I ask you to build tractors, but you build rockets?

Chapter 116 Different paths lead to the same destination

Ever since he started running for his life driven by the system, Lin Ju hadn't arranged time for himself for a long time.

Although he is not involved in busy technology research and development, Xinyuan has a lot to do, especially the last manned mission. There were too many overlapping parts, which consumed his energy at any time.

As the boss of an aerospace company, Lin Ju has always had a dream: to go into space on his own spacecraft.

It's a pity that this was all blocked by the company's top management. They didn't say it couldn't be done. They just delayed it and said "wait for space flight to stabilize."

It’s not possible to enter the sky at a distance of 300KM, but it’s always possible to enter the sky below 30KM, right?

When Lin Ju saw the ARJ21 preparing to be modified, an idea suddenly came to his mind:

Now Xinyuan has gained considerable aviation autonomy. In the airspace of Xinyuan City and the seven surrounding cities, you can fly in the airspace below 15,000 meters after applying. You can fly anywhere above 15,000 meters. You can fly up to 100 kilometers without applying.

With the air force covering it, the sky is almost uncontrolled for Xinyuan.

So Lin Ju decided to organize a flying team.

To march into space at the system's crazy speed, the number of astronauts required will be extremely large, and it is estimated that even 507 institutes cannot train them.

Moreover, Lin Ju plans to send engineers into space. It would be too troublesome to travel so far to the capital. It is better to build a training center and set up a flight team to promote the employees' interest in flying.

At the same time, I also practice it myself, and one day I will quietly get on the XN90 spacecraft and go into space while the executives are not paying attention. I don’t even need to prepare for launch.

In order to show his professionalism, Lin Ju decided to design an entry-level small aircraft by himself. He unfolded the drawings and prepared to show off his skills. Then he had to give up after being told by an engineer from the Ministry of Aviation:

"Boss, we all use electronic drawings. There are only a few drawings for occasional backup and record keeping."


"What's your name? How long have you been employed?"

"My name is Wang Xun. I used to be the deputy chief engineer at Shifei. I worked there for four months. I designed a transport aircraft before."

Lin Ju was stunned. He had only heard of Cheng Fei, Shen Fei, Shaan Fei, Ha Fei, and Hongdu. Where was this Shi Fei?

"Shi Fei, SJZ Aircraft Manufacturing Factory?" Seeing Wang Xun nodding, Lin Ju couldn't help but become confused:

"I don't think I've ever heard of Shi Fei. You're still the deputy chief engineer of the transport aircraft. How come you were let go so easily?"

Wang Xun hesitated for a long time, his face full of embarrassment, and then he said:

"The transport aircraft I designed is...Yun-5B."

"Yun 5? Is it the An 2 of the league in the 1950s that we imitated in the 1940s? Which one is Yun 5?"

A classic bi-plane propeller plane appeared in Lin Ju's mind, and he immediately understood why Wang Xun changed jobs easily.

Forget it, forget it...the system must have been upgraded to become the director of the aviation department.

"I plan to set up an aviation force to train our own astronauts. What do you think we should do?"

Seeing Lin Ju skipping that unbearable past event, Wang Xunsong hurriedly returned:

"There must be at least one low-speed primary trainer aircraft, one intermediate subsonic trainer aircraft, and one advanced supersonic trainer aircraft. Pilots are trained step by step, with a cycle of at least two years."

Lin Ju: "Then let's design these aircraft first. We can buy them from Xinyuan and produce them ourselves. It's too expensive to buy them."

Wang Xun hurriedly patted his chest and assured: "It's absolutely no problem, boss. I can design these aircraft and it won't take much time."

In his view, this is a good opportunity to improve the status of the aviation department. The first place in the company is the aerospace power department led by Guo Shen, the second is Androv's rocket/aircraft design department, and the third is the electronics department. Departments, the Aviation Department is almost at the bottom of the list.

How could he, a B-level engineer, not design just a few training aircraft?

Wang Xun's movements were much smoother than Lin Ju's. He turned on the computer and drew a three-view diagram in just a few clicks:

"The speed of low-level trainer aircraft should be controlled below 300 kilometers per hour. This is a training aircraft for new students. It can use a cheap and sturdy piston engine with a horsepower of 300 horsepower. It uses a tricycle landing gear and a sliding cockpit."

Lin Ju looked at the simplified picture, isn't this the Beginner's Education 6!

But Wang Xun also knew this and argued:

"The configurations of this kind of junior training aircraft are all very similar. You can just copy the mature design without any modifications."

Lin Ju: "No, the Chujiao 6 is too outdated and does not meet our positioning. I will change this cockpit into a streamlined water drop cockpit, regardless of the cost."

Wang Xun said that you are right as the boss and immediately changed the side view of the cockpit to a water drop cockpit.

"Also, I remember that propeller aircraft have rotational torque and require the pilot to manually pedal the rudder for trimming?"

"Yes, but the problems with low-level trainer aircraft are not big and students can overcome them."

"Change the fly-by-wire flight control and let the computer balance it so that students can fly as easily as in the game."

Put fly-by-wire flight control on this crappy propeller machine? Wang Xun felt that this was the first time he saw the luxury of his boss.

But Lin Ju’s opinions are far from over:

"The front wheel also needs a fairing to make the surface of the aircraft smooth and light!"

"Can we fit a small radar under the nose? How can a plane operate without radar?"

"Why are there still exposed control wires? All internal wiring and hydraulic transmission!"

In the end, Wang Xun mentally estimated the price of this luxury promax version of the junior trainer aircraft and felt that the cost had at least tripled.

At this time, Lin Ju was barely satisfied and asked again:

"What about the engine? We don't need to build a piston engine."

Wang Xun: "It's really not necessary. Maybe we can find Southern Motor and get an air-cooled supercharged V8 aero engine. This is also simple."

"Then let's finalize it and call it CJ01 primary teaching machine after the initials. How long will it take to produce it?"

"20 days, cost about 350,000."


Lin Ju thought for a while and felt that it might not be difficult to build an aircraft of this level. With Xinyuan's production capacity, 20 days is really not an exaggeration.

"Then let's produce 50 aircraft first. What about the intermediate trainer aircraft? Will it use propellers or jet engines?"

Wang Xun wrote and drew on the paper for a while, then raised his head:

"Small jet engines are not very cost-effective, but propeller aircraft of this level require at least 1,200 horsepower and are not cheap. It is better to use a turboprop engine, which is both cost-effective and powerful, and it does not take much time to redesign.

And the horsepower is large enough. We use a coaxial anti-propeller design to fundamentally avoid the rolling torque generated by torque. If it has 2,000 horsepower... it will be no problem to fly to 1,050km/h, and the cost will be controlled at about 1.8 million. "

Turboprop engines are also jet engines, but the output power is driven by the main shaft to drive the propeller and jet output at the same time. Due to different designs, the proportion of output power will be different. The cost of high-horsepower turboprop engines will be lower than that of piston engines.

Wang Xun drew at a slower speed this time. After all, he had to take into account the size, center of gravity, and external resistance of the turboprop engine. Finally, a coaxial contra-propeller aircraft with an overall streamlined shape appeared on the paper.

This time Lin Ju was more familiar: "Westland Flying Dragon?"

Wang Xun was anxious: "The propeller aircraft design has been used up by predecessors a long time ago, so we can only reach the same goal by different paths!"

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