On October 19, the Aerospace Development Commission held an internal tender for the lunar surface detector.

In 2013, the space agency already threw a Chang'e-3 to the moon, carrying the Yutu lunar rover, which was considered a very successful lunar surface exploration.

However, manned landing requires more careful confirmation of the landing location, especially the location of the scientific research station. Now that Project 2921 has been launched, it will not just stop after sending a few people, but will advance the lunar surface construction plan.

This requires finding valuable landing areas that can generate electricity, synthesize fuel, etc. on the lunar surface. The most valuable of these is of course the lunar South Pole, where the scientific community has long been rumored to contain precious water resources: ice.

So the Aviation Development Commission proposed the "Chang'e 4" plan to launch an unmanned probe to the south pole of the moon to search for resources.

Since the landing site is on the far side of the moon, a relay satellite is needed, which is named "Queqiao".

The Queqiao relay satellite is ready to be launched before April 2016, and the Chang'e-4 mission is scheduled to be launched before June 2016.

Then Xinyuan Aerospace put forward its own suggestions.

The first is the Queqiao relay satellite. The target proposed by the Aviation Development Commission is only 400 kilograms, and the transmission capacity is limited. Xinyuan proposed to expand this number to 3 tons and launch it with Xinyuan No. 5A, which is just the limit of transportation capacity.

Such a large-scale satellite communication capability will be upgraded to a higher level, and it can also carry out detection missions. Xinyuan will also contribute half of the investment for this satellite, which can be shared in the future.

The other is Chang'e 4. The mass of 3.7 tons is too conservative. Double it to 8 tons. Add a Xinyuan company's lunar rover. It also shares data and can perform separate tasks without interfering with each other. It will be launched by Xinyuan 5B. .

The funds provided by the space agency for the two plans after the magic reform are not much higher than before, which is beneficial to both parties.

After all, Xinyuan Company has no experience with the moon. With the help of these two projects, it can obtain data from their previous lunar explorations from the space agency, which will facilitate follow-up work.

In the end, these changes were approved by the Aviation Development Committee, and the Fifth Academy and Xinyuan Corporation jointly carried out the development of the Queqiao relay satellite and Chang'e-4 mission.

In addition, the first phase of the Tiangong project of the Aviation Development Commission is also underway rapidly.

As the core module of the Tiangong-1 phase, the tourist space station XS-62, now named "Yungong", has not yet been launched. Tiangong-2, which has already gone into space, has not yet had any astronauts stationed in it and has only completed some small unmanned tasks.

The Yungong Space Station is preparing to be launched in the middle of next month. At this time, it is still being manufactured at the B-level base in Xinyuan and will not be airlifted until around November 5.

After Yun Gong enters orbit, Tiangong 2 will first dock with it, and then the space agency will launch the Shenzhou 11 spacecraft for docking. Finally, Unity will send the crew of six astronauts to the space station, completing the manned space mission one year ahead of schedule. .

These projects will then be vigorously promoted to the world, and they will be displayed at air shows.

Xinyuan Aerospace Power will participate in the 2015 Zhuhai Aviation Exhibition.

Although the air show is an aviation display on the surface, it is actually a platform for major companies to sell their products. Missiles, fighter jets, tanks, rifles, rockets, radars... tractors can also be displayed here.

Some of the purpose of the exhibition is to sell something, and some of them are just to show off one's technical strength and gain fame. Anyway, it's the right thing to do.

Xinyuan not only participated in the exhibition, but also had a lot of people to watch.

On October 28, the Progress boarded an IL-76 and landed at Zhuhai Airport on its back.

This is the first time a genuine spacecraft has been exhibited at the Zhuhai Air Show, and people running to both sides were taking photos enthusiastically.

Since it is mainly used to carry cargo, Progress has not had many missions. Its biggest use should actually be the maintenance of orbiting spacecraft, such as space stations or large satellites, which can be used for static exhibitions.

Xinyuan has only one spacecraft on display, but it has a quite large booth in a prominent position in the exhibition.

Various rocket and spacecraft models, even if they are still in PPT state, are enough to make people unable to move away. From time to time, people will be sent small gifts of the models.

Lin Ju originally wanted to go, but he couldn't leave. Now he flew to the desert.

In a large base built deep in the Gobi Desert, Lin Ju and Guo Shen stood in the control room of the airport tower with Dou Ping, the director of the desert base.

As the calls continued, a small plane approached from a distance and slowly landed on the runway. Then Lin Ju followed Dou Ping and walked down to the small plane.

This is obviously a space shuttle. Its lower fuselage is made of black insulation material. The fuselage is about 3.5 meters wide. There are two small wings on both sides and no portholes. It is an unmanned spacecraft.

This is the military's internal aerospace aircraft project, which weighs about 8 tons and has reconnaissance functions. The insulation tiles on the fuselage are produced by Xinyuan.

The codename given to it internally by the base is Shenlong. It obviously has high hopes, but it has not yet carried out a space flight and is still in the stage of testing in the atmosphere.

The existence of Shenlong is extremely confidential. In previous lives, it was only reported to the international community when it entered space flight. Apart from estimating the weight and size based on the rocket's capacity, there was not a single picture.

But now, it is within reach next to Lin Ju.

Dou Ping patted the fuselage of the "Shenlong" and said to Lin Ju and Guo Shen:

"This project has been going on for nine years since its establishment. Its purpose is to explore new battlefields in the future aerospace and verify reusable spacecraft technology. Originally we thought this was an advanced product second only to Aramco, but your H1 It was swept into the trash heap upon birth.

Its aerodynamics are not as good as the H1's wing-body fusion, its take-off weight and volume are nearly three times different, and its materials are also lagging behind. These insulation tiles are still produced by you. "

Dou Ping sighed as he spoke, as if scolding his own child for failing to live up to expectations, and lightly kicked the "Shenlong" on the surface:

"Shenlong, I'm sorry for this name."

"So Director Dou, this is what we are here for."

Dou Ping nodded: "Yes, you are reliable and a trustworthy company. The country needs your strength. We cannot stop eating just because of our status. In fact, outstanding private companies have joined military projects twenty years ago, and they are also very good." Go deep.”

Lin Ju only learned a few days ago that the military had given up on the "Shenlong", but the order for insulation tiles was not interrupted. Instead, it unexpectedly invited Xinyuan to join in the development of their new generation aerospace fighter.

It is not surprising that the "Shenlong" was killed, because the H1 crushed it in all aspects of design and performance. If the H1 was changed into an unmanned space vehicle like the "Shenlong", the combat capability would increase by at least four to five times.

Therefore, after careful consideration, Xinyuan was invited to join the plan as a defense contractor to jointly develop a new generation of aerospace fighters.

Regarding the update time, in order to have time to modify and save the manuscript, it will be updated from 8 am to 9 am and 7 pm respectively.

The author is not full-time and often writes until 12 o'clock at night, so there may be some errors that need to be corrected...

(* ̄3 ̄)╭

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