The Long March 6 was successfully recovered, and China Space Administration became the third organization in the world to master rocket vertical recovery technology and won a bronze medal.

Not only the Eighth Academy celebrated with tears of joy, but other rocket teams also breathed a sigh of relief.

Because this at least shows that the recyclable rockets they are developing are no longer a fantasy and do have a foundation.

Then there is good news from the Sixth Academy. After developing the YF130, they will obtain high-pressure combustion chamber technology. The thrust of the YF482 single combustion chamber is 240 tons. The Sixth Academy will be confident in developing the single combustion chamber after the YF130. YF135 with a chamber thrust of 360 tons.

The thrust of YF135 is expected to be about 360 tons, which is three times that of YF100. It is reusable because it has a single combustion chamber. It is expected to be successfully developed in 2018.

The recovery control technology is available, and the engine is about to be available. The space agency immediately planned its own giant rocket Long March 9:

Long March 9 is expected to use an 11-meter-diameter rocket body with a polished rod configuration. It will be equipped with 29 YF135 engines on the first stage in a 16+10+3 layout. It will have a take-off thrust of 10,788 tons, a take-off mass of 8,500 tons, and a LEO low-Earth orbit transport capacity of 380 tons. , the lunar transfer orbit has a transport capacity of 150 tons.

In terms of diameter and engine layout, the Long March 9 is exactly the same as the Xinyuan 3. The latter is just equipped with 19 380-ton engines K380, with a total thrust of 7,500 tons.

When the Long March 9 is recovered, it is planned to use the three engines of the core stage for deceleration adjustment. The diameter is still 11 meters. This is obviously another difficulty. However, the space agency has given a relatively long time to the development of the Long March 9. By that time, the control system should have been can solve these problems.

The reusable Long March 9 space agency feels that it is almost the limit of chemical rockets, and there is no need to go higher. That is what the aerospace plane should do.

Yes, the aerospace plane program has accelerated with the resource tilt toward aerospace caused by the moon landing, and has not been abandoned because of rocket recovery.

The reason is simple. This is the plan left by Mr. Qian. The government chooses to unconditionally believe in the great sage in the aerospace industry.

Xinyuan Aerospace Power Affiliated College... No, it's Southern University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

This sign was obtained when the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics was established and Professor Zhou and Professor Zhao returned from space. The principal, who is nearly 70 years old, personally helped replace the gilded signboard that had been prepared.

The surrounding universities said that he had deviated from the original intention of a public school and became a lackey of Xinyuan. Principal Jiang wanted to say: What's wrong with being a dog?

During the summer vacation, the school began expansion construction, and planned to triple the area, add about 20 majors, and double the teaching staff in one year.

It's impossible not to expand the number of students. The outstanding people who only have temporary jobs in schools are all locked up in B-level bases. Most of the time, the good people are also engaged in the research tasks of Xin Yuan Fa. It's really impossible not to expand the enrollment.

At this time, Lin Ju was visiting the school with great interest. The place had changed a lot, there were many changes compared to before.

First of all, the school gate is very exaggerated. The original buildings on both sides have been flattened, and two 1:1 steel Xinyuan-2 rocket models have been placed... They can be seen from several kilometers away.

How should I put it? To say it is low-tech, it is really high-tech, but when it looks like it is really low-tech.

Behind the school gate is a huge green park with a pool. Outside are shrubs and trees planted in a circle. The old banyan tree in the middle was removed and replaced with an upturned H1 Progress model.

This is not the most exaggerated thing. Their new teaching building is shaped like a ring-shaped spaceship, and they plan to move the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics there in the future.

Lin Ju didn't know what other people thought, but Mr. Lin was very happy.

Tong Peiqiang, Vice President Tong and Lin Ju walked to the teaching building of the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics and proudly showed the students in class:

"Mr. Lin, we have gathered the best students here. As long as they are engineering majors, the best students will be transferred from other colleges. From now on, this place will be the cradle of aerospace talents.

There are more than 2,000 students, but only 1,000 of them can be successful, right? "

Lin Ju looked at the students in the classroom. It was December and the weather was already very cold, but there was no air conditioning in the classroom.

Perhaps seeing Lin Ju frowning, Tong Peiqiang immediately said:

"There is central air-conditioning. The school's budget is so large that it is not short of money. The air-conditioning in this building is being cleaned today so it is not turned on."

Lin Ju looked up and saw that there was indeed an air conditioner on the ceiling.

But he just nodded and suddenly had an idea while looking at these energetic university monks.

"Director Tong, I think modern college students pay less and less attention to sports. They need to carry out some activities to strengthen their physical fitness."

Tong Peiqiang couldn't figure out why Lin Ju suddenly said this, but his intuition told him that Lin Ju must have something on his mind:

"We have always attached great importance to physical education courses and outdoor activities. The proportion of physical education credits is very high. We are also actively organizing students to participate in extracurricular sports."

Lin Ju nodded, and then said something Tong Peiqiang didn't expect:

"It's better to let them learn to fly a plane. It's a basic propeller trainer aircraft produced by our company."

Tong Peiqiang \u0026 all school leaders:? !

Isn’t it that your Xinyuan Road is so wild? Is this what you do?

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, but Lin Ju continued to talk to himself:

"Since this is an aerospace academy and you can't fly a plane, what can you do? As long as you are physically qualified and have no problem with your eyesight wearing glasses, you can come. Xinyuan provides every student with 80 hours of free flight time.

These 80 hours are the time to get on the plane and fly. All meals, accommodation, meals and travel are included in Xinyuan. The flight tuition is free. There are no additional conditions. If you are willing to come, just sign up. We will discuss a time and fly directly to the base. Anyway, this sky is It belongs to Xinyuan and can fly without asking for instructions. "


"Well, can faculty and staff participate?"

It took a long time before Tong Peiqiang asked:

"Those who have a cooperative relationship with Xinyuan can have 200 hours of free time. After the time, the flight fee per hour...the fuel cost is 450, the maintenance fee is 150, 600 yuan per hour, Xinyuan subsidy is 200, it is calculated as 400 per hour. Right; as for the rest... there may be plans to open to the outside world, but we’re not sure yet.”

Xinyuan Company has several liquid oxygen and kerosene rockets, and has large contracts with many oil companies. The purchase of gasoline is naturally at a very low discount price, but it must only quote the market price to the outside world. In fact, the flight cost per hour is not to 400 yuan.

Caiyun's primary teaching machine is also a piston machine. It is very durable and requires little maintenance. Naturally, it can be charged a low price internally.

Even if it's free, it's actually not a big problem. It only costs a few hundred million at most, but what you get is a large group of reserve engineers, the kind who are in good physical condition and can go into space.

"This... I, I think it's okay." Director Tong originally wanted to go back and discuss it, but instead he said he agreed. This is not a bad thing.

He knew Lin Ju's thoughts clearly, but he still wanted to get closer. If all the graduates from the Aeronautics and Astronautics School went to work in Xinyuan, the relationship would be stronger.

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