When Xinyuan Aerospace Power prepared to connect with aerospace students and launch a free 80-hour beginner's flight learning activity, it had a strong impact on teachers, students and surrounding universities.

According to Xinyuan's internal calculation of 600 yuan/hour, the fuel maintenance cost for the light aircraft every 80 hours is 48,000 yuan. Adding in the initial instructor training fees, special car transportation fees, etc., a student will spend 70,000 to 80,000 yuan.

There are 2,311 teachers in the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and a total of 2,077 have been approved, which is 150 million.

Xinyuan provides 6 hours of training every Saturday from 8:00 to 15:00, with a one-hour break in between. The first 4 weeks are purely theoretical learning without flying. The first 40 flight hours are in the teaching phase, led by instructors, and 40 After passing the hours, you can fly solo.

After the 80 free flight hours are completed, outstanding pilot students can get 2 to 10 hours of free flight time per week after being rated, or they can also get a certain amount of free flight time through professional ranking. The rest will have to be paid, but still It is divided into stages according to professional rankings, and there can be discounts of 100 to 400 yuan per hour.

Lin Ju announced this decision at the school stadium. According to a meeting of those present at the time, the great Mr. Lin waved his hand and said proudly:

"Xinyuan fully covers the training fee of 100,000 yuan for 80 hours! It is for college students to strengthen their bodies and enhance their abilities. There are no contract restrictions. As long as they are professional students who meet the physical requirements, they can sign up!"

The students who were summoned at the time and thought it was another pointless chicken soup filled the sky with silence for an instant, and then burst into overwhelming cheers, directly covering Lin Ju's microphone.

I don't know who took the lead in shouting "Long live Director Lin", and then the entire stadium shouted in unison, making Lin Ju's skin crawl.

If the security guards and the student union hadn't tried their best to stop him, some schoolgirls might not have rushed up to eat Lin Ju on the spot.

The students who were originally forcibly transferred to the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics were still dissatisfied, but now they changed their minds because of the pie falling from the sky, and they wanted to go through life and death for Xinyuan.

Everyone in other colleges is jealous. The freshmen are now thinking about how to change their majors to the College of Aeronautics and Astronautics. The other seniors are trying to find ways to work in Xinyuan. Even the professors are envious.

In fact, China's industry has developed to the point where it is today. If the aviation industry is opened up, civil aviation will definitely become more popular than Aramco, because the huge market will continue to lower prices, forcing aviation to become a people-friendly industry.

In recent years, more and more people are yearning for the sky, spending a lot of money to fly in helicopters or small tourist planes, and even richer people can learn to drive.

But since the sky is under the jurisdiction of the Air Force, no matter how powerful you are, applying for air routes is a troublesome matter. Any gadget in the sky must be approved. There is no such thing as taking off a small plane on the farm to have fun like Ami.

Aramco is completely open to airspace below 3,000 meters, which is impossible in China.

Xinyuan Company can use its own capabilities to solve this obstacle, and it is free of charge. Who wouldn't want to go?

Lin Ju was very satisfied with the response and decided to also carry out the program in several other collaborating universities. All students majoring in the collaborating majors will enjoy such treatment!

A few days later, the incident completely exploded online.

For three consecutive days, the top trending search topic on Du Niang and blogs was "Director Lin asks you to fly a plane."

The most crowded one is the forum section of Nanji Institute of Technology, where the cooperation details of Xinyuan Company are displayed, and there is an influx of crazy visits.

"I declare that Jack Ma is no longer my father. Director Lin is now my father!"

"I didn't expect that even though I have 400 degrees of myopia, I would fly a plane one day. The medical examiner said that I am a little fat and may need to lose weight. I will start working out tomorrow!"

“I heard that flying a plane consumes a lot of energy, so I’ll start quitting it tomorrow!”

"Boss Lin, does he have too much money and nowhere to spend it? Why don't you donate the money to the western region?"

"Above, isn't Rongcheng the western region?"

"I watch J-7s, J-10s, and J-20s flying around every day. Now it's finally my turn to fly. I want to fly past the counselor's office! This old man has to go to bed at night, tui!"

"I'm envious. I'm from the Petroleum University next door. Can I go to heaven after taking the postgraduate entrance examination at the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics? I'll apply for the postgraduate entrance examination next year. Although I'm not a graduate student, I can still fly a plane."

"If I can fly a plane now, will I be able to fly a rocket in the future?"

"RMB 600 per hour is too expensive. Two hours is enough for a month's living expenses."

"The fuel consumption of the beginner's machine is 70 liters per hour, brother. At this price, even the factory director will lose money. It is only open to students and professors."

"I want to give birth to a monkey in the forest factory!"

"Excuse me, can girls fly too? Is it okay for sensitive skin?"


Lin Ju's generous move also aroused a wave of public opinion in the society. Discussions began about whether the country would follow the example of Aramco and the United States in opening its airspace. Some "experts" came forward and began to call for the opening of airspace. Then some people began to ask why it could not be done. It was like a big social discussion. mean.

But the happiest thing is the aircraft manufacturing factory in China.

Although Caiyun's initial training aircraft is simple, it is not ready for mass production. Xinyuan does not plan to open a few production lines and turn into an aircraft manufacturer, so all aircraft used for subsequent training are prepared to be sold to the domestic market.

There are a lot of them, 2,000 of them. Xinyuan is responsible for the fly-by-wire flight control, and the foundry will build the airframe, with a unit price of 300,000.

Originally, the market price was about 450,000 yuan, but a large order of 2,000 aircraft was enough to lower the price by one-third of a million yuan.

You know, the total production of the JJ6 since it was produced in 1958 is only 2,500 aircraft!

It's like buying a Chinese Air Force primary training aircraft at once. Who wouldn't want this order? The total amount is 660 million, and the technical difficulty is low.

In the end, Shi Fei and Hongdu jointly took the order and agreed to complete the delivery within one year, with 120 aircraft delivered in the first month.

In addition, Southern Motor also inexplicably received benefits, including 2,200 dedicated V8 aero engines, as well as follow-up technical support and maintenance services, which is also not a small sum of money.

Counting the number of employees of Xinyuan Company participating in training, in two or three years there will be 6,000 astronauts/payload experts who can enter space with a little training, and can also expand system tasks. Wouldn't it be wonderful?

The big bosses at the space agency were confused for a while when they saw the news.

Of course he knew Lin Ju's real purpose of flying for free, but even if he flew Unity once a month, he would only be able to fly 72 people a year. With so many people preparing to go to space, should they go to space to build rockets or colonize Mars?

Also surprised was the Rongcheng Military Region. They were eyeing the Caiyun trainer aircraft. Although it was a beginner's aircraft, it had the luxury of using fly-by-wire flight control. It was much easier to fly than the beginner's six.

When I asked about the purchase price again, it was almost half the price of Chujiao Liu, and I was immediately frightened.

However, the Air Force still came to Xinyuan Company to talk about a lot of things. These were 2,000 aircraft. Even if 200 of them were flying in the sky at the same time, it would be a mess. They had to have a special air command for these students, otherwise they would not be able to handle emergencies at all.

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