Speaking of XW151, the birth process was actually very twists and turns.

First of all, the XW151 is a ternary system, so it requires a ternary chip to run.

The basic technology of XW151 comes from the imitation of SC09, which is equipped with the X32035 chip.

The ternary state used in this different world is not 0, 1, 2, but -1, 0, 1, also called symmetric ternary system.

Its advantages are that it uses fewer components, has high efficiency, and has a stable structure and low heat generation. However, there is an obvious problem: the diode, the basic element of modern chips, cannot be used as its basic unit because one diode cannot represent three states.

The reason why the B-level base uses silicon carbide chips is because it relies on the state of the compound to create this -1, which cannot be done with ordinary silicon wafers.

In order to solve this problem, Xinyuan's microelectronics engineers finally came up with a way: still use diodes, but using two diodes as a basic unit, it can represent three states.

One diode can represent two states of "0" and "1" by switching on and off the circuit, while two diodes can represent four states of "00", "11", "01" and "10". Engineers artificially separate "01" and "10" are defined as the third state, then these two diodes can be used as the basic components of the ternary system.

Although it uses twice as many components as the binary system, it is not bloated because the ternary system is more efficient and the number of transistors used in the end is almost the same.

Among various base systems, the e base system is the most efficient in theory. e is an irrational number in mathematics, usually 2.71828.

Obviously, humans cannot implement a 2.71828-based computer.

But the closer to this number, the higher the efficiency, which is why some people always advocate the ternary system.

Microelectronics engineers streamlined (castrated) the X321 series of chips from the X32035, which are based on diode simulation and run ternary chips.

The X32035 is too versatile and can perform AI calculations and form a supercomputer. It is too luxurious for the X321 series, which is only used for cars and computers.

The 321 series has cut off almost 70% of its parts, retaining only AI computing and dual-channel parallel processing. However, due to the use of diode simulation, the size is only reduced by 10%, and the rated power is 125W.

According to the year suffix, the first batch of X321-2015 (referred to as 32115 chips) produced by Huaxin International's 28nm production line will be produced in November. The average foundry cost is about 2,700 yuan per piece, which is a bit expensive, but for cars. Said it was acceptable.

TSMC may be cheaper due to its yield rate and production line advantages, but after all, it supports domestic products~

However, the XW151F of these agricultural machinery still uses the precious X32035, which is in short supply now.

After discovering that X32035 could form a supercomputer and the powerful AI logic of SC09, Xinyuan began to design its own supercomputer.

The supercomputer, tentatively named "Star 1", plans to use 3,700 of the 4,178 X32035 chips to form a supercomputer with a peak computing speed of 36 petaflops and a sustained computing speed of 29 petaflops.

However, it still needs to wait until December to complete, because in order to maximize the power of this supercomputer, it is necessary to customize the production of diode-simulated ternary memory chips and memory particles, which are contracted by Huahong Semiconductor.

The peak computing speed of Xingchen-1 is seven times that of Tianhe-2. The latter uses a full 32,000 CPUs, which is 15 times that of Xingchen-1.

This is the power of mature ternary chips combined with ternary architecture, and the efficiency is much improved compared to binary.

After watching the corn harvest for a long time, Lin Ju got on his CS75.

It's still the same car as before, but it has been modified by engineers. Except for the power part, it is still from Southern Motors. All other electronic equipment has been replaced. More importantly, it inherits the special version of SC09.

It’s either the castrated XW151 or the original SC09 spacecraft intelligent control system!

Now this CS75 has a titanium alloy reinforced frame inside, integrates high-performance sensors worth more than one million yuan, and closes half of the trunk space against the rear seats to install control system components and heat dissipation.

The specially optimized SC09 has now become Lin Ju's driving assistant "Xiaoxin". It is a smart car that combines old and new.

After Lin Ju got in the car, he held the steering wheel with his hands to prevent electronic capture, and then said directly:

"Xiaoxin, take me to the Aviation Power Department."

"Received, the route has been planned, let's go now."

Still a neutral voice pack, the car shuddered slightly, started on a smooth half-slope that was almost not a petrol car, and headed all the way to the base.

Lin Ju originally wanted to see the progress of the two aero engines, but unexpectedly he was blocked by Androv.

"Boss, we have a problem to solve."

"what is the problem?"

Lin Ju asked very vigilantly. Androv always drew cakes for him, but he ate them willingly every time. He was afraid that his finally filled pockets would be emptied by this black man.

"The transportation problem of Xinyuan 3 is that its core stage has a diameter of 11 meters, its first stage length reaches 77 meters, and its empty weight is 105 tons. Except for the largest An-225 aircraft that can barely transport it directly, no other aircraft can carry out air transportation."

"It can be transported by sea or river. This is nothing compared to waterways."

Androv looked at Lin Ju with shocked eyes:

"The Qianjin space station requires a full 16 launches of Xinyuan-3. If transported by water, the time spent on this alone will accumulate to more than a year. Moreover, it will take at least a month to prepare Xinyuan-3. The waterway will definitely not be able to make it in time. .”



Buy An 225? Antonov didn't sell her until he blew her up in his last life, so how could he buy it so easily?

Although there are always people saying that the An-225 is too big and unnecessary, but how can a large aircraft that can transport 250 tons of cargo, have a cargo hold of 6.4 meters and a height of 4.3 meters, be used by no one?

Now An225 is still receiving shipping orders every day. Isn’t it because the charges are so expensive that there are too many orders to handle?

Some are big but have goods that need to be transported by air. She is really the only one who has this ability.

How could Antonov let go of this money-spinner, or the lion would open his mouth, and Lin Ju would never become a grievance.

However, the construction of the Qianjin does require rapid transportation, and it takes too long to wait for shipping.

"Can't Xinyuan-2A work? It has a low-Earth orbit transport capacity of more than 100 tons?"

"Boss, all the cabin sections have a diameter of 12 meters. The 6-meter diameter of Xinyuan No. 2A is really not good."

"Then what do you think we should do? How about we just build a rocket launch site in Xinyuan... That won't work either. Damn it~ Why am I not from Qiongzhou? It would be great to just launch when I go out."

Lin Ju really couldn't think of a way to do it. It was absolutely impossible to launch such a giant rocket inland or next to a big city. Moreover, it was a high-intensity launch, and he was afraid that old men and old ladies would block the diversion trough.

If that doesn't work, spend more money and spend the entire base in Qiongzhou? Money is a trivial matter, but what to do with Xinyuan? This is too wasteful and takes up a lot of time.

At this time, Antonov, who saw that Lin Ju was extremely irritable, finally spoke:

"Boss, how about we build a giant transport plane? I'll design it."

"We? You?"

"I major in aerodynamics, boss. You can spend some money to upgrade me to B+, and then upgrade me to a B-level aero-engine engineer. I will have no problem building a large aircraft like the An-225. You have to believe in our strength."

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