【Day! That marshal of the headquarters of the Navy Sengoku? In order to negotiate with the Whitebeard Pirates, the World Zheng Mansion actually made such a big move? Let the marshal of the Navy headquarters come over as a negotiator, it is worthy of the world’s zhengfu, there is really yours! 】

[This is clearly to think about it, to give the whitebeard pirate group a dismount, the purpose is estimated to be to save a little, in a passive state of disadvantage. ] 】

[Gee, it seems that the five old stars of the world’s zhengfu are all very ghostly! ] 】

[After all, it is estimated that none of them can control such a big force. ] 】

[Selling hemp batches, but in the end it was me who was unlucky! ] 】

[Because I represent the Whitebeard Pirates!] 】

[Damn it! It’s not been a month since I turned positive, right? Actually want to negotiate with the marshal of the headquarters of the Navy on behalf of the Whitebeard Pirates? This is obviously already over the standard, hey! 】

[Oh, Sengoku has noticed me too…]

[Is it still too late to slip away?] 】

When it was discovered that the negotiator sent by the world’s zhengfu was the Marshal of the Warring States of the Navy headquarters.

Roy’s whole person is not good!


Let him, an ordinary crew member of the Whitebeard Pirates, who had just turned right, go to negotiate with the marshal of the Navy headquarters.

Isn’t this embarrassing him?

Damn it!

At first, Roy thought that the object of negotiation might be a member of a CP organization that he did not know.

Or it could be an official in the government.

I didn’t expect it to be a Warring States.

When Roy was looking at the Warring States…

Sengoku was also watching Roy.

The main thing is that Jinpei in front of Roy is too conspicuous, so that as soon as Jinpei appears, the Warring States recognize Jinping.

As one of the seven martial seas of His Majesty, Jinping is the middleman who cooperates with the Whitebeard Pirates in the World Zheng Mansion this time.

At the same time, Jinping’s relationship with the Whitebeard Pirates is delicate.

Sengoku quickly knew the boy next to Jinpei…

It is very likely that it will be the white-bearded pirates, the negotiators sent.

In this way, the expression of the Sengoku is not very good.

It’s even a little ugly.

Whitebeard Pirates: What does this mean?

Send a little ghost he has never seen before, and come over as a negotiator this time…

Does it mean the Whitebeard Pirates…

Don’t put the world in your eyes?


Sengoku doesn’t know Roy.

But he could still see that Roy’s youthful and somewhat excessive appearance, speculating that the age of this teenager was definitely not more than twenty years old.

And it’s so raw…

Even so strange that even the headquarters of the Navy did not seem to have information about the teenager.

That is to say, this black-haired boy in front of him…

Most likely…

It is a newcomer to the Whitebeard Pirates.

Maybe even an intern!

Sengoku’s expression was even worse.

When he came to Fishman Island, he guessed that the Whitebeard Pirates might send Marko, the captain of the team, to be a negotiator.

It is even quite possible that Whitebeard will come in person.

After all, who they negotiate …

It’s the world’s zhengfu!

Good villains should also pay attention to a little, right?


The visitor was not Whitebeard, nor Marko, nor even the Whitebeard Pirates, any of the captains.

But a teenager!

A newcomer!


And he, as the marshal of the headquarters of the Navy, actually wants to negotiate face-to-face with a pirate newcomer on an equal footing?

Who can bear this?

Rao is not low in the Warring States City Mansion…

Also ugly.

He even directly opened his mouth to Jinping and asked, “Jinping, what does the Whitebeard Pirate Group mean over there?” Did the Whitebeard Pirates send such a hairy imp? Did the Whitebeard Pirates put the World Zheng Mansion in their eyes? Did they take this negotiation and cooperation into account? ”

Jinping was speechless for a moment, he didn’t know how to answer Sengoku’s question.

Because he didn’t quite figure it out…

Why Whitebeard Daddy…

Let Roy negotiate.

However, Jinping still said honestly: “Roy is not a hairy ghost, he is one of the candidates for the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates!” ”

Jinping came out in a word.

The hall was shocked!

Neptune the king of Fishman Island, looked at Roy in front of him in disbelief, and was surprised: “Candidate for the captain of the second team? Much younger than my three stupid sons! It feels like it’s a little bigger than White Star.”

The three fish-man princes in the hall also looked at Roy in disbelief.

They didn’t expect that an ordinary human teenager who was at most a little handsome.

It turned out to be a candidate for the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates!

Isn’t this a bit too young?

And the White Star Princess of Fishman Island was staring at the curious eyes of the water spirit spirit.

Looking at Roy in front of him in surprise.

She is not very old though.

But I also know…

Captain of the Whitebeard Pirates.

On the sea…

Definitely a big shot.

The most bizarre person is the Warring States, the eyes of the Warring States are full of shock and suspicion, his eyes are locked on Roy, and his heart is extremely uncalm.

“Candidate for captaincy of the second team? The captain of your Whitebeard Pirates’ second team, isn’t it the Mitsuki Ota who has not been heard from for more than ten years? Sengoku frowned and asked.

Jinpei explained, “Mr. Ota has been dead for many years, and the position of captain of the second team is vacant. ”

Sengoku looked at Roy in disbelief: “Then he became one of the candidates?” ”

Jinping nodded: “Yes.” ”

Sengoku: “????? ”

Is the world too crazy? Or is he a little out of step with the times?

Are you kidding?

This imp definitely looks no more than eighteen years old!

Can he actually be a candidate for the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, the second team?

Doesn’t that mean this little ghost…

The strength is actually very strong?

Wait a minute!

Sengoku’s eyes, instantly, locked on Roy’s waist, carrying a long knife.

He could vaguely see it.

This knife is extraordinary.

Definitely a famous knife!

Famous knives…


Second Team Captain Candidate…

The Navy has no intelligence about him …

Wano Kuni…

Whitebeard Pirates…


Sengoku’s pupils shrank slightly.

No way?

A very big idea came to his mind.

This little ghost in front of you…

Shouldn’t it be the mysterious Great Sword Hao who killed the Hundred Beast Pirates’ Ember in the war with the country?

Such a young big sword hao?

Are you kidding?

But if this young man is not the mysterious Great Sword Hao, why would Whitebeard let him come over?

In the impression of the Warring States, Whitebeard cherishes his own family very much.

He would not easily put his family in danger.

And all the pirates on the Moby Dick …

It’s all Whitebeard’s family.

Wouldn’t that mean…

This bold guess…




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