I am your natural enemy

Chapter 89 Your Dad and Your Dad, Soul Eater (5k)

Wen Yan looked at the sleeping baby and couldn't calm down the complicated emotions in his heart for a while.

He stretched out a finger and touched the little guy lightly, trying to inject a little warm yang energy into it. Sure enough, it worked without any hindrance.

He looked at Pei Tugou's wife with a tired face, looked at Wen Yan, then looked at Pei Tugou who didn't say anything, hesitated for a moment, but didn't stop her.

"Don't worry, he has no big problem and is almost recovered."

Pei Tugou's wife carried the little guy to the ward, while Wen Yan chatted with Pei Tugou outside.

Wen Yan just said that he would find a professional to take a look later, and Pei Tugou gave the case to Wen Yan.

Seeing that there was only Pei Tugou's name in the case book, but not the child's name, Wen Yan asked Pei Tugou directly.

Pei Tugou had hesitation on his face and was a little confused.

“This child is very frail and has been in the hospital most of the time since he was picked up.

The doctor said that the baby was probably not born at full term and was born with deficiencies.

My mother said that whether the child can be raised to one year old is a question, so don’t name him.

Once you take the name, you won't be able to let it go anymore, which makes the whole family feel uncomfortable for nothing.

But now, just try your best, and try your best to achieve whatever you can.

I picked him up, it was fate, I can't be cruel and ignore it.

If you can raise it to one year old, then give it a name. "

Wen Yan suddenly realized that he probably understood. Pei Tugou's accent sounded like someone from northern China. There were indeed some places in the north where this custom existed.

A frail and sickly child will not be given a big name, only a nickname similar to the ancient nickname, in the hope of good support.

In some places, there is indeed a custom of picking up anything.

If it is an ordinary object and it is named, it will not be thrown away.

If it is a living creature and given a name, it is a member of the family, representing a kind of responsibility. Whenever there is a mouthful of food in the family, a share will be given to the members of the family.

When Wen Yan once went to help someone with some errands, he met a family. There was a scalper in that family who had lived for forty years.

Decades ago, this ox was the main labor force in the family. The family had to rely on this ox to plow the land for a year. At that time, this ox had a name.

Later, when the family's conditions improved and the cattle were no longer needed for plowing the land, and the cattle got old, they kept raising them.

When the scalpers were raised until they died at the age of forty, they also regarded them as members of the family, took care of their affairs, and buried them in a proper manner, as a way of expressing gratitude to the scalpers for their hard work for most of their lives, supporting a large family, and allowing such a large family to live. No one in the family died of hunger.

This name cannot be given casually.

Just like in some places, there is a legend about Huang Pizi asking for a title. Many things cannot be accepted casually.

Of course, Pei Tugou definitely didn't think too much about it. They didn't give him a name simply because they were afraid that one day the frail and sick little guy wouldn't make it through, and they were afraid of investing too much emotionally. At the same time, they just wanted to find a good sign.

"My mother said that people of the older generation feel that if they don't have a name, then the King of Hell will not be able to cross off the name, and then they will have the opportunity to grow up safely."

Pei Tugou talked about the old lady's statement. Although he didn't believe it, at this moment he also hoped that it was true.

Wen Yan nodded. These are some of the simplest good wishes. Ordinary people may not know that much, but when they encounter difficulties, they will still find something that can support their hope. That thing is Whether it is true or false is actually not important anymore.

No one will dig deep to find out whether this kind of thing is true or false.

Some slim hope is better than no hope at all.

Wen Yan opened the case book and looked at the contents.

In today's medical records, there is not much handwritten content anymore, many of them are printed sheets pasted on them, and there are also many laboratory test sheets.

Wen Yan looked at the time on the first list and did a little calculation. It was a full four hours earlier than the time predicted by the Lieyang Department for the arrival of the Soul-Eating Beast.

In addition, Pei Tugou picked up the child, found something was wrong with the child, sent him to the hospital, registered for examination, etc., it would have to be pushed forward at least another hour.

In other words, everyone has their own thoughts, fighting for life and death, and causing so many things, the little guy has been in Duanzhou, always under everyone's eyes.

There was an abandoned baby hanging on his body. With such a sensitive identity, no one noticed.

Because Pei Tugou had never called the police at all, his simple moral values ​​and simple thoughts made him think of seeing a doctor first when he found out that the child seemed to be sick.

As for the hospital, they also see the doctor first. If they don’t have a name, they write down the name of the parent first.

There is no birth certificate or anything else, so let’s see a doctor first.

Pei Tugou said that he had picked it up, and since the child was frail and sick, the old doctor was well-informed, and he instantly figured out his miserable life experience, so he didn't ask any more questions, and he didn't have much to do.

The old pediatrician had a lot of experience, and he could tell at a glance that this child was extremely lucky to be picked up by this family.

If the doctor in this hospital calls the police or something, it may not be a good thing for the child.

So, everything went on smoothly.

Even the child's treatment expenses are still mostly unpaid.

The doctor also told them that after registering the child and getting medical insurance, according to the current policy, most of the money spent on medical treatment would be reimbursed as long as it was within three months.

Wen Yan looked at the notes in the medical record. The doctors here highlighted a few of them, for fear that Pei Tugou would forget them.

Look at the various lists in the medical record and the time on them.

When Pei Tugou ran to Decheng to demand unpaid wages, the child fell into a coma and was in a very critical condition. During the examination, all indicators were very poor.

And Wen Yan still remembered that at that time, Pei Tugou said that his mother was also sick and was hospitalized.

Now he completely understood why honest people were driven to panic. The foreman who refused to pay back his wages really deserved to be hanged from a street lamp.

He just looked at the medical records and roughly understood the situation at that time. He wanted to hang the guy again.

Fortunately, he met Pei Tugou at that time and was frightened. Then he lent Pei Tugou five thousand yuan out of the several thousand yuan he had in his bank card at the time. Otherwise, it would have been impossible to do anything and no one would have done anything. Know what to expect.

By that time, the Soul-Eating Beast should have been continuously dismantling its characteristics from its main body, and it was probably in the early stages of disassembly.

Precisely because of the Soul-Eating Beast's own dismantling characteristics, the main body is no longer invincible, which gives the fake Mo Zhicheng an opportunity to cause trouble.

Mo Zhicheng was pretending to be messing around there, causing the Soul-Eating Beast to dismantle its characteristic body, and problems began to arise.

And because Wen Yan was worried that the Soul-Eating Beast would eat randomly and cause poisoning, he intentionally or unintentionally interrupted the eating process.

Stacking buffs in many ways, the result is that the soul-eating beast's job transformation process has almost come to a standstill. The body of the human cub, which is halfway through transformation, has been in a state of residual health, showing that it is frail and sickly.

It was exactly three days ago that the little guy started vomiting wildly and various test data began to plummet. At that time, Wen Yan also happened to expel the toxins and brainwashing effects from the soul-eating beast.

Later, Wen Yan finally figured out what "I am Dad Xen" was about, so he recognized this big boy who was more than ten kilometers away, and fed him the real ability.

Then, at the same time, the little guy here who was almost given a critical illness notice in the hospital stabilized his condition and began to slowly improve. Within three days, he recovered at an astonishing speed.

As of today, the situation is almost better than three days ago, and only then can we return to the general ward.

Before he came, Pei Tugou had been worrying about this matter.

Pei Tugou didn't quite understand the professional terminology used in the case, but he could tell that this child, who had not yet had a name, might not be easy to raise.

There should be a bottomless pit behind him. With his current income, he might really be unable to bear it.

If you don't have the heart to ignore it, but the burden is almost too much to bear, the pressure will naturally be great, and you will naturally worry.

"Brother, let's sit somewhere and have a chat."

Pei Tugou looked at the ward, and Wen Yan immediately expressed relief.

"Don't worry, I've checked him out, and I've also read the medical records. There's no big problem now. You just need to take care of him slowly. I'll send it to my friend later and find someone to take a look at it."

As Wen Yan spoke, he took out his mobile phone and took a photo of each case.

He took Pei Tugou to the smoking area in the courtyard of the inpatient department, and lit one with some melancholy. After thinking about it, he decided not to go around in circles with Pei Tugou.

"Brother, let me tell you the truth. Didn't you guess how you recognized me at a glance?"

"You must know him..." Pei Tugou was just honest, not stupid, so he naturally guessed something.

"That's my son, he's my biological son."

Pei Tugou was a little surprised. He hesitated for a moment and then said it.

"Even if the child's health is a little weak, we can't throw it away."

"I want to say that before today, I didn't even know there was such a child. Do you believe it or not?"

"I believe this." Pei Tugou suddenly realized.

In fact, he didn't believe that Wen Yan had abandoned the child.

Although Wen Yan was young, he was willing to help him when they first met and even dared to lend him five thousand yuan directly. He did not believe that Wen Yan was the kind of person who would abandon his child.

After thinking about it for a moment, he remembered some plots that he had watched intentionally or unintentionally when his wife was watching TV series, and he immediately imagined a drama in his mind.

It must be that the ex-girlfriend was pregnant with the child and didn't tell Wen Yan. After giving birth to the child, she found that the child was frail and sick. She really couldn't afford to see a doctor or raise the child, so she left the child in the small forest on the roadside where there were many people. discarded there.

Thinking about it carefully, when the child was left there, there was not even a blanket to wrap him up. Wen Yan's ex-girlfriend must not have a very good character, how could she be so cruel.

Pei Tugou imagined a bloody drama, but as for the rest, he didn't pay much attention.

Wen Yan didn't even know he had a son, so how could he recognize that it was his son at a glance?

That's easy, blood relatives can be determined at first glance.

When his daughter was born, he didn't see how the child was born, but the nurse came out of the bath after holding the child. When he saw the child for the first time, he knew that it must be his child. There was no reason.

The kind of throbbing that comes up in my heart when I see it for the first time cannot be faked.

Of course, Pei Tugou didn't actually think about it. He just believed in Wen Yan's character. When Wen Yan said this, he immediately believed Wen Yan's words.

Looking at Wen Yan's melancholy look, he knew that Wen Yan must also be slowly digesting this unexpected incident.

"Where is the child's mother?"

"He doesn't have a mother."

When Pei Tugou heard this, he immediately didn't dare to ask any more questions. If there was no mother, then he must be gone. The things here might be a bit complicated.

He felt a little complicated now. After raising him for so many days, he looked at the little guy, who looked like he was about to die, but now he seems to have grown up a little. He didn't give him a name, but he also had emotions.

"To be on the safe side, let's do a DNA test first."

Wen Yan put out the cigarette butt and made a decision.

I don’t have a girlfriend yet, so I just have a little bastard son. I just need to raise him, I can’t just ignore him.

Although this little bastard was under the eyes of everyone, watching many forces fight for life and death, no one noticed him, which made Wen Yan feel that everyone was being treated like a monkey by this little bastard.

However, this little bastard is really closer to him than his biological son, and his soul is his biological son.

It is said that when a woman gives birth, her mood will be affected by hormones, but Wen Yan now feels that he is about to be controlled by hormones.

When he saw the little child, he couldn't help but have the idea of ​​hugging the little guy first.

Seeing that Pei Tugou didn't speak, Wen Yan patted him on the shoulder.

"Brother, if the DNA test is correct, you are still his dad. When he calls you dad, let him call you dad."

"Ah..." Pei Tugou was a little surprised, thinking that Wen Yan didn't want it.

But then he listened to Wen Yan.

"Then, I am his father, let him call me dad, and we can discuss it our own way.

If it weren't for you, he wouldn't have been able to grow up safely.

When you get old, let him take care of you until you die.

If he is not happy, then I have not taught him well. I will break my own legs first, and then break his legs. "

Pei Tugou didn't know what to say for a moment.

He thought that Wen Yan would either not want the child or take the child away directly. No matter what he did, he would actually feel quite uncomfortable.

But now, he actually felt that Wen Yan's idea was not so difficult for him to accept.

The child found his biological father, and he was still the father.

"Brother, where have you been working lately?"

“No, there’s not much to do these days.

My mother has also recovered and is almost able to move. If the little guy can be discharged from the hospital, he can be taken away.

My wife has no job now and takes care of the elderly and children at home.

If I can't survive anymore, I'm ready to go back to my hometown. At least I still have land in my hometown. "

Wen Yan lit another one, thought about it, and made a decision.

"Brother, let me tell the truth.

I definitely don't want to let my child leave, but I also know that you definitely don't want to let him go either.

I don’t even want my child to have a father or lose his father.

Brother, come to Decheng, I will take care of everything.

If you don't mind, I work in a funeral home, and I can help you find a job with a higher salary in related areas.

What our curator likes the most is a down-to-earth, hard-working and honest person like you.

Or, I also have friends here, and it would be no problem to help find a stable job.

Or, you can work more and gain more, and work with more flexible hours is fine.

If you want to open a store, that's no problem.

Sister-in-law, if you want to work, you can find a job. If you don’t want to work, that’s not a big problem.

Now that your daughter is here, there will definitely be no problem in going to school.

Bro, what do you think? This is the best solution I can think of.

It's all about the kids. "

After hearing the last sentence, Pei Tugou had already made his decision. Wen Yan had already spoken to the point where he could not refuse at all.

"I have to go back and discuss it with my family."

"That's right. I'll discuss it with my family first."

Pei Tugou got up and walked to the hospital building. After taking two steps, he thought about it and called Wen Yan back.

"Aren't you coming to see the child?"

Wen Yan grinned and followed.

He had thought about these decisions for a long time. Looking at Pei Tugou's family and his feelings for the child, he really couldn't bear to take them away like this.

Moreover, how could he take care of a child? If he were to take care of a child by himself, he would probably be considered a tough kid even if he could be raised.

Furthermore, this little guy's situation was special, and Wen Yan didn't dare to just ask a nanny to help him take care of him.

In the end, the only optimal solution is to let him have a father and a father.

If it were anyone else, Wen Yan might still hesitate, but this man's character is absolutely unquestionable.

Then we came to the pediatric department. The little guy clenched his fists and slept soundly. His complexion was obviously much better than before, which proved that the yang energy he blessed had some effect.

It should also be that the soul-eating beast's job transfer has been smoothly advanced, and the little humanoid guy here will get better and better.

The reason why this little guy has been able to carry it till now is probably because some of the characteristics that were dismantled from the soul-eating beast have been transferred to this little guy.

Pei Tugou took Wen Yan and introduced him to his wife.

His wife immediately smiled and expressed her gratitude for what happened before.

Pei Tugou took his wife out to talk, leaving Wen Yan alone. He looked at the little guy on the small hospital bed, stretched out a hand, and touched it cautiously.

The sleeping little guy fluttered his little hand and grasped one of Wen Yan's fingers.

"Soul-Eating Beast → Soul-Eater (in progress of job change).

Literally your son.

You recognized him as your son, and he recognized you as his father.

The necessary procedures have been completed, and he has evolved from an invincible beast that can only devour the souls of living beings to an intelligent being.

The definition of soul has truly changed from this moment on.

This is a huge change that has never happened before. At least for him, this is an unprecedented opportunity for promotion.

But at the same time, the definition of the soul, this huge authority, begins to change.

Are you ready? "

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