I am your natural enemy

Chapter 88 Fragrance comes from the mouth, Duanzhou Second Hospital (6k)

In the field of chemical plants, the follow-up finishing work is still going on, and this cannot be done in a day or two.

There are too many zombies and A-Piao inside, especially the zombies, which can form a zombie group.

Although most of them are ordinary walking zombies, there are also many jumping zombies, including twenty or thirty Mao Zombies.

Especially Green-haired Zombie, who specializes in corpse poison route, found two of them.

If it weren't for the two Fu Zhi and eight black-haired zombie warriors to help, just these two green-haired zombies would have wiped out the Lieyang tribe's team.

But now, everything is going well.

If the grades are all low and the gap is not big, the zombies are indeed difficult to control. But if the grade is high and the gap is huge, the suppression force will be particularly strong.

Cai Qidong stood on the edge of the pit, looking at the darkness below and listening to his subordinates' reports.

"The basic situation has been investigated clearly. The following is formed after several fields were broken. Between the fields, there are some lightless dark areas.

According to our observations and estimates, the Soul-Eating Beast has suffered heavy losses before.

Exactly why this happened, we have no idea since the fraudster is dead.

What is basically certain is that it has been here for a long time.

It existed before the Soul-Eating Beast came.

When the Soul-Eating Beast came, I don't know what went wrong. When it fell, it penetrated several areas.

And now, after being tossed for several days, the size has become smaller and smaller, and it has a tendency to fall into darkness. "

After listening to the report from his men, Cai Qidong stood on the edge of the pit and remained silent.

One of his hands touched his waist, and he had been carrying the reins borrowed from Decheng Funeral Home.

This thing was originally the thing that he had the highest expectations for, but now it seems that it is no longer useful.

Even if it seemed like it was the most suitable opportunity to use the reins now, he wasn't going to try it.

On the one hand, maintaining the status quo is the best result without causing unnecessary problems.

On the other hand, due to the appearance of the Soul-Eating Beast this time, the things that fake Mo Zhicheng did caused him to have lingering fears.

He had already heard Qin Kun briefly say that it was because the fake Mo Zhicheng had too many identities before and turned into multiple personalities. One of the personalities was broken by a voice, and he went crazy.

This is definitely not the whole truth, and Cai Qidong is not prepared to ask in detail.

Qin Kun even used the excuse that he was not thinking clearly and could not speak clearly. What else did he ask?

Who to ask?

Are you going to ask Fei Zong?

As a person, as a leader, you must have basic emotional intelligence. If people are willing to help, then you are very lucky. What are you still asking for?

This time, he really understood that ordinary people were increasingly unable to keep up with the times.

Just like this time, you have to go into the water to enter and exit the field. Their large machinery and the like cannot be brought in at all, and personal strength has been increased infinitely.

But even if he is as strong as Qin Kun, according to Qin Kun himself, he is not the core role.

The understanding and utilization of rules and having special abilities are relatively more critical.

It is time to recruit more professionals, otherwise, they will be stretched again next time they encounter a situation that is not suitable for their large force to advance.

Feng Yao had already reported this matter before and made a proposal.

It's just that with the past style of the Lieyang Department, it is difficult to easily recruit professionals. It may not be a good thing for professionals who have not experienced training or polishing to rashly participate in the cause of the Lieyang Department.

But now, I really have to think about what to do next.

To put it bluntly, there are many warriors who are not afraid of death. Some things can be solved at the cost of life, but there are others that cannot be solved even at the cost of life.

"Go ahead and tell me, except for the observation equipment, no one else is allowed to come near here, no one is allowed to disturb, and no one is allowed to do anything rashly."

Since the Soul-Eating Beast has a tendency to disappear and fall into the dark void, then don't worry about it.

The Sanitation and Cleaning Office was recently established. He gathered people who were brainwashed by the fake Mo Zhicheng, and his control over the Lieyang Department of Nanwu County was improved by several levels. This was the second best.

Mainly from these people, he also caught a lot of clues.

Some of the things that Mo Zhicheng knew were not something that ordinary field or internal staff of the Lieyang Department could know.

He believed that everyone in the Lieyang Department must be consistent in their overall goals, but sometimes there would be differences in methods.

He also believes that the Sun Division has existed for decades. If there is a chance to control the soul-eating beast, there will definitely be someone in the Sun Division who does not want to give up this opportunity.

Soul-devouring beasts are not dead objects, nor are they special items with fixed effects.

Those magical items can be used within the prescribed range, but living things should be forgotten.

As it is now, it's good.

After Cai Qidong gave his instructions, his confidants immediately understood what Cai Qidong meant and how to write the report.

The soul-eating beast is too dangerous and can only be allowed to dissipate.

After finishing here, we followed the waterway and returned to the temporary camp, where we saw Feng Yao coming from a distance.

"What's up?"

Feng Yao looked around.

"Two little demons just turned themselves in. They said they took money and were watching here."

As he said that, Feng Yao took out a tablet. There was a photo on it. It was a big bird with more than half of its head dented. The name of the species was also marked on it, and in the brackets next to it, there was a national one.

"Our people went to check. This is a photo of the scene. It is basically confirmed that they were watching in the mountains and forests outside the camp. When they saw Wen Yan leaving, they chased him all the way to the highway, and then were beaten by someone. A small tomato stalk, almost a mile away, killed with precision."

"The one who followed Wen Yan, right?" Cai Qidong looked at the photo, his eyelids twitching.

"Yes, follow.

Our people checked and found out that the harpy and the two civets were stalked on a fraudulent phishing website that specifically targets monsters.

The other party gave them a demon five hundred yuan for the first time and promised to give five thousand yuan at a time if they found valuable information.

The money was transferred via Fetion, and the account owner is an old lady in her eighties.

But that number was only used once, and it was logged in at Yuzhou.

Moreover, that device has never been used again, and the other party is very careful.

We can't find any valuable clues for a while.

It is currently speculated that it may be a third party. "

"Is everything okay over there Wen Yan?"

"Everything went well over there. He immediately returned to the Decheng Funeral Home to go through the procedures. He was very reliable in his work. He had already turned on the high-end luxury furnace and purified it once. Calculating the time, he should have arrived at the beach and started the burial process at sea. There won’t be any problem.”

"Okay, I understand. You are responsible for these matters. Please follow up."

Cai Qidong looked back at the chemical plant and strengthened his idea.

Returning to the tent at the temporary headquarters, there was an immediate internal report.

"Minister, there's a call from the headquarters, asking you to come back. Give me a call."


After dialing the phone, Cai Qidong listened to the voice inside and said calmly.

“I don’t know how the headquarters got the news faster than I knew it.

I just confirmed it myself in the field.

I mean, it's best to let it dissipate naturally as it is.

I came here just to deal with this matter, and I have full authority to make the decision.

If someone has a different idea, whether he wants to pick peaches or has other ideas.

Whoever has this idea, come now, I promise to resign from the current position neatly and make way for others.

As long as someone is willing to take on this responsibility, then feel free to do it. "

After saying this, Cai Qidong listened quietly to the voice on the phone with an expressionless face.

"Well, I thought the headquarters had some dissatisfaction with me.

No wonder, I thought there was some new department at the headquarters.

I personally investigated and confirmed the information. Before I could confirm it, there was news from the headquarters.

I feel ashamed to be inferior to such a powerful person. Of course, I am sincere in abdicating my position to make way for others. "

"No, how could I have emotions? I am pragmatic."

"It's okay, it's best to leave it hands-free.

The peaches were brought to my mouth, and I didn’t dare to reach out.

I want to risk all my lives on your ability to control the soul-eating beast.

You don't dare to stand up, you are such a waste!

Just shut up if you don't have the guts!

Don't let me know who is messing around behind the scenes when everyone in front is risking their lives.

Let me know, and I will definitely twist off your head and use it as a urinal when I go back.

What a little trick to play with, trash! "

After saying this, Cai Qidong hung up the phone with a bang.

There was dead silence in the headquarters tent.

Cai Qidong took a breath and looked around.

"You just do whatever you have to do, and you are just standing there in a daze. Have you never seen anyone scolded? Why, you don't get scolded by me less often?"

Cai Qidong snorted coldly and left with his hands behind his back.

The two logisticians remained silent until Cai Qidong left, then they looked at each other.

"That seemed to be a conference call from the headquarters just now. The three bosses from the headquarters were all there..."

"Damn it, our minister is really awesome."

Cai Qidong had always been quite amiable before. None of them expected that Cai Qidong would dare to publicly curse and threaten death in front of the three bosses at the headquarters.

In the capital, in the headquarters of the Lieyang Department, in a conference room.

A group of people listened to the busy signal on the phone and looked at each other.

Sitting at the top was an old man with white hair and beard, holding a thermos cup and laughing.

"I thought he was older and calmer, but I didn't expect him to still be so angry. Okay, let's let it go. Let him handle it by himself. Isn't it okay if he doesn't handle it?"

The old man held the thermos cup, closed the lid, stood up and walked outside.

When he walked to the door, the old man looked back and looked at the dozen or so people in the conference room.

"However, what Qidong said is quite right. We have many capable people here."

After the old man finished speaking, he turned and left.

The two people sitting on the left and right hands of the old man just stood up and watched the old man leave.

After all the old people left, the one on the left left with a sullen face and said nothing.

The one on the right looked around at the rest of the people.

"Whoever caused it should wipe his own butt. Don't expect others to wipe it for you."

Not long after, in an office, the three giants from the headquarters sat together again.

The old man held the thermos cup and looked at the other two people with sinking faces, and couldn't help but smile.

"Someone is willing to take the initiative to jump out. Isn't this a good thing? Why are you two so serious? Investigate it as you need to, and deal with it as you need to.

How and who leaked the information at that time.

Without the leakage of this information, there would not have been so many things later.

If you don't want to be embarrassed, it's best to resolve this matter before Qi Dongteng takes action.

Otherwise, if he comes back and kills people, I won't care. "

In Wen Yan's villa, they sat in a circle around the big table.

Wen Yan heard that his yang-enhancing thing could make Gantang taste it, and he immediately invited him back to have a meal together.

On two raised child seats, the little zombie and the finch cat sat side by side.

Zhang Laoxi went to order a table of dishes. Wen Yan waved his hand and blessed all the dishes with yang energy.

Even the little zombie, who had been eating only tomatoes and Yang Qi, ate a small bowl of rice. Everyone was very happy with the meal.

In the meantime, Wen Yan also went to deliver some food to Lao Zhao and the five brothers in the back row, plus a lot of delicious food from Zhang Laoxi.

After finishing the meal, Gantang said it was time to leave, Wen Yan was a little reluctant to leave.

He had just hugged Aunt Gan's thigh, and before she could walk sideways, he was about to leave again.

"I have other things to do."

"There's no rush, just two days."

"Yes, then we will stay for a few more days. In a few days, we will go to Duanzhou again. Then we will have a look at that water ghost."

The night breeze was blowing, and a man with a mustache was sitting on a rock by the sea, holding a photo album in his hand.

He flipped through the photo album, and the photos above were all from the chemical plant field.

The fake photo of Mo Zhicheng being stabbed through the chest by Abo's claw, the fake photo of Mo Zhicheng with a light arrow stuck in his chest, and the photo of Wen Yan squatting on the ground, collecting ashes.

There are many photos, even photos of corpses, but there are no photos of Gantang and no photos of the Soul-Eating Beast.

The man looked at the photo and sighed.

"This is where you thrive, and this is where you die."

He continued to look back and saw the photo of Wen Yan entering the Decheng Funeral Home with the urn.

Then there are photos of Wen Yan scattering his ashes on the boat.

"Today's young people are so ruthless, they really don't leave any room.

Forget it, that guy's defense has been broken and he's useless.

It also saves you from wasting time and energy trying to save him. "

He took one last look at the fake Mo Zhicheng's photo and looked at it for a long time.

"You are much more ruthless than me. Look at all the ruthless characters you have provoked. Who will die if you don't die? Do you really think your ruthless ability is invincible?"

He shook his head and closed the album.

At this time, two little girls who were traveling came over with mobile phones.

"Uncle, can you take a photo for us?"

"Okay, no problem." The man raised the SLR hanging on his chest: "Use mine. It just so happened that I couldn't wait for the scene for a long time, so I am idle."

"Thank you, uncle."

"You're welcome, come on, add it via Fetion, and I'll edit the picture for you later."

After taking photos for a few minutes, the two of them became familiar with each other. The little girl looked at the man's photo album and asked curiously.

"Are these photos taken by uncle?"

"Only a few pictures were taken by me, and the rest were taken by others. I think they are very good."

"Can I take a look?"

"Okay, watch whatever you want."

The photo album was opened, and there were landscape pictures and people in it. The little girl didn't know much about photography, but she just thought the photos were very good, especially the lighting.

The three of them chatted happily until the wind started blowing, and then the two little girls watched the handsome uncle leave with some reluctance.

Three days later, Wen Yan and his party came to Duanzhou again.

This time, I wanted to send Gantang, or rather those big zombies who came out with Gantang, back to Fuyu Mountain.

Gantang also wants to go back and have a good chat with the contemporary head of Fuyu Temple.

Gantang personally mentioned the water ghost issue to Cai Qidong, and left the rest alone.

Buyeosan's Great Jang, meddling in things in the water will definitely be counterproductive.

Watching the cart carrying the coffins of the big zombies leave, Wen Yan was still a little reluctant to leave because he couldn't hold his thighs.

The little zombie was heartless and lay on Wen Yan's back, waving goodbye to the car as it drove away. Seeing that Wen Yan seemed to be in a low mood, he mumbled close to his face.

Then he immediately stared at the finch cat next to him.

Quemao said angrily.

"She said that Aunt Gan said that she has other things to do this time, and she will come to see you after she is done."

"Then when we get back, quickly pack up a room for Aunt Gan and buy some furniture. The few things we have now are enough for two days, but not for a long-term stay."

Wen Yan answered immediately, took out his mobile phone on the spot, and started choosing furniture.

"Come on, little one, let me see what style Aunt Gan likes? Is it Chinese or modern? By the way, I'll also choose something for you. We have several rooms in our house, so I'll decorate one for you."

Zhang Laoxi was beside him, hesitating to speak. Finally, after thinking about it, Wen Yan was right, he had to move forward and hold his thighs tightly.

"I'm in Duanzhou and I know two bosses who make solid wood furniture. They would definitely not dare to give me fakes."

"Then let's take a look?"


"Let's do it now. Anyway, regarding Wang Xueqi's matter, Aunt Gan said, don't let me take the lead. The Lieyang Department hasn't finished the final matters yet, so we are idle."

He left resolutely to look at the furniture and entered Duanzhou City. When he passed an intersection, Wen Yan's expression changed slightly.

He looked to the side.

The big characters of Duanzhou Second People's Hospital came into view.

"Pull over and wait for me here."

He got out of the car and walked into the hospital. The sudden throbbing in his heart became more obvious.

He followed the increasingly stronger feeling all the way to the pediatric inpatient department.

As soon as he came up, he saw Pei Tugou sitting on a chair, his face a little gloomy.

"Brother?" Wen Yan shouted.

Pei Tugou raised his head with a confused expression, and immediately stood up after seeing Wen Yan.

"Wen Yan, why are you here?"

"Brother, why are you here?"

"My youngest son is sick again and comes to see the doctor."

Wen Yan looked at Pei Tugou's expression and said.

"What's the situation?"

"I don't know, the doctor didn't find out. A few days ago, I suddenly started to vomit violently. I vomited whatever I ate. It's been several days, and I've been wilting and wheezing. I haven't eaten anything..."

While the two were talking, they saw a woman walking out of the consulting room with a baby in her arms.

"Bang bang..."

Wen Yan's heartbeat suddenly started beating wildly, and the throbbing became particularly obvious at this moment.

Wen Yan stepped forward and looked at the sleeping baby with his eyes closed. The familiar and friendly feeling came over him.

Wen Yan was stunned.

"Brother, when did you pick this up? Where did you pick it up?"

"Ah..." Pei Tugou was surprised: "How do you know?"

"I can see it at a glance..."

"Just last month, one night, I heard something in the woods, and I looked over and saw a naked kid lying there."

Pei Tugou looked at the sleeping baby with a sad look on his eyebrows.

"He was always sick. Maybe he was not in good health, so he was thrown away. But I saw him, so I couldn't ignore him."

Wen Yan felt a little nervous. He asked about the time in detail, and his mood became even more explosive.

He looked at the little baby, and the prompt popped out in his mind.

"Soul-eating beast (in the process of changing profession).

Congratulations, you finally found him.

The invincible soul-eating beast has no natural enemies.

His invincibility label means he is immune to all damage known to the outside world.

All changes can only be made by the soul-eating beast itself.

You gave him your soul, a soul that would not be digested by the soul-eating beast.

You also gave him a choice.

It remains unchanged and remains invincible.

It is better to dismantle the label of invincibility and turn it into a being that is not invincible, has natural enemies, but has a higher status.

He made a choice and dismantled his invincible label bit by bit.

He used your soul to start the road to career change.

There is no doubt that his soul is yours and his blood is yours.

He is your biological son who is closer than your blood relatives.

I'm happy to be a father, are you surprised? Surprised or not? "

Wen Yan's expression seemed to be crying and laughing at the same time.

When he heard Pei Tugou mention the specific time, everything suddenly became clear to him.

Because in the process of coming, I met him.

So it came early!

This little bastard appeared several hours earlier than the arrival time of the Lie Yang Department, which was accurate to the second!

And after he arrived, he was really the same as the Fire Demon recorded in the Lieyang Department.

When he first arrived, he was an incredibly weak little weakling.

And how come the place where he descended happened to be where Pei Tugou was passing by, so he would find him?

Wen Yan really doesn't believe it if this little bastard didn't do it on purpose.

Only when you meet an honest person like Pei Tugou will you really hesitate and take care of him.

Damn it, fake Mo Zhicheng and I are fighting here for life and death. The Lieyang Department has been struggling here for so long.

No one ever noticed that Pei Tugou picked up a baby.

Because everyone believes that the time predicted by the Lieyang Department by borrowing the strange objects will be accurate to the second and will never be wrong.

Who would have noticed that a few hours ago, an ordinary honest man picked up a child, found out that the child was sick, and actually spent his own money to treat the child?

The soul-eating beast did not fail in its job transfer and did not transform back into the original soul-eating beast. It was because of a kind-hearted ordinary person that he never gave up.

Wen Yan no longer knew what to say.

Pei Tugou on the side saw Wen Yan's expression change and couldn't help but ask.

"Wen Yan, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay. Don't worry, he will be fine. He will be fine."

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