After some communication with the people from Huaying, Lin Ju slowly understood their purpose.

Hard science fiction has always been an area that domestic film festivals have dreamed of breaking through, especially after an unknown electrician named Liu became famous for his three-body and other science fiction novels, and the script was also solved.

Since The Three-Body Problem had already been bought by others, China Film had no choice but to buy The Wandering Earth and figure out how to make it into a good science fiction movie.

This year they officially appointed Guo Fan as the director. The latter was organizing changes to the script and establishing a world view. He was also thinking about how to make a good science fiction movie based on domestic basic conditions.

Why are there so many sci-fi blockbusters in Hollywood? The main reason is that special effects and props companies have developed into a complete industrial chain, and all have mature designs that can be used immediately. However, in China, this aspect can only be said to be approximately zero.

In particular, there are no movies about space in China. In 2011, "Flying" was released, which tells the story of astronauts. However, the movie mainly conforms to the main theme, and there is really no achievement in science fiction.

Is it possible that to make a movie, you have to prepare your own sci-fi props, special effects, and design industry chain? Guo Fan thought hard for a long time after taking over the directorship, and then saw the moon landing plan announced by Xinyuan Company.

The H1 and H2 space shuttles, giant rockets, spaceships, etc., among other things, the CG is quite stunning, not to mention that they have sent so many astronauts into space.

If there is a real space company willing to invest in the crew, not only will the scientific guidance and props be available, but the funds may also be available...

So they came to seek alms from Donor Lin, hoping to get comprehensive support, at least props and scientific guidance.

"This..." Lin Ju touched his chin. He was actually quite willing to support science fiction movies, and although The Wandering Earth had a lot of flaws, it was still a serious science fiction movie, so it wouldn't be a problem to support it.

Even the investment is a trivial matter. The final investment for the entire movie seems to be less than 600 million. How much money can you get from supporting it?

Besides, is this part of expanding aerospace influence?

"Xinyuan Aerospace Power can provide funding, scientific guidance and props help, but I also have some requirements."

"You say."

"First of all, as a commercial operation, Xinyuan Aerospace Power must appear in the film and be positively reflected."

Guo Fan nodded: "This is right, but the specific amount of overseas travel depends on the amount of investment."

Xinyuan is a space company, and it does not violate the rules to appear in a science fiction movie. Guo Fan does not think it is difficult.

"Secondly, and very importantly, no love scenes are allowed. This is a non-negotiable condition for my investment."

"Ah?" Guo Fan was a little surprised, but Lin Ju's expression was serious and it was obvious that he was not joking.

He didn't quite understand the reason for this. He looked at each other and thought carefully for a while before answering:

"This is not a big deal. The proportion of science fiction movies in this aspect is very small. But can I know the reason?"

Lin Ju: "Because once the element of love is added, the script will add love labels uncontrollably, disrupting the rigor of science. There are too many domestic romance films, and there is love in all genres, including The Wandering Earth." "

Guo Fan: "Okay."

Lin Ju: "Finally, Xinyuan requires that the final investment share should be no less than 30%."

At this time, the people from Huaying Co., Ltd. shook their heads:

"Mr. Lin, this is too difficult for us. The crew of a film has a share, the theaters have a share, and the distributor has a share. Squeezing out 15 to 20 is already the limit."

Lin Ju looked at Guo Fan: "My engineers are very busy. Taking time to help with the filming is entirely out of support for science fiction movies. Besides, I can provide you with bargaining chips that no one else can give you."

Guo Fan and the people from Huaying Co., Ltd. looked at each other, not understanding what Lin Ju was referring to.

"The film crew can have an opportunity to shoot in space, with no more than 6 people, and can stay on the space station for a maximum of 10 days."

Guo Fan:!

Huaying Co., Ltd.:!

Guo Fan was talking incoherently for a long time. Finally, the person from China Film Holdings came to his senses first:

"My God... Mr. Lin, I have seen your commercial aerospace quotation. This cost alone is several times higher than the amount of investment we are planning to invest in the crew. To be honest, we are only now preparing to raise 200 to 300 million yuan.

You...this, this. "

Lin Ju: "Then convert this number into US dollars and invest 1 billion yuan first. As I said, space photography does not count."

Guo Fan was so shocked by the phrase "1 billion upfront investment, space shooting does not count" that his scalp went numb. When he thought about going to space to shoot a real science fiction movie, he felt like his heart was about to jump out of his chest.

If Huaying Co., Ltd. were not still around and the copyright was in their hands, Guo Fan would have wanted to worship Lin Ju as his adoptive father.

An understatement says, "Let's invest 1 billion first." If those investors have this courage, what kind of good movies can't be made?

The person from Huaying Shares felt that he almost fainted. He held his forehead for a long time before he managed to say:

"Sorry, Mr. Lin, we have to go back and discuss this carefully."

Lin Ju nodded and pointed at Guo Fan: "If it doesn't work out, you can jump here and I'll make the decision to buy The Three-Body Problem. The same goes for filming The Three-Body Problem. The trilogy has a guarantee of 1.5 billion for each part. Let's make Chinese science fiction." piece."

Guo Fan could no longer hold back, and regardless of Hua Ying's presence, he stepped forward and held Lin Ju's hands tightly:

"Shoot! The wandering earth will be as you said. I have been wandering for half my life, and I only regret that I have never met the Ming Lord. Today, when I see you, I wish that my heart and mind will be wiped out, and my heart will be full of respect!"

Lin Ju patted Guo Fan's hand comfortingly: "Actually, I am just a common person. I only do a little help for domestic science fiction. I mainly rely on literary and artistic workers like you."

The Huaying side finally couldn't stand the scene of the two of them meeting Bole on horseback, and they also knelt down under Lin Ju's money offensive:

"Mr. Lin, just for your support, Xinyuan Film will take the majority, and Huaying will listen to you!"

On October 11th, if you donate to the Wandering Earth film crew, your merit will be +10, you will receive a bole, and you will accelerate the development of domestic science fiction movies, which is a great kindness.

Although the box office of The Wandering Earth is very good, Lin Ju does not need to rely on movies to make money, because how much money can he make just by doing this? How can there be so many launch missions at one time? And the latter is almost risk-free.

A few days later, Huaying expressed its acceptance of Xinyuan's decision to increase investment to 1 billion. However, the final total investment was not 1 billion, but 2 billion. The space shooting was counted as 1 billion. This is something the crew will never give up. of.

With an investment of more than US$300 million, this is a huge investment in the entire world, and only a few epic blockbusters regardless of cost can compare with it.

Many of the problems that the crew originally encountered with huge financial support were no longer important in the face of this money. Even if they started from scratch, they could train many professional teams. They immediately decided to officially start filming in March 2016, after the Spring Festival. It is expected that Released in mid-2017.

Almost two years ahead of schedule, Boss Lin is barely satisfied.

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