temporarily.

We have roughly confirmed which ships are suspicious and have already arrested people. "

"Okay, if you catch the person, ask for a confession quickly. Don't let that guy really die, and don't let anyone silence him again."

"A disciple who was granted the ordination by Luofu Mountain has gone to Nanhai County. The Feng Shui master was too seriously injured and it was inconvenient to transfer, so he was questioned in Nanhai County."

Feng Yao's words were somewhat unconfident.

If he was in Nanwu County, he would still have confidence. The strength of Nanhai County is indeed a little bit worse.

As he was talking, Feng Yao slid the tablet a few times.

"That guy woke up. He said he was cheated by his cousin, the one who calculated the auspicious time for the wedding banquet.

He took a lucrative job and went to Nanhai County. It was also introduced by his cousin.

When he arrived in Nanhai County, he was knocked down before he saw the employer. When he woke up, he was stuffed into a gasoline barrel."

"Ha..." Wen Yan laughed out loud. No one would believe this.

He would not participate in the interrogation. He just wanted to see what would happen after the news of his killing the Black and White Evils spread.

Wen Yan turned and left. A few minutes after he got out of the car, he saw a Taoist priest holding a whisk standing by the road and bowed to him from a distance.

Wen Yan asked the car to pull over and he got out of the car.

"I am Ding Mingzi of Sanyang Palace. I am honored to meet you."

Sanyang Palace is one of the Taoist temples in Luofu Mountain. It is also the place where the Feng Shui master who was almost silenced was born.

This person was waiting nearby. He was so fast. I think he came here as soon as he got the news.

"Hello, Taoist priest. I wonder if you have any advice for me?"

"I dare not give you any advice. I was once ordained with the help of the seniors from Fuyu Mountain. This time, I came here on the orders of the abbot to convey the intention of Sanyang Palace. Sanyang Palace will fully support the contemporary Lieyang to be engraved in the Heavenly Court."

Wen Yan was very surprised. This was the first Taoist temple to stand up and say such a thing.

So anxious?

Wen Yan's thoughts turned around. It just so happened that he also wanted to use the right person to spread some news.

"Taoist priest, I think you must have some misunderstandings. I just got Lieyang by accident.

Let's not talk about whether I have the ability or not.

I never said that I would definitely engrave Lieyang into the Heavenly Court.

I might even be the last one to know about this statement."

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