When he saw the modified version of Project Artemis, Lin Ju almost choked on his sip of water.

Ami's ability to launch satellites is not weak at all...

Although the plan to return to the moon was launched in 2000, the SLS was already very late. How late?

Later, it was July 2015, that is, last month, that the overall design of the SLS rocket was supposed to be completed!

They claimed to launch the SLS for the first time in December 2016, but in his previous life this had to wait until November 2022.

Even if the Rockets appear on the field, it will be at least 2020.

A full 6 years in advance, there won’t really be a space race, right?

If this is the case, then he can only...add two more fires!

On September 27, the last day of "World Moon Week", Xinyuan announced that it would rely on the H2 nuclear thermal power space shuttle to carry out a manned lunar landing, and stated that this was an international lunar landing operation jointly with Arbor.

As for the Qianjin space station, Lin Ju is still hesitant and has not made it public, but even the parts that have been released are amazing enough.

Nuclear thermal rocket engines and space shuttles to the moon? You are more radical than NACA and CASA!

However, compared to the two space agencies that raised their popularity to MAX within a few days, Xinyuan's moon landing plan stated that it would be completed before 2020 instead of 2019, which would be delayed by one year.

After that, Ma Yilong also took action.

In addition to announcing that his own heavy-duty Falcon rocket will soon fly for the first time, breaking the record of the largest private enterprise rocket of Xinyuan 2, he also said that specaX will carry out the moon and Mars immigration plan, and claimed that the spacecraft used for interstellar colonization is in the process of being launched. Under development.

It is reported that the interstellar colonization spacecraft can return from space as a whole, and can also be used for fast travel within the earth's atmosphere, and "will have an unprecedented weight." By the way, there are many PPT imagination pictures of Mars colonization.

After the successful recovery of Falcon 9, Lao Ma is still very confident. Once stimulated by the moon landing, he might do something.

In Lin Ju's previous life, the starship would not have a final design until 2019 at the earliest. It is hard to say whether it will be released several years in advance.

The cause of everything was just Arbor's 6.5 billion US dollars, but he successfully leveraged the aerospace industry worth hundreds of billions of dollars. I wonder if the old king would suddenly die of excitement if he knew it~

The Aerospace Development Commission, the Dawn Project and the specially approved 30 billion funds immediately made the space agency, which was originally leisurely and leisurely, busy.

Just thinking about landing on the moon makes people's scalp itchy. Not only the fuel and funds were lost when the rocket took off, but also the limited amount of energy of the chief engineers.

The Long March 5 of the First Academy can only push back. They are about to start the overall design of the Long March 10. Since four boosters that can burst out 978 tons of thrust must be connected in parallel, the core stage and connector must be specially designed. That’s the difficulty;

The manufacturing of 5-meter-diameter rocket bodies consumes a lot of production capacity, and it is necessary to urge Jingu to increase its manpower, otherwise it will not be able to produce so many rockets at all.

The Sixth Institute began to work overtime to complete the design of the YF130. Although its data was mediocre and could not be reused, its thrust was its only advantage. It was not a small project to achieve a thrust of 240 tons in a single combustion chamber. There were also hydrogen and oxygen for the second and third stages. machine, the design must also be optimized.

The Fifth Institute wants to speed up the completion of the new generation of manned spacecraft. This new generation spacecraft with a mass of 21.6 tons will serve as the living and command module of the lunar landing spacecraft. It is a very important part. There are also space stations, landers, etc. that circle the moon. Trouble A lot, but fortunately a lot of it is outsourced.

Other institutes were not idle either, and began to scramble for time to complete their assigned subsystems, not daring to hold back the Long March 10.

However, these have not yet affected the Tiangong Phase I project. After all, most of the rockets and spacecraft in this plan are ready-made, so this energy can still be squeezed out.

On October 7, the last day of National Day week, Tiangong-2 was launched into low-Earth orbit at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center aboard the improved Long March-2F rocket.

One day later, the Xinyuan-5B medium-sized rocket made its first flight in Qiongzhou.

Xinyuan-5B has a core stage and four boosters. All five parts are recyclable. Although the cost is low, it is actually quite troublesome to use.

Because one recovery part needs to occupy one site, it needs to be recovered at 5 landing sites at the same time.

Originally, the polished rocket launch site and landing site could be used interchangeably. However, due to the space occupied by the Xinyuan-5 Ethernet, eight annular landing sites and a landing site in the middle were built in Qiongzhou with a separation of 1.2 kilometers. An open space covered with insulating material.

The launch of Xinyuan-5B is nothing to look at. It is equivalent to a plus version of Long March-2F or Long March-7, but the recovery scene is spectacular:

A 3.5-meter-diameter core stage is in the center, and four 2.5-meter boosters are almost kept at the same height. They spread their supporting legs and land simultaneously. From a distance, it looks like a formation, which is especially spectacular against the backdrop of the tail flames.

There are more things to recycle, but fortunately the cost is really low. The total cost of one maintenance is only 30 million. The cost of Xinyuan No. 2 is 130 million, which is only a fraction of the latter.

It's just that it's a bit incongruous to install the H1 on a 3.5-meter-diameter rocket. It looks like a mallet and is top-heavy.

Some people in the space agency are happy about the first flight of Xinyuan 5, while others are worried about it. They are happy that the price of using it to carry H1 astronauts for launch has been reduced a lot, but they are worried about the Sixth Institute because of the core stage of Xianyuan 5. The 380-ton full-flow liquid oxygen and kerosene engine is really eye-catching.

It has a single combustion chamber, a specific impulse of up to 340 seconds, full flow, and reusability. In comparison, the YF130 really has no advantages except thrust.


But it is a pity that the little old man Tang Weitian is not available. As one of the people responsible for introducing K120, his team is working hard to overcome the technical difficulties of YF130.

Many designs of K120 are refreshing to the space agency and will be a great inspiration for subsequent projects. That’s why we dare to put down our bold words and complete YF130 in nine months, otherwise it will take at least two years.

"It's a troubled time, it's a troubled time."

When Lin Ju was talking, he was squatting on the ridge of a corn field, wearing a sports coat and casual pants like a left-behind youth in the countryside, looking at the busy harvester in the distance.

This is no ordinary harvester, it is the XW151F smart agricultural machinery system produced by the former Xinyuan Town Tractor Factory, equipped with aerospace-grade parts and improved from the XW151 smart car driving system.

Not only can it harvest in a zigzag pattern in a square field, but it can also use fixed beacons to start from the garage, go to the fields, harvest, unload, wash the car, and then return to the garage.

The whole process does not require any manual intervention, let alone payment of wages and high temperature allowances. It works 24 hours a day. Anyway, there is no difference between day and night in the eyes of the infrared camera.

When agricultural machinery becomes electrified, it will no longer be necessary to refuel and maintain it. The electric drive system is highly integrated and does not require maintenance. It will automatically charge within the warranty period and return to the manufacturer for maintenance when the time is up.

While trying to touch the sky, it feels good to be down to earth.

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