Today’s atmosphere on Fishman Island is very tense, and the guards and sergeants of the entire Fishman Island have all taken action to maintain order in various streets.

Because today is a very important day, the Whitebeard Pirates and the World Zheng Mansion are going to negotiate on Fishman Island.

Whether it’s the Whitebeard Pirates, or the World Zheng Mansion…

None of them can afford to mess with Fishman Island.

Even, in the strict sense of the word…

Whitebeard Pirates…

The world’s zheng province…

Both sides are the top bosses of Fishman Island.

Because the Whitebeard Pirates shelter Fishman Island, Fishman Island is a member country of the world’s zhengfu.


The double buffs were stacked.

Inevitably, such news spread to all the streets of Fishman Island.

Suddenly, there was an uproar.

“Shhh! It’s a joke, right? The Whitebeard Pirates and the World Zheng Mansion actually want to negotiate on Fishman Island? A flounder fishman, his eyes widened in disbelief, and said in disbelief: “Why are the petitioners all human beings, and they have to negotiate on Fishman Island?” ”

“You ask me, who do I ask?” Another fishman rolled his eyes and said, “I only know that the Whitebeard Pirates and the World Zheng Mansion are going to negotiate in the palace of Fishman Island today.” ”

The flounder fishman’s eyes widened, and his face was involuntarily, with a little anger: “Do these humans bully us so much?” ”

Apparently this is a fishman who doesn’t like humans.

He believes that the Whitebeard Pirates and the World Zheng Mansion, both of which are human beings, are negotiating on Fishman Island.

And the place of negotiation is still the royal palace of Fishman Island.

This is good for them, the fish people…

Definitely a huge insult.

“Shh! Be quiet! Another fishman hurriedly whispered: “The whitebeard pirate group has been protecting Fishman Island, and many fishmen are very grateful to them, if you are heard by other fishmen, you may have to beat you.” ”

The flounder fishman was immediately angry, but he did not continue to say anything.

After all, woe comes from the mouth…

Flounder, fish, people still understand.

Similar conversations are taking place on the streets of Fishman Island.

“Whitebeard Pirates? Is it the group of white-bearded pirates who sheltered Fishman Island? I heard that they are one of the sea emperors of the New World, along with the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, the BigMom Pirate Group, the Red-Haired Pirate Group, and are called the Four Emperors of the New World! The question is, as the Four Emperors, why should they negotiate with the World Zheng Mansion? ”

“I don’t know! I hope they don’t do anything out of the ordinary with Fishman Island. We can believe the Whitebeard Pirates, but we don’t believe in the world. Those guys in the world’s zhengfu, one and two are very hypocritical! ”

“I heard that the representative sent by the world’s zheng mansion is the marshal of the naval headquarters, the Warring States of Buddha! Anyway, I learned about it from one of my relatives, who was a palace guard. ”

“Shhh! Are you sure? Admiral? It is estimated that the content of the negotiations is absolutely very shocking. ”

“Who knows, humans are a lot of things, and they’re also very weird. It is clear that they are two incompatible camps, and they can actually sit down and negotiate face to face. ”

“Can’t say that, Whitebeard Pirates, how to say it is kind to us!”

“That’s right, Fishman Island has not been invaded over the years, all because it is sheltered by the Whitebeard Pirates.”

“Hehe, you people, have you forgotten the hatred between Fishman Island and humans?”

“There are still many fishmen who have been captured as slaves and auctioned!”

“But it’s much better than before, isn’t it?”



From these conversations, it can be heard that Fishman Island is probably divided into two different camps.

One of the camps is friendlier to humans.

The other camp hates humans very much.

The contradiction of hatred between humans and Fishman Island has actually existed thousands of years ago.

And this contradiction continues to this day.

It wasn’t until Fishman Island became an ally of the world’s zhengfu that the situation improved slightly.

But it didn’t get better.

There are still many humans who come to Fishman Island to do evil, especially human pirates.

However, since Fishman Island was sheltered by the Whitebeard Pirates…

Something like this rarely happens.

It also made the fish people fight a lot of fish people, and there was a slight improvement in the view of humans.

The attitude became a little more amiable.

The relationship has also become a little better.

The movement outside the palace…

Roy didn’t know.

There is no interest in knowing.

Now he has followed Jinping to the palace of Fishman Island.

Roy who first arrived at the palace felt very new everywhere.

Look left.

Look right.

It was as if everything seemed novel to him.

Of course……

Roy’s bigger focus was all on those, Miss Mermaid.


The mermaid in the palace…

All beautiful!

In comparison…

Those fish people…

How ugly!

Fishman Island is divided into two races, one of which is the fish-man who is not very good-looking, which is almost human-like, but looks like a fish.

Another race is mermaids, mermaids are more special, mermaids look like humans, and in general, they are handsome men and women.

The reason why I say that under normal circumstances, it is because there are exceptions to everything.

But before the merfolk is thirty, the lower body is a huge fish tail.

After the age of thirty, the tail will become legs.

At that time, you could even marry a human.

[I just don’t know who is more beautiful than the beautiful young ladies of Fishman Island? ] No wonder so many human traffickers want to catch these mermaids on Fishman Island. Sometimes, looking good is also a sin. 】

[Of course, there can be no victim guilt theory. However, the sea is so cruel, unless you can make yourself stronger and make others dare not bully, otherwise…”

[There is no right to speak, it belongs to the kind where anyone can step on your feet.] 】

[Obviously, Fishman Island is such a place! ] 】

[If, it weren’t for the protection of the World Zheng Mansion and the Whitebeard Pirates, hey, what would the devil know would become?] 】

[Huh? Arrived? 】

Just when Roy was a little confused, he suddenly found that he had followed Jinping and had entered a large hall.

This is obviously the main hall of Fishman Island.

And he also saw a lot of familiar faces.

For example, the king of Fishman Island, the princess of White Star, the eldest prince, the second prince, and the third prince of Fishman Island.

The reason why it is a more familiar face…

It’s because he watched anime in his previous life.

Roy’s expression though.

It changed a little soon.

Because he found that among the familiar faces, a special figure appeared.

Field Marshal.

Buddha no Sengoku!



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